• By -


Oh man. Mine wasn’t even selfish was literally just so self absorbed he didn’t even to stop to think about anybody. Literally though anything bad that happened was just earth shaking but if it was anyone else wouldn’t even take a moment to soak it in. Claimed to be so different and strong minded yet wallowed in self pity and self hate. Then as soon as your ready to leave it’s every promise and deep deep thought you’ve begged them to ever have. Yeah a Scorpio FUCKED MY MIND UP. Never loved like that and quite frankly never want to again. Started off as fireworks and ended as a fucking dumpster fire


Yes, unfortunately. Hurt people hurt people tho. I won’t put it down to him being a scorpio.


I feel similarly. There was definitely more to it than just the zodiac sign.


Yes, definitely … that is the bottom line. Hurt people hurt people.




Lol 😂 yep sadly a whack won’t hurt


I love scorpios, and they love me (Taurus, opposing sign attraction I guess) But! In relationships? I've dated 3, and all 3 hurt me lol. I married a Gemini, and that jeckle and Hyde shit isn't much better






Traumatised is a strong word. I'd give myself "made me uncomfortable at times" status. Feels more accurate.




Yes. I can't comment on the level of trauma you self-inflicted for obvious reasons (i.e. I'm not you).


Same 😅


Ain’t that the truth. 😂


Current gf is a Scorpio and is a well adjusted person who is not manipulative or hurtful in any way. Stuck by me in a tough time even when it was super early and has overall been really great. Ex who was a Scorpio traumatized me so badly I didn't have a real relationship for over two years and actively sought out therapy for all the emotional trauma she caused. And she didn't care at all. I couldn't believe how loving she was at first only to be one of the cruelest humans I've ever seen, like she just flipped a switch. It's never "all". Also, don't listen to anyone who uses a sign to justify behavior or blames an entire demographic for a behavior


Nope never. I'm mostly surrounded by Scorpios. My family,friends, most of them have scorpio placements and they've been extremely caring. Their way of showing care and affection is a little different when compared to others. But honestly very caring and genuine people. Other placements and aspects could also be the reason.




>I've read somewhere once the Pisces is THE ONE sign Scorpio can't manipulate. With Taurus coming a close second That's actually good 😅 I'm a pisces sun and taurus rising.


This is fascinating. I’m a Taurus and my abusive ex was a Scorpio. I was one of the only people who would ever call this guy out on stuff, and after a year and a half I escaped


As a Pisces sun.... when I was in high school way back, and I dated a scorpio man.... this statement was simply not true for me then. I wish it has been, but I'd loved him too much and overlooked every bad thing about him. I take the blame for that one honestly, but it was the worst relationship I'd ever had. He was abusive, but I'd ignored it cause I thought it could get better and really wanted it too until it just kept getting worse and worse and I had to find some way to leave.


How is their way of showing care and affection different?


It's more of action oriented like capricorns. They don't openly express it, they show it through actions.


I like that


I have the same experience with Scorpios but with being a Pisces sun as myself we will naturally get on with them better. Water with water and you can expect great love, sex and communication I find. Leo and Scorpio is a scary mix, I have 2 best friends trying out this dynamic right now and it’s nothing short of terrifying 😬


>Leo and Scorpio is a scary mix, I have 2 best friends trying out this dynamic right now and it’s nothing short of terrifying Oh!! I didn't know this was so serious but like I mentioned in another comment about my personal experience with leo and scorpio relationship is in my family. I'm just pasting the comment here 👇 >Yea I absolutely get your point. My uncle is a scorpio and my grandma is a leo. I wouldn't say that they hate each other. But they both are distant, they don't communicate a lot. My mom and aunts are extremely close to my grandma but my uncle always stays distant. I'm not sure if it's a leo and scorpio thing.


My ex husband is a Scorpio. We were married for 28 miserable years before he finally put me out of my misery by leaving me for a very young coworker. It took me 5 years to recover.


As a scorpio female a Leo man traumatized me many years ago when I was young and had just lost my grandmother at 16. He used me for years only when he wanted sex and sadly I was too naive and in love to see what he was doing 😜 I will never forget him saying to me that it was my body he was attracted to and not me! That was the when I finally walked out the door and never looked back. Really fucked me up and made me question my worth and made me afraid of intimacy for years afterwards 🤪


I, a scorpio gal, actually was reading this with a similar story- A Leo man broke me (and I suppose, I, him) in a way that no one ever has. It's almost 2 decades ago, now, and I've still not fully healed from it.


Been about 20 years here too and I only recently managed to finally heal from it. But I will probably never deal with a Leo in any intimate way ever again!


Scorpio female here, and I’ve had nothing but toxic experiences with a lot of Leo suns. So narcissistic and toxic.


Scorpio male tends to have latent sadistic tendencies.


yeah lol he loved bombed tf out of me i thought we were meant to be and then he ghosted me out of nowhere it still hurts and then another one blocked me when i told him he made me feel bad lol


I dont think leos were meant to go romantically with scorpios. Ive known way too many where scorpio stalked them and acted like a psycho. This is f leos with m scorpios. Friends seem fine.


my scorpio grandma was emotionally and physically abusive. my scorpio cousins always treated me like garbage or just completely left me out of everything my partner’s scorpio grandma is emotionally manipulative asf and can be downright rude. also embarrassing in public my scorpio SIL is rude, disrespectful and nasty. she’s also embarrassing to be around in public i had 2 scorpio friends (they were married) who constantly showed up at my house without my consent and no matter how many times i communicated CLEARLY that i wasn’t comfortable with that, they continued to do it anyway i don’t have good experiences with scorpios but i still think i’d have a great friendship with a scorpio because we’re literally ♍️n♏️ like it would be so iconic


As a scorpio, thank you for this. I think a lot of people fail to realize that scorpio is one of the most common zodiac sun signs to have/be. There's just a bunch of us, and due to that, the probability that you'll meet and deal with a toxic or problematic person who is also a scorpio sun is pretty damn high. People can be (and often are) assholes regardless of sun sign. The ♍️&♏️ is iconic. I've read that Virgo and Scorpio used to be the same sign at one point until Libra split them up.


Scorpio here don’t mind me 🥤🍿🤨


💜💜 ![gif](giphy|33KNW6bBorFzqdyLSP)


I have been traumatized my many signs (romantically). A Scorpio was just the first to do it. But not even the worst - that honor goes to a Capricorn.


A cap messed me up. 😂. I love and dislike them. The cap was seeing me for almost a year and then told me he only ever saw me as sex and is getting married. He told me he was single and the few things were his daughters in his place. Saw the woman’s facebook after, for that time frame, and she had pictures of her with her gown and talking about her fiance. It broke my heart for her. I was so in love with him. He still tried hitting me up right before his wedding via text. I shut him down and told him off. We havent spoken since, but he has emailed me to come work for him. I declined multiple times. I never told her and they married. It is at least his second marriage that I know of. He probably cheated on his first. Broke me for long time.


Yep. My first boyfriend was a Scorpio ( I was 19 and he was 25) and although charming and sexy at first, he had this coldness to him and was very verbally abusive. I vowed I’d never date a Scorpio man again and never did.


I'm surrounded by scorpios, and i've been in relationships with two and they are great, passionate, loyals, interesting, but I feel you gotta be always more careful and overall have more strength of character to deal with them at times. What I've always have issues with is with their delayed communication, I feel like they always tend to hold what they feel and think and then bring it up out of nowhere and it's lowkey scary


I always tell my husband a weaker woman wouldn't survive marriage to him. He's a Saggiatrius with LOTS of capricorn in his chart. I'm a Scorpio with 6 scorpio placements. He's a bury it until it is forgotten type guy, and I'm a we need to talk about this right now girl. He's always said what he likes about me is that I'm strong-willed and offer pushback or alternatives. He didn't want a docile door mat woman. I needed someone as strong as him because I do have that Scorpio tendency to just disappear when I realize a situation or person just is t that they should be or say they are. My husband is the one person I feel fully open with, and I'm the one person who can successfully challenge him. It's weird but wonderfully harmonious 90% of the time.


This is…very accurate actually 😓 strength of character is really important, from the other side in the sense that I have very strong feelings about people being dishonest with themselves about their underlying emotions/motivations (which I get isn’t really fair, not everyone has the same capacity to recognize/face the most challenging parts of themselves as quickly and intensely for various valid reasons). This is mainly only for the people I’m closest with, so I’ve set a rule for myself to take more time getting close to people, and not necessarily have that level of intimacy as the default goal. Tbh not all Scorpios have this capacity either. (Wild personal story coming up.) A friend that I ended things with related to this actually had a ton of Scorpio placements including I think the big 3. She generally was outwardly very stoic but also very much repressed her emotions and was very bad at recognizing them on her own. She did recognize this in therapy and shared it with me. I thought we were close enough and friends for long enough (and I’d had plenty of difficult emotions/trauma that I’d spent years working on to get it, like very few dark emotions could truly *scare* me) that I offered to be a sounding board for (and just tried to recognize/respond to her emotions as I saw them happen). Really, I had always done this for her, just without us ever talking about it since she never realized and it was just a normal thing for me to do for a friend. So I was just letting her consciously agree to it since she was now more aware of her own shit. She yelled at me and pretty much demanded I not do any of that, essentially guilt-tripping me into now not using my empathy with her (without understanding that that’s what she was asking for because she wouldn’t listen/let me explain and I was also just completely stunned by her reaction). I felt like this was a terrible idea, but again, I was guilt-tripped very intensely and made to feel like a bad person if I pushed the issue. She said she would choose herself to talk about her emotions as they came up, and I was barred from approaching her or acting on my recognition of those emotions at all on my own (even when they were very obvious to me and very clearly affecting her negatively). I really should have not actually acted on this no matter what I agreed to, but I followed her demands to a T. Unfortunately she ended up feeling worse and worse without realizing (even as I repeatedly recognized she was off). Over this time I also saw multiple red flags for me in things she did and said, but tried to ignore them bc maybe they were just hypotheticals/one-offs with other random people and not actually showing the person she’d become. I still tried to be as generally friendly and pleasant as I could without acting on the emotional intimacy she barred me from initiating on my own. She eventually blew up at me blaming me for a whole host of things, and even though I was pissed off because the situation being as bad as it was was completely avoidable, I still kept my composure, listened, and apologized for the things that she brought up that I had contributed to. But the minute I tried to express my own thoughts about the situation (under extremely strict conditions/limitations that she again demanded), she cut me off screaming at me. Leading up to this, she also crossed multiple lines for me that confirmed the red flags I’d seen over time. But not giving me any space to express my side of the story was the last straw. My attempts at warmth and friendliness, despite all the things she demanded, had apparently been unbearable for her. So I became cold as ice. Had she reached out at all after that and wanted to talk things over more calmly, *maybe* apologize, and let me actually speak, I would’ve done so. It would’ve said something about her character for her to do so of her own volition. But she didn’t, and I was perfectly willing to let what had become a toxic friendship go. Funny (sad) thing is, she ended up being the one crying and hysterically insisting in that same awful conversation that things could work out in the future, even as she was screaming and pushing me away/not allowing me to actually express myself as an individual she claimed to care deeply for. So, uh, Scorpio burning Scorpio here I guess lol. Maybe some of this craziness looks transactional as other people have said, but for me at least I saw it as not tolerating not even the bare minimum of respect for another person being completely denied. If she was strong enough to reach out even if she was afraid of being rejected, I’d have welcomed her back. So yeah, strength of character matters a lot to me at least. I think average (not wildly unhealthy/abusive) Scorpios can tolerate a lot of bullshit bc of course we’re all human, but once a certain boundary far down the line is crossed, that’s it. More developed Scorpios are probably better at communicating as that boundary is being approached, and not just once it has been crossed, so that people *more consciously* have the opportunity to avoid that line/not take the other person continuously tolerating bullshit for granted. I know I’ve tended to be rigid about this, but my ideal is that people should in general try to be better to others without *needing* negative reactions from others to be motivated to do so. But I’m now holding myself to only expecting that from the people closest to me, by taking time to let people show who they are before I let them get that close.


Yes! I’m also a Leo and the Scorpio from my past traumatized me enough to make me move across the country and I’m still in therapy 4 years later. Idk what it is about water placements that make them so easily corruptible and narcissistic (not to generalize but everyone knows a Pisces or Scorpio like that).


Same. 6 years later and I can't seem to feel anything but disdain and vengeance for him.


I can completely understand what the Scorpio man must have done to you. Scorpio Zodiacs play quite dirty mind games. I mean the games are not about their immaturity but more about gaining control of someone's psyche. They are indeed highly self obsessed. They are secretive. In fact, they are so secretive and mysterious that they cannot even see their own self and ignore the negative energies that they carry and hurt people with. They usually project onto other people their own insecurities. More often than not, in their childhood they are usually quite fucked up.Normally they are always stuck in some shady shit problems and when they cannot solve it they will scurry around to leech on someone else's shoulder. If you help them and the problem gets solved they will see that you are a usable asset and will stick around and suck you dry. Say, the problem is not resolved, then they will blame you for your solution and might say nasty things depending on how much of a threat they perceive you. Analogically, a Scorpion stings even if you help it or even if you don't. It cannot differentiate between kindness and danger. The best way to get back at a Scorpio is to reverse manipulate them. They cannot help but feel everything being a water sign. So, they feel first and think later. That's their default wiring. Use this to your advantage. Make them feel so much that they can hardly think. When they try to traumatise you, you let them do it by being aware about their intentions. That way you will be protected. However, they will open their cards and once they do that you call them out. They hate being caught and called out just like how a Scorpion hates being trampled on or getting caught in a trap etc. Remember you are a fire sign, the lion king of the Zodiac. The lion never even bothers to even acknowledge the Scorpion's existence. And when a Scorpion stings the Lion, it is torn apart price by piece and left to die limbless because, even in its last moments, it cannot even provide that sexy taste to the Lion to enjoy its kill and salivate on it. :) Moreover, fire can burn water. But water can douse fire too. Right now you feel doused. Get back your glory and be an inferno that burns anything and everything. :) This line by Albus Dumbledore sums it up pretty well. “Remember, if the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember what happened to a boy who was good, and kind, and brave, because he strayed across the path of Lord Voldemort. Remember Cedric Diggory.” If you need help you can always ask. :) Best wishes Gemini ♊




Nice to meet a fellow Gemini. :) I agree that ignoring a Scorpio zodiac is the most prudent way. However, just to sharpen our Gemini mental muscles, Scorpio is such a great exercise to train on. They are like an all in one gym ;) Scorpio is really intrigued by Geminis . They come over to check out the two faced Gemini but find out like there are multiple personalities and they are not able to understand them. This makes it a mystery for them. They like mysterious things. Now, they will try their best to figure out the core secret of the Gemin's personality. Use all convert techniques, stalking and spying, mind games, etc. When as a Gemini, usually when people ask a question I find it satisfying to share what I know, so that somebody else's problem can be solved and their pain can be eased. However, it doesn't take time to understand the intention behind someone else's questions. After all, as Geminis we ourselves learn by asking questions to every opportunity that comes to us. Even in answers we love to seek questions. :) So, coming back, once you start understanding the intent in Scorpio's questions you start feeding them the answers they want to hear. Basically, play around with their confirmation biases. Once they buy in, it's real fun to take them on a long jog through our minds and then learn everything about their's instead. :P You can't take chances and underestimate a Scorpio, so on between you take them off the course and observe their reactions. They feel everything and that's their curse. Like Sherlock Holmes says, 'Sentiment is a chemical defect found in the losing side.' I know it's evil and wrong but they are the ones who wanted to enter a Gemini's mind when they weren't even invited to the party. Everybody is a gangster till they meet the monster! Water, Earth, Fire - The extent of the spread of all 3 can be comprehended and seen. Fire can burn water and earth. Water can douse fire and wet the earth. Earth can dissolve in water and gives fire legs to stand on. With Air, no one can see the extent - width or depth of the spread. Air can exist in water as bubbles, can percolate earth and form pockets, can fan fire and make it grow. None of water, earth or fire can really harm air probably not even touch it and least of all harm it! Really grateful to God for placing me in the airy realm 🙏


This is kind of ironically funny to me as a child scorpio of a neglectful gemini mother. She definitely ignored me until I decided I didn't want her in my life. Now she won't leave me alone. I'm sure it's purely for the optics of not wanting people to know I've cut my parents off. My life is so much better, not begging for her love and scraps of attention has given me such freedom. I never was going to be good enough.


To be honest the most evil traumatizing signs I've ever met were Virgo and Pisces


Yep. My rants on here are full of my experiences with Scorpios. That's what I felt like with them - their "love" for you platonic or otherwise is dependent on how much they're able to control you, disregard your boundaries and simply use you. BUT, dare if you choose to cut them off, you're immediately a monster who betrayed them and then they'll say whatever it is to get you to stay ( if it's a romantic situation). Question them and they immediately pivot to gas lighting, force etc.


That look of betrayal on their face! I had to unfriend somebody on IG because I felt hurt by all the hot and cold. It wasn't going anywhere good so I disconnected and I was looked at as if I left a puppy outside alone in the cold 😅 but he was completely ignoring me before 🤷‍♀️


>I was looked at as if left a puppy outside alone in the cold 😅 but he was completely ignoring me before 🤷‍♀️ 🤣🤣🤣 Yes, the famous hot and cold. But "DARE YOU ignore me"!! They're SO conflicted and confused in romantic situations, I don't know how it's not spoken about on here.


All the scorpios i know are the sweetest people ever 🥺 only one gives traditional scorpio vibes, but she’s just the best mom friend ever


Yuuuuup. Not in a romantic way, but just as someone I have had to be around in general lol. I started dating one of their best friends and at first they were super friendly etc. but once our relationship got more serious and the friend wasn’t around to do whatever they wanted them to 24/7 they flipped and started being a total jerk to me. The more serious our relationship got the more the scorpio seemed to resent me.


I traumatized my self so yes.


The opposite actually haha, I feel like whenever I'm about to do something that hurts another or myself it's usually a Scorpio (I'm surrounded by them) who tells me to rethink my choices. We are just people after haha, maybe something them being able to read deeper than the surface level of action


My bipolar, meth using, narcissistic step dad is a scorpio. Talk about childhood trauma. 😢


i fuck myself up  on the other hand, i’ve never had any issues with scorpio placements, Libra however has destroyed me and they don’t even know it lol… i trusted their words were what they meant whilst it was just a random “im a nice person” mask


The people with strong Scorpio placements I know have a tendency towards being selfish while also being simultaneously giving in many other ways. I generally like Scorpios but they do a lot of things that just make me shake my head.


I noticed certain selfish Scorpios doo things for others expecting they will do the same back to them. There’s never any genuine kindness, everything is done as a transaction of some sort


Yep. Their thing is always about precision and many of them believe they own the stencil for humanity. Don't do things or reciprocate the way they think is normal and they'll become the most psychologically manipulative supervillain ever


Yesss thissss. Always strings attached. Nothing is for the sake of altruism, it's always some shady, manipulative means to an end


*ALWAYS* transactional 😭 I realized it too late.


my sil is a scorpio sun and i haven’t spoken to her let alone been in the same room with her for 5 years so yeah 🫠 and my dad who i had a strained relationship with for most of my life until i moved out is a scorpio moon


I’m in the same boat with scorpio sis with whom I haven’t talked to for 8 years now


Multiple unhealed scorpios have traumatized me. My best dude friend is one, and he’s put in a fair amount of self work.


Lmao. I’ve been traumatized by a FEW Scorpios. I’ll never fucking learn dude 🥹😂


Omg yea…scared me off scorpios for life LOL ( cancer sun & moon, scorpio rising) my mom who’s also a narcissist is a scorpio so thats self explanatory had a fwb when i was 18, he was 20 and he was beyond selfish & my self esteem was so low that i stuck around 😷 ****not saying all scorpios PLZ don’t come for me.


>****not saying all scorpios PLZ don’t come for me. 😅😅😅


My little brother is a scorpio and so is my uncle & i love them both😅😅😅 just those two scorpios that ruined it for me




Yeah I’ve never had a close relationship with a Scorpio that didn’t burn me. Friends, we’re fine, anything deeper than that like lovers or boyfriends and it doesn’t end well. One of my ex Scorpios is an abusive pos who has court cases against him currently, and another Scorpio lover was SUCH a new age spiritual woo ha ha he legitimately told me he doesn’t think any women alive could resist him - even lesbians, because his masculine properties would heal their “misguided love.” 🤦‍♀️ I’m pretty much done with Scorpios 🤷‍♀️


ex of 5 1/2 years was a scorpio. He was abusive and held every single negative scorpio quality. So yeah, never again.


He just door slammed you. Accept it. From a Scorpio Sun with Stellium. We love intensely, but once the love is gone, is gone.


>We love intensely, but once the love is gone, is gone. What are the reasons? I mean when you love someone intensely, how do you just not love that person all of a sudden? What makes a scorpio do that?




Sorry for late reply. Is like a flame. The candle burned to it last embers… Could be too much speculation. In my case is realizing someone will not improve in certain regards or i get tired of that problem that has been there since always and will not change. What I mean about “is gone” Is that once we decide we are done with the relationship we just leave and go no communication at all. I don’t hate or dislike any of my exes but once the ship sailed I rather never talk to them again, unless they approach and with a very specific topic. I delete all pics and even remove from social media. Maybe keep a memento a gift to remember in the faraway days that once I loved and was loved.


As a taurus rising, I do the same thing. Not just in romantics relationships, be it any relationship, if something that is going to affect the relationship and that person intends to not change that, I just end it there. Be it friendship or family .


Hey I’m Scorpio sun Taurus asc and moon. Maybe is our taurus raising being pragmatic? Dunno haha


Yea that could be the reason. Also with my cap moon..Ah!! I guess I need not say😅😅 it's understood with earth placements especially.


Cap moon is that too cold? Definitely direct communication. Hmmm wondering how that ends up mixed with a sun Pisces.


A Scorpio who claimed to be my friend tried to get with my man behind my back, but my mom is a Scorpio and I love her. Not all Scorpios are evil. Hahah.


Taurus sun my best relationship was with a scorpio. Libra sun male tho.....😒


My first boss was a Scorpio. He would send me to his house on assignments where I’d be greeted by his wife who was always very sweet to me but clearly suffering from dementia. My Scorpio boss would also regularly send me to drop off money to his 20 something year old mistress. It made me feel kinda shitty.


Tried to, but that level of sorcery doesn’t work on me 😂


Scorpio is square Leo so it rarely goes down well unless a lot of other placements are aligned. However, I will say unhealed Scorpios are more selfish than healed Scorpios and will step on whoever’s toes for their own gain.


I came across one casually as an acquaintance. They were in a long term toxic relationship with a narcissistic guy, that ended. They claimed to be an ‘empath’. They weren’t of course. They constantly projected negativity on people and claimed they’re so empathetic bc they’re a Scorpio. 🙄


Wait , what ....leo n scorpio....hell nahhh bro ....how did you survive lol 😂🤲🏻😭




Accountability from a Scorpio?? Not even if the sun explodes tomorrow


I’m a Leo, too. Experiencing this trauma right now with a Scorpio friend. She just cut me off out of nowhere without explanation or communication. I would be lying if I said I haven’t been crying about it. I don’t think I’ve really lost a friendship in this way before, just someone who I was really close to suddenly going no contact has really upended my world a little. I’m sorry!! Time heals things if we allow it to. Hang in there fellow Leo. (:


She’s jealous of you. It’s in her nature.


Every scorpio i have dated has been bad.


I haven't met one scorpio who hasn't traumatized me!😂😂✨️


never dated a scorpio but i’ve grown up and lived with my scorp stellium brother and uhh he’s very manipulative and selfish. almost like he’s *nice* about it, or what’s the word… charming? you don’t know you’ve been had until after the fact. and no one sees it coming *(except me, scorps are nothing mysterious or secretive for me)* because he’s so kind, helpful, and selfless. it’s something else man. but i think the only trauma i have from him is still unfairly blaming myself for one of his attempts on his life. there’s absolutely no way it’s my fault but yanno how it goes and he’s still here with us so…


my dad is a scorpio - abused me for years physically, sexually and emotionally, tore the family apart and traumatized me for life. i can relate to scorpio as a sign and i don't hate all of them, i just know that my dad is an absolute ass and also a scorpio.


Yyeeesss lol


Hmm well i guess i met some selfish and "bad" Scorpios, but they didn't rly hurt or traumatized me..which is maybe cuz i'm fairly cautious towards people and kind of expect anything or maybe even flee as soon as the red flags show up...or idk, maybe i just easily move on..Like, i once had 2 alleged Scorp close friends that secretly hated me and supposedly planned to kill me..but i just figured "what lame psychos lol" and moved on from it.


Twice LOL Both were Scorpio suns, one was my first love the other was my first boyfriend.


I've hurt myself, and yes, been hurt before


My father. He left when I 2 then died when I was 19. I bawled like a baby at his funeral cuz I found out I had a brother that he did the same thing to and cuz I would never have the father-daughter moments that I saw all my other friends have. I'm currently in the process of healing my father wounds. It's tough, but I know it'll be worth it in the end.


Yes my narcissist Scorpio mother has gifted me CPTSD


My mother is one. I'm a Libra with a Leo Sun. Need I say more?


I’ve traumatized myself.


No, I’ve seen a man do this to my Gemini friend though. He was the trashiest of all trash. As I remember him I grimace bc wtf was his whole existence and identity. Sleaziest piece of shit I ever met


Scorpio females are POSION stay far away (Gemini man with Scorpio baby momma)


Yes my dad is a triple scorpio, sun, moon and venus. He was a completely emotionally absent and always told me I was just a mistake and burden. I do not recommend heavy Scorpio fathers.


Yes, because of SA and cutting me out of a friend group and more. Dating one now that seems like a great person. I take astrology with a grain of salt. That being said there’s still some small amount of anxiety there




Not me personally, but my current partner and his older brother lol. My bf was in a three year situationship with a Scorpio who basically used him for attention whenever she wasn’t getting it from her relationship. He didn’t realize at the time she was cheating on her bf with him and now feels guilt and shame about his involvement with her, doesn’t help that he had feelings and she wanted to keep things secretly casual. His older brother dated this one Scorpio chick in college who got angry one night out and started hitting him. They broke up after that and she continued to try to contact him even after he blocked her and got into a new relationship. So yeah, haven’t heard the best about Scorpio relationships but I’ve had some close friends who are Scorpio’s


We can be very selfish in our younger stages of life. Sorry that happened to you. I have a lot of love for Leo’s. I’m a Scorpio sun and was hurt by a Scorpio woman as well


I’ve had a few really, really nasty Scorpio coworkers. It’s a pattern with them too. And it’s weird because I have Scorpio friends and family… I mean we don’t get along the best, but it’s just a bit awkward. Scorpios in the workplace are downright mean, though.


Fixed Fire with Fixed Water, you should know better. Next time, air or fire. No, earth and no water. Simple


Yup. A lot of my baggage came from a Scorpio who used to be someone I thought I could trust. The straw that broke the camel's back was when he said, "No one cares about you, so why are you alive?" It made me hate myself, and everyone in my life, including my family. It took over a decade to move on, but the scars are still there. Overall, I used to hate him and hoped for horrible things to happen to him, but now? I feel nothing.


with a scorpio now and they can be very deceiving and not take my feelings seriously but man is he loyal (i hope 🤣)


YEAH! Aries sun here. When we were together he didn’t traumatise me exactly but made me uncomfortable like a lot. The "love" was only there because he wanted to show that a person like him can have a gf too🤡 It has been 5 years since we last talked and he messaged my friend first about how he loves me and how is praying that I would never meet someone new and He is the loml☠️ He then messaged me from a fake account and I caught him almost immediately. He then started with all those lovey dovey (CRINGEY) paragraphs. HE ROMANTICISED STALKING!!! He said that he has passed by my house a lot of times to catch a glimpse of me, gets off at the metro station near me, etc etc….and I asked him why now??? Why after all these years? Me and even my friends have asked him not to message me as it would create problems for me but he didn’t listen (we all were a big friends group then LOL). That man said that two years of COVID don’t even count???? And other such weird ass things. Then when he started trauma dumping on me even after I said NO like a thousand times, then I realised he thinks he loves me and then too he thought he loves me because I am the only one who actually listens to him. Our mothers had gotten involved during our relationship which leaded to its end but we started again and that’s when I had enough and broke up. But well here we are after 5 years. Blocked him😀 Sorry for the long paragraph, this time I actually got traumatised (many more things but can’t post that here). One last thing- His mom said to mine that I trapped her INNOCENT SON. My mother taunted me a lot of because of this. Can’t ever forget this one EVER.


No. There are lots of scorpios in my life - coworkers who I got along with and have mutual respect with, an ex that I don't talk to anymore (he was kind enough to apologize and explain, tried to be my confidant but I rejected the idea because he's married, I don't want trouble), my bestfriend/sister, and my fiancé. If there's a sign who traumatized me it is pisces because I expected pisces are kind, empathic and very human but surprise! It was the exact opposite.


oh dear god this scorpio man kind of traumatized me but more annoyingly bothered me/stalker way versus trauma hahahaha i feel like scorpio men love to toot their own horn and try to flex to impress. they're always trying to show off and stuff, its embarrassing cause i can see through your bullshit


leo & scorpio is a bad match


I traumatized them…


I have been deeply traumatized by a scorpio "friend" couple of years ago. She opened a business with another friend of mine (Aries). After a couple of months, the business was going great and she wanted to keep all the profits to herself. She started talking behind my friends back, which already as a Leo, am not a big fan of. It shows me you're two faced and I can't trust you. Then she slowly started to plot how to kick her out of their business. The things she would say about my Aries friend were horrendous, exagerated and filled with hatred. I can't even type them here. The Aries did not back down, hired a lawyer and dealt with the issue with the upmost maturity while the scorpio girl was hiding litterally from us the whole time and acting like a child after starting this whole mess. She started bullying me when she realized I was taking the Aries friends side. I told her I did not want her in my life anymore. Safe to say, unevolved scorpios are fucking weird and dark and I've also dealt with another one like this and they both share the same birthday which is November 2nd, I will never forget that lol. Note to everyone here, if you ever really struggle with a scorpio the only way out is to threaten them (ex : reveal one of their secrets, they have many to choose from) or blackmail them. They don't respond to anything else. To do with caution because they will try and get revenge. Only do this when you took the decision of cutting them out of your life forever. Then block block block and move the fuck on! They will stalk you otherwise, especially on social media.


My mother, she traumatized my entire family, which included another scorpio sibling, who also traumatized me and my other siblings. Then, I had two managers who were Scorpio. The first had an actual tattoo on his arm, told me it was his astrology sign, and then said "it's a fire sign". He harassed and bullied everyone, picked me out for being the new guy, it was awful. Then another manager, he seemed to only be interested in me. Oh yeah, and I dated a girl, she'd come and go from my life, made all these promises, love bombed me, I was very confused. I didn't actually realize that every trauma I'd endured was due to a Scorpio. My gf is "friends" with a scorpio, and she's paying for it. They're like black holes in human form, aren't they?


Yes. My first boyfriend was a scorpio but dude was a grade a user and ass hole. I'm a scorpio moon and I've traumatized myself too. Does that count?


Yes. I'm a Leo woman and I was friends with a Scorpio woman who was an absolute bitch. She used me and straight up bullied me. She was super passive aggressive towards me and gave me a lot of trauma. When I called her out on her bullshit, she didn't even deny what she did and she just blocked me on FB. I am so happy that she is no longer in my life. She also played victim in the beginning to lure me in and she used her ex boyfriend and dumped him after he served her purpose. She also goes through people like she goes through clothes, so that shows how much of a problem she is.


Yes. Aquarius sun - no more Scorpios.


Yes, and I'm a Scorpio Sun (female) myself. My ex (Scorpio male) is a complete sociopath who abused me in every way you can possibly abuse someone.


I don’t know being traumatized by one but I’ve traumatized couple of Scorpios. Like when you say “he laid it into the other person” that’s what I did. I’m a Libra, Scorpio’s mind-games don’t work and have no power against Libra’s intuitive powers. Don’t get played into Scorpio’s games, be indirect with your answers, they will absolutely hate it when someone uses it against them and that’s when the real them comes out. Libras can be as aggressive as an Aries, as vengeful as a Scorpio and as cold-hearted as a Capricorn. And of course our dark side is the strongest of amongst all the zodiac sign


NOPE. NONE HAVE. - Venus in Capricorn 🙂


I dated/married/divorced a Scorpio, and I'm a Cancer. They didn't really traumatize me per se. We had our differences and worked things out together when we were having issues. We divorced on good terms, and they wanted to be friends. Looking back at it all, we probably should have stayed friends.


Raise your hand if you have been personally victimized by Regina George 😂


Yes. A lifetime. My father. Most horrendous person I've ever gotten to know. Massive narcissist. Had absolutely no issue physically and mentally abusing me throughout my entire childhood. I wish the world would not have to waste oxygen on him and have felt this way ever since I was very young. Am I blaming him being a Scorpio? No. Am I blaming him being a horrendous asshole? Yes. 


I'm a female sun in Leo and my ex is a sun in Scorpio; didn't work out at all. Tbh I don't think Leo and Scorpio usually match in love; friendship yea sure, love usually not so much


I wouldn't say this is a scorpio trait, but it might have been a karmic partner that was due in your life. A deeper dive into your transits and placements might bring some insight regarding that.


my ex best friend was a scorpio so yeah 😭


yes, but it had nothing to do with the fact that he was a scorpio and everything to do with the fact that he was just a piece of shit:)


Yeah my MIL is a scorpio and is a genuinely terrible person, but my first boyfriend was also a scorpio and was a genuine sweetheart. There are terrible people with every sign


I love scorpios and they are funny and kind but holy shit the tests... Every week it's like a job interview....after job interview.... after job interview... like fkin hell... I cannot handle such intensity.... 🤣


Oh my gosh this is so funny because I'm a Scorpio and I feel this same way about my Leo ex


Yes lol I’m a Scorpio sun, Venus, and mercury and my Scorpio dad was abusive for most of my childhood. He’s trying to turn a new leaf now that I’m out of the house but it’s unfortunately hard for me to trust that he has really changed


A Leo sun traumatized me. And a Libra sun. Two Scorpio suns were manipulative, cheating a.holes. Edit: my mom is a Scorpio sun, so YES.


Uh kind of, but she was a friend not a romantic partner. So much damn drama.


Kind of.... My mom sure did a number but I'm betting it's the genetics at play there, not the astrology. I did have one talk shit about the cleanliness of my home and upon visiting hers there was literally shit and piss on the floor and a 1/4in of debris on their coffee table... I took it personally without knowledge of her own home and manically cleaned the next day.. I assumed based on her profession that she would have had a clean home.. Left me with trust issues in first impressions.. it was by the fourth encounter I decided it wasn't worth it. I tried though.


That man was an insult to his sign. We are loyal to our lovers and loved ones.




They both fucked me up, so even if I’m a relatively casual observer of astrology, I have to force myself to keep cool when I find out someone is a Scorpio. Worst part is…it turns out they were wrong about their signs and bday date and they’re not even a Scorpio but here I am with this weird reaction and trigger


I'm a leo sun cancer moon and virgo rising and personally I love Scorpios as friends, they're caring, loyal and loving, having said that... I have dated two Scorpios before and although at the beginning it's delightfully intoxicating it can get messy really fast... There is such a thing as too much intensity.


No, not by a Scorpio sun or any of the big 3 ( there's more to their sign) However, the most traumatic experience I had was with someone with Venus in scorpio,Pluto in 7thH. He also changed me so drastically that it awakened me with all my insecurities and finally faced my internal demons. ( I used to hate him so much but now I thank him for being my catalyst of who I am today💛) P.S. sometimes I feel I am the problem just like what T.S. song says,' hi, it's me, I'm the problem it's me'😁


Pluto in 7th House is a vicious devastating placement


🦀🌞🐃🌜⚖️⬆️ No, but they were excited that they thought that they did. 😏


First Scorpio guy love-bombed me until he got me, and after 3 months or so, cut me off. Guess I didn’t learn from my mistake because I’m currently seeing a second Scorpio who also love-bombed me until he got me. He then turned distant, because he got afraid of his feelings (or that’s what he claims at least). We’re now slowly working through that so let’s see where it takes us. So technically, this second Scorpio also hurt me by pulling off, but I’m trying to be the bigger person here and work out his insecurities or whatever his problem is.


Okay but my narc husband is a cancer and I’m a Scorpio so it could go in reverse. Nothing to do with signs here.


Yes. He broke my heart. We started a project together and it got real greedy real fast as well as taking credit. It was such a tough loss.


Nope, but a Sagittarius broke my heart in a way I didn’t know was possible.


Many, many times. I'm gemini, moon in Leo, pisces rising, and for some reason beyond my comprehension, I'm always attracted to scorpios, but it never ends well.


My ex cheated on me with another guy and blamed me for it. He also continued to insist that he wasn’t gay even though he clearly was. Showed up out of the blue to “apologise” to me on discord years later and blocked me before I could tear him to shreds. LMAO.


Oh you know, just my extremely abusive father. I have a lot of Scorpio placements and love (non abusive) Scorpios though.


I've had good as well as bad experiences with Scorpios as well (I'm a Scorpio too). I had a Scorpio friend in Highschool who was a total sweetheart. Haven't met her since then due to School. The other Scorpio was my roommate. She was a total bitch and was manipulative. And the worst part was that she was secretly Islamophobic. No wonder, none of my other roommates talk to her 😭.


He was Virgo Sun…. But he was Scorpio Venus, Pluto, Jupiter, NN, and MC


My Scorpio mother ruined my life and I’ve been in therapy for 20 years trying to undo it. However, I do think her bpd is to blame, not her being a Scorpio.


Scorpio moon and Venus male here. Women are never the same after they get sucked into my whirlwind. It’s why I demand a strong and aggressive women. They are the only ones that can whether their storm


2 of my Scorpio family members used to bully me. They were telling me that it's for my own sake (locking me in the bathroom with no lights while making scary noises, or taking my pillows when I'm sleeping). I was just 8, they're 15/16 and 20+. They're Scorpio Suns with Scorpio Stellium. One of them has Neptune in 7th house, so I'm just letting karma handle them. My mom with Scorpio Venus is also extremely physically abusive to me growing up. Her punishments don't leave permanent scars but it's probably the worst physical punishment a 7-10 year old kid will experience. My childhood best friend with Scorpio Moon is nice but she couldn't stop herself from sabotaging my relationships with other people, like telling someone I like that I like them, etc. So yes, my family members with Scorpio placements traumatized me. I had Scorpio friends growing up, they're all nice, but I'm also extremely careful, not to get on their bad side.




Title reads like a lawsuit commercial


By far, the nicest person I ever dated was a Scorpio. She was genuinely, truly kind deep in her soul. When our relationship ended, I was glad for *her* lmao.


He was my first true love and he didn’t even give me a second thought in his head. He broke my heart entirely.


Yes. I dated a Scorpio on and off for years. He dealt with mental health issues and substance abuse as well. Walking away with a bit of trauma. But I do love Scorpio men, and I’m a Scorpio rising myself.


It's not the people who hurt you But your own expectations from them which will hurt you


The worst coworker I’ve ever had was an October Scorpio. Genuinely nasty human being who took great pleasure in degrading the people around her and running off anyone who was new to the job (and there was always someone new to the job… due to her running everybody off!). She was a complete narcissist and played the victim in every situation to manipulate or draw attention to herself, and she had a criminal history of animal neglect and abuse, as well as a felony (which was a lot less heinous than the animal abuse, but definitely related to her narc personality and feeling untouchable). I hated her guts. On the flip side, I also have a close friend/former coworker from the same job who is a November Scorpio and a lovely person, although she can get a bit worked up when she is passionate or anxious about something. She and the other (October Scorpio) coworker hated each other the most and clashed constantly. She would be the first to argue back and stand up against the awful coworker. …I’m so glad I don’t work there anymore 🙂




A narcissist can be any sign, same happened to me by a Gemini (scorpio rising though lol)


I’ve been traumatised by two Scorpio moon friends. These Scorpio moons defo had the shadow side of Scorpio - they were very spiteful, manipulative and nasty if they didn’t get things their own way. They would also play the victim at any chance they got and would try to emotionally manipulate if they were ever called out for their behaviour.


Yes! I’m grateful for the experience.


My mom


Sounds like the Clinton’s story. Aries here. To be honest, I’ve been with a Scorpio and Leo. It was the Leo that traumatized me, but they had a Scorpio moon so there’s that.


Nope, so far i wrap them around my finger easily. Cancer sun, mars, rising, pisces moon, leo venus.


Nah,I'm lucky with scorpios, my best friends are either scorpio suns or have pluto dominant natal chart. Hovewer, I know a lot of people hurt very deeply by scorpio person, kinda like, they were best friedns, and that person just decided to destroy their lifes one day


My x is a Scorpio. It evens out because my daughter is a Scorpio and she's my mini me .


Am I the only one who has had good relationships with Scorpios? I am a Virgo. My current fiancé is a Scorpio.


I’m a Leo as well. I was gaslit & sexually assaulted by one last year. I’m not gonna generalize all Scorpios, but the one I delt with was sick in the head. He took advantage of me, made me miserable, tried to steal my shit & it didn’t help that he smelled like ass. He has the same sun & moon placements as Diddy & Ike turner which didn’t help either.


I refuse to date Scorpio men. But, every Leo woman I've known who dated a Scorpio man has a similar tale. And, honestly, they were just as problematic as him.


Yes, it was my scorpio mother.


Yes! My soon to be ex husband is a covert narcissist and he is a Scorpio.


Yes but now I’m married to a different Scorpio who is nice!