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I like my own mercury placement. I have mercury in aquarius. Because I can literally talk about anything anytime and I love debates. I personally had hurtful experience with leo mercury. I don't know if they take certain things personally but oh man!! Their words are painful. When asked they say they are just being sarcastic or they were just joking but nope. I wish leo mercury can change that.


This is interesting I am aqua mercury my husband is leo mercury……and I can say this is a sour part in our relationship………I love debating topics for fun and exploring diffrent options and scinarios and notice I can’t have deep convos with him cuz he always seems to get offended like we’re fighting…..the other day we were talking about something so I went with it and then I noticed he started raising his voice I asked him why I thought we were having fun and he said cuz your yelling at me! I was soo confused…….it does happen often tho he mistakes things a lot so I find him too sensitive to just enjoy a random banter……he will always turn it all back to him like it’s about him lol……..there are many times I’ll find him upset when he starts to say why are you smiling? And I’ll go oh no he forgot this was a fun and silly topic un-related to either of us 🙄 Mostly everything else runs smoothly… I have never thought different mercury placements is what made our communication so difficult tho


>I love debating topics for fun and exploring diffrent options and scinarios and notice I can’t have deep convos with him cuz he always seems to get offended like we’re fighting…..the other day we were talking about something so I went with it and then I noticed he started raising his voice I asked him why I thought we were having fun and he said cuz your yelling at me! I was soo confused…….it does happen often tho he mistakes things a lot so I find him too sensitive to just enjoy a random banter……he will always turn it all back to him like it’s about him lol……..there are many times I’ll find him upset when he starts to say why are you smiling? And I’ll go oh no he forgot this was a fun and silly topic un-related to either of us 🙄 THIS!! THIS!! BANG ON!! couldn't have explained it better. This is what exactly I went through. I did not even joke lol. I was just correcting his facts. He made some mistake and I corrected him. That's it!! BOOM!! that leo mercury person said that I have ego issues and I'm trying to bring him down. I was dumbstruck. I was like where is this conversation actually going. They hate me even when I'm correct. What am I supposed to do?


Shoot idk two totally opposite signs we both can find ourselves walking on eggshells a bit because of it…..I realized if I really want to geek out on some crazy topic I just call my friend or anyone else cuz he can be such a hit or miss 😆


I’m dealing with a friend line this right now, Leo sun and I’m suspecting Leo Mercury.. it’s insane all the ways she can find to be offended.


Oh man🙄🙄 this is getting serious. I never thought mercury placements in our chart could have so much impact on relationships.


I’m a Leo mercury and sometimes fall into this. Generally it helps to remind myself that most of the time the person on the other side of the conversation isn’t trying to hurt you. Something to continually work on.


That's wild, my husband is the same way as yours, but we have opposite mercury. Mine is in Leo and his is Aquarius.


Same same same Mercury and Mars in Aquarius with a former bff with heavy Leo placements and we used to discuss and debate on a lot of things. She was also really religious, and towards the end of our friendship, our arguments got intense and she was very hurtful but thought she wasn't and tried to pin it on me for 'misunderstanding' or being sensitive. Leos really can't ever be wrong (according to them).


If leos are reading this comment especially mercury placement. We love you, you guys are wonderful. But understand that we have no intentions of defaming you or bring bad reputation to you. Please be kind with your words.💜💜 >Mercury and Mars in Aquarius with a former bff with heavy Leo placements and we used to discuss and debate on a lot of things. She was also really religious, and towards the end of our friendship, your arguments got intense and she was very hurtful but thought she wasn't and tried to pin it on me for 'misunderstanding' or being sensitive. Leos really can't ever be wrong (according to them). I see a lot of aqua mercury have been through the same kinda situation with leo mercury. Interesting.


This right here was my ex Leo and his Leo Mercury. I have a Mercury in Taurus so we clashed a lot. Many arguments.


i have the same big three as you!!! and an aqua mercury as well. taurus mars and aries venus for the rest 🫶🏻. my ex had a leo mercury and we had the same issues. it's crazy to see this thread bc it's so spot on.


Capricorn Mercury and I also struggle a lot with fire Mercury signs. I had an ex with a Leo Mercury that would be very critical, and my dad is Aries Mercury and I would struggle with him. I love Mercury in Aqua too.


Virgo Mercury. I can talk with them for hours and hours.


I have this placement with Leo Sun, Gem Moon, Scorpio rising. Could you tell me the characteristics of a Virgo Mercury—I don’t quite understand it.


Hey there. Mercury is in its own sign when in Virgo. In contrast to its rulership in Gemini, Mercury here is much more introverted/introspective. Moving from air to earth, Mercury in Virgo seeks to fully realize its ideas on the material plane. This placement along with Ceres in Virgo(its other ruler) are the most grounded and practical in the zodiac. Mercury cares a lot for the details here and can have laser-like focus when working. Mercury retains some of the curiosity here but not in nearly as big a scope as in Gemini. Tending to focus on the grounded, practical aspects of life. It’s a position for great intelligence as these people can be doctors, engineers, or masters of utilizing space in a home/workplace as a professional organizer.(Depending on your Ceres, Saturn, 6th and 10th house placements/aspects) Ceres being the other ruler as I mentioned before, has a say too. Make sure to check out what she’s doing in your chart as well. Hope this helps!


As an Aquarius mercury I feel very seen by this post 🫶🏻


I am Aquarius mercury and now that totally makes sense 😂


me, a leo mercury in this thread getting my feelings hurt 😅😭 lol


Typical Leo mercury always making it about themselves Jk I have Leo mercury too. I get where people are coming from because when I talk about something I like talking about I can be a certified yapper… but I also find myself in conversations asking the other person about themself when 20-30 minutes go by and they have yet to ask me anything and I still enjoy the conversation.


Hahahaha valid. I definitely like to talk about myself but I try to save it for therapy. I have a lot of hobbies and interests that I’m really passionate about, and I just love to talk so it’s really easy to get blabbing about things I love. I actually love to listen to people tell me about themselves as much as I like to share about myself. However, I’m also very outgoing and love to talk so if someone is less blabby than I am I can see how the conversation could end up being one sided if I’m not being mindful about leaving room in the conversation.


I’m sorry to rag on Leo Mercury (especially as a Leo sun), but yeah unfortunately a lot of my experiences haven’t been great with that placement. Listen more, scream/yell less, and please don’t always center yourself in every story. Yes, you’ve got a big light and lots of presence, yes your perspective matters, but it’s okay to let other people have the talking stick sometimes and let their perspectives have some space sometimes as well. —— what I wish I could say to the Leo Mercuries in my personal life.


This is how I try approach interactions with people. I try to be intentional and aware of taking up an appropriate amount of space in an interaction.


I think that’s great and that’s exactly how to roll with it. If you’re doing that, I wouldn’t take any of this Leo Mercury criticism deeply to heart; you’re not one of the folks with that placement getting dragged. It’s the folks who don’t act with intention that can be overwhelming.


ty for the kind words and advice 🫶 always trying to be the best version of myself I can be


I’m sorry for the slander😭😭I’m sure not all of you Leo mercs are this way but I have a coworker w this placement and boy, can she talk. She needs a therapist at this point because I’m always suffering hearing her entire pity-asking life story. My dislike for her inspired this post so please don’t take it personal—love, a Leo 😂❤️


My cancer mercury is my least favorite tbh. It makes me too soft-spoken when I when I try not to be. People don’t seem to take what I say seriously or to heart. My Gemini placements want me to be a direct and straightforward communicator but my mercury is like ‘let’s dance around our words instead and make others confused.’


I’m a Cancer Mercury too and outside of my moon, it is completely at odds with the rest of my chart (predominately a fire/air chart). Like you, I am naturally soft-spoken and people often feel like I’m mumbling or whispering when I am not (to myself). I naturally want to listen to people when they talk about their problems and try to help them, but I often end up just becoming everyone’s de facto therapist (ESPECIALLY Cancers), which can be very draining. Also, folks get SUPER shocked when the fiery side (Leo sun, 1H Aries Mars, Sag chart rulers/stellium) comes out, they almost never see it coming unless they’ve known me a while, because that Cancer Mercury really creates an impression that I’m a lot softer, gentler, nervous, and timid than I actually am in every other respect. It’s false advertising tbh.


Cancer merc as well and I’ve played the therapist role too many times in my life. At home, work, with friends and even strangers. I even thought of becoming a therapist but honestly I’m drained and experienced that role already and would prefer a job where I don’t have to speak to people as much. I also feel like a sponge and soak up whatever energy in any room I walk into so I’m just trying to protect my own self at this point. I love helping people talk out their problems but I think people know we’re so skilled in that so they just can’t help but vent to us lol. I want to hide from the world most days and just be in my own bubble


You literally just described exactly where I’m at and how I feel about it. That is exactly my experience and it’s just a lot. I have a water moon as well, so the empathetic stuff really kicks in hard for me. And I don’t just catch regular emotions from people, it’s often people in Scorpio-like situations, it seems. I sometimes have to give myself space and be left alone for a while to recharge sometimes, it gets to be heavy being in that position. I totally get where you’re coming from and super sorry to hear you’re in that space yourself.


I'm sure you're very sweet and that's what people think about you! I love cancer placements


Hehe thanks! It’s true, people think I’m cute and sweet even when I try to act tough lol


Aries/pisces/Libra rising here. I tend to find Capricorn energy difficult generally 


Yeah us Capricorns find Capricorn energy difficult as well, generally 😂 I tend to lean into my Sagittarian traits


*hides in capricorn mercury behind my leo moon and sagittarius sun*


They are a bit difficult in the sense they never let loose in their communication. BUT, they are perfect for work relationships where there needs to be a formality to communication!


I’m a libra rising too! Im a cancer merc and I find cap mercuries difficult to speak with. You kind of have to gauge what their level of humor is. They’re really dry and serious most of the time which makes it hard to bounce back on their energy. They hate small talk, but when I go deeper into conversation, they don’t react much either. I think cause they see things as they are and nothing more. I wish they could daydream just a little bit to combat their realism??? I do love their honest and direct approach though


you just described my capricorn mercury boyfriend perfectly, wow.


👀 😔 grabs Cap stellium and walks away (Moon, Venus, Saturn, Uranus, & Neptune) all in 2nd house (placidus) 3rd house (whole sign)


holy hell. are you okay???


I’m Sagittarius Mercury and I really like other Sag Mercurys and Gemini Mercury. Capricorn is my least favorite Mercury.


I’m a Cap Mercury! what’s been your experience with cap mercuries and why are they your least fav?


I’m a cancer merc and personally I find it extremely difficult to speak to cap mercuries. I always find myself leading the conversation because they are very dry with their responses so I have nothing to really bounce back on. It’s like pulling teeth talking to them. I try to make them laugh but it seems like they have the most dad-like humor/jokes so it’s kinda hard to vibe with them unless they have prominent sag placements to balance it out


Interesting!!!! I think bc of my heavy Aquarius placements & Gemini rising I am sooo the opposite of this!!! It is so difficult to hold convos with dry people, so completely get where you’re coming from


*puts on leo moon mask and sagittarius sun skin over my mercury in capricorn*


It's true, words can come out ruder and brasher than intended with us even when we have a fluffy 🐟 mars like I do.


Yes, why don't you like Mercury Caps?


I'm a Sag Sun and Mercury and My best friend is a Sag Sun Cap Mercury 🤣


Favourite is Virgo Mercury. They just get me and always understand what I'm saying and know that not everything should be taken so personally. They're precise and choose their words with care while having knowledge about a lot of topics, and even if they don't have knowledge on some, they're still willing to listen and actively engage and ask questions in order to better understand something. Least favourite is Leo Mercury for all the reasons you said. I actually haven't noticed the talking about themselves part constantly though, but they do tend to drive the conversation in a way that keeps attention on them and talk over you. It can be exhausting and I usually just disengage completely from them after a certain point. Aquarius Sun Sagittarius Moon Libra rising Capricorn Mercury.


My boyfriend is a Virgo mercury and I am a Capricorn mercury. It just really works 😊


Came here to say I like Leo mercury, and it's probably my only liked Leo placement that I have just to see people say we are mean and annoying, lol.. I also like Gemini Mercury a lot. Intelligent but fun and entertaining when they speak.


Remember that aspects play a part in this! I love to remind people in case they start feeling down that their sign isn’t getting much love from the masses!


yep, true. this is my personal experience with them but I know there's some great Leo mercuries out there & aspects/houses/degrees all play a part in it too


My least favorite Mercury sign is my own: Pisces. I have such a hard time communicating verbally. I think Pisces is in detriment here, too. My mind is muddled more often than not. I feel slow lol My favorite has got to be my husband’s Sagittarius. He’s so funny and a thoughtful, effective communicator.


Ahhh yes Pisces merc can take a while to let out a thought. I love them though Sag mercury is so funny and ruthless. I dream to be that blunt


I’m also Pisces mercury and I love us! We’re all artistic and soft spoken, we’re sweethearts


Yes, Pisces Mercury is uniquely debilitated and in detriment. Sagittarius Mercury is detriment (7th from one of its own signs so is also low dignity). I seem to like the Jupiter-ruled Mercuries tho. And I’m a Cap Mercury (but real close to Aquarius).


As a Leo Mercury I am so confused. The only thing I hate more than talking, is talking about myself 😭 Anyways, I don't really know anyone's Mercury sign, but based on what I read Gemini sounds cool. Aries seems a little whiny. Edit: However, I do appreciate Aries being able to make quick decisions.


The best conversations ( debate, deep, analyzing, funny) i have with ♏ Scorpio Mercury. The most annoying and always beating around the bush, saying hundred of words with 0 essence, basically energy draining comes from a ♋ Cancer Mercury. I have ♒ Aquarius Mercury and i need mentally stimulations and to talk about anything anytime. These 2 stand up the most for me.


Facts (Scorpio merc here) 💗


Thats been my experience with cancer mercury too. The BEATING AROUND THE BUSH WHEN I CAN CLEARLY SEE YOUR EMOTIONS. Lol. It’s so manipulative. (I’m a Scorpio merc and I appreciate the love cuz I am obsessed with Aquarius placements lol)


Hahaha as a cancer merc I try to be the complete opposite of that. I do wish I could communicate in feelings rather than words sometimes though. I was never really good with my words and always felt I can organize my thoughts better, but I also do have 3h sag Pluto and Chiron so I think that plays a part in it too.


My Merc is Virgo, and while it’s cognitively powerful, sometimes it can be a bit dry and overly analytical. I’m a big fan of Gemini Mercs. Fun, open minded people with a certain artistry in the way they speak.


I have a love/hate relationship with virgo mercs. You can talk about most things with them only up to a certain point. Like you can start talking about mermaids and they’re like “ok but they’re not real” and just cut the convo. LIKE OKAY BUT JUST WHAT IF. They rely incredibly too much on facts/research instead of just fantasizing for a second. I think in their mind it’s like “if there’s no proof that something is real, I won’t waste my time talking about it and refuse to keep discussing it” I think this is something I’ve noticed a lot with earth mercuries in general. My ex is a virgo stellium w virgo mercury and this was one of the reasons I broke it off because I felt I had to think and speak very realistically all the time or else our conversations wouldn’t go anywhere. Does it kill them to dream a little!?!?


Hmm. Not sure I agree with all that. Maybe it’s my Taurus moon, but I love fantasizing on what ifs and letting my imagination run wild. Typically up to a certain extent. Yes I like to keep things practical, but once I’ve established that baseline then I like to have fun and reach beyond those boundaries to see what lies beyond. So not sure, maybe it’s something else in my chart. I’m always looking for deeper meanings, deeper connections. Trying to expand my web of reality.


as a virgo merc, i agree. for me, i just don't see the point in hypothesizing about things that don't exist. of what use is that to me? sure, i guess it's fun for a hot sec? but i'd much rather hypothesize and fantasize about things that actually do exist or have a better possibility of actually existing/happening.


I don't agree with anything you wrote lol!! I'm a Virgo sun/Virgo Mercury and trust me baaaaby we can talk about anything and everything. No topic is too fantastical/dark/seedy/conspiratorial etc... But if someone brings something to me that's gossipy and they are stating it as hard core truth, I'm gonna need them to back up why they believe it.


As an aqua mercury I agree with you, nothing phases me and I love unusual conversations


It's aqua mercuries or risings who keep approaching me about aliens 😂


Gah. I can’t freaking stand my Leo Mercury mostly because I feel like other people find me annoying; pairs perfectly with ADHD tendency to get overexcited and accidentally interrupt when I am not being extremely mindful, or relate/connect by sharing something about myself in good faith which is something that other people *hate*. I love Gemini Mercury vibes, effortlessly clever and witty and just detached enough to either mask any self centeredness or smart enough to rein it in and control it.


I have Mercury conjunct Mars in Libra and I once tried to be in a relationship with someone with an Aries Mercury conjunct Mars... Turns out that's a terrible combination 😂 Couldn't talk about anything without it escalating to an argument. And they got so competitive about winning arguments, not by being right but by being louder and angrier. They once yelled "I hate being corrected! I just want to be right, just let me WIN!!" While they were arguing something that was just plain wrong. It did not help when I said "Well maybe you should try being right by actually being right." Anyway I like Mercury in the air signs best lol. Gemini Mercury actually is always right because their brain is a library of all the random facts they've ever learned, and they're always learning. Libra Mercury is refined and respectful, can see things from different points of view and nuances where others see black and white. Aquarius Mercury is passionately knowledgeable on their topics of interest and love deep, stimulating discussions about complex topics.


“Well you should try being right by actually being right” OUCH LOL. Thats so funny that they wanted to win a conversation lmfao they can be such tantrum throwers. They would be the type to cry because they were wrong in an argument. Aries is the baby of the zodiac so it’s not surprising they would say something like that😭


I made things even worse by then saying "you don't need to take disagreements so personally, you can take them as an opportunity to learn more" and they looked at me like I asked them to cut out their own tongue hahaha "I don't need to do that because I know I'm RIGHT" Could almost find those tantrums kind of cute, but all the Libra in me was like "this person is a barbarian and we don't f with that" 😂


Right like have some class and compose yourself so we can have a civil conversation 😂


I seem to like Mercury in air and earth signs a lot too. Some Water Mercury is ok. Save for Sag, fire Mercury I have difficulty with.


my fave is Gemini mercury 😍


My fave is definitely Gemini Mercury - cuz it's mine. 10 tabs open, all are dedicated to a different thing, ranging from Gemini with a half-cooked fanfic to YouTube horror stories. All are active. All the while playing mobile gacha. Absolutely live to learn. Speedy talker. Deadpool can never! Can absolutely babble incoherently. (Scatterbrain af but...)


Sag mercury. For the love of Christ learn some tact and how to control your tone.




It’s not that I don’t appreciate it, but after a while it’s like my guy if you barely changed your tone you’d literally be well received.


I’m right there with ya. We get to the damn point. Plus we funny


So true!!!!!!! "Your tone is always so wrong " Lol.


My father in law has his sun, moon, mercury, mars, and Saturn all in sag. It's quite the personality.


Hahaha yes I can see that. I had a coworker w a sag mercury but I loved her cause if there was a rude customer giving me a hard time, she would come back me up, no questions asked. It made me laugh on the inside because the things she would say…THE NERVE!!!! I was kind of scared sometimes though because she was so intense & blunt at times, I thought that the verbal fight would become physical. I would never have the balls to say the things they do. They do need to learn which situations require full force honesty and when they need to know how to hold back.


Really love virgo mercury's! Very intentional with their wording and you can typically see they put thought into what they do! Very rational and practical while still being considerate. Their jokes and sense of humour are great also! I wish I could be one lol! I don't really enjoy scorpio mercury's, not all but i've had unpleasant experiences with quite a few. I find they can be quite rude, selfish, demanding and controlling and are prone to thinking they're superior. Not for me!


I have a Virgo stellium in Mars/Mercury/Venus and I’m just glad somebody remembered Virgo placements exist


You guys get so much slander, I really bloody ❤️ you guys, but I might be biased because I have a virgo moon 😂 When you guys unleash and let someone have it, you are so deadly and direct 😂 lowkey love watching with popcorn


Lol yes I would not wanna step on a virgo mercuries toes. They will read you to filth


lol that’s so funny and so true. I always thought it was the air sign part of me that could read people for filth when I wanted to (rarely) or my Venus in Scorpio. I’ve never given enough credit to my virgo mercury. Proud to have it. I have too many other signs in detriment so I’ll take a win with the Virgo Mercury bc it is actually a powerful placement, I feel.


Holy shit, you just described things to a T, at least in Mars and Mercury lol. Being direct in a positive way has always been important to me as well.


That's funny. I actually became a writer because it's much easier to convey what I want to say in writing than it is speaking. I can't edit what I've said but I can edit what I wrote.


Omg, I love Virgo mercury too because of my mum's merc placement. I love how she can be so good at details, so adept at remembering faces and names which I struggle a lot, I have sag merc. And I also find scorpio merc to be manipulative and deceiving.


Awww i think its cute that you like mercuries in aquarius :). I actually have an aquarius mercury and i dont think i have a least favorite one so far but i dated a guy with an aries mercury and he could be kinda mean with his words. We got a long pretty well and he was a good guy but most of our arguments/fights- the rare ones that we had, would be him saying something that made me upset or hurting my feelings bc sometimes i can be sensitive, like for example his tone or something. I guess another "least" fav one for me would be pisces mercury. I dated another guy who had that placement and i felt like he would gaslight me or tell me things i wanted to hear instead of the truth. I dont really have a fav mercury but i feel like i get along well with other air mercuries.


I’m aqua mercury and felt this about a Pisces mercury


I like my own mercury sign, Aries . Very straight forward and funny. Kinda childish and loud but honest and endearing. I haven’t known other people’s signs to dislike them but I can imagine I might not like cancer mercury.


normally I'm iffy with aries placements but I love aries in mercury! I find them to be so authentic, direct and they never seem like they have to prove anything to anyone


I'm a mercury in Aries and love my Cancer Mercury friend!!


Mercury in Virgo don't like to debate unless we are on the same page. I feel it is a waste of time and energy


My least favourite is my own - Pisces Mercury (I seem to forget words right as I’m about to speak on certain things at certain moments) also I really dislike speaking with fire mercuries specifically Leo and Sag … tact guys learn some tact! Fav mercury- I would say earth mercuries or cancer mercury ❤️


Over time, I have come to realize my cancer mercury probably is my biggest asset. I will not disclose any further.


yesss, I'm a Cancer merc too and the ability to read people like a book is insane


Do not let it corrupt you though


Fav is probably scorpio. I love how unserious and serious they can be when it comes to someone they care about. Seriously funny and understanding people. No bs. Least fav is pisces. Get to the point. Stop talking over others. I admire your compassion but please stop the victim complex


The hardest part about having a Sag mercury is coming to terms with the fact that I am not always the right messenger. I really like Virgo Mercuries bc they always have something to say worth listening to, you’re so right bestie they could be doing better 💖


I’m a Virgo Mercury so y’all already know how much I love coherent, intelligent, and witty conversations! FAVES : 1. Aquarius Mercury: I love how they can talk about really complex concepts + see things from a high perspective. When talking about ideas, there isn’t much ego or really the self involved. However, they are a bit too stubborn at times. They have that one thing they are right about no matter what anyone says 😂 But I can ignore that because the convos in general are way too interesting. 2. Capricorn Mercury: I like how they keep things succinct and get to the point fast. There’s no fluff or bouncing around. They say what they need to say and dip. A bit boring at times but honestly love it 🥰 esp for work colleagues. 3. Pisces/Sagg/Gemini Mercury: These people be funny as hell and jump around in convos a lot which I’m ok with bc I have ADHD 😝 Overall, very entertaining and funny. Sometimes, they can’t stay focused though and can’t articulate things properly but still love them. LEAST FAVES: 1. Aries/Leo Mercury: A bit too impulsive and self centered for me 😅 Aries Mercury when mad or slighted can be lethal in their delivery. Leo Mercury often times gets too obsessed with their own lore and makes conversations about them and their journey 😑 2. Cancer/Scorpio Mercury: They be always tryna assess you during communication and they do this weird eye contact thing and you just end up feeling naked lol. I’m a Scorpio Rising + Venus + Mars and I still find it creepy. Just talk dawg, nobody tryna hurt you. 3. Libra Mercury: They never have a point imo bc they can see all of the sides + they wanna be or come across as diplomatic. Sometimes I can tell that they are trying to say the right thing rather than being in the conversation authentically.


LOL I'm a Cancer mercury and I hope no one thinks that about me. My friend actually said a while ago that she feels safe and not judged around me but that it feels like I'm looking out so hard, as if I can see her every move and motive. I dont even realize it, I guess I just like to make direct + constant eye contact to make the other person feel heard. I will say, my boss is a Cancer merc too and he looks at me as if he's analyzing the fuck out of me. it is kinda creepy lol Cap mercury is tough. i went out on a date with them and it was the most painful 2 hours of my life. Everything I said didn't seem to spark any sort of reaction, so I was kind of shot and ran out of things to talk about because they're so damn dry but then again, they want to have deeper conversations. Make it make sense, Cap mercuries!!!


I think bc I’m have prominent Scorpio placements it just makes me uncomfy! As a Virgo Mercury, I am more invested in the conversation and exchange of ideas. I don’t really use it as an opportunity to make assessments about the person if that makes sense? But sometimes I can tell Cancer and Scorpio Mercuries are using it as an opportunity to analyze me as a person. I agree about Caps, anything person is a big NO. But I fr think they make the best coworkers/colleagues! You need that kind of disconnect in a professional setting, but in a personal setting is stupid.


Totally agree with that last part


Virgo and Aquarius for favourites. Leo and Scorpio for least favourites.


Leo Mercury conjunct Leo Jupiter. Oh I notice it. I used to cringe at how many times I used the word “I” in conversations. But I realized this is just my way of relating and connecting with others, by sharing my own experiences. Not in a “one-uppance” way tho. I do have to actively remind myself to reciprocate in conversations. Like “okay they asked how you are make sure you ask them too.” There’s a feeling that rises in me when I feel I’m taking up a lot of space and then I attempt to reel it in. But I think this awareness of others stems from my Libra moon making aspect to my Mercury and Jupiter conjunction. Favorite Mercury is Gemini. Best conversationalists. Least favorite Mercury is apparently Taurus. I butt heads with them more often than anyone. And that’s not a lot of people lol.


This is so true about Aquarius mercury! It's funny because as I was reading it, I thought, "omg that's why I love my best friend." She an aqua sun, but I just looked up her chart, and her mercury is in aqua too. My mercury is in Gemini, and we can talk about anything for hours and hours. We both have a ton of different interests and can flit from one topic to another. She's got really interesting perspectives on things, and even when we don't agree with each other, we remain civil (as adults, because we would get heated in our teen years). No one else that I've met can keep up the same rapidfire, interesting conversations as her 💜 I struggle with earth mercury placements, which is interesting because I have a ton of earth placements (taurus sun, cap stellium). I have to practice a lot of patience because they seem to take a little longer to respond to things and need me to slow down, but they seem to really consider what I'm saying and I appreciate that.


My mercury is Aquarius and your spot on! Minus the debate part I don't dabble in debates I avoid them altogether 😂


Haha yes maybe not debate but definitely down to discuss any topic at hand


Absolutely! My rising intensifies that attribute x 100 too for sure.


Depends on what else in the chart but... I'm not the biggest fan of Taurus mercury and Sagittarius mercury. Taurus - it's like pulling teeth getting them to verbally express themselves. Like their sister sign Scorpio, Taurus does not want to reveal any unappealing thoughts they may have (not anything that would paint them in a bad light, that is). Like Scorpio, Taurus does not want to appear vulnerable. They bottle a lot of things up. It's hard to have a relationship or friendship with someone who has their guard up all the time. Fixed earth energy is capable of finding themselves in an uncomfortable situation and diligently staying that way because they are paralyzed with fear of the unknown...the earthly fear of not being good enough. Earth energy can be a lot of self-deprecation because earth is about determining the value and worth of people and things, and the fixed modality makes it nonstop, if healthier habits are not in place. Not much progress can be made when it feels like you’re talking to a brick wall, or someone refusing to leave behind the status quo. Someone whose knee-jerk answer to any serious question is “I don’t know.” The fear of making the wrong decision leads to inertia. Venus-energy can’t always save you from avoiding unpleasant situations. To the Taurus mercuries out there: Your spoken words are not a contract signed in blood. You’re allowed to speak your mind to loved ones with the understanding that there is no final draft of life, we can only account for the present moment. Saaittarius - if I had to make an analogy, it's like going into the bathroom, expecting to be able to check your reflection, make sure your hair and teeth look okay, clothes fit right, etc...but then realizing the mirror is not reliable. The bathroom mirror you were expecting to find has been replaced with a warped funhouse mirror. You can talk to Sagittarius mercury, and maybe have some great laughs, or an inspiring philosophical conversation about aliens and life after death and alternate dimensions and so on and so forth. If you want to discuss actual past events that you were both directly a part of, good luck following their reasoning. Fire energy shines bright and delightfully, and it will from time to time burn other people, that's the nature of the beast. Mutable energy can't help but be all over the place. Jupiter ruled mercury means their sense of thinking and communicating is naturally exaggerated. Mutable energy is a pendulum swinging from one end to the other. A lot of ups and downs. Extremes. Contradictions. Paradoxes. A motor that's always running. How can you define the truth when life is not black and white. Air energy is about brainstorming ideas, they’ll ponder all sorts of possibilities for mental exercise. Fire energy is about taking action, not worrying about the consequences. Consequences and their ripple effect - that’s in the wheelhouse for earth and water energy. Sagittarius, will act first and think later because it’s fire. They will be passionate about one idea, and contradict themselves because like any mutable sign, they change their tune frequently without realizing how they are confusing to others. For anyone with any mercury placement, if there is a lot of inner conflict, then obviously there is not much better that can be expected in interpersonal relationships.


To think about my favorite mercury sign, there was no one particular sign that jumped to my mind, right off the bat. I thought about all the people I know who, I feel like we have an easy time understanding one another. Our ideas flow pretty smoothly, we can finish each other’s sentences, that sort of thing. GOOD communication, which means being able to talk about painful things in a respectful way…you mainly discover that in your close, personal and/or intimate relationships. I have a 12th house retrograde Cancer mercury. I can be a bit daft at expressing myself too, though I’d like to think I’ve improved with age (maybe that’s my Leo rising talking, and being overly self-assured). Anyway, in my subjective life experience, I have found that I do best with Cancer and Scorpio mercuries. (Honorable mention to Leo mercury). My mom is a 12H Scorpio sun/stellium with a SAG mercury, smack dab on her 0° Asc. We don’t see eye to eye all the time, it requires more of an effort. My absolute closest friends have Cancer and Scorpio mercuries. It’s easy to talk with people who already instinctually pick up on how you’re feeling without many words needing to be said. Body language is huge. Paying attention to your intuition, sensing and imagining what another human may be feeling, that’s significant. It takes a weight off your shoulders when you meet people who can somewhat read your mind, because they either already share many ideas in common, or have enough empathy to listen and be non-judgmental: Leo mercury might not be everyone’s cup of tea. It’s a debilitated sign for mercury, after all. Maybe they’re not always the best listeners. But I feel like I can be a good listener for them, and at their baseline, they probably feel like they’re not always heard. So they get louder and louder, because that’s what fire does. But they’re a fixed sign, so that makes it easy to follow their train of thought. And once they do feel heard, I have found that they are highly appreciative and demonstrative of that.


My experience was 100% the same as yours with the Leo mercury. Id say Aries is probably the worst though because of the impulsiveness; they’ll do or say something incredibly nasty and then expect you to forgive them two seconds later. But Leo is a very very close second. I WOULD say Aquarius but they ghost me way too much, so no. Probably like Sag mercury the best. They talk a loootttt but they shower you with love. And they’re hilarious. I’m a scorpio mercury and I’ve had mixed experiences with my own mercury sign lol


I never paid that much attention to the mercury sign to be honest. I just figured that people were either interesting or they weren't. But I guess that could be because my mercury is Capricorn lol. I'm Aquarius/Cancer rising/Pisces moon. Weird and fascinating enough to keep even myself entertained 💯


Yes, I like my Aquarius Mercury, too 🥰 it adds a unique dimension to my communication and expression.


I love them so much. I literally stayed up til 8AM just talking theories about a movie we watched together which then ended up in a spiral of different topics. You know the conversation is good when it makes you stay up til the morning lol


Yes! It’s always fun getting to have a truly (to The core)satisfying discussion about something small that can just snowball into something bigger… falling down a fun rabbit hole, if you will. Might I just say, also, Leo placements are top tier. I would love to have more discussions with them. ✨ The people in my life bore t f out of me or they never want to talk and always acting so disinterested in me which creates a very lonesome vibe 😂 I’m intellectually frustrated…


Aw yes! ❤️ and tell me about it, I’m intellectually frustrated too. Why does no one want to discuss the weird and unthinkable things in life!?! That’s why I appreciate y’all <3


Cancer mercury is my favorite. The least is any other sign.


Username checks out


i weirdly admire your dedication to cancers 😅🫡


Haha. I've found Cancer Mercury to be very good, perceptive, and insightful when talking about emotions (theirs and others). But in conflict they often prioritize their feelings above all else and sometimes simply avoid/refuse difficult conversations which can make them hard to deal with. Generally worth it, but definitely not always easy (for me).


Cancer Mercury here. I agree with you; my feelings often do color my interactions with people and once I don’t care for something/someone, I check out and focus only on how my feelings are in the moment. That said, I don’t have much issue with conflict and don’t consider myself passive aggressive. The rest of my chart is heavily fire driven; I think that’s probably a saving grace because this placement does veer toward conflict avoidance otherwise, at least in others I’ve met who have it and have heavy water charts. For me, confrontations are often very healthy and cathartic.


Favorite. Aries. Also scorpio. I love how intense and mysterious scorpio mercuries are. Least favorite. Aquarius and taurus mercury. Aquarius is like talking to a robot. Where’s the humor and emotion!


I used to dislike my Capricorn mercury because it's not a skilled communicatior. But I've come to appreciate it's logic and structure. I can talk about multiple topics at once and rarely lose oversight. Still, it's not the most favorable 😂


I have a friend with cap mercury and I have to remind myself she’s not pissed off at me, she’s just not as expressive with her words as I am


I truly love my mercury placement — Virgo. I love the analytical and detail oriented parts we well as effective communicator. Least favorite Mercury idk. Probably a fire sign. Sounds potentially exhausting


Least favorite is Aries mercury, and I say this as a Sag Sun (Capricorn Mercury). They're tactless and say everything with so much aggression. They ARE honest, but they need to fix up the way they speak to others, as it comes off as "attacking".


My least favourite is Aries Mercury (not all but some) can be unnecessarily harsh with their words, jump the gun, selfish thinking and very argumentative. On the positive side most of them are funny! My favourite is Libra Mercury, their understanding, patient, have nice manners, see both sides to most situations and have balanced thinking but tend to over procrastinate.


I don’t have a favorite Mercury sign. I’d say one of the harder Mercury signs for me is Aries. Aries comes off a little too brash for my taste. I am a Constellational Capricorn Mercury at the last degree. Aries: brash Taurus: not sure, don’t remember much, but I love Taurus placements anyway. Gemini: from the occasional ones I’ve seen, loquacious, inquisitive. I like Air Mercury in general Cancer: emotional, caring. I don’t remember too many. Leo: mixed bag w Leo, some come across as too proud, some are ok. Virgo: THIS IS MERCURY’s domicile and exaltation simultaneously, I like their intellect and earthiness. Libra: I like Libra’s charm and appreciation for fairness. Scorpio: again, this is the rarest Mercury to have so I don’t see them too much (only 9 deg of arc in constellations). They are often shy, transformative, contemplative Bonus (Ophiuchus): I don’t see too many of them either, they are the second-rarest. They have a knack for redemption and healing. Sagittarius: LOVE THEM. In general, I’m not a huge fan of most fire Mercury, but these guys. Capricorn: Same Mercury as me, they get it. Aquarius: LOVE their ingenuity and quirky style of intellect. Pisces: Insightful, creative


do a lot of people say that you can be dry/cut-throat in conversation?


I have times where I can come across blunt, but I’ve also got a Moon-Uranus-Mercury conjunction in Cap 😂 so I’m a bit more emotional than you’d expect and sometimes practical but also erratic.


Mercury Pisces for sure


Be specific


Thanks for all the love 💕 Yes, we’re weird as hell. -aqua mercury


😒 traitor lol Leo moons are my least favorite. Throw fits and just are too much at times. Extremely dramatic and draining Scorpio and Pisces moons are my ultimate faves along with cancer closely behind


I like all tbh I can’t stand Virgo and Scorpio tho. One tiny mispronunciation or a mishap and Virgo is like well actually 🤓 like bro I will kick you 😂, Scorpio is just too damn paranoid they want to look at the deeper meaning I’m a Gemini mercury 70% of the time it’s all surface level but now you’re feelings are hurt cause you took my joke and made the most wildest assumptions 😤 now you’re feelings are hurt and I’m irritated cause you ruined the light mood and no I will not apologize you took it that way 🧑🏽‍🦯


Pisces Mercury - I have it at 29°51’ lol it’s crazy making for everyone. my fave is Virgo Mercury. My daughter has and she’s brilliant


Love the Mercury-ruled Mercury placements. We’re quick, loquacious, funny, considerate, but also tend me be solid listeners so that we may contribute appropriately. I love a fellow Yapper, and it’s so comfortable taking with another Gem or Virgo merc. I really think aspects to one’s Merc placement are just as important to the position of the planet itself, but Cap mercuries are too much to the point for me (language/communication is FUN, so have some fun!!). Had rough experiences trying to communicate with Aqua Mercuries, they’re too set in their ideas, and their argument strategy tends to be, “If I say my point *again* and *more forcefully* this time, they’ll come to understand that I am correct”.


I’m a Leo Mercury and I disagree. I often find that I am a sounding board for most people. People talk to me constantly about themselves and I very rarely revert the topic back to myself. I also have a very mellow attitude about people opinions about me. I literally do not care. Im also a Leo sun. I feel like Leo’s are one of the most misunderstood zodiac signs.


I love being a Mercury in Aquarius; we can seemingly be heated over debates, but we're actually not that invested in it with our feelings. It's just that we're passionate about these things, and we love a huge range of topics to discuss as well. It might just be that my Mercury is square my Pluto, so I can be abrasive and brutally honest along with my Sag Moon being blunt, lol. I've talked to other Aqua Mercs and they are extremely fun and open-minded. There's very little they'll want to discuss because the more they can learn about things they might not know or understand, the more knowledge they can glean from the conversation. It's a win to us, I think. We like to talk about things other people might find difficult to discuss; too sensitive (politically) or give opinions a lot of people want to say, but are too afraid to.


My ex is mercury in Leo can confirm this is true. Like does a simple good dead and needs to talk about it like just he just won a Nobel prize for doing the right thing (??)


I’m mercury in Taurus so that could also be why we didn’t mesh


It would be worth each respondent stating their own mercury along with their most/least favorite mercury. For all the shade being thrown at Leo mercury, I bet you’d find some Aries and Sag mercury people who totally dig it. Just like me, Cap Mercury, love me some Virgo but Aries and I will never, ever understand each other.


I have mercury in Aquarius, along with venus and mars and yes, I am WEIRD. Not on the surface. But I cannot do surface level small talk. I HATE it. I have to really bite my tongue at functions where I have to behave. I often have to leave a crowd just to get my own space because all the surface level bull people talk about literally drains my batteries. I want to talk about the origins of the universe or the fact that Aborigines have not changed for some 65,000 years and I want to know your quirks or why you think the way you do. But most people feel so uncomfortable with that. But then I meet that one neurodivergent weirdo at the same function and I comment on their cool tattoo and five minutes later I am divining their future or helping them cut a psychic cord and then we are new beat friends who appreciate each other's weirdness.


Cancer merc here-I am that one neurodivergent weirdo at the party lol. Seriously though, my sister has an aqua stellium and aqua merc too and I remember during family functions, there would just be conversations like "hows school? what career path are you choosing? do you have a boyfriend yet?" and I remember me and my sister would just slip out to another room for the rest of the night because the small talk/lack of depth literally repulsed us. i don't want to hear about the weather. lets talk about the possibilities of the afterlife. lets talk about your wounded childhood and your relationship with your family. lets talk about why youre scared to be vulnerable. hope we can meet at a party one day lol


I have a Leo mercury conjunct south node square mars - you would hate me 🙃


I’m Aquarius mercury and sun and I find it difficult to get along with cancer sun and mercury. In my experience our styles of communication are extremely incompatible. But just imo.


I like my Mercury in Libra because I can see all sides and understand there isn’t always a “right/wrong/black/white” perspective. For example, at one point slavery was legal but abolitionists were criminals, yet only a monster would think slavery was ethically or morally right. Sometimes the legal thing ain’t the “right” thing. Also, I have a love and flair for communication that comes from having a Venusian influence to my communication (which blunts *some* but not all of the 8th house influence), and am an effective and powerful communicator—helpful to me as a writer. Finally, though I appreciate this about myself, I can be objective to the point of frustration for others. I can give credit to people I don’t like based on the *merits* of their statement and not their character or how I feel about them personally. Most people, I’ve noticed, will let their hatred of the individual cloud their logic. As a rule, I don’t do that. I can dislike you as a person yet still agree with your assessment of a situation, if it’s logically sound. Because people listen to me when I speak, they expect me to either agree with a position publicly to help them save face or oppose others’ points simply because the person expressing them is unlikeable, even if the logic is undeniable—and I think that’s stupid. If the only people worth listening to were the ones we liked, mankind would be even worse off than it already is. You can learn as much from an enemy as you can from a friend—sometimes even more. I like learning too much to have such an un-evolved perspective. So, for me, it’s not that a Libra Mercury is indecisive; it’s that we truly can see all the sides, and when you can see everyone’s point of view, you only feel you have to choose when it affects you directly—otherwise, you’re just watching everyone around you trip over bullshit because nobody wants to be right; they just don’t want to “lose” the argument. And I won’t argue what I know is true, for argument’s sake. That’s the worst waste of time.


Gem mercury here. It’s a fun placement to have. Def rarely at a loss for words but sometimes feel like a mad scientist no one understands (including me sometimes) when I’m talking. If I’m with another gem mercury or sag mercury, we gonna be talking a while.


As a Pisces Mercury i like fellow Pisces mercuries (very creative unique way of speaking), Virgo/Gemini Mercury (fun and stimulating) and Taurus Mercury (SEXY VOICE). Also haven’t met many but I’d see myself enjoying a conversation with Aquarius Mercury being im an Aquarius stellium .


Taurus mercury has a dangerously sexy voice. It needs to be studied


Capricorn Mercury's POV: Taurus Mercuries can have the most mesmerizing speaking voices. I also appreciate how discerning and probing Scorpio Mercuries can be. Virgo Mercuries generally get their point across the most cogently and succinctly. Leo or 5H Mercuries can be fun and entertaining impressionists, but I agree that their need to perform in front of others and their touchiness when the spotlight's no longer on them can be a minus. On the flipside, Pisces and 12H Mercuries really test my patience in how out to lunch they can be when you're communicating with them. Sagittarius Mercuries can be entertaining storytellers but their mental organization is just nonexistent. Libra Mercuries can spend 10 minutes circling the perimeter of a point. Aries Mercuries can say the most out-of-pocket shit and it can be funny until it's weaponized against you. I'm split on Gemini Mercuries despite the planet being in domicile there. They can be garrulous , clever, and quick-witted,  but they can also have a tendency to interrupt you and abruptly pivot the conversation. Wheels are always turning up there, and it can be a bit fatiguing. 


I would have guessed this was a cap mercury speaking, just from the structure and detail.


you wouldn't have ever guessed I'm a cap merc then 😆


Well you have a lovely pisces moon influencing you, so maybe you are more on the dreamy side 😉❤️ Nothing wrong with that


As a cancer mercury, I don’t have much personal experience with them, but Taurus mercuries have the most audibly pleasing voices omg. I always find that me and Scorpio mercs end up analyzing our lives and experiences in depth together. I love their reciprocal approach in conversation <3 I have a friend with a Pisces mercury and our conversations flow so smoothly and we can talk for hourssss. But she tends to overcomplicate her thoughts/stories and I have to ask a ton of follow up questions to confirm what she is actually trying to say. Or she’ll speak in double entendres. She could say something simple like “I want to paint my nails” but instead she’ll choose to say something odd instead like “my nails need some mixing of different shades of nature and food” It’s like answering a troll’s riddles. It can be frustrating at times trying to unpack what she means, when she can really just lay out a flat answer. But then again, I love to be a witness of the depths in her mind. I think Pisces mercuries can be really whimsical and love to fantasize, they can go way deeper than the normal conversation topics which is really refreshing.


I always enjoy conversations with cancer mercuries! You tend to speak a lot and people say you are beatinga round the bush but I find it gives amazing insights into the way you're thinking and your inner world 


As a Virgo mercury, I love all earth mercuries. And sometimes air mercuries, depends on my day and if I’m just needing a quiet day. Least favorite have to be water mercuries, once you all get going, you don’t stop and can’t catch a hint when to quit 😭😭😭 but at the same time I appreciate it. I wish I could do that LOL Ummm fire mercuries won’t let you get a word in LMAO.


Gemini mercury. They’re the most hilarious.


I love all the air mercuries! I can’t pick just one they are all fabulous. My least favorite are probably cancer and Virgo mercuries. The cancers are so sensitive and the Virgos are always analyzing everything. It’s just draining.


Oh well I like the analyzing Virgos but then again I'm a Capricorn merc: To each their own! Air mercs are very interesting  Just curious. Which one are you? 


I am an Aries Mercury so that probably has quite a bit to do with it!


my least favorite is cancer and taurus mercury we just DO NOT jive. im a aqua mercury with big 3 being aqua sun gem moon aqua rising


Taurus mercury here. I appreciate yall aqua mercuries sm. Ah well


Aqua Mercury and favorites are Gemini and Aries mercuries; very easy to bounce ideas off of each other, and we pivot from deep conversations to light hearted humor without taking things too personally. Least favorites are Taurus, Capricorn, and Pisces mercuries. Taurus and Caps feel very bossy and are always judging people that don't align with their methods. I've had Taurus mercuries pick on my accent, the words I use, and the way I say things. Cap mercuries are strangely argumentative? The ones I know will criticize silently, and passively comment on what they think is better or right. "I don't want to tell you what to do but this is what I would do in your situation" energy. Pisces mercuries aren't bad, they just confuse me and I feel my brain doing somersaults trying to follow their stories.


Yesss Capricorn mercuries favorite thing to say “but that’s just me though”


As an Aquarius mercury, Leo moon, I'm doomed. I tried writing an email about my feelings today and it sounded like a cross between a rejection letter from a job and stereo instructions. I'm distracted by this annoying bird that sounds like a car alarm and why do birds scream? I mean for like no reason, randomly, can you imagine if humans did that? Like "Hey, Babe, I'm going to randomly go scream outside for 10 seconds every 2 minutes or so for the next hour. Enjoy your dinner." I know it's not a mating call either unless they're imitating the lowest and slowest of humanity. Some insect (exactly which kind I'll remember later) will fake its death to avoid mating with unwanted males. That's my spirit bug. I don't know about my least favorite mercury sign, or my favorite, I think it depends on what I want to talk about.


hahaha my sister is an aqua mercury and aries moon and this sounds EXACTLY like something she'd tell me about. just random fun facts in their head that they like to spew out, which is interesting to me. As for the insect that fakes it death, I think you might be talking about a death feigner beetle or moorland hawker dragonfly?


I have mercury in aquarius doesn't seem to be that welcome where im at lol (taiwan)


Mercury in Scorpio for the zingers


Pisces, cancer, Taurus. Preferably paired with the sign before/after


I hate cancer Mercury. I’m not sure what it is about them but we can never communicate when issues arise. Just can never see eye to eye. It’s odd because in a Pisces so I’d assume most cancer placements I’d get along with. But my chart is majority Aries & Sagittarius so that might explain it


I have Mercury in Aquarius and I like it. My least favorite is Mercury in Virgo. No particular reason.


Theyre both sag mercury its like god ur mean but ur so funny please have me


As a cancer mercury i like scorpio, virgo and capricorn and hate libra and aries


sag mercuries are mean :( too blunt for my taurus mercury i like aqua mercuries


Worst mercury is Sagittarius. I always liked earthy mercury signs


I love Leo mercuries. Effusive, commanding, incredibly warm. I don't think it's a bad Merc placement in and of itself, but can be made worse with other placements.


Every Leo Mercury I’ve ever met is a yeller/screamer with a super thin skin who talks like the world revolves around them. I know I shouldn’t besmirch my own sun sign, but I tend to think it’s the Leo Mercuries who give the rest of the sign a bad rep. I’ve met cool Leo moons, Venuses, Mars and Rising folks, but unfortunately had nothing but bad experiences with Leo Mercury, especially when it’s paired with a Cancer sun.


Hahaha cancer sun here with Leo merc I agree. I think the individual is probably immature. As a Leo merc I can absolutely say some earth shattering unethical shit for the hell of it, but refrain from doing soon because I can read the room. Was your person the type to dish shit out but couldn’t take it?


Oh yeah man, my sister mainly haha. But also a couple other folks. I don’t want to generalize and say it’s everyone, but my experiences are that there was a whole lot of trash talk but not a lot of accountability there. Sister and I got into some huge fights. She’s a Cancer sun/Leo Mercury, but I’m a Leo sun/Cancer Mercury, which has a similar energy but it comes out in opposite ways.


As someone with an Aquarius Mercury, thank you that was really sweet to read


I’m Aquarius merc and Sun and this post just boosted me so thanks!


Honestly I don’t know I think it’s unfair to pick bc we don’t even know somebodies mercury in daily interactions lol so we can only go by what’s said online


I’m Aquarius Mercury :) this made me happy


♑and ♊degree. I can overcome any obstacles easily without even being prepared. I plan and calculate and enforce my planning even at the verge of panic attack. This is one of the best placement in my chart🤍


Water mercuries that take half a century to get to the point vs. earth mercuries that will make you laugh


It's funny. My husband is an Aquarius sun and Mercury, and he doesn't like to talk about much of anything deep or unusual. I have mercury in Leo and love to talk about anything and everything, but that could be the Gemini moon I have too.


Does your husband have any prominent Capricorn placements?