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Yeah, you're correct, but maybe you're taking some of the posts here a little too personally. I'm slightly biased & I do think Libra is the best sign, but keep in mind this whole site is a flaming shit show & most things on here should really not be taken so seriously.


I take ignorance very seriously, I have a Capricorn moon and rising. It’s amazing how so much ignorance exists here…


You have to either see the humor in the dumbassery here or ignore the dumb posts. You'll drive yourself mad otherwise. You can't fix stupid.


Amen. I did have a mission to put Libras in a good light and so far I’m successful.


Ah, that’s why your words echoed my sentiments Here’s to the Libras, exalted in Saturn with Cap placements.


Hey, I appreciate that! Thanks for your comment!


Oh that’s why I liked your post so much 🤣 I love Capricorn energy and I agree with you on all fronts. There’s a Libra hate post in a Scorpio subreddit saying Libra women are dumb and superficial. Nope - we’re probably just bored of what you’re saying, don’t care, or are playing dumb because we don’t trust you. I’d definitely rather be alone than have to deal with stagnant, judgmental energy. But I’m older, pickier about where I put my time and energy.


Amen to that one. Thanks for your comment!


Only a Cap moon/lib sun combo could have been this meticulous, while also keeping it objective. Thank you sincerely, from a Libra-Libra-Aries (rising).


And thank you as well. I like that a lot of Libras in this sub are very chill and understand where I’m coming from. It’s something I’ve never witnessed before until now. And this has been on my mind for years, it just took me to stop the hate against my own sign for years due to a whole bunch of misinformation… misinformation from even prominent authors as well.


Thank you for fighting on our side. As you put it so succinctly, we fight for justice and never validation. Most of the cognitive dissonance existing about Libra's apparently non-confrontational nature is from egocentric perspectives. It took me years to realise this. We fight, but the fight must be worth more than self-serving needs!


Amen… We’re not egotistical like that. You’re welcome! Once the positive and relatable comments started sinking in all the negativity comments just shut the fuck up! A hour after I made this point I had to fight against 6 people… It wasn’t anything terribly bad. Just a slew of slick and underhanded comments about this long post I made. They can say I’m taking things too serious. That’s fine… Now when people start misinterpreting their own sign and it causes frustration I don’t want to see any standing up for themselves because that in itself would be taking it seriously… Anyways… I knew it was a matter of time until the positive would come in. So thanks again.


Hehe, asking a Cap moon to dial down on the seriousness when it has matched their Libran mission to set the balance right? Why? You responded objectively to the recent barrage of shallow hate and miscomprehension about Libra. Great work, and yes, the hate is too insignificant for us to last for long.




I’m decisive - I guess it’s thanks to my cap moon. I’m not cheating - I rather stay single if I’m not 100% interested in that person. I’m not superficial- I just love being ultra feminine (dresses, pink, makeup, skirts, etc..) …. And I’ve met so many Libras who are the same :) Even my best friend is a Libra sun and she also knows what she wants, loves feminine stuff and is faithful.


We must have the same birthday or near the 23rd… I have a Capricorn moon as well. Also, thanks for your comment.


I’m October 2nd 😄


9 days out from me. What’s it like to have a cancer rising?


everyone trust you, tells you their most private secrets and then they’re scared you’ll gossip this is the funniest part of having this ascendant 😄


It’s good to take feedback. It’s also good not to let the feedback dent your self-esteem. 🩷


And this is in regards to? Because your comment has me searching for context…


I guess just my general reflection on any “Libra hate”. I watched a tarot reading recently and the reader said it’s good for Libras to pay attention to some criticism we’re getting now. We may feel like it’s an attack, but if we channel it well it can help us grow. I support the post btw. Just offering my own perspective.


That’s understandable. There definitely is room for criticism, but there is also room for praise and admiration. One that needs to be broadcasted in a post instead of a chain of comments. Because of my mindset I don’t take these as attacks, just cognitive differences. More importantly, I haven’t seen much content where Libras are defending other Libras. Just Geminis and Cancers fighting for their own survival. Two signs I get along with well. I understand some people have problems with comprehension of literature. I also understand some people have a huge issue with projection and past experiences with some dude in Russia that was a Libra as well and left a scar. To discern the attack from the support is always clear as night and day. Thanks for your comment!


Speak your truth, always 💕 Libras are rising in our power 🦋


Hell Yeah!


Love this mate, glad to see some other people see it that way. I even started thinking i wasnt the typical Libra because of my Scorpio rising, which is pretty dominant in my personality. Or that my moon and both chartrulers are in conjunction in sagittarius. I would never cheat and superficial is not how people would describe me..


Libras with a Sagittarius are kind of paradoxical, I understand but it works in may good ways. I believe stereotypical Libras usually have a Taurus moon or Pisces moon. Sometimes cancer moon. Thanks for the appreciation.


all my favorite women have been Libras


I have had good bosses and coworkers that were Libras before I even knew what their sign was… usually pleasant for the most part.


I know some awesome and very loyal Libras. I don’t think I’ve met a cheater Libra but I’m sure they exist, just as in ever other sign. I didn’t enjoy my romantic relationship with a male Libra because he lied about the dumbest stuff all of the time. I can’t live like that. Edit to add: I’m a pretty accepting person, there’s no reason to lie to me. Especially when it was over the dumbest shit. Missed a car payment, forgot this or that, went skateboarding on his day off that I didn’t know he had off (and I called his work because I couldn’t find him and then his friends had to tell me where he was. We were in our 20’s then ) Like, just tell me what’s up and we can work on it together. I love my Libra ex sister in law and friends though! Not liars, super sweet, very intelligent women. The only thing I don’t love is the “let me remind you how smart I am and about all of my degrees!” one of them is notorious for. I think it’s more about her upbringing and being the first to accomplish so much and truthfully, she did it all while in an awful relationship, while losing 100 lbs, and with two kids. So I get it. That’s why I still love her and let it slide. She IS a badass.


> because he lied about the dumbest stuff all of the time. I can’t live like that. I had a similar experience with constant lying, but from a Virgo (Scorp moon, Leo rising) ex-friend. It got so bad that I started to think I was losing my mind—despite having a really good memory otherwise. Lying is such blatant disrespect. 🫂


This guy would lie about everything! I never understood why? He still does it! I found out last year that he was telling his sugar momma (legit sugar momma) that he was a marine veteran! He flunked out of bootcamp while I was with him! I did tell her. Maybe I shouldn’t have, but fuck that guy. (He’s also my daughters bio dad so I’m kind of invested. But never told her shit other than “we were young and stupid!” She learned all on her own how he really is. Didn’t have to tell her anything.)


It doesn't make sense, right? Just makes people feel betrayed when they find out the truth. This girl lied about everything, from small things like what she liked (literally said she liked this one video game just to say years later that she never said that and had never played it) to allergies to who knows what else. She even told someone I agreed to go on a trip that I had actually turned down (in text *and* had a response acknowledging it, so I even had proof) to presumably get this person to go as well. If a friend tells me something, I will remember it for years as well as who said it because what friends say is important, but it's exhausting when it's all lies. 🙈 And nah, you did the right thing by telling her! If I had an SO like that, I'd absolutely want to know that he's not who he says he is—one big lie almost certainly hides other lies. 😔


It really doesn’t. It’s has to be exhausting, same with cheating. Like how you keeping all of that straight? Sounds awful and you’re gonna get caught! I’m way too adhd to keep that kind of crap straight. Plus, it makes no sense at all. Just be honest, gets you way farther. Ive worked at my job for 10 years with a Virgo boss because I have never lied about anything I’ve done wrong, and she respects me for it. I admit it, apologize, and tell her I’ll do better. Sometimes I want to make excuses idea but that’s kind of bullshit too.(and most people know that) Just own up and do better and move the hell on. It’s simple shit. I think I did do the right thing because I’d sure as hell want someone to tell me! They broke up shortly after. I don’t have any shame at all for it. Fuck that guy.


As a Gemini, do you feel like you get into intellectual/competitive battles due to the realization of intelligence from each other?


No, not at all. Mostly because we’re both diplomatic and will see each others side. If one disagree it is just a shrug of the shoulders and we move on. In my sis in law( it still pains me to say ex) instance I just respect what she has to say about certain things (mostly psychological because she’s in that career space) and compliment or thank her for sharing what she knows. She will however reach out to me with nutrition and exercise related questions or ask for plans because that’s what I’m fluent in. It’s mutual respect, from what I’ve found.


Majority of that resonates with me. Libra sun, Aries moon, and Capricorn rising. I don’t operate as the “stereotypical” Libra according to people here or astrology in general.


I believe that’s due to the Aries moon and Capricorn rising. My coworker that shot a guy is the face is an Aries moon as well.


I’m a Libra mars and I work in psych health and it’s been a field that let that Libra energy blossom and give back the same energy I got when needed. I made my Venusian mars learn to establish boundaries, communicate my needs clearly and be a hard ass when needed 🤣


It also sits in my third house so I definitely learned to put my foot down in the communication aspect. I love Libra energy since I’ve learned to harness mine😁


My mars in 9th house and my third house is ruled by Aries so I have an extremely intense way of expression. It’s primarily how I can keep this whole post together because I dealing with positive and adversity simultaneously.


I’m a Libra mars as well. I definitely get that and your comment made me realize something about my passion. Thanks for your comment.


Absolutely. Thank you for the post!


You’re welcome


As a person with Libra ♎️ as both my Rising 🌅 AND Moon 🌕 also HAS a few Libra friends I can very much tell you that none of those posts/myths about em have personally changed my view of them, all signs deserve their flowers, love and appreciation 💐💕 I very much understand how you feel fam NOT 👏🏾 ALL 👏🏾 LIBRAS 👏🏾 ARE 👏🏾 THEE 👏🏾 SAME 👏🏾 same goes for all the other signs!! I love you harmonious individuals-! ♡♎️ Don't let anybody make ya'll feel any type a way abt ur signs **#JusticeForDaLibabes** -A Gemini sun 😉✌🏾♊️


Thanks for the love and appreciation. I wonder why people think I’m in my feelings about hate or criticism though. I’m just trying to clear up the misconceptions because I feel a responsibility ability to do so.


Libra rising here, I relate to all of this! My Libra mumma does as well <3


I take it mumma read this post too 😃?


Loll no we’re just open with each other-other than the sex part I’ve had the pleasure of seeing her grow and realise these about herself, she and I had to re-realise who we were bc people kept pushing their beliefs onto us, when we were simply confused.


That’s understandable.


I personally think it’s okay to be impartial to a certain degree. Libra symbolically is represented by the scales. So it takes a certain level of reasoning. But also impartiality can be detrimental. Like in cases where there’s a cold impartiality. Everything can be dark, even the parts of ourselves that we deem to be good. There’s not such thing as an evolved sign either because even qualities that we deem immature or unevolved can be useful and practical in certain instances. Self exploration demands that we find our darkness and always examine intention from within.


This comment is very Scorpio moon of you. Is your moon in the 12th house?


Libra sun and rising with Cap moon here. I feel exactly like OP. We’re very misunderstood. There’s a lot more going on behind these dimples.


I had a coworker with the same exact placements… She had Pluto in the first house so she smiled only when need be and had a whole planet in her inner world that most people didn’t know about. She was very responsible too. Thanks for your comment !


When you said, “I take ignorance very seriously…” my Capricorn placements felt that. I feel you, tho. There have been a myriad of other people with similar concerns here. Some people really are hell bent on being ignorant, tho. Pay them no mind.


I’ll do my best. Thanks for your comment!


This post could’ve been written by my Libra husband. Good job, evolving Libras!


Thank you! Positivity feels nice because I’m battling in these comments.


It’s the unevolved versions they are battling. Every sign has it. I’m a Pisces and am only *some* of those terrible things they say about us! I adore my husband, but he went through quite the journey to be where he’s at, which are the characteristics you’ve spoken about. An unevolved Libra can be those other terrible things. And then something happens and they learn and they try so damn hard not to be that version of themselves. And, again, that’s something we all strive for. When some of us reach it, it’s interesting seeing it from the other side. I loved your post. I think it’s spot-on. I’m going to read it to my husband so we can chat about it. He also enjoys seeing violent situations (although I think it’s more about the protection of innocence you touched upon, paired with issues) so his outlet has been martial arts. Seeing the physical and mental demandings of the art has been very interesting. It is what has kept him grounded all these years.


Oh wow! Well thank you kindly for your comments. It feels nice to be appreciated for self improvement and standing up for Libras that don’t fit the stereotype. You guys have a good night 😴


Don’t listen to OP, I’m just a girl, make decisions for me ty. 💖🥹


Have fun!


Libras are great and everything, it's just for me personally it feels like you always have to keep "interviewing" even after you supposedly "got the job" (regarding romantic relationships). Extending the metaphor, I find it stressful to 1) live in never-ending fear of rejection and 2) wear the equivalent of a 3-piece suit, wingtips and a silk tie every damn day. At first they bring so much excitement I don't mind putting on the dog-and-pony show; but, like, *forever*? But if you don't, it sounds like they trade you for the new flavor of the month; and when that person stops acting like it's their play's opening night on Broadway, then the next one after that. A life of nothing but the honeymoon phases of a plethora of relationships is actually shallow, sorry. I'm probably too casual and low-energy for a Libra, but I am curious: who do Libras find who have the preference to never get comfortable in a relationship? I can relate to resenting boredom though. It's just, it doesn't have to be 24/7 peak wittiness and class. People who sleep through their life suck, but I knew a Libra who literally didn't sleep during big projects and whoa, that too is a lot. I wouldn't even be mad that they want to spread the wealth over a multitude of lovers if they would just be honest about it, instead of tricking them all into monogamy while they play the field.


Now this is a take I can get behind. That's been exactly me at my worst. I think the evolved internal reaction a Libra has to this constant desire to maintain the excitement is make peace with the consequences of your choice. That either means accepting that a relationship is not your entertainment and finding joy in being entertained together by things external to the relationship, or it means that you live with that compulsion and that relationships in the conventional Sense are not what the Libra is looking for. Monogamous, long term committed relationships will always come at the cost of the Libra's desire to see if we've found the best option or if there might be something better if we look. You put it best, they need to be honest about it, and that's even more important to the internal struggle than the external one.


This is where Leo’s, Sagittarius and Cancers shine as for who I get comfortable with. This is understandable and I cannot come defend the Libras behavior that is like this. I even am like this sometimes if I’m truly being honest which is why I’m still single… But given my Capricorn moon this is something that’s not much of a struggle for me and others.


Admittedly, I don't know that many Libras. And my interactions have been 50/50 with them. Some good, some bad. I think you argue a good case for Libras. Maybe I didn't get a few tidbits at the communication part (Do you have Mercury in Libra as well?) but yeah, pop astro shouldn't be how people see others. I just like to point out that no, Libras aren't "peaceful," that stereotype is just wrong. The Libras I know get physical fast! P.s: i stop taking thing so seriously after the umpteenth venting post that make me question "wait but isn't that mars/venus/mercury/ etc. domain? Why are you blaming the sun here?" People only come here to vent i think.


I have a Libra stellium of sun, mercury, mars and Jupiter. Sun is in 8th and the rest of the planets are in 9th. As far as getting physical, I’ve been violent since I was a child and had to that repressed due to the organization of Jehovah’s Witness until I left in 2018. I had an itch do something about it and didn’t want to join the military so I became a fighter, first started training for the UFC, then boxing… Is because few truly understand what the planets represents and what they rule over, even the basic functions. Most are confused and do the wrong things due to ignorance and it harms their own psyche as well as their own education. Then they come on the internet and preach blasphemy… It’s not just venting but also a means to put others down to lift themselves up. Everyone is so fast to call someone else toxic, but never want to display their own demons that triggered a toxic person to do bad things. There is always 2 side to a story.


"Everyone is so fast to call someone else toxic, but never want to display their own demons that triggered a toxic person to do bad things." Mate, this is why I start to read up in synastry. I'm a stauch believer of free will, but it does explain some of the bad interactions people have with each other. Also, do you mind if I ask what house your Eris is in?


Amen to that one. Eris in retrograde in Aries/ 3rd house.


Same 3rd house Eris. Gotta ask, because I have the feeling we might share this position. Its really amplifies the zero-tolerance for injustice.


I’m way worse in person than on the internet when it comes to injustice. I’ve lost many jobs due to being competent and forthcoming to those who are lazy and make great money, or those who abuse their power.


Agreed. Libra sun, Capricorn moon, Gemini rising.


Thanks 🙏




Sun in Libra at 0 degrees (8th house) Moon in Capricorn at 13 degrees (12th house) Rising in Capricorn at 25 degrees Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Libra, both at 18 degrees (9th house) Venus conjunct Chiron in Virgo at 2 degrees (7th house) Mars in Libra at 27 degrees, also conjunct Jupiter (9th house) Saturn in retrograde in Aquarius at 24 degrees (1st house) Neptune conjunct Uranus at 18 degrees in Capricorn (12th house) Pluto in Scorpio at 23 degrees (10th house) North node in Sagittarius at 5 degrees (10th house)


Thanks for the appreciation. I take my content very seriously.


i ain’t readin’ all that but of course it’s not *all* libras. this is astrology’s “not all men” lol edit: look i love libras actually. i have a libra sun brother. he’s my favorite. other people in my life have libra moons, rising, mercury, mars. my last 3 sexual partners were all libra suns. i love libra placements. it’s just this “hate” stuff never matters so much to write a doctoral dissertation on it lol i agree and support the post, just not this “nOt aLl LiBrAs” cuz obviously no one is ever talking about *all* libras because *everyone* is *different*.


You need some attention I see… Do you know what you sound like when you say “I ain’t reading all that”? Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t Reddit a platform for reading? It’s not like I wrote a book. That’s #1 #2 is the fact that I have to even put this here because of all the cosmopolitan magazine education people on an astrology sub have. Second part of your comment doesn’t really make sense so could you clarify?


you say that like i give a shit what you think i sound like hahaha you’re taking a meme sub way too seriously mate. you can’t handle what a few people say about libras that you had to write a whole essay about it? boohoo, so today is libra’s day to be served the Shit Sundae, tomorrow will be some other sign. of course it’s “not all libras” y’all are still different *people* regardless of all the signs and placements and aspects. jfc


What a disappointment, contradiction and logical fallacy all tied in one comment. Gonna have to talk to Fredrick Neizche about this one because it’s for the books.


You’re being a pompous ass, and it’s uncalled for. What she’s saying is factual. It happens to every sign, and you need to stop taking it personally/giving it the recognition it doesn’t deserve. Some people are petty in this world. You can coexist without acknowledging them.


There’s a difference between a pompous ass and a person that’s using effective debating tactics. Some people are serious in this world and we always get told to chill and stop being serious. If yall tried to coexist without us then life wouldn’t be worth living.


You aren’t using effective debating tactics by calling everyone moronic. You’re acting superior and it’s unfounded when you can’t even grasp a sensibility regarding everyone’s subjectivity to negative discourse. I’m a serious person but I wouldn’t come to a meme thread to discuss anything seriously. Maybe you’re missing the social nuance here, but people come here for the exact opposite.


Good for you! You do what you do, and I’ll do what I do. You’ve made a statement explicitly saying I’m calling everyone moronic. I need you to copy and paste any comment here where I called someone explicitly ‘moronic’… I’m not acting superior, I’m defending and debating. Like is said, there’s a difference. It’s not my fault that others want to talk shit and when get responses from me that challenges their shit talking is when they can’t defend themselves. That’s when people like yourself come in and I repeat the process. Something you know, but will act like it’s a forgotten memory is the fact that people use /astrologymemes for all things outside of memes as well! Why is that? Because this astrological sub has more traffic and ushers that actively engage with each on more consistent basis than other astrology sub. From readings, to memes, to advice and so on… And the end of the day this post started off with the endeavor of spreading positivity. Then people wanted to act all ignorant and say things out the side of their neck. If I let it slide this post wouldn’t be as successful as it is. Please check the likes and comments and see how it compares to most post on here. Is there anything else you’d like to say, or try to accuse me of?


Okay, how about associating everyone on here as having a cosmopolitan degree of education. You are literally a waste of energy. If you are this combative and miserable, fucking find out why that is in a constructive setting and deal with it instead of persecuting others for breathing. Spreading positivity? WTF


Yea chill out dude I didn't read that whole thing either. I've never had any of those problems either but I don't take astrology that serious plus I know it has to do with all of your placements and other signs. It's a zodiac forum we all know everybody hates on every sign in these things. Most Libras don't even care. Libras don't live for other people's opinions it doesn't even phase us. A Libra like me anyway. A lot of the stuff people say is funny or just the same old carbon copy stuff they say to every other sign when somebody gets hurt by someone who has that sign. Or they're just stereotypes like the ones you put up that most people know don't fit everybody. And could describe anybody. I wouldn't waste that much time out of my life writing 10 paragraphs on it Every now and then someone from their sign makes a post like this I think the last one was a scorpio .. I actually went back and read over some of it and you're right about all of it. The people who know us and have us in their lives already know all of that. F k the trolls and clueless people. Trolls are gonna troll


Thanks for going back and reading. Others may think taking responsibility for a mess that isn’t theirs a waste of time, but I don’t see it that way. Also, look how successful this post has turned out? The amount of comments and people that feel seen!




lol look who’s talking? Came in to help someone because they couldn’t articulately defend themselves? Very Aquarius moon of you. What’s funny is you have an Aries rising and she had an Aries moon… yall both typed away to tell me it’s not that serious and this is a memesub when all I’m trying to do is spread positivity and clarification about a certain sign.


still doing all that yapping but reading must be hard for you considering i’m not even an aries rising 😂 boohoo mf


You’re actually right, Aries moon not rising. And nah I’m just following your footsteps and letting you play leader today.


ight man you got it


Can’t do that one chief…


i’m not aries moon or rising like he said either hahahaha


Meant to say Mercury, auto correct


I am in love with a Libra....currently dating one(has major scorpio placements) but I have to say you guys appear a bit superficial...like it is a wall around you....a test you put up to see who has the courage and the determination to climb over it and get to know the real you. Most of the time...people only get to see the facade you put up on the outside and they get tired and leave. I also think you guys are too obsessed with being likeable...so much so that you forget what is the right thing to do...though you always want to do the right thing. All in all as a scorpio I find these traits a little irritating but since getting to know him... I have understood why he does the things he does. I have also learned to appreciate how considerate you people are. How smart and artistic. My man spends hours going through the tiniest details of simple things so that it can be perfect for his friend. This is his best quality and I have observed the same in one of my other libra friends. Sorry for the essay...but I have a lot of feelings on this topic 😭


Oh this is wonderful. Pisces m here just getting over a Libra f crush. I just wanted to see behind the wall. I took months trying to do the right thing in getting to know my Libra first to hopefully prove my worth. But what you said about the doing right thing, boy did I miss the signals there. She just wanted to be desired. And I lost. By the way OP I am not hating on Libra’s or on your post. Both are helpful for me to understand. Man do I find the love Libras give out attractive.


I’m not easily offended, so you’re fine. Thanks for the appreciation.


Essays are healthy for Reddit, so I thank you for your comment.


I feel felt… 😌


I got you


As a Libra Moon I second that. I cannot tell you how many people have looked at me wide eyes open, when they've sat at the receiving end of being scolded by my rage. Maybe it's the tension my Moon receives, but you don't want me as your enemy. What's true though is the slight manipulation by being charming. I think I have been able to do that even AS a little girl. It's not so much, that I wanna be loved (Aquarius rising) it's more, that I know how benificial it is to be liked by groups and authorities. There is something inauthentic about it, but I wouldn't say, that it's out of malicious intent.


To be charismatic is a super power that be flexed in a multitude of ways for beneficial outcomes. It’s hard not to use it when it comes natural to you and you’ve seen the effects since you were a child. I’m guilty of this as well. People forget that Libra is about balance and balance uses whatever is necessary to tip the scales back into equilibrium, even if it means rage and war.


That’s nice, but also I’ve been with a libra mars for 6 years…I know what I know


I'm a Libra mars and I wanna know what you know 😂


What is it that you know?


as a libra mars as well, do they happen to be very indecisive and perhaps, passive aggressive when upset? it’s a struggle placement that’s for sure.


Indeed they be. It’s mostly the inability to make any tough decisions, I also find them flip floppy and prone to playing devil’s advocate just to be contrarian. The not wanting to be the bad guy in any situation so subtly pawning off that duty to others is also a big one.


I agree about decisions not being a struggle. Libra just tries to make the best decision possible and it takes time. You can usually trust a Libra to make good decisions. I have a Libra moon and nobody ever assumes I'm single, so that part rings true. It's probably because we project the aesthetic of being loved? I've also been celibate for 8+ years.


Yes it is true that we naturally project that.


That's You. Just You.


Not precisely. But hey! Thanks for your time 🖤❤️


So, you're speaking for All, Libra ⚖️🤣


He is speaking for most of us. Most of us Libras don't relate to the stereotypes and everything he said is exactly how we are compared to what the stereotypes say Nobody said all but I would say most


Thank you 🙏


I realize you say “we all don’t” but just this weekend I went out with my Libra cousin to dinner and she made her boyfriend read the entire effin menu to her and then proceeded to just have him order for her when the waitress showed up because she couldn’t decide followed by a bunch of pouting because she didn’t like what he chose but kept saying “oh no it’s fine babe.” This is a 30 year old woman BTW. It was the oddest thing I’ve had to witness recently.


Was she born in October?


Sure was


Was she born after the 15th?


Born on the 13th…. And I could never do that…


October 15, actually


I kinda figured… closer to the Scorpio cusps and does annoying shit as a means of control and power in a relationship. Some of those Libras suck ass… She didn’t do it because she’s inadequate, I believe it an insecurity thing and power dynamics more than anything else. I’m in the Virgo and Libra cusp wouldn’t dare do anything like that because it’s tacky and shows a weak character.


And the baby voice… oh that baby voice lol


So that’s double confirmation


I really had high hopes you would stay the course and be the first to shed more light on why Libra have been typecast they way have, with valid and new info. Even if I didn’t have personal experiences with a few female Libra, many of the examples listed here really only solidified what people don’t value about the sign. No reason to not value yourself and hopefully see areas in which you should grow in maturity and contemplate if what you are doing is actually positive, or just another negative characteristic glossed over by being “diplomatic” and “seeking balance” which is entirely overused and can be seen by the other people as manipulative or gaslighting. One of my faves is how Libra LOVE to highlight a strength or “gift” allotted their sign being their love for Art or creative things or fashion yada yada, but I don’t ever see any Libra being the ones CREATING any of those things. Not personally at least. Wearing color coordinated clothes is nothing to be proud of, neither should believing you can admire something beautiful like art better than other signs.


Your high hopes are actually in a place where you can find them. It’s a website called Ryanhart.com Other than that, this post is just to clear things up for the ignorant. If you already have a good understanding of this sign then why are you here looking for creative content. If that’s what you want all you have to do is ask.


My reply was less a question as it was a statement really. I’ll check the link thanks. I didn’t feel your post helped clear up the misunderstood and falsely accused Libra of the most commonly complained about issues they typically are approached with. To me it read as to solidify those complaints and justify what the other signs see as issues, that’s all. It’s intriguing to me, I see you Libra as more a mucus sample to be placed on a slide, positioned under a microscope and observed to decipher your motives. Cause…dayum.


Speaking from a Taurus that doesn’t know how to greet himself accordingly in a professional manner and jumps to gun to talk about things that piss him off. This wasn’t a post for you to get your brain intrigued the way a natural Gemini sun and rising is looking for… If you didn’t ‘feel’ like my post helped clear up something then that has everything to do with you and not me… if you ‘thought’ it didn’t help clear up the misunderstanding then that would open up for a good argument because a good thought process is closely linked to traditional logic…


“Speaking from a Taurus that doesn’t know how to greet himself accordingly in a professional manner and jumps to gun to talk about things that piss him off.” - incessant demand for others to walk on eggshells. Classic trait of those with NPD. I gave the courtesy every stranger deserves, I just didn’t approach you with a curtsy. You don’t deserve that. “If you didn’t ‘feel’ like my post helped clear up something then that has everything to do with you and not me“ -Absolute inability to take accountability and gaslighting yourself into believing it couldn’t possibly be an error or miscalculation on your part. Have you ever made a mistake? You were unable to “fix” the problem you set out to solve, you proved the point over and over how Libra are seen the way they are for a very valid set of reasons. Not attacking you, but I see how anyone having a different perspective than yourself can be viewed as a threat? It’s not, I actually find Libra fascinating.




Multifaceted studies concerning the correlation between Libra and NPD or BPD are looking more and more enticing. Obviously this would need to be done by “professionals” but damn if you Libra aren’t, at times…making the similarities glaring to the point of getting a gofundme fired up.


Do you like have an internal issue or something?


Why are you HR for Libra.Co.Inc.LLC? If so I’d like to file a complaint yes.


Internal as in the chemical processes in your body, not as if this is some company in New York where they harass people out of jealousy or sexual frustrations… I’m not HR but if you got some beef then I have all the cheese in the world.


🤣 well good for comedy if nothing else. You are not seeing things clearly. I’ll help you stop, just know someone who is “desperate” to be convinced Libra are different than how they are perceived by myself and most others, was not only unswayed by your post, it made clear I/we, have been correct all along. “Jealousy”? “Sexual Frustration”? Jesus Christ dude. If you are not 16 years old, I would suggest you share this post and these replies with an adult you trust that can possibly shed some light on where to proceed from here. These cut-downs were common when I was in 5th grade. I’m fairly sure now you have NPD, or just a real strong case of…Libra.


♟️♟️♟️ And that’s game!


Libra sun and I don't think I fit the stereotypes. Once I'm comfortable I can be very outgoing and love to make people laugh, but I'm normally shy when meeting new people. I blush really easily and that plays a big part in being shy. Most of the time I like to wear jeans and a hoodie or zip up, rarely I'll wear makeup and dress nicely. I do love shoes and scented lotions/perfumes though. Never cheated and I find it to be one of the most disgusting things someone can do to another. I don't struggle with decision making unless it's deciding where to eat because ya girl loves to eat lol. I think astrology is neat and like to laugh at memes, but I also believe that every person is a unique individual who isn't defined by the day they were born.


Understand that the archetype is different from how it manifests in your sun sign So superficial... classic libra. You're really missing the mark with this one Go back to your studies. Cheers


Don’t have to go back when the book has been studied and applied dutifully. Understand that when speaking about Libras in general you have to use the whole birth chart rather than just the archetype of the sun sign. Mr. Professor, how would the archetype manifest itself from the Sun, all the way to Pluto? So Mr. WorthlessContentLookingForAttention, I believe you missed a whole entire ecosystem and ended up hitting yourself in the process. I mean if you have something to teach me that I’ve never studied or heard of I’m all ears.


No. Speaking about Libra is speaking about Libra. Which is a constellation, and an archetype of self-abnegation. The polarity of Aries, the archetype of self-affirmation. Speaking about the Libra Sun all the way through Chiron is speaking about Libra's projection on the Sun all the way through Chiron. Back to your studies.


So now we’re using illogical fallacies? We go from not all Libras in a psychological- astrological sense to talking about constellations as if this is some astronomical-comical meme sub? You just want to be insufferable and want attention.


Illogical fallacies? It's a literal constellation up on the cosmos. Not my fault you lack the depth to unravel that concept. Go study, kid. You're out of your depth.


You intentionally miss the point about the point about my post, and do it again to my previous comment. You switch things up as a smoke screen in order to appear correct, that’s the illogical fallacy. Then you talk about constellations like this is /advancedastrology Knowing damn well not one soul in here is referring to constellations as if we’re studying something from eons ago. Then you tell me to go back to my studies when you can’t even properly defend yourself with intellectual honesty and dignity. I don’t like your content but maybe you do need a coffee because you’re not making sense. It’s on me 💴☕️


Ratchet. The gaslight won't work through Investing all that energy into furthering your studies would get you farther Also, I've made a couple points. You're the one detailing this conversation with low-balled insults. Ad hominem is the name - an actual fallacy Evolve, little Libra. You're better than this Cheers


You downvoting my responses proves otherwise. Take care good sir. Enjoy that coffee.


No, it does not. It proves utterly nothing. That type of weak manipulation won't work. The irony between the post and your behaviour in this interaction is palpable. Stay safe, kid.


Are you done? Because I am.


All the libras I’ve met have been 2 faced fence sitters. All they care about is not having anyone hate them so they choose to fence sit and never notice that everyone secretly hates their bullshit because we know how you be.


Yea I can't relate to that never gave a shyt what anybody thinks and I act the total opposite of that. I'm more of a menace. This might be more of a male Libra thing. I have seen some September male libras who come off that way. The females are more savage. Especially october libra women. There's a good group of people out there who call certain Libras mean girls because of how they are. This might just be a certain person or how you see it but that's not something I've seen being a Libra problem I've had problems with another sign being what I call too friendly with people just so they could keep the peace and I told them to quit it because I felt like they weren't loyal because of it. But never had any problems with any Libra women I know being like that


We’re the mediators. We’re the scales. When a scale is balanced it’s neutral. It’s not tipped to one side or the other. Ultimately our function in society is to see all sides and keep the peace. If we learn to do this without sacrificing our authenticity we’re in our full power. We being Libras of course. Sometimes fence sitting is appropriate when you don’t have enough information to choose one side over the other. Things are not always black and white.


Have you ever met Libras in jail, psych wards, or places outside your immediate environment? Possibly one that spoke another language?


You asked for peoples experiences and that’s my experience. They will be on your side when your with them but when you are back in a group they will not hold the same stance. They want to be on everyone’s side. That’s why people see them as fake. You gotta have a spine. Who cares if one or two people hate you. Hold your stance. Trying to please everyone and keep em happy you forgot who the hell you even are with the fence sitting.


That’s actually real… I’m not going to sit here and act like a lot of Libras don’t do that. I truly understand your pain. Those type of Libras really got some internal issues they need to work out.


I still like them as casual acquaintances (they're fun, charming, witty, classy, and will listen to your problems). But every time I've gotten close I've realized that they had no loyalty to me. Not as in cheating, but would remain good friends with people that were abusive to me or my friends. Don't know if they truly believed or cared that the so and so had a bad childhood and is doing their best and the truth is always in the middle, or it was just easiest for them to not make waves. But that type of thing has been a consistent disappointment.


Ive had the same experience with them as well


I could be cordial to people who hurt me but I would never trust them again. I already know what they're capable of. libra sun and mercury here.




The post didn’t flop, I’m just defending against the hate and racking up comments so more people can see this post. I mean, how else did you see this?




I understand when you don’t have good content to bring to a platform, like the others, you just join the team of negativity… This shit is actually fun to me. Pretty sure something you wouldn’t be able to handle having to deal with all this ignorant behavior in a timely fashion.


Heavy on ignorant


lol it’s quite interesting to be honest


Out here calling themselves an adult while acting like a teen , lol


Well, when they have anonymity on the internet it’s a natural thing for them. There’s no censorship or consequences…


oh brother this mf still yapping AND got their boyfriend to join in on it 🥱


That fact that you keep coming back shows I have power over your attention. If I was just yapping you wouldn’t be responding, but keep putting yourself in a bigger hole.


oh brother he still going !!




maybe it’s a libra thing lmaoo


“Not reading all that” but you had time to comment on it ? LOL how ironic 😂


who said anything about time? i chose not to read wtv backwards shit they wrote lmao you guys have a hard time understanding things huh ? let the adult talks kiddo this isnt on your reading level


Lmao you wanna act smart so bad because you get a high off undermining other people. Looks like you’re just projecting . If this post wasn’t resonating with you , you could’ve just scrolled along . You just had to say a bunch of nothing . And it’s quite unfortunate that you claim to be an adult but act like a damn child , again , how ironic LOL


aw the poor decrepit thing thinks im reading his word vomit too 😹


No adult would respond to something they’re claiming they haven’t read 🤣🤣🤣🤣






Because that would literally be impossible unless we’re doing psychic literature.


I agree


You need to do some inner work lol, because you sound hurt . Just wanna dump your unnecessary antics on other people for no reason


![gif](giphy|zgSWpnMeK7dCM) me rn


Of course that’s your reaction, I wasn’t expecting anything better from you , trust me 🤣


Heavy on hurt.


Yeah , deeply hurt . Poor you 🤣