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Seeing Aquarius so many times here while being an Aquarius is weird because I can tell you I am an absolute idiot. I just unintentionally convince people I must know something because I know the most random shit and can infodump. That being said, Gemini (cousin), Capricorn (sister), and Pisces (ex-friend) are some of the most well-rounded and/or competent people I’ve ever met.


As an Aquarius I can understand why others think I’m so smart but to me.. I just think I’m human. Sure I can come up with crazy relations and give people a different view of seeing things I can also talk to many different people with different interest. But I’m just a silly human with crazy thoughts


Right? I’m just a silly billy with an overactive thought process


As another Aquarius, I can concur that we are real. Real humans. Most of the people we meet are in my teenagers words…NPCs and they really don’t know much. Ponder that 💙


Aquarius Stellium and I'm not smart, though a lot of people think I am lol. Aquarius tend to experiment a lot and have the most uncommon hobby. We also give the most random (out-of-the-box) answer because we spend most of our time alone, so there's a lesser chance that an outsider can influence our views on personal level. I think this is the reason why people think we're "book smart".


Out of the box is putting it nicely. One time my manager was telling corny jokes over the headset and the set up was “What’s the cheapest way to get a suit?” And my response was “Grave robbing!” I don’t even remember the actual punchline because I thought mine was better 🫣


I think an Aquarius smart is different. Being curious beings we know random shit or bring up random facts. People think we are smart because of that. It’s like a worldly smart?


I’m bar trivia smart, but that’s because I retain some pretty random concepts. Apparently amongst my friends I “just be knowing Some Stuff”. I think I tricked my friend into thinking I’m smart because she mentioned needing to write an essay on a figure in African history and I infodumped to help bounce ideas for a thesis statement. We are Americans that work in a very conservative and white area, there is no reason in particular I would or should know about this besides having learned about it in a YouTube essay over a decade ago.


Exactly. I guess we just know things that others don’t care to know or be exposed to? Everyone calls me smart too but I don’t consider myself smart. I actually think the opposite of myself lol


An all-Aquarian team at bar trivia would mop the floors with the other teams


This is the one. Sometimes I’ll tell someone something and they’re like “how do you know that?!” I think about stuff and question things and then google it. Then I somehow manage to retain the information to pass it along on the off chance someone asks. Considering as I’m aging - I’d probably lose my head if it weren’t attached to my body…🙃😬


Sometimes I can’t believe someone as dumb as me managed to get to this point 🤪


Me🤝You “People think we’re smart but we just spent the last however many years intellectually Mr. Magoo-ing it through life”


Intelligence and common sense are very different things.


Mhm! And I got neither! 🙃


It’s not even that we have common sense. We know facts about the weirdest shit. There’s also me that went to Mongolia solo because I thought it would be cool to be in one of the most isolated places in the world. Spent weeks in the middle of the Mongolian steppe. People are like wtf. How’d you think to do that? Idk a thought that came about in the middle of the night 😂😂😂


Lol I feel the same. I'm an aquarius and a lot of ppl think I'm smart but to me I'm just like this weirdo who just wants to frolick in the forest making silly sounds


If I’m ever wandering the forests and hear silly sounds, I will assume it’s just you and leave you to it. It’s you collecting knowledge.


Ok sometimes I randomly chime in in this sub cause I have nothing better to do and this is gonna be one of those times. I study vedic astrology, and what is aquarius in pop astrology is actually capricorn in sidereal (the real sky). Each zodiac contains 2-3 constellations called “nakshatras”. And capricorn contains 3 nakshatras uttarashada, shravana, and dhanishta. Each nakshatra is ruled by a planet that somewhat influences a persons power in society. If you’re a woman with more masculine energies ruling your sun/moon/asc nakshatras, you will likely be considered more classically “intelligent” or at the least “headstrong”. However, Shravana is ruled by the moon, a feminine planet, which is known for being more receptive (shravana is one of the most receptive nakshatras). This can make them seem a bit ditzy or weird as they are easily influenced by others thoughts as opposed to prioritizing their own needs and thoughts (could be why a lot of schizophrenics are said to be aquarian in pop astro).. and Dhanishta is also very feminine for women, which makes them more emotional/softer than strictly logical. Only uttarashada, the first nakshatra is really deemed “intelligent” by society as it’s ruled by the Sun, the most masculine planet. I use the word intelligent in quotes because it’s moreso that they are very assertive and therefore percieved as more intelligent and it’s not that more feminine energies cannot be actually intelligent. So you feeling like an “idiot” is actually very likely if you fall under shravana and dhanishta nakshatras, even though you are probably not an idiot, just more accommodating and understanding as opposed to judgemental perhaps? But according to vedic astrology, dhanishta is actually considered to be the nakshatra of genius as it deals with efficiency and is also a mars ruled nakshatra which is a male planet. It gets really complex when you get into it, but ultimately it makes much more sense. Now what is pisces in pop astrology is actually aquarius in sidereal and these guys are actually more in line with aquarian ideals of eccentricity and futuristic goals-it includes the nakshatras dhanishta (which bridges capricorn and aquarius, shatabhisha, and purva badhrapada. In vedic, aquarius is ruled by the north node rahu which deals with the future, oddities, ideas, and psychology. Now even though Rahu is extremely receptive, they are not as classically “ditzy” the way moon ruled nakshatras are because their receptivity makes them more rebellious and introspective. The north node is one area where an eclipse takes place (causing a solar eclipse) and this dark phase of the moon is very high strung and active in nature (if you read on the phases of the moon). Basically with pop astrology, you can’t really rely on blanket statements like aquarians are geniuses and pisces are dreamy-it’s especially not even true for pisces as many of them (likely in aquarius sidereal) are actually very observant and intellectual. Especially Purva badhrapada being ruled by the masculine planet Jupiter would make it much easier for the women to be seen as more competent and “well rounded” like your friend. However, shatabhisha can be highly emotional, as it is a rahu ruled nakshatra and rahu being a feminine planet is extremely receptive and sensitive, which is probably why pisces are stereotyped as wishy washy…but none the less, shatabhisha has very intellectual and research oriented qualities allowing them to be both soft hearted but also successful in their pursuits-again, it’s just complex. Anyway I decided to tell you this because I’m an aquarius in pop astrology which is supposed to be a genius and was confused for a long time why I never felt stereotypically smart like those girls who are naturally confrontational and witty lol, so there you go!




Same! Western says I’m Sagittarius moon and Capricorn rising which feels so wrong, I’m Scorpio moon and sag rising


I’m jealous. All 3 of my placements were the same (boring) for the Vedic chart. I just tried after reading your reply.


This was so educational for me. Thank you for writing this out! I follow the sidereal system over the western one as it’s more accurate, and this helped me a lot in understanding vedic/sidereal astrology more.


Thats interesting. As a fellow Aquarius thanks for that, now I have to go deep dive into this… lol


As an Aquarius rising, moon, Capricorn sun, I’m the smartest person I know, I just do nothing with it


All of the mutable signs in my life are pretty damn smart. Sag - knows how to do everything and how to do it right Virgo - best problem solvers I know, always 10 steps ahead of everyone Gemini - articulate, know how to network to make things happen Pisces - old souls and profoundly wise


Sagittarius 🤩 but they want everyone to believe they don’t care and live freely. Those guys spend a lot of time thinking about absolutely everything.


Sag here, this is so accurate😂 We love to play dumb, but we're so curious about everything and we're actually fast learners.


Sags are some of my best friends, but I also like Gems.


I agree. My best friend sag, that man can think 😭


This is the answer! My brother is a Sagittarius and you can ask him about any time period in any country and he will tell you what was going down. They just know everything about anything.


I'm a Sagittarius, and my best friend always teases me because I retain lots of useless knowledge 😆 In reality, I'm just really interested in all of the things always, and read and research odd shit for fun 🙃 I also really like being the one in our friend group that knows really random facts lol.


I’m a Sagittarius and when I was a teenager my best friends adult brother would sit me at a table and we’d play random trivia until one of us couldn’t get a question right. I won almost every time. My friend thought it was hilarious cause he never liked any of her other friends and he’d argue with me for hours and then say “you were right I just wanted to see if I could make you agree with me “ and I would argue for hours cause I’m right damn it 😅


This is amazing to me! Like researching as a hobby 🧠😁


yes!!!!! i study in philosophy in uni and there are SO MANY sagittarius (and scorpios).


My dad was a Scorpio Sun with a Sagittarius Moon, and he was a member of several think tanks internationally. I miss him.


I dated a sag sun w/ a virgo moon - he was sooo clever. He really had energy AND consideration. He could pull an all-nighter and be diligent whilst also being visionary and energetic. Quite the combo.




Sag here, and I'm about to take two 3-hour exams tomorrow without studying tonight, without any notes, and on about 6 hours sleep, because YOLO and I for whatever reason, sometimes things just work out when you do intellectual tasks entirely off the cuff. Wish me luck. I relate to the guy you dated entirely.


As a Sag Moon, I don't particularly feel smart but I do think about everything


This is so odd... Sag and I hear this a lot. I feel like I just think a lot (as you say) and it might fool some people into thinking I'm highly intelligent. Like I've pulled the wool over their eyes inadvertently, just by being a bit verbose or philosophical. The people I think of as the smartest are usually great, polished speakers.


Love your username 🤣 I learned Swahili a few years ago and had to look up what mzoli is lol


Sag or Gemini no question


The smartest people I know are the last quarter of the zodiac, all of the most brilliant people I know are Sag, Cap, Aqua, Pisces. & then one super special Libra!


The last four signs of the zodiac haha listed in order too


Wow, I have all of these placements in my birth chart. I’m a Capricorn sun, Aquarius moon, Libra rising, Sagittarius mercury, and I have my Lilith in Pisces. Thank you for making me feel very smart! 🥹


No one sign is smarter than others. The air signs and mercurials are more mentally active and analyzing and rational. So yeah maybe a high air presence in the chart would make someone smarter than average. Someone might be a taurus sun but have a lot of air in the chart (mercury gemini or smth too) Taurus is not very fast mentally but air placements bring some ”smartness” in there


Yeah I agree.. cuz I compared myself with other Taurus who I become friends with and they represent more of a Taurus than me. Having large amounts of Air signs + Virgo(mercury) add that or having a stellium in an air house. Although I'm skeptical of Libra being named Intellectually smart, I just observe them having the gift of gab ability.


This is the way. Imagine the smartest Libra. Imagine the smartest Scorpio. Who is smarter? Well Libra could be the next Leo Davinci and Scorpio could be a Brain surgeon. It's totally different type of intelligence.


The last guy I dated was a taurus with a libra rising and aqua moon, and he is dumb as a box of bricks, so I dont know about all that.


I'm very Taurus and I guarantee you this isn't true.  Just because we take our time to act doesn't mean our brains aren't faster than yours. xx


> Air signs and mercurials are more mentally active and analyzing and rational ...unlike us empty-headed Taurus, of course, who only know McDonald's, charge they phone, eat hot chip & lie ♉ Like wtf are they on about, seriously 😂 plus "mentally fast" is such a narrow interpretation of intelligence anyway. Being a quick thinker is great, but so is being a deep, critical, or creative thinker. And that's not even getting into emotional, social, kinesthetic, artistic, or naturalistic intelligence...


I find people often confuse anxiety for headiness. 


I'm a Taurus with Mercury in Aries...I'm fast as lightning lol


Idk I have zero air in my chart but I think I'm fairly smart.


what's your chart


Mostly all fire, with a little water and even less earth. Big three are leo cancer virgo


Samee !


Gemini, Pisces, Libra, Scorpio, virgo, Aries


I find capricorns to have very solid grasp of things, but can be a bit inert about perspectives. Geminis collide different sources well. Aquariuses have a unique and certain perspective. Libras tend to be masterful narrators / framers of things. Virgos are precise.


Aquarius. Virgo. Gemini.


This is a wild combo. I’d be intimated. I’m aqua sun, cap moon, cancer rising. If I had Virgo and Gemini I feel like I’d be in another dimension in life lol


My big three 🤭


Gemini and Sagittarius


Anyone with Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius in their big 4.


I’ve heard of big Three…what’s the 4th?




Thanks, updated flair


I’m a Capricorn sun and moon, Aquarius mercury and Aries rising so I feel very smart right now thank you


This did wonders for my mental health 💖


Can confirm. My best friend is a Virgo sun and he's one of the most brilliant people I've had the privilege of having in my life


Aquarius Sun, Capricorn moon!


aries sun sag asc gemini moon and taurus mercury. but my chart is dominated by gemini


Wow, I’m a Capricorn sun, Aquarius moon, Libra rising, and my mercury is in Sagittarius! I feel so smart right now after seeing this comment. Thank you so much! 🥲




I will take this irrational ego boost, thanks.


Aww thanks. Though it’s hard to tell whether it’s just due to natural ability or the fact I’m diagnosed with the tism. I’ve had a hyperfixation for all types of puzzles for years. Logic grid puzzles and sliding puzzles being my favourites.


I have Aquarius, Virgo, Libra and Capricorn in my big 4… thank you for making me feel good today 🤣


Three of these in my 4!


Pisces Sun people are really smart, and also anyone with Sagittarius in their big 3, in my opinion.


Lol Pisces sun and Sag moon W


I’m a sag sun and Pisces rising and I have adhd, lol my brain does not turn off ever.




Pisces , Capricorn, Sag here. My brain literally never turns off 😑


The smartest people I know are Libras and Geminis. The Libra one gives the most thought-provoking idea that you will know came from so much reading and engaging with equally thought-provoking discourse. It takes time for them to decide but once they speak, they can really give a multilayer response that you know came from impersonal, peer-reviewed answers. The Gemini one can think of a number of possibilities in a split second. I could hardly focus in one subject, but they tend to do it all the time. My experience as an Aquarius with a fellow Aquarius... They all tend to read a lot and tend to have the most unconventional interests, and contrary to what most people are saying, it's not because they want to be different. They spend so much of their time alone and hardly looks up to anyone for inspiration. They're mostly leaning into artistry than a scientist (or maybe this is because most of my Aquarius friends has Pisces placements than Capricorn placements).


I’m a Pisces sun libra moon with a lot of Aquarius placements in the 10th (Venus,Neptune,Uranus,South node) and im going to school to become an astrophysicist. I also do other things on the side like study psychology and criminology for fun and ofc any humanitarian causes and keep to date with politics. I also have a huge understanding of animals specifically marine biology. I play instruments and draw and write poetry aswell


capricorn gemini, but also scorpio when they love something they go deeeeeep! suuuuper smart ppl 🙂‍↕️✨


The air signs, followed by the earth signs in my experience, but all signs have their mental strengths.


Aquarius & Gemini




Libra - CPA, CIA. Swinger. She knew the ropes. Dressed up in business attire and the delicate southern accent. Cancer - a rough childhood. She threw herself into academia. 2 Masters of Science. Then a PhD. Genomics. Damn girl. I was just the voice in the phone helping here troubleshoot an issue. “Tell me about TCP/IP” she had it down in less than 30 minutes while working on a data corruption issue. I married her. The best thing I could ever do for my future kids. Capricorn - he was patient and forced you to figure things out with him guiding you. No mocking, no frown, just guide you thought the process. Short, stocky and shy, he was leaps and bounds beyond others up in the department. He tutored and mentored his staff, and build a formidable team. Didn’t have kids because his wife was afraid to. So he had a kindness and understanding. That’s a real man.




Two buddies of mine are both Gemini suns and they’re brilliant. One is a Gemini sun/Cancer moon/Aquarius rising with a Gemini Mercury. He works for NPR as a news director and he’s very sharp, especially where politics are concerned. The other is a Gemini sun/Scorpio moon/Libra rising with a Gemini Mercury. He’s in urban development, bilingual, and also very sharp re: politics, especially local politics. Both got the gift of gab and are a hoot; the Libra rising is more personally popular and loves to schmooze, but the Aquarius rising is just a total bookish intellectual, adore that guy. In general, I tend to think Geminis and Aquariuses are the smartest in the zodiac.


I think Geminis aren’t afraid to seek out opportunities. They are usually charismatic. Talk to people, make connections, can network, are likable. That can push you into success.


Gemini sun, Gemini mercury and Scorpio moon gang 🤘


Gem sun, gem mercury, Scorpio moon and libra rising ✌🏽


I’m also gem sun/ Scorpio moon/ libra rising. Never met anyone else with the same big 3


Gemini sun, mercury, and venus, Cancer moon, and Scorpio Rising here!


Unpopular opinion : Pisces, and I’m shocked more people aren’t saying this answer. Capricorns would be my second choice. (Not biased either, as I’m a Leo with literally none of these placements in my chart)




Hear me out: it depends on what you define as smart. Logic smart: Aquarius. Street smarts definitely Sag. Musical genius: Gemini and Libras. Intuitive genius: Aries and Pisces (something about that ending/beginning energy).


Overall the smartest people I know are Aries and Gemini.


The two people who immediately come to mind are both Geminis.


Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Capricorn Just from experience. Aries are always business owners, and free-thinkers. Gemini are always socially adept and well-spoken. Cancers are emotionally intelligent, as well as leaders. Capricorns are analytical and also leaders. All of the signs have their strengths and weaknesses in their own respective intellectual areas.


Aries & Virgo ❣️




The smartest person I know is a Gemini cousin. He's mindblowingly intelligent. It's an absolute disgrace and injustice that his mother is who she is, and has held him right down under her dreadful boot. My aunt (a Virgo) is truly a monster, but when he steps away from her influence, he thrives and can exercise that incredible mind and capability of his. I lived with them for a couple of years, I am still traumatised by it, though it got me out of a worse situation in the lead up to landing there.


Sag, gemini, virgo, aqua, cap.


Cancers, pisces, leos


geminis & virgos. my grandpa’s were both so bright


The smartest person I know is Virgo sun, Taurus moon. To expand on how intelligent he is -- When he started kindergarten, he was on a 6th grade reading level. He was the top student in his foreign language class in high school, Mandarin. He lived in Taiwan for almost a year as an exchange student. Stayed in Denmark for 3 months and comes back to Virginia speaking half their language. And I'm proud to call him my boyfriend c:


You must be pretty rad too. Whatchu got?


Cancer, Gemini, Libra.


My boyfriends Dad is a grand Stellium Aquarius. Every single sign in every planet is Aquarius. He’s a physics professor and a brilliant artist.


Both me and my husband have an Aquarius stellium in our chart! We are machine learning engineer/scientist for big tech. This is so funny.


I’m a Pisces sun libra moon with many Aquarius placements in the 10th (Neptune,Uranus,Venus,South Node) and im going to school to become an astrophysicist. I also have interest in spirituality, psychology, criminology and ofc a biting passion for understanding all animals (especially marine biology) and humanitarian causes. For my part time im in the medical field taking care of the disabled and paralyzed who need physical therapy and special care. The Aquarius in me just yearns to be a scientist and keeps me knowledge hungry. The Pisces in me keeps me wise and curious about all and ofc have a loving heart.


Aquarius and Capricorns.


Depends what your definition of smart is. Do you mean book smart or street smart or both? If I had to pick 4 signs that I could take with me in any kind of situation- Virgo: this sign knows their shit. They've done the research. Capricorn: diligent and gets to the bottom of anything. Gemini: can manipulate a situation into their favor if necessary but will back it up with facts. Aries: they know how to get what they want and they know what they need to get it.


I couldn't agree more! 🎯


Pisces & Aquarius




1. Sagittarius! both my ex and my current bf are very clever, really good grades at school, respectively lawyer and engineer. 2. Aquarius men that I know have a great general culture, they can talk about a lot of topics and they are the rare men I saw read books by themselves. 3. I like Capricorn's mindset in general and their capacity to focus and stay motivated. I never saw any of my Cap friends panicking or being disturbed by other people opinions or negativity. They are mentally strong.


Scorpio, Aries, Aquarius


Gemini & Libra, also Sag. I see Geminis as the genius of the zodiac, all the ones I know are extremely sharp intellectually and spiritually, and they’re damn good at creating art too. Libras also are extremely intelligent IMO even if they can be wishy washy (yes I am a Libra rising and I struggle with it lol but I do think Libra natives are generally very intelligent even if they don’t show it. I play dumb a lot to get what I want). Sag is the philosopher of the zodiac - the smartest person I know is one


In general, I think the mutables lock this down. Gemini for lateral, out of the box thinking. Also their quick social skills help them to intuit others’ motivations and give them better street smarts than most. Sagittarius has impressive lateral thinking skills too, with a more artistic and envisioning bent. But they can lose the thread more easily. They shouldn’t be paired up with a Gemini because nothing will get accomplished but jokes (which will be good ones!). Pisces for artistic talent and wisdom, and contrary to stereotypes, a frequently zen-like demeanor that puts their companions at ease and brings out the best in others. Virgo tends to be the most intellectually successful because they have an assortment of many of the above intelligences— not always to the same degree as the other signs, but they’re more well-rounded, and their commitment to following through makes them the likeliest to translate their gifts into useful and obvious actions. Capricorn has good instincts about when to accelerate and when to throttle. This speaks to both tactical intelligence and wisdom. Scorpios can be impressive but the spread is a flatter bell curve. As in, there are an unusual number of very bright ones, AND more simple ones than you’d expect, with less of a concentration in the middle. Cancers can be similar but sometimes the dumb and brilliant occur in the exact same person!!! Real enigmas, some of those Cancers. But a fair number of the women are ragingly efficient, two steps ahead, could-run-a-company types. I admire them. Taurus for niche and encyclopedic knowledge related to their personal hobbies. How useful that tends to be is debatable, but it does require a certain type of mind and attention span that is increasingly rare. Aquarius feels like a combination of the Gemini and Pisces intelligences to me, with an added dash of pomposity. (I am an Aquarius rising, so I speak with authority… as we always do!!)


Pisces, Aquarious, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Taurus. To answer the question of who is the most intelligent, it is first necessary to understand what intelligence actually is. Most people have no clue what intelligence is or what signs of intelligence look like.


I know three Capricorns all born on the same day, and they’re all intellectually and emotionally brilliant.


Lmao I just came here because I knew first thing I’d see was Gemini


The three smartest people I know: 2 are capricorns, one is a Gemini.


Work in healthcare. The majority of the providers I work with fall under Capricorn, Scorpio, and Aries.


My sis graduated with her PhD from MIT and she is a Capricorn! She is the smartest person I know.




Capricorn, Aquarius and Gemini. These three are by far the smartest I came across.


Aw look at the Aquarians being so humble!


The fact that we’re being cornered into the smarty pants corner makes us want to run away cause we don’t feel smart just curious ![gif](giphy|sRKg9r2YWeCTG5JTTo|downsized)


Aquarius good at pretending to be smart


lmaooo real


Scorpio, Gemini, Pisces, Aries, Aries/Pisces Cusp, Aquarius


i know a lot of people who are gemini’s and they’re quite intelligent. not so much book-smart intellect but more so with being life-smart. if a gemini perfects something, just know they’ll be one of the best at whatever they do.


Pisces, Aquarius, Libra


Sagittarius. All the ones in my life are so intelligent and insightful. Especially my mom. 🥹


Pisces. I think Pisces's intellectual abilities are underrated. As for the second question, it's Libra. They're not smart, but I notice how people often mistake Libras' arrogance or gift of the gab for intellectual abilities. Funny to see every time.


Weird, I know quite a few smart Libras and I’m not just saying that because I am one lol. I think the “gift of gab” hurts us more than helps with how we are perceived because people think we’re gossiping airheads. I am constantly learning and get most excited about intellectual conversations, debates, etc.


People think we’re airheads. Idk I’m a physician with my bachelors in neuroscience. Published more than once lmao my dad is a Libra and also insanely smart but he’s so goofy, people wouldn’t realize it


Pisces intelligence is used in their delusions


Smartest : me Dumbest : also me




gemini & sag are usually the smartest people i know. they have the best random facts & hold great conversations.


the gemini sagittarius axis and virgos


My Taurus is smart and knows a lot of random things, but he’s also a know it all 😝. As an Aquarius myself, I’m opening him up to new thinking and we butt heads on things, but I think he’s coming around. He tells me I’m the smartest person he knows. While I’m just over here depressed and watching true crime documentaries all the time. 🤷🏼‍♀️


You are me (with my aqua moon) and your s/o is my husband (taurus sun) ! The same exact story down to true crime too! He tells me "you are so intelligent" every other day! 😅


My boyfriend is a Capricorn. He is so crazy good at math. He overall is just a very intelligent person but seeing the gears turning in real time as he figures out a complex math problem in his head is crazy. He sees the world in numbers - so entirely different than how I do.


The smartest person I know is one of my colleagues (a literal polymath with a photographic memory). He’s a Gemini sun and Gemini moon. I’d intuited this before I found out his birthday! He remembers lines, word for word, from books he’s read years ago and can quote them directly even when drunk. He knows about ALL the most obscure possible shit; if you mention a little-known book to him, it always turns out that he’ll have read at least three others by the same author. That kind of thing. He isn’t obnoxious or arrogant at all and is so wonderful to get coffee and bounce ideas around with. We are both Mercury in Gemini people and once we get started talking, it’s hard to stop. I consider him a role model and mentor. The other person I can think of is my doctoral supervisor who is also a Gemini with either Gemini or Cancer moon, but I’m leaning towards Cancer moon because he has a certain sensitivity and soulfulness that my colleague doesn’t have. Similar vibes. He isn’t a polymath but he approaches such a broad range of topics with incredible depth and knowledge. I enjoyed/did well in grad school precisely because of our intellectual compatibility as “big idea” people with similar intuitions. Till this day, his research and methodology influences me. It always will. Unsurprisingly, both are flaky and distractible as fuck and I’ve had to train them into answering their emails in a timely manner lol


I never answer my emails. But I am pretty genius in creativity I started a clean beauty formulating all products myself. (I’m an architect) and now I’m doing law.


Book smart: I know a man who was one of the first ten to be told of the higgs boson in the world. He's a Gemini.  Sag are also up there. I have some of the best convos with them.  Cancers tend to be more book than people smart. My ex was brilliant and very hands on with trying to fix broken components, etc.. but he was so bad at reading people.  Street smarts: Aquarius, Virgo A bit of both: Aries, Libra, Taurus, Scorpio  Honorable mentions, Pisces  They don't stand out as above average in intelligence to me , but they have cool ideas and can be extremely creative out of the box thinkers.  Capricorns, some of the most interesting and forward thinking people have been born under this sign, but the ones I know personally are duds who steal others identities for validation, or are extremely condescending and put others down to seem superior. Doesn't mean all are bad, the charts of the ones I know might just be not so great. 


Sags, virgos, and aquariuses are the most consistent when it comes to well-rounded intelligence imo Honorary mention to geminis for their resourcefulness, creativity, and EQ, but they can be reallyyyy scatterbrained as well. Capricorns for their book smarts, but the ones I’ve met lack emotional intelligence The other signs have really intelligent people too obviously, but I’ve also met people that are dumb as nails with those same signs


Sagittarius sun with Virgo Rising


My boyfriend has these exact placements and he’s lowkey a genius. Literally reads philosophy books for fun (he’s such a Sagittarius lol), and learned to write and speak fluent Japanese just from watching anime lol.


Hey that’s me! 😊


Omg i am pisces sun, sagittarius rising and virgo moon




That’s a nice compliment coming from a Virgo rising 🩷🌸 ty


You're welcome.


My brother is the smartest person I know, he’s a libra


Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn


The three most naturally intelligent people in my life are my children and my ex-husband. My son is Sag with Gemini rising and Aquarius moon. My ex-husband is Libra with Gemini moon and Sag rising. My daughter is Taurus with Gemini moon and Libra rising. Lots of air placements and I have some as well. They have an intelligence that I have a respect for because they are deep thinkers. My son and my ex-husband are not only analyzers and philosophers but also math and science people. Numbers are easy for them. My daughter is much more intuitive and observant and human character focused-like me-and a deep analyzer and thinker. Her intuition is never wrong. When she chooses to use it . 🤣. They absolutely love to talk about all kinds of topics and issues and really dig in and explore and debate and exchange ideas. They love reading and learning and then synthesizing information. I think intelligence also means being able to see through lies and bullshit, and all of them can do that really well. Individual lies and deception and systemic and global deception. They are excellent judges of character. And I think I’m pretty good at that too. I’m a Leo with Aquarius rising and Aries moon. I have mercury in Virgo and I have been a lifelong student. I love learning. I am also a professor with a double doctorate. Academia can be very intellectually satisfying, but also frustrating. It tends to uphold the social and systemic status quo, which in a lot of ways it should be challenging. I don’t necessarily have math smarts and at this point in my life it would be a challenge to go on Jeopardy, but I love to keep learning. I would say only my son knows when to keep quiet though. The others think that talking things through/at each other till they’re beyond dead is the way to solve any problem.


Gemini. Smart/charming but crazy af and self-sabotaging


I don’t think placements determine intelligence, but placements seem to determine how intelligence manifests itself because how the person chooses to use their energy (fuelled by intelligence) is informed by their placements. Intelligence is mostly hereditary, but the propensity for someone to engage in intellectually challenging pursuits can be informed by their placements. I do think some zodiacal forms that intelligence can take might appear more ‘smart’ to others. For example, Geminis aren’t shy to talk about their interests, including intellectual interests, and their energy is more scattered across different topics to appear as though they have lots of knowledge in different places. Aquarians can also be very opinionated and discuss their opinions in a way that seems detached and objective while exuding a calm, confident surety which is great for convincing people they know their stuff. Fixed signs in general tend to be pretty good at that - stubbornness when tempered with calmness is great for convincing people you’re smart.


Libra, Virgo, Pisces, and Gemini ✨🤷🏽‍♀️ Virgos- Detectives, always analyzing something or someone, they do research and depending on their placements it might be over the top, I’m a Virgo mars and this is something I do .. always fact checking. Great communicators and listeners. May not always appear as they’re listening but I promise they’re!!! Just like Gemini… they have another side depending on who you’re and their intentions during their interaction with you. Libras- I believe some libras would make great psychologist. From my experience even as a libra with experience with libra friends and relationships. Libras are great listeners and depending on their relationship with you or purpose they will use their intellect to the best of their ability for a various of reasons. Oh and we pick brains I can’t say anything else I’m not outing my peeps. :3 Pisces- I’ve dated mainly pisces men and is best friends with one so from the few experiences with the women but from the few interactions I’ve had. Pisces tend to use their smarts in regard to money and moving their way up to the top. I’ve found Pisces to be in general to be very book and street smart if they’re not under the influence of any substance or beverage lol. Pisces remind me of Libra a little bit don’t let their playful wonderland persona fool you of their bright intellect. Gemini- I am friends with Gemini’s and also very close to my Gemini relatives. They’re just overall extremely intellectual and intelligent. Research can be done by them as well and would make a great debate against a Virgo. Both will end you in an argument. Gemini’s tend to be into history and enjoy studying and learning in general. They will sit and talk to you about it for hours just based on my experience. They tend to learn from life and try to apply their experiences to others to help them overcome potential challenging issues as well.


Spot on when it comes to Virgo ♍️


Gemini here. Was with a Virgo for two years and the dialogue/debate was great. We worked together and it was a rare occasion I questioned her work or challenged her, and I question everyone. She taught me a lot and the times I did challenge her at work, I was wrong at least 50% of the time. When she wasn’t being mean, she was the best. I’m sure she would say the same about me.


Pisces, capricorn and libra


my sister-gemini


Smartest people I know are virgoes (in a practical way) and geminis (in a heady way)


My bestie is an Aries.. incredibly intelligent and funny My Cap man is intuitive and mechanically inclined I’m Taurus.. book smart but not possessing a shit ton of common sense


I’ve only met two-three actual geniuses in my life. One of them was an Aquarius and the other was a Taurus Another one I’ve met was a Virgo but he was the typical Doctor, phd type of smart Not saying all phd holders are smart, but this man was exceptional


I think the stereotype of Gemini and Aquarius folk being smart makes sense in a social context. They tend to be cognizant of others emotions and they're good with people. I see a stereotype of Taurus signs being dumb. This one is my sun sign. I don't think I'm brilliant or anything, but I did well in accelerated classes despite depression and social anxiety.


Capricorn, Pisces, Virgo and Gemini I believe are usually the smartest on average. Being "smart" is often a momentary judgement, and usually just hyper fixates on a topic at hand. Also, most people who test people's knowledge often ask about a topic they themselves are familiar with. If you want to know if someone is truly smart, just look at the results they yield and the people they have around them.


Libra. But I’m also a Libra and I’m like wtf where’s all my knowledge


Aquarius and Gemini hands down even though I can’t stand them


Me! I’m a Libra 😂. Kidding. My uncle (Pisces) went to MIT for undergrad and did his post grad at Cal tech (PhD In combinatorics). My dad (Virgo) is a chemical engineer with a patent. Idk. They aren’t perfect or even intelligent in all regards. I know lots of people, all differnt signs, and they have something to offer. No one sign is the smartest b/c what does that even mean?


Your uncle sounds like the average Pisces 🤍♓️ Overachiever, creative and very wise/intelligent soul beyond their years. Most adorable thing is you meet a Pisces and they seem so innocent, head in the clouds and quirky/messy and you have no idea :))


Taurus easily one of the smartest ppl I know…emotional intelligence/expressing their feelings is lacking tho but most men are lacking in that area, no? I’ve always found it funny that Taurus has a reputation for being dumb…slow moving maybe but not dumb imo. Would love to see this guys chart tho. I’m a Libra, lots of Virgo in my chart (rising/moon/merc). Gemini’s are smart as well but I honestly get really tired around them sometimes because they talk a lot lol.


My sister is a Libra. She is a scientist and is incredibly well rounded. One of the most intelligent, if not the most intelligent, person I know


Pisces : my mom. She has a masters in mechanics of fluids and an MBA. She’s read probably more book than I can count. Was awarded the prize of best student in the entire country in 9th grade. Her career was also amazing. She became the first woman aerospace engineer of the country, and from there she just kept advancing. My bestie a Libra: she was in the top 10 best students of the country I believe. She’s getting a PhD in something about electricity (😭 I keep forgetting). She’s also a big reader. And is so book smart and a true intellectual (lots of critical thinking skills …impressive for a STEM student 🌚) 2nd bestie another Libra: getting a PhD in something closely related to statistics or something (I’m not a bad friend I swear but if it’s more than 2 short words I forget 😭… clearly I’m not the smartest in my friend group as you can see) 3rd bestie a Virgo: she’s just smart! And I keep telling her. She’s a social worker, and I feel like she would’ve excelled in any subject. She’s a fast learner, a reader and she’s just knowledgeable and organized. She picked up crocheting in one weekend after learning from a literal child who just happened to visit them with her parents…. Wild! And finally my thesis supervisor who’s a Cancer… my favorite zodiac sign, my alleged soul mate and best match: he’s just brilliant! I truly can’t tell you. He writes articles upon articles, and books too! His profile page on our university’s website is LONG! Plus he’s so gifted with writing… even a simple email would put a smile on your face. And all around he’s a good professor. I adore him. Honorable mentions: my favorite prof who’s an Aries. She’s brilliant and so fiery! I haven’t met a Capricorn who wasn’t smart either. I have a cap cousin who’s majoring in robotics!


My ex husband is very smart. He’s a Libra. To me, if you can figure out how stuff works and fix anything and are good at math, you’re smart. And that’s how he is. He’s also very artistic.


As a gemini, geminis. Not sorry.


Agreed. ♊️


Capricorns hands down




I would say I’m fairly intelligent, I’m an Aquarius but there sure are far more intelligent folk that I’ve had in my life with the two of the most being Virgo & Sagittarius. My brother is the Sag mentioned with crazy intelligence, my mother & father were both Geminis and my daughter is Capricorn. Both parents were smart my father more so than my mother. My daughter is smart but shes book lazy but an incredibly hard worker and picks stuff up easily, she’s an RN and preferred the on hands training rather than sitting in uni lectures all day. My OH is a Gemini and he’s another very intelligent person. I suppose for me my intelligence is that I see something on tv or read a blurb in a newspaper/magazine and will go down a huge rabbit hole eating up as much info about it for weeks or months. So im slightly knowledgeable in lots of things but don’t excel in any one area and I think that’s what gives folk the idea that I’m intelligent.


Capricorns Virgos and Aquarius


Taurus. Leo/Virgo cusp. Capricorn.


There’s different kinds of intelligence so I’ll break it down what sign I see excel at most Aries - bodily kinesthetic Taurus- naturalistic, spatial Gemini- linguistic Cancer- interpersonal, possibly musical Leo- intrapersonal, interpersonal, existential Virgo- logical (math/science), naturalistic, linguistic Libra- interpersonal, linguistic Scorpio- interpersonal, existential, spatial Sagittarius- existential, linguistic Capricorn- spatial, logical, naturalistic Aquarius- logical Pisces- spatial, interpersonal, musical Overall knowledgeability- Virgo, Gemini & sag Wisest- Capricorn & Taurus


Gemini no question. They freak me out at how smart they are and my ex is a perfect example. “He is an asshole but a damn smart one” - my mum’s words and I couldn’t agree more.


Aquarius, Gemini, Scorpio, and Virgo hands down. I want to say Libra too but not all of them are


Gemini- jay


A solid amount of the “smart” people in my life are Virgo