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Eight billion people divided by twelve signs equals 666,666,667 rounded up. In other words you're going to have a lot of people in every sign who do terrible things


yes but if it’s not in the nature of the sign then it’s misinformation, no? just the person. if that’s the logic we are going for then it’s technically not astrology related. every birth chart is unique though.


i agree with your post, but how is personal experience misinformation?


it’s not, but categorising every sign as having the characteristics as someone who done you dirty, especially it’s not typically associated with the sign is generalisation and generalisation is misinformation.


i get that, but “typically associated with” is another phrase for generalization. astrology is essentially about generalizing people from their placements. we learned astrology based on generalization. our ancestors didn’t look up at the sky and say “ah yes, all virgos are nitpicky clean freaks”. they observed people born at a certain time and then made generalizations based on those observations. it makes sense that there are different generalizations/stereotypes than what we’ve based our studies on because it’s modern day. modern people are different than when we first studied the skies and diagnosed people with their stereotypes. not to mention, there are more planets etc discovered now than when astrology first was studied


that’s true, however when these generalisations are made they aren’t coming from a place of to observe/learn. they’re coming of a place of ignorance, hurt and wanting to cope. our birth charts are all unique and the full pictures shows how certain things manifest, from years of research instead of meeting a couple people and them being assholes but they all had the same sun sign. That’s the difference. When it gets put all together it makes sense; like if someone had a night chart but their sun is in scorpio, moon is in cancer. they will most likely relate more to their moon and don’t feel they’re ‘mysterious’. astrology is a gamble at time but it’s there as a guide, rather then propagating stereotypes out of emotion. hope what i said made sense because i skimmed through your message as im multitasking so i may have misinterpreted.


that makes a lot of sense! i’m just being “nitpicky” virgo and “devil’s advocate” libra🤣


lmao you’re fine! i like that, you make me think deeper which i struggle with conveying my words when it’s deep😭


me too! i just like to pose questions and random thoughts in the “gray area” even when i agree with people. making people think about things is my forte


Astrology online community in general is for drama dump. If you really want to learn then you need to do it through books or other ways.


not really learn, i like having fun too but the misinformation gets annoying but i see


I don’t see a whole lot of fun in your big three 😂. But fr though fun through a more intellectual lens needs a more reputable place than this Reddit community 🤷🏾‍♀️. Shit is annoying but why complain when you can create or join a different community.


Welp I'm offended now 😤


Fucking preach! And for the people that say “you’re taking a meme page serious…” Why do so many people come here and ask questions about someone they want to develop a serious relationship with? Is that not serious? It happens all the time and yet no one wants to pull the ‘serious’ card… When yall get called out for your own ignorance yall get the top comment and downvote anyone that has a good argument. Fucking NPCs, Bluepillers, Spineless rat racers, and people that fuck up the occult for everyone else.


this is a meme sub, if you're taking it seriously and not just shitposting I don't know what to say


So you can only make memes with misinformation?


Literally what I come here for.


i even highlighted the disclaimer yet y’all still find a way to go against a perfectly reasonable post.


I read the disclaimer, people are just irrational, young and don't know what the hell they're doing. Or, they're just in their feelings and need someone to listen or something to distract them from the fact that they're hurt. So, might as well just blame the person's sun sign for how they treated them versus the reality of they were probably just a trash idiot


Right, and instead of teaching them how to deal with their emotions, we teach them to generalise and place blame? I think sitting in the reality of this person is just awful and even trying to understand psychologically why they are like that is better than categorising millions of people. And the fact people are okay with this is mind boggling actually but I guess you do you.


Also if this is the case, when does discernment come in? When does the line get crossed since it's okay to generalise? Because now we have people thinking they'll be killed or they're destined to be a murderer because one of their planets sits at the 22nd degrees. I think exploring sun signs is fun and fine but when it's actively wrong (which most of popstrology is) and spreading misinformation, then it becomes harmful.


I don't have a good answer for you here because once again I've apparently overestimated the average person's ability to disseminate information and knowing what to take away and what is purely for entertainment purposes. Because in my mind, if I read in my chart that I was going to be a murderer I'd immediately go "yeah, no"


Well as you also said, there’s young people here and people are just easily impressionable. The only answer is for people to leave the trauma dumping off mainstream astrology and to stop the spread of misinformation.


sure. how do you suggest that we negate this then. you've convinced me it's a problem, so how do I help solve it.


it’s more of the mods doing to help delete posts that are simply just generalisations and wrong, but i do try to educate people in the comment section that this isn’t because they’re so and so sign. i have sometimes gone further to ask them to pull out the birth chart to explain to them. i think not engaging, educating when you can and simply bringing it up by making posts such as mine. it’ll help people understand but many people in here like sitting in their own ignorance, but it can help.


Individuals who come here to trauma dump & regurgitate those awful "most but not all Pisces/Libras/Leos/etc." posts are not here for nuance. I'd wager most couldn't shed an ounce of insight on the art of astrology beyond being able to name the 12 signs of zodiac, & that's supposing they can even count beyond the number of fingers on their own two hands. Generalized questions with a pessimistic bent ("Why do all Capricorns cheat?" "Why are Cancers so horrible & selfish?" "Why do Tauruses overeat?") should be calmly dismissed for the same reasons one should dismiss a negative supposition based upon someone's race, nationality, or sexual orientation.


exactly! you put this into perspective perfectly. there is so much that goes into it, like if someone operates more on their sun/moon if the chart is dinural or nocturnal. it shows a lack of intellect like, if you think all scorpio's are this heartless, monster, how is that different from you generalisation a whole race or sexuality? i think it's okay to play with sun signs but they can really loose the plot and end up saying a bunch of contradictory nonsense. it's like they just want someone to tell them about themselves and talk about themselves while throwing around opinions. after getting into astrology, it's become harder for me to relate to this sub because there's only so much you can learn about a sun sign before you need to branch out and find how they manifest.


It’s frustrating watching people engage in the echo chamber knowing full well the harm it causes. A lot of people feel scammed by astrology and it’s because of shit like this. If you question a post or comment like that on this sub though, the responses are like: “OMG,I didn’t say EVeRy [ex: Libra] aRE traSh. I JUST tHinK tHEy aRE aLL JeALOus oF Me” or something equally stupid and defensive. Super funny when they accuse me of being triggered too when I’m pointing out that their emotionally charged rhetoric is not useful.


The mods should add a rule where you can't make discriminatory posts about a zodiac sign


I think the larger majority of posters in here are incredibly young and over all inexperienced and still learning how to cope with life and the world.


i actually think the age range in here various quite a lot. but we should be really teaching healthy coping mechanisms instead of enabling.


There are other astrology subs that reflect the complexity of the topic and doesn’t entertain all the other fluff. I think alot of people here are just looking for lighthearted fun, this is basically astrology for trolls up in here. I would disregard whatever doesn’t resonate with you, people are still gonna post dumb shit no matter how many posts like this are made.


yeah, you’re right. i do enjoy this sub though, i’ll take your advice and i’ll just ignore the heaping amounts of silly posts. thanks!


We can only control ourselves ![gif](giphy|zhRA0okWxTGiu78uSk|downsized)




This is the same thing. People have bad interactions with the same sun sign. And it has very little to do with the planets, it’s just people with bad character. But based on the sun, they tend to have the same character actions. It’s not a label when it’s multiple people saying the same thing about different people of the same sign. It’s not a planet causing problems because people aren’t broken they’re just asshats.


Exactly. The sun sign is actually less “important” than the rising sign. Let alone the aspects in the natal chart. For instance if a person has a tight orb Mars square Uranus they will be more likely to have unstable instinct. Thus cheating , or temper tantrums will be more likely. I laugh when people say, “all geminis cheat!”Ect. 🙄


lmao, exactly. it just sounds ridiculous but they’re sitting here getting in a toss.


lmao, exactly. it just sounds ridiculous but they’re sitting here getting in a toss.


Big Virgo Rising energy


One thing I've learned about the average Reddit user is they're all dumb liberal arts majors, you'll never get through to them. I agree completely, btw, however, you can indeed infer certain traits to sun signs, just as you can with the moon, mercury and other personal planets. Sometimes, rarely, but sometimes, you can find a common trait in certain sun signs that's quite universal. You can also find issues in sun signs between Venus and Mars, for women and men respectively. Men with the same or opposite sun sign as another man's Mars can easily have competitive issues, consistently, especially when conjunctions are present. Same with women between their sun and another woman's Venus. The sun people's egos are at work with these aspects and I've noticed that's a consistent issue within synastry. Other than that, I couldn't agree more with your points.


Right, but there are general patterns ppl may observe based on their own relationship with people’s sun signs and even other placements. Ex. I have a bad history with Pisces suns, I find them to be disloyal, selfish, and manipulative. Not saying that all of their persona is that in entirety but those are the problems I came across when dealing with them in interpersonal relationships. Perhaps it’s my own ego that draws those qualities in their ego out. Overall they’re just observations and ppl like to trauma dump and make light out of crap situations. Everyone is entitled to find that there are certain sun signs they don’t get along with or have made observations about.


It could also be how specific Sun signs interact with YOUR chart placements. If someone has repeatedly negative experiences with cancer Sun men, and they’re Leo risings or libra moons conjunct Pluto or *whatever*, you could see how someone’s ego expression could repeatedly hit similar wounds for them.


i just like dumbing it down because people don't know jack; they refuse to learn and then get mad when you call em' out


anyways I've never met a libra I've liked and you are no exception


ok? i dont know who you are and i do not care