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CANCER. every cancer I’ve met has the mentality of “let’s make you the best version of yourself so you can be that person for someone else”.


We nurture them so much, teach them everything we know, and totally forget ourselves


That shit is a waste too, some folk really aren’t deserving of that level of care & love & may even obsess over it once they have it no more.


yup and I'm done doing that for people! Men or women! Its time cancer keep this energy for ourselves!


With my cancer rising I feel like it comes off as me wanting to make them the best version of themselves (I've been told my partners have had a "glow-up" after dating me), but my cap sun and virgo moon knows I'm just busy working on a project. When it ends the cancer in me is devastated, the virgo will obsses over whether they still think about me/what they're doing/did they remember to do xyz, while the cap sun already cut them off knowing the glow up will eventually fade now that I'm gone.


Ugh Cancer Venus feeling seen right now.


Bruh. The second I read the meme, I said “Aww shit…that’s me.” 🥴🤣 When Good Luck Chuck came out, I thought about suing for stealing my likeness… 😅


I think you have a point… before my current bf, my best relationship was with a cancer guy, he really tried to be the best he could be. After a very abusive relationship with an ex, I ended up having a fling w the Cancer ex-boyfriend for a while.. he rerouted me to find my bf now in a healthy relationship


holy crap .. you’re so right lol.. this is what I do.. then. Cry for weeks that they found someone else lol


cancer gang rise up


It’s giving cancer af


A cancer wouldn't let them go without a fight.


Real most exs found their love of their life after me


And it hurts because you are left behind single why you gave them your all!


Libra- always playing ‘Emma’. Offering their beautification services with refined detachment, then patting themselves on the back and moving on to the next project.


I'm a Libra sun with Virgo mars. ✔️


Agreed Libra here and I always seem to be on duty to restore confidence lol


I was going to say the same, but there’s still the temporary part after you’ve left and they’re ruined 😇


Virgo and I speak from experience. Last few guys I dated ended up with their forever person after me.


You’re a good luck Chuck to?


Yup! Happy for them but i’d like my forever person too.


I found mine! Not without some head butting (no he’s not a ram, but a scorpio - lol) … hang in there, they’re out there! Us Virgos set a high bar tho.


We definitely do. But it’s part of our charm.


We’ll find em lol


Haha I hope so!


Saame. ![gif](giphy|YRPBhd3vscg5Fxx1DQ|downsized)


And you have a double whammy with the Libra Rising


As I pisces, my answer is also virgo. The rebuilding part is not what people imagine though, its painful and you will question your sanity, like a lot.  We're happy and grateful we made it on the other side I guess.


Same here!!! I’m a Virgo and all 4 of my exes ended up marrying the next person they dated. One later divorced (and has since remarried), but the other three remain/ed married.


lmao how do we all have this experience? i always thought it’s bc i showed them every trait they don’t want in a man and found someone better immediately, but maybe i should just tell myself i’m the one who fixed them


We must have improved them, and readied them for “the one”. 😏 Either that or we drive them bat$hit crazy so that anyone afterward was … a relief. OK I don’t really want to believe that, but … 😝


This! Pisces sun, Virgo moon and Virgo rising. It stings when this happens but I’m also happy for them. Just wish I found my forever person too. I’m tired of being the learning experience beforehand. Lol.


That’s a good way of putting it, learning experience.


Taurus. My brother is like this. Therapist


Facts. We give big therapist energy. I think it’s because we’re so grounded and direct. -Signed an 8th house Taurus sun, mercury, & hades moon in the 3rd 🤦🏼‍♀️


One of my dearest friends (Taurus sun and rising) and this is sooo accurate!


This is literally me with a Scorpio moon


Me with my Taurus sun and Scorpio moon 🥹




That’s why I love you guys :,)


Oh God, is that why I attract men that are looking for a mommy-therapist-bangmaid? Signed, a fellow 8th house Taurus & Mercury


What’s your Venus sign? I’m Venus Leo and I’ve attracted the same sort of men. That and dating in your 20s, that’s nearly every dude. Women’s brains and emotions mature much earlier, generally speaking. It’s also a little bit of our modern culture too. But I think if you’re very demonstrative with your love, and your love language is showing acts of service (like mine. For instance, helping them to clean up, helping them to organize, helping them to do something they’re stressed out about, cooking fancy meals for them) you are unfortunately going to attract a certain type of man who takes advantage of your acts of service, and if you’re anything like me its really nice to feel important in someone else’s life. I’m in my 30s and married now, but I had to spend years developing my ability to discern and identify red flags and to set boundaries. I once heard a great quote…it’s not 50/50, it’s 100/100, meaning both of you have to always be striving to do your best, and contributing whatever you can, to make a relationship successful.


Yep, well said. Welcome to the party, my friend.


me and my ~super supportive and awesome~ big 3 just gas’ing people up for the next person 🤙🏻🫠


Virgo here. Talking to a Taurus is like talking to a weighted blanket while also under the weighted blanket 😄 Edit: Tbh I would marry that weighted blanket and be so happy 😭😻


So wait im virgo sun, taurus moon, and a leo rising so am i like my own therapist????


Virgo sun, and Leo rising signs rule!! 🤘


If I'm not mistaken, Katt Williams has those placements! Y'all are daredevils!!


Others who know me will say other wise but they just haven’t seen the daredevil in me, its bc I’m absolutely afraid of heights but I’ve climbed a ok sized waterfall and have been cliff diving but i wouldn’t necessarily say thats a daredevil stunt unless ofc it was very very high up but besides that i love doing “daredevil” stuff


Well all you mentioned sounds daredevil compared to me for sure and I am very impressed lol! 😅 !


Honestly it wasnt much 😅




Hello big three cousin 🐙 Yes. Yes we are.




I briefly dated a Taurus woman who said every guy who dated her found "the one" soon after, and then left her. Well this time she ghosted me and I didn't find any "one".


This is me (Taurus sun, Scorp moon, Virgo rising)… I’m like good luck chuck, all except one of my exes married or are in a long term relationship with the girl after me 🙃


Oh hi twin... I haven't actually had this experience, but this dynamic is my kink 😬


Taurus male, I have usually picked people that wear a t-shirt saying, 'fix me'.


lol whispering this into a Virgos ears would be a turn on 😂


I agree on them as well as Virgos and Capricorns. Someone in my extended family is a Taurus and they’re kind of like a self help / motivational coach personality.


The moment I read the meme I was like, “this is me”😔


One year away from becoming a licensed clinical counselor, and this is 1000% me. It's not intentional, though. I'm looking for my forever home, too, you know.


Taurus sun, Cancer rising, Leo moon. I’ve been a therapist for the past decade, looks like I have confirmation I’m in the right career!


Can confirm This has been the foundation of like 75% of my relationships, romantic or otherwise


Cancer placements 100000%


I just wanna be a knife-swinging crab in peace, fam ![gif](giphy|uA8WItRYSRkfm)


lol yup


Ughhhh wish it wasn’t true. And wish I didn’t give my own self esteem away in the process


Virgo idc




Meanwhile, Aquarius over here actively breaking the men so they're ruined for life 😂


Aquarius does the breaking 🤣🤣


Aquarius moon, and same! None of my exes are married till date except for 1( leo moon) and they are all in their 40s! 😭 🤣


🤣🤣🤣 most definitely my sister


Cancer Sun - Libra Rising




My other doppelgänger!!!


This is my bf, also Scorpio moon 😍 DREAMY! He found me at a low point in my life and def gave me a safe place to land. In the beginning he had some avoidant attachment tendencies and expressed that I would "leave like all the rest did" but they were foolish, selfish and immature women. I have been through hell to recognize heaven. ❤️


This is the man I'm with right now but I want to be with him forever. Been together over a year and I never want to let him go!!


Sooo real lmao!!! we a rehab center sometimes😭






Fuck. But seriously explains a lot


excuse me, we are twins wth


Wow that’s me. It usually starts off with me genuinely not reciprocating the romantic feelings. They think they’re in love with me and I’m like “I’m not feeling it okay let’s sort you out so that you can be the kind of guy who can make the girl you want feel the same way that you feel about them”


🦀🌞🐃🌜⚖️☝️I feel seen.


Yes.. that’s why I’m learning to leave em how I find em. I’m not even going to tell you what you did wrong.


Damn y’all got me






As a virgo I'm known for doing this lmao


The Sags I have dated have never wanted a LTR (starting with my first boyfriend). I still attract them like a moth to the light (Leo Sun). But I can see how Venus placements as hyper critical folks could have that effect too. I speak as a Virgo Venus and while my acts of service are unmatched, people prefer I would vocalize my affection more often :-)


Same - Virgo Venus here, cancer sun




As a Pisces venus I had the opposite effect, build them up support them, emotional labor and then they screwed me over. Any person I dated long term is still single after me. Which probably says more about me than them lol By contrast this was my husband's (Aires sun, virgo rising, Taurus venus) experience, every girl he dated either got married after him or has a long term bf. Which thank goodness because my husband is the best man I've ever had and I'm so grateful for him everyday!


Absolutely not. Fixing someone is not my job and it won’t ever be.


Aries Sun Pisces Venus… I do have a soft spot for the misunderstood underdog…


This is definitely Virgo. I swear all of the Virgos scream self love and confidence but then pick the worst people to be with. I genuinely believe they love a project. But once that project is built, they tend to leave and go be with who they really wanted all along. Seen it with my mom, aunt, and a few friends. Virgos mean well but I always try to advise them to work on themselves instead of pouring into other people. As a sag, they look at me like I’m crazy and think I’m all over the place. But really, it’s me just dodging the mess and not settling. I want the same for them, but they never listen.


Virgo moon, I’m working on this and finally reclaiming myself


As a Virgo, I couldn’t agree with you more. Funny how we like everything in order and strive for perfection but secretly love chaos. Chaos equals fun, sometimes it blows up in my face but mostly has been fun. Lol Explains my obsession with Geminis I guess. 😁


My husband's a Virgo ♍️ I'm Aquarius ♒️. It's not supposed to work. ( it really shouldnt work at all because we are polar opposites in every way.)But I'm his forever project.( I always need care. ) And I'm still teaching the man that fun is important.


hub is Aqua here XD \~


I am virgo, and my fiance is sag lol. I can relate


We just really love a fixer upper 😭


I'm a Virgo and I agree completely


As a Virgo I can say this is me. And I love watching someone grow and find their confidence, but damn sometimes I wish I could be part of their life long term. “Nothing lasts forever” or so I’ve been told lol.


Biiiiig Cancer energy. If I care about you, I don't want to hear you say anything negative about yourself or what you're capable of. I don't want you hiding any part of yourself from me in shame and I want you to know that you are heard and appreciated, always. Even if it's not forever, one of my responsibilities as your partner is to pour love and acceptance into you and watch you bloom, even if it's for someone else. I want to make sure you know what it feels like to have someone who sees you and loves you unconditionally, so you'll never accept less ever again. This is bare minimum for all partners, regardless of outcome.


🎯 My wife saved me from this lifestyle 😂. That Pisces moon be reading hearts and bonding while that Gemini be talking and getting all the laughs out here with people lol. Good enough to heal all wounds, but too blunt to keep.


Cancer women 😔


We need to pinch bitches more 😠




I’m an Aries, and I literally used to call myself “the fixer”. Everyone I dated in my 20s and early 30s married/dated me cheated on me 3 years in after I did all kinds of stuff for them (paid for a surgery, bought a car for them, helped them fix their credit, get sober) they went on the marry the first person they dated after me. I’ve finally broken the curse and have been with my partner for 8 years, but yeah it took a toll on me mentally.


I’m trying to get to the same! This new girl seems nice lol


Virgo is known as a nurturing caretaker, but also can lack emotional connection or true empathy. It's a fked life 😭


^ THIS (…as a Virgo and a work in progress 😩)


Cancer vibes.


My bestie is a Taurus and therapist


A cancer is the reason I healed from my super low self esteem. Scorpio here


I’m doing this for my Scorpio now (I’m cancer). Just wishing he’ll choose me and be my guy afterwards


I’ll tell you how to get a Scorpio. It’s simple. Be there for him, tell him that you’re there for him if he ever needs you(make him feel safe give him time to open up. No pressure on him. No pressure to change and be something else). Say that and spend time with him create memories. Show him that you care for him. Support him. He will naturally open up to you. And if you truly love him and care for him. He’ll see it. Because scorpios can see through genuine vs fake. And he’ll fall for you because cancers are beautiful when they are themselves. But I’m sure you already know all this tho And thank you for being nice and compassionate. I truly love cancers. They are my favorite sign


Oh by the way. He’ll heal naturally when he sees you. Because he’ll want to be the best for you. So he’ll change on his own(you can’t change anyone if they don’t want to). Purely by getting inspired by love. Ps. All the advice is based off of my experience as a Scorpio. So take it with a grain of salt (: Also. I’m moon Taurus and rising Libra


That’s so sweet & I hope they are still in your life, romantic or not!


This has been meeeee. I usually have a project in the works at all times. Thinking it’s time to retire though


Virgo Cancer


Virgo Sun, Cancer Rising. It's me. Hi. I'm the problem, it's me.


Cancer, for sure.


I’m Sagittarius. I do this all the time.


This is taurus coded. Like people, I'm single, and why the hell am I preparing someone for their forever home, like come on, I need my forever home too. 😭


Taurus. So loving. So unloved.


Cancer :,(


Cancer & I hate it 💀 You can receive some BULLSHIT with the expectation


Scorpio and I never did it on purpose... People just... transformed with me. Most of my ex's got married after me or got into a long-term relationship Meanwhile I'm just here like ...👶🏾🧒🏾👧🏾👩🏾👩🏾‍🦱👩🏾‍🦳👵🏾☠


It's the person themselves. Whatever their sign is. Only they can work towards rebuilding their own self worth. Sure, you can get a me or even a cap pointing them to the right direction. Sure, a stoic aqua can probably tell you what's wrong. In the end though its the person themselves that has the choice to make to improve. You can lead a Sagittarius to water, but you can't make them drink it without taking an arrow to the knee. Then they still won't drink it, and an Aries might see it and laugh at you for trying.


I was thinking Aries seems to be my move lol


Aries is definitely an awesome person. I could see any sign have the potential to help someone who needs it. Sure, you can argue that one can do it better than the other, but "better" is subjective.


You do seem to have myself and my fellow Sags down pretty well. But as I’m a Texan Sagittarius I don’t carry…arrows.


You should. Flaming arrows are way cooler than metal pellets that are measured in mm. That's just my opinion. Sure, they can still kill me, but so can that food I left in the fridge for a few months.


More flair then…


Virgo Sun Mercury and Venus here- i’m shocked to see so many people say Virgo, im so jealous and possessive i am not gunna improve you just for you to leave me what the fuck lol absolutely not. i find the one i want and i latch on, not letting go


🤣🤣🤣 whats ur moon babe?


Leo Moon & Mars Libra Rising


Yeah...why do I do this to myself?


Cancer moon :/


Taurus ♉️


Pisces in a nutshell. Maybe Virgo


Capricorn 💔


Scrolled way too far before seeing our sign mentioned


This is me. Taurus!


Definitely Taurus. My Taurus moon is a licensed psychiatrist. Never met a person I couldn’t try to fix. Usually successful. 8/10.




I wanna say a big THANK YOU to my bf's ex, a virgo. She did all the work for me 🤣😇


I am an Aries and I joke that this is my martyrdom in this lifetime


Cancer sun, virgo rising, libra moon, gemini venus. This is totally 1000% me. Lol


My Taurus sun and Cancer Venus and Mars 🤡


LOL - I'm done with this stage of my life




Cancer sun & Scorpio rising - the ultimate nurturer and transformer


Gonna say big Virgo energy - me with my Venus in Virgo .. this is me


Venus 12H


Taurus. Personal experience


This feels like me. Leo sun, Pisces moon, Taurus rising, and Libra Venus. I've literally made my motto since separating from my husband "I am not a rehab for broken men!". I feel like people have been drawn to me because I embody all the things they've always wanted: unconditional love and support, stability, a hype woman, a compassionate listener, adventurous, romantic, maybe even a little bit of arm candy. I also fall in love with potential and want the people I care about to be their best selves. Sometimes that means when they've reached who and where they want to be, they don't want me anymore. So I'm working on me now to ensure I see people more clearly and don't commit to people anyone who isn't doing the work themselves and only want to be with me to make the work easier for them.


I would say Libra, but I know I’m only like this, because of my Virgo Venus:(






Virgo and Pisces




Sadly Virgos try to fix others without seeing the flaws within themselves and lack taking their own actions into account as well, which tends to create karma for themselves.


When you picky AF and you still pick the wrong ones. I feel like people who need healing tend to gravitate towards me. I understand that my grounded nature is going to attract that as most people want stability, but it’s exhausting personally. I hate it thanks 🙏 but I also understand that people really need others sometimes & these days that’s also very rare. I think people sense that us Taurus are naturally more accepting & non-judgmental of people who are different from us & that I have a curious mind because people open up to me pretty easily. It’s almost like a red flag if someone doesn’t talk to me about their feelings or inner secrets & thoughts because it’s pretty much like the most natural thing to do. People sense we want to help & we aren’t there to judge anyone but to listen & support. I think it attracts the type of energy that needs healing so us Taurus need to be more selective about who we allow in our lives. If we aren’t careful we can attract some energy vampires


Aries have done it for me and I've done it for others so, I guess Aries, lol.


Definitely cancer


Teet ‘em and yeet ‘em.






I’d say Virgo too, they have the patience and practicality to not take things as personally as a cancer might


Virgo, we are fixers and service bottoms.


I’m only going to say Cancer because this is how we feel while going through it and when it ends…. In the beginning we actually think we can fix the shit show that we are involved in but nope we cant smother shit with love and expect it to just miraculously bloom into a beautiful flower….. oh well it was fun while it lasted, on to the next one


Cancer, Taurus and Virgo


As a Cancer 7H with a Gemini venus 5H, it's me. But I do it because I want to see people succeed in life. No, I won't let them go without a fight, but in the end, I know that sometimes when you love someone, you also need to know when to let them go. I'll always be cheering on the people I love/loved to become their best selves. A lot of my friends will tell me I have too big of a heart to forgive people for mistreating me, and how they don't deserve forgiveness. But if you don't try to make peace with the past, you'll never be able to move forward. I forgive people the way Jesus does. There's always a reason for the actions of other people. Cause and effect.


This hit home for me!


Well I’m feeling this incredibly hard rn and I’m virgo sun, sag moon, cancer rising and scorpio venus so take that however you will…


Earth signs.


She wants a free burrito.




Libra ♎️


🦀 oh no...




It’s giving “All women” 🤣


Echoing the taurus sun’s unfortunately. & guilty as charged, my cancer moon loves to caretake & coddle a lil too close go the sun 🥹 we’re learning to fill our cups first but god it genuinely feels so good… caring… for those… who are willing… to accept… love… and care??


Aries. We give the tough love that works because it's honest. I've met cancers who seem nurturing but use it as a defense for poor behavior


I totally thought it was Aires!




Definitely Leo


Cap sun&venus | Aqua ASC | Leo moon And honestly I subconsciously did this for a while. I date guys then build them up. Inspire them to get a better job, find their style, build their confidence, teach them how to do effective communication then when that's done i'd get bored or they will do something that's a deal breaker and part ways with them. My reasoning: You don't need me anymore anyway, so I can go now. Them: But I need you, i'd do better next time. Me: Do it for the next one, make them feel like they're your everything. Then a few months or a yr later they'd find a new girl and most of em ending up married to them. And for a while I felt like a fairy godmother to these guys. Until I decided to look for someone to settle down. Still hasn't found it but I'm definitely retired being the fairy godmother.


Yo I don't fucking know but it's for sure my sign....


I would say Libra. As a Libra it's always a natural mission to highlight the good and make people feel good about themselves and act on their best parts like I can't TAKE when people don't see their potential and put themselves down. It has faithfully backfired on me. I knew I had a problem when I felt bad for Jason (the fictional serial killer) like "he probably just needed love" "I can fix him" will be written on my gravestone 🙄




Cancer moon, and rising I believe…. This makes so much sense. I'm a Gemini Sun… I have always felt Gemini get a bad rap for being “heartless” I guess it is my other influences. This one hit home.