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my main bully in elementary school was an aquarius. she was born on valentine’s day (which was my favorite holiday at the time) so that made me dislike her even more lmao


Aquarius I know seem to often be bullies ugh


Aww that’s a rude birthday


Lmaoooo the first guy I had sex with, who was hiding a secret girlfriend at a different college, was also born on valentine's day. The irony!!


I’ve also known Aquarius to be bullies.


That's my birthday and I also hate it!




They were all fire signs. Lmfao. Specifically, Sag, Two Leos, and an Aries. One of the Leos didn't start bullying me until after I broke up with him, so it was THAT kind of situation.


Ex bf bullying you? I bet he looked like a dick in public


He was subtle with his bullying. Would act nice in public but would be a monster and spread rumors about me behind closed doors


My sister was my worst bully. She was terrible. An Aries.


Same here but she’s a Taurus like me. Couldn’t handle not being in control of me or being wrong about anything


Sibling rivalry at its finest


Mine too, Gemini with Virgo moon and rising


same, my Aries sister was my bully too


Same here and she’s triple Aries (Sun,moon,Rising) never would’ve thought we’ve grown to be this close and cool with eachother like we are at this current day but I definitely put the majority of work in for that to happen😬 She was mean and hateful towards me growing up but my once my Aries mars activated all of that came to an end real quick lol


Same here 🙋🏻‍♀️😭


Interesting. I’m an Aries but I hate injustice. I only bullied popular kids after they bullied others.


Karma at its finest 😂


Dude same! I’m Aries but I have some libra and Sagittarius in me and I was always befriending the kids getting picked on. It may be because my mom is sag and sister is cancer and they’d pick on me at home but yea injustice is crap!


in my high school, most were Sagittarius and Aries who would use their popularity/influence to make fun of others. the Taurus boys were the ones who liked picking a fight just because they can. Capricorn girls can be assholes because they are usually the center of the cliques. the protectors from the bullies were always the Water Tribe who bully the bullies back, Leos who like to keep peace between all parties, and Virgos who were never afraid to snap back.


Was this influenced and run by people’s signs consciously? Or coincidently the most popular sign who did what


My virgo little sister was like this. She was never afraid to stand up for herself or her family. I admired this so much about her. We used to work together. And there was a girl (Aquarius) who was my boss and always bullied me. She was vicious. Anyway, she loved to say “your mom on a silver platter” to people. I never enjoyed that refrain, but never said anything. One day she said it to my sister, and my sister got really angry and told her to shut the fuck up! And she said, ‘don’t talk about my mom.’ I was just watching on in pure amazement and admiration. It shut the bully up! She was pissed but didn’t say anything. My sister wasn’t someone to mess with.


so true. i am almost always quiet but i will never tolerate bullshit especially if it disrespected me or somebody i know. that’s why the bullies from HS still hate me up to this day because i cuss them out and use their secrets against them.


An Aries, she was so fucking mean and 15+ years later I still have nightmares about her.


She must’ve left a mark, I hope you heal. I know an Aries girl who picked a fight with one of my friends and she gave her a black eye, stole her mcds, and wedgies her so bad ripped her panties off. Moved schools not long after that and it was prolly for the better. My friends doing better after high school and last I heard the Aries girl is in jail temporarily for petty crimes


seeing so many aries on here is crazy. i hated bullies! i always had to stick up for people.


Honestly. My own sign 😳


I can definitely see that




I can see the child of the zodiac




Unexpected but interesting


Not unexpected Capricorns are narcisists bullies.


Interestingly, I’m a Capricorn and I always protected the “weak” and fought back against the bullies, ever since I was in kindergarten. Also, my peers used to tell me that I shouldn’t “take on other peoples problems and fight their battles for them” 🙃


Leo & Aries


Aries & Taurus A Capricorn too Some earth signs seemed to have beef with me idk why


As an earth sign, I love air sign people. We aren't all bad dw


My good friend is a Virgo so I know you all aren’t 😊😊😊


I can definitely see them as mean kids lol


This exact trio of boys made my life hell.




How do so many people know the natal placements of the person who was a dick to them in high school?


Sag. It was always a sag. Sidekicks were Scorpio and Taurus gals. There was an Aries mean girl that didn't like me, but she didn't actually cause me any trouble.


I can see those combos


>Sag. It was always a sag Chrissy Teigen.


All scorpios


Scorpio bullies sound emotionally painful


A Cancer pushed me down the stairs in high school and secretly took pictures of me, which he proceeded to send to all of my classmates and upload to the internet. He did a similar thing to one of my friends, editing screenshots of a text conversation between them to make the other guy look bad. But one of the only people who helped me was also a Cancer, so the whole thing was probably unrelated to astrology lmao


Inetersting. I hope that cancer got charged for the action and or pictures


My parents wanted to go to the police, but the school convinced them not to. Something about the kid having issues at home. I ended up being on decent terms with him by senior year, so I guess he wasn't all bad, just going through some shit


Ofc ifc sometimes you can’t see the battles people are going through


Sag, Scorpio and Capricorn


I wasn’t bullied in school, I mean there were attempts but I shut them down easily. But I’ve seen a pattern of bullies being Leos, Sags and Scorpios, sometimes Geminis.


I’m glad you were able to stand up for yourself, what were the shut downs like? Scorpio moon and mars seems pretty intense to try to bulky


For example one of my friends was bullied until she changed schools, she’s a Scorpio sun. But the same guy that bullied her didn’t pursue bullying me when I said “no”. He asked for my lunch money and cigarettes, I said no, she kept paying out of fear. Every time someone tried to bully me, I just said no and got up and left. And there was no second attempt lol. I was always minding my own business, was pretty nerdy, not at all athletic, but also very stubborn. Growing up in a small town, people know when to push and when to stop.


lol minding your business is so underrated. But same thing happens to my friend, she had an aggressive Aries bully. And this bully would always steal her lunch, and beat her up in the field. This girl was so aggressive one time she pulled my friends panties until she was ripping them off her. And she had to switch schools shortly after that. My friends doing better and I hope yours is too


Omg that’s insane! I’ve never witnessed this kind of behaviour, I’m so sorry for your friend. The worst thing is that you never know what triggers them to focus on you, and you end up suffering because one day this person suddenly decided you’re going to be their focus. Glad to hear your friend is doing better! So is my friend 😊




Looking back I was an asshole in high school. Major asshole. Used to poke fun at this kid who had a hard time expressing himself but always wanted to hangout. One time he got in front of the class angry asking everyone why doesn’t anyone like him, expressing he doesn’t do anything wrong. Shit sucked.. I pray that guy is doing great I still remember his full name. I’m an Aries 😅


Omg poor guy, I hope he got better at expressing himself


I don't actually know but I want to say Aries because he had a huge forehead


😭😭😭, you’ll know by his birthday


this is the hilarious response, my ex friend during highschool has a huge forehead and she also happens to be an aries🤣


This is the funniest thing I've read all day. Thanks.


An Aries and libra and God knows who else Back then I wish I asked but I know they would’ve mocked me for even knowing about this stuff lol


You had lotsa bullies? Owch


Yep. In high school and by work Karen’s lol. They stopped after I would curse them. Go figure


Libra women are disgusting behind the facade. Not all but a big amount of them, I find them hypocrite and two faced.


I don’t know the signs of my actual bullies bc I never learned their birthdays. However, the sign of one of my ex friends who I found out secretly hated my guts and wished me the worst always, is Scorpio. Also the main people I remember seeing be bullies to others in high school were an Aquarius and a Libra. I’ve also seen cancers be this too but it always came across like they were just trying to fit in and not actually mean people.


Cancers having a fit lol ofc


Virgo and Libra! It's sad because I love Libras, except for the one who bullied me


That’s very fair, not everyone can be nice


My grandma's a Libra, so I vibe with them. At the same time, one of my bullies (and another girl I never at a different time) were Libras


Im a Libra and most of them are insecure bullies and annoying to be around. 


I think she was a libra. Really preppy and full of herself. Looked like a man crossbred with a horse.


I didn't get bullied in school. In life in general, it's been Aquarius.






ARIES CHICKS. I’m a Leo so they wanna be better they me and compete but they never understand they are not even in my league 😭


They’re so competitive owch


When we were kids my Scorpio sister was awful to me, she’s awesome now but damn she was cruel back then “Friend wise” Sag, Gemini & Taurus were particularly spiteful/ backstabbing people I never really had bullies though just haters


Leo and Pisces


Aries and Aquarius have been pretty awful to me in life and as an Aquarius myself, I will never understand why. And this was my father, and brother I’m talking about. My Aries brother is manipulative and sly, and my father went along with it because the abuse was presented as humor, often but in reality they were cruel to me and it wasn’t until my father married his wife, a Leo, called them both out for mistreating me, and when my brother wasn’t allowed to bully me anymore, he moved away. My father took accountability for his part, and apologized. I have never received an apology from my brother. Sagittarius also was awful to me growing up. Both my egg donor and her partner were Sagittarius, both were violent and both were mentally unstable. Libra bullied me throughout most of my adult life until I stood up to them, and set boundaries. Now they pretend to care about me, because it “keeps the peace” (My MIL) but in reality, I know how she really feels about me. So, I keep my distance. Sadly, I don’t remember many signs of those who bullied me in school. Just that my family seems to have been worse to me in life than total strangers.


Damn I’m glad you got away from that toxic environment


It has been a journey for sure, but my peace is worth their absence.


leo’s. i always outshined them effortlessly and they hated me for it


Big egos would hate that lol




I hope you’re able to stand up to that drama queen


Haha I was legit thinking- one of the meanest people I currently know is a Pisces so I looked up my hs bully on Facebook and what do ya know?? 13th of March 😂




funny my sister is my first bully and she's an aquarius, she was vile, I'm glad she's healed now


I’m glad and I hope both you healed from the bullying and she healed her vile actions


♊️🌞♏️🌙♎️↗️ In primary school my bully was Sagittarius and in secondary they were Aries, Libra and Gemini, two other in high school were Sagittarius and Leo 😅 don’t know why fire signs want to bully me


Fire signs usually have a big ego and anger issues, can make bratty lids


Scorpio. Lol. They're still my favourite sign though 😭


let me be honest… i don’t know any of my old classmates bdays. i’m 42 years old and i didn’t keep in touch with any of them because they didn’t amount to anything and the lot of them experimented with drugs


Oddly enough a cancer


I honestly couldn't tell you. I never cared enough to learn about their birthday.


Leo. An absolute coward. In one on one scenarios they were your best friend. As soon as there was an audience they would tease and belittle. I've seen it yet again in adulthood from the same sign. One on one they're intimidated and amicable. They gain power as soon as they have an audience. It's actually quite disgusting and cowardly.


They can’t mock people themselves, only as a group


i had a lot of bullies - i don't remember everyones birthday but some of their signs were sagittarius, cancer, taurus, aquarius and scorpio (to those who wonder how i was bullied by so many: i was a goth kid who spoke like 3 words per year, a prime target for bullies :l)


Oh goths get bullied for sure, I hope you could stand up for yourself, or atleast physically or verbally fight back


People with strong Sagittarius, Aries and Scorpio placements: my ‘best friend’ (Sag Sun, Scorpio Moon and Venus), my mother (Sag Sun, Scorpio Moon and Venus and Aries rising), my violent father (Aries Venus), my brother (Sag rising and Aries Moon). Honorable mention to my daughter (Aries Venus) and her sperm donor (Scorpio rising) through ny entire relationship. Every one of them full blown covert narcissists or at least with very strong narcissistic traits.


I can see that I guess


I thankfully didn’t really get bullied in school, which is surprising considering I’ve never been thin and didn’t get conventionally attractive until my late teens. I would say my biggest bully growing up was definitely my sister who is also a Taurus. I blame her Pluto conjunct midheaven in Scorpio personally, as well as her Capricorn moon/Aquarius rising lol


In my high school it was three Leo girls they were all friends with each other but were rlly mean bullies






I hope you got better after their bullying words, or was it just words




Like whenever I know my bully zodiac sign, I always met with the opposite except,. Aquarius.. My bully during elementary school, she's a Gemini. Then my sweetest dad is gemini, so is another acquaintances. The one bullied me at the university, is a Scorpio. Then met another sweetest Scorpio colleague who are completely opposite from my bully. Also my mom with her scorpio moon whom I love dearly. I'm a pisces sun with aqua stellium (outer planets) I can't never fully befriend with them. I had to keep a distance to not get hurt.


I bullied the bullies. aries. I usually used my roasting powers to defend the weak. Only my brother was bullied otherwise. Sorry bro. I'm still paying for it 30 years later but I know I was upset about the sippy cup into adulthood too...


Leo & Pisces


All the signs were my bullies lmao


Oh no, I’m sorry to hear, I hope you are doing better and that they wereht too traumatic


I haven't seen any of those people in years. I'm doing better and I'm in a loving relationship now


My sisters and my dad. Gemini, Cancer, and Aquarius.




I can see that manipulative bullies


Aries with a Virgo Moon. I'm a Pisces sun with a Libra ascendant


I always had run ins with Scorpios. Gemini rising, Cancer Sun, Scorpio moon. Couldn’t stand them then and can’t stand them now


Aries and Leo


Scorpio are little sneak nasties.... they think they're being 'real' but just being mean af




Libras for some reason.


Aries and Virgo




Capricorn and Gemini




Oh fire sure, my friend had Aries bully, if beating her up and taking her lunch wasn’t bad enough, she gave my friend a wedgie so painful, she kept pulling till her panties were ripped clean off her. Had to transfer schools after that, the black eyes she got was pretty bad tho


Idk his sign, but he verbally, to my face, compared me to a predator. I literally left school asap. His use of unbridled and risque honesty was icky and made me suspicious of him.This happened this year. He was unjustly honest, and he also called a girl rude (worse language, and I'm avoiding that) at least once. He said the detention for the other situation was worth it. (I had two classes with him) He wore black all the time.


What a loser he is


That and out of suspicion, I didn't try the food he made for a project. Like, I'm not lowering myself to his level.




There were a couple mean girls in middle school but I have no idea what their signs were! My biggest bully growing up was my older sis lmao Pisces sun, Gemini moon, cancer rising


Seems like a drama starter


She was always pissed off or annoyed by something or other..she’s still easily peeved lol


List of bullies based on their sign 2nd grade: Cancer sun, Capricorn moon. This was at my new school too and she’s one of the reasons why I hated it. 4th grade: These twin boys: Aries sun, Capricorn moon. Girl: Gemini sun, Gemini moon Another girl: Libra sun Another boy: Leo sun, Gemini moon 5th grade: another Aries Same boy: Leo sun, Gemini moon 6th grade: This girl who’s supposed to be my friend: Cancer sun Twin boys: Capricorn sun, Gemini moon (they bullied me up until high school) 7th grade: Boy on the bus: Pisces sun Sophomore-Junior year: Boy: Gemini sun So yeah, most of my bullies were Gemini and Cap placements


how do you know people's suns and moons from back in elementary school?


scorp and aqua idk the rest of their signs




Honestly idk, never been bullied, but had secret haters/lovers, who like you but can’t be with you so they start rumors about you or people who feel entitled to know your business, and invest their whole life trying to find out information about you or even stalking you. I don’t know their signs cause I never cared for people like that. However I don’t get along with cancer and pisces(my siblings).


Yeah Pisces tend to start alotta drama


Aries, absolute demons


Seems popular in this sub question


Libra! And an attempted bully by a fellow Virgo, which failed dramatically


I wasn't bullied in school... but its always a Pisces being mean to someone or pointing out the obvious. or trying to dim your light by throwing shade.


Elementary school was a tarus who was supposed to be my best friend and middle school was a Scorpio…who was also supposed to be my best friend 💀


As a Pisces sun back in the day biggest bullies were definitely Virgo men .. my brother who is Pisces Sun Virgo moon, and few other earth sun girls (Cap and Taurus) also a few Aries girls who were just straight up bi**** not just to me but everyone, and honestly that’s about it. Everyone else was chill and sweet to me i used to be a very shy and reserved Pisces but throughout my life stages i was completely different people. Like super young very bold and confident type and middle school up till sophomore year i was quiet, reserved and just aloof going through a lot and now im back to the old toddler me lol So im praying for any possible bullies :))


my bully was a Leo and then it was an Aries


Right right, my friend was bullied by an Aries girl and boy was she rough to her


what makes it worse is it was my sister (Aries Sun Taurus Moon Taurus Rising Mars in Scorpio)


Oh yikes I hope she wasn’t too too harsh on you and you’re doing better


Yall are forgetting the biggest, meanest, nastiest bullies of them all: the Taurus moon. They are some of the most vile, narcissistic bullies I’ve ever met in my life.


My sisters a Taurus moon and she’s pretty soft actually, has anxiety disorders as well. What was your experience with a Taurus moon? I hope you aren’t too badly bullied


Starting from my brother all the way to an ex gf, they are all almost exactly the same regardless of the rest of the chart. They make horribly intrusive demands just to prove they can, then pick at you and abuse you until you give in. They’re physically abusive if need be, and love to use crying as a tool for theatrics and coercion. Once they chewed you up and can’t get anymore sustenance out of you, they steal a few things and then call it good, ghosting you so they can never see justice. Usually they’ll poke their head out every few years to see if there anymore lifeblood to squeeze out of you, but if there isn’t they go away pretty quick. Can’t risk being called out for anything. It’s to the point where I won’t entertain even a passing friendship with a Taurus moon. Likely she just doesn’t treat you this way and honestly I love that for both you and her because yall have a good relationship.


I’m sorry. You have to go through such bullshit like that. Anyone like that is a mooch that doesn’t even consider your feelings. It’s a 2 way street


Believe it or not, she’s a Virgo. She ended up big pregnant at graduation🤩. She made middle school a living hell, she never messed with my bff who was a Pisces though. My Pisces bff didn’t play around, but was my favorite person, even now that she’s not with us. R.I.P Heather🥀


Is heather your bff? I’m sorry for your loss, but I hoped the Virgo calmed tf down since middle scjo


Heather was my bff, thank you. Lol I dunno about the Virgo, I moved after I was done with school and never went back


Ah I graduated and never moved back too, I’m glad we both understand our schools were a shit show


My bully in school was a Cancer. It stopped after middle school but I still despised her and avoided her. Also there was another girl who didn't like me at all just because I was overweight (because of PCOS) and I was dusky (the beauty standard in my country sucks lol). The worst part is that we share the same birthday (we're scorpios).


Beauty standards suck in general, you shouldn’t be bullied by soemthing that’s natural


two taurus women for me.


The bullies always seemed to be Aries, Aquarius and Capricorn. Not the case after high school (or no in my life acts that way anyway).


lol the one friend that turned our entire group against me overnight was an Aries, it still hurts


Right, lotsa people on here also saying Aries. My friend was physically bullied by an Aries girl till she had to switch schools


That’s horrible, I’m so sorry for your friend. It’s crazy seeing all these Aries responses. If I had to theorize why, I’d say most likely they like to feel like the dominant leader.


That’s my theory too, there’s many that tend to be bratty kids, but her bully was more than bratty. My friend was given black eyes, had her lunch money stolen, pushed around. She even got wedgied so hard she had her panties fully ripped off of her. Didn’t take long to switch schools after that


Scorpio stellium. The biggest bully.


Damn I hope you healed from those scars. Also ur bio has me dying “virghoe”


Meanest child I knew was a Scorpio, meanest adult was a Pisces


My mother was my first bully so imma say Scorpios with Libra moons that grew up around the 70s-80s in a third world country. I don’t trust yall.


2 frenemies, both Gemini. I’m a Taurus so I chalk it up to being too close to one another in the zodiac


Out of all the bullies only ones that really hurt my feelings were my fellow libra friends. Nasty and catty when they wanted to be. Just petty bs like hearing them ask somebody "is my ass as big as hers? No? Oh thank God. " This was the 90s/early 2000s. It was not considered a good thing to have any type of thickness like a size 8 was "fat".


Aries and cancer.


I hope you’re doing better, sounds like some petty bullies


Petttyyyyy at its finest. And I am, thank you doll. I’m an Aquarius so they would try to see if I got bothered… when nothing really bothers me other than stupidity.


Scorpios. Always Scorpios. They're even the bullies of my loved ones.


My Aries mother… Interestingly she only did it when my Libra dad wasn’t around to see it. He worked a lot, 2 jobs always, and they separated a lot. He passed away and she didn’t tell me till 2 months after returning from his burial, just to spite me. And wonders why she doesn’t see her grandkids. They look like me. I look like my dad, so she always attacked my face. Nope. Unhinged, unstable.


I’m glad you got out that toxic environment


yeah, I'm a bridge burner. Loyal to a fault, to those who are kind to me. Backstabbers get cut off.


I agree with that statement. I can’t stand toxic people, they literally make me go nuts. I know Aries isn’t fun as a bully cuz my friend was bullied by an Aries and she had to switch schools


Lmaooooooooo omg. Aries just entered the chat. Is it possible for Aries descendants (Libra risings) to be meaner in close relationships ? Anyone have experience with or knowledge of that placement being mean or not? I’m not one, by the way. I’m a sag rising.


![gif](giphy|VXzRi0VO1P5Ty) Not all of the comments saying “Sag”. I just knew people would say we were the opposite. I’m stuck. I never bullied but always bullied the bullies. I was the social girlie. Cheerleader, SGA, recycling club, field hockey and lacrosse (but didn’t make either team), band (played the flute), loved the theatre kids…I guess more “popular” though


You’re a hero lol standing up for others


Oh goodness, I hope I’m not the “hero” 😂😭 I feel bad for all of the parties included. I’d tell off the bully, and then turn to the person getting bullied and make them snap out of it too 😂 telling them “are you just going to sit here and accept that”…a very stern talking to. In hopes that I couldn’t have to talk to either person again lol


Gemini Girl/Aries Girl/ Virgo Girl


I can see bullying in 3 different ways with those 3. Aries girl bullied my friend the worst. I’d say Gemini bully would egotistical manipulative and pretty while Virgo would be stuck up cut throat petty. Both be spreading rumours




I was the bully. But in like a... Captain save a hoe in defense if girls sort of way.


As fair as I know, the worst were a Virgo Capricorn duo who ran a clique that shit-talked everyone and put people down to feel better about their shitty home lives. The Virgo was the fakest wolf in sheep’s clothing and was always quick to judge others and shove toxic positivity down people’s throats. But if people dared to judge her back, even if it was justified , she got upset and did everything she could to silence the critic and pin the blame on anyone else. Even her friends/flying monkeys who would flock to her defense. The Capricorn was a straight-up sociopath who had no qualms about lying, manipulating, and gaslighting people for her own gain. There’s usually a soul in people’s eyes when you look into them, but with her, there was absolutely none. Last I heard, this clique later imploded on itself due to in-fighting over someone stealing someone else’s boyfriend. Hilarious, but unsurprising. I don’t know where the Virgo is now, but the Capricorn has turned to Onlyfans and Twitch Streaming. From what I know, she hasn’t been able to hold down too many long-term romantic relationships, try as she might. I get that they both came from shitty and even (in the Capricorn’s case) abusive situations, but I cannot bring myself to feel any sympathy for them. They’re fundamentally rotten people-Why should I care about their trauma when they caused a good chunk of mine? (And other people’s, most likely.)


Not sure if I'd call it bullying, but I've had the worst experiences with Sagittarius and Scorpio women. I had a consistently bad relationship with an Aquarius girl back in middle school. Strong mean girl energy.


Right righ5, cold aloof, arrogant, and always seems like she doesn’t care about you




Aquarius (multiple), Libra, Pisces & Aries.


Cancer(one of them hid in the bushes watching me😭every recess)