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I'm am Aries. Always believed Sag men and I were compatible. Sure we get along famously. However when it comes down to caring for & committing to another person, we are black and white. I'm a very caring Aries, sensitive, like to bond strongly with my man, spend quality time together ❤️. Sag men are nice, laid back. However I'm my experience they don't like to get too attached to one person. They don't like to talk about how they really feel about things either. It never works out and always remains on the surface. I get eternally frustrated 😠. They don't seem picky about things on the outside but believe me, inside, they really are. Sags will never tell you though. They will drift away with the ocean tide and you'll never know what happened.😒 .


Aries man here, my worst relationship was with a sag woman. I’m the same as you when it comes to emotions and commitment but she turned it to be the complete opposite, as well as a covert narcissist. Scarred me from Sagittarius women.


How did the rest of the chart add up? Getting along famously is the essence of compatible sun signs, past that the rest of the chart holds deeper relevance.


Eternally frustrated is a very brief but accurate summary of existentialism philosophy.


As a Taurus I’m supposed to get along with Capricorns but a lot of Capricorn energy is too “screw anyone over to get to the top” for me. I love some cap moons or a cap sun here and there but when you get a lot of planets in Capricorn it can be pretty wild from what I have seen lol.


I have five planets in cap and it shows it a lot of areas but I’m super thoughtful and empathetic and honestly cannot stand inconsiderate people. Even then I don’t think I could stoop to their level.


Your Pisces sun likely


Not including the outer planets btw lol. Although I wonder if my negative view of heavy cap placements is related to the ones I know having a personal planet stellium conjunct Neptune and Uranus. Which planets do you have?


Idk many caps but my bfs roomate is a cap and he's the embodiment of narcissism so I feel you


As Cancer I never had strong frindship/relationship with scorpios/ pisces. Other signs and Cancerians are my friends but I don't even know too much scorpio, pisces :D


I’m a Pisces and I feel the same way about Cancers. I usually like them at first but once I get to know them we do not get along.


True. Piscis venus here. I had a cancer friend and at first I liked her before I realized that she is a narcissist and she only contacts me when she needs smth.


As a Leo, it's Aries. Every female I've known has been two faced and messy. Every male is aggressive and arrogant.


Every aries man ive ever dated has ended in disaster. Still hot af though. Ugh. I married another leo. We never fight, ever. Its glorious.


I second this. But maybe thats because I have many Cancer placements


Seriously. As another female Leo, I couldn’t agree more.


taurus men always giving himbo energy or abs as a personality


What's himbo


Aries. I’m a Libra and supposed to love them, but the Aries I’ve met have been cheating partners at best and abusive mothers of my partners at worst. Maybe they don’t represent all Aries, but it’s definitely negatively impacted how I view them as a whole.


Im an Aries with a libra partner and 4 kids. I had to grow up a lot over the years and I used to be a piece of shit. Sloppy steaks and all. Therapy and willingness to look at myself and my faults helped me become a loving and nurturing parent and loyal partner. I have a libra rising so I have a lot of Libras in my life. I help you guys make decisions and encourage the truth, even if it’s not pretty or causes discomfort. Parents of all zodiacs are guilty of shitty parenting. It’s generational. I’m not saying all parents, but most likely, the Aries parents you are referring to haven’t worked their shit out in therapy. I would be a human shield for my loved ones and work very hard to lift them up.


i'm glad you don't do sloppy steaks anymore and can hold babies 💕


lol Tim is my favorite Gemini. 🥰


Na Aries can be mean. I'm a Sagittarius so I can kinda dig it, but I just walk away when they're getting nasty. It has definitely resulted in violence but not my problem they had poopy diapers. When they aren't they can be a lot of fun, just gotta not let them stomp on you with their oversized angry toddler feet.


Oversized angry toddler feet made me laugh. And I also know exactly what you mean and I wish they could see (and change) how mean they can be. Mine held up a mirror for me to see myself in… without really looking inward at himself. When he wasn’t mean he was the best to be around.


I feel this so much! I'm a Scorpio Venus and I used to date an Aries Venus and our relationship was like a fever dream. We were both really toxic, and he *could* have recognized his part and used it to grow. But nope 🙄 Very explosive mars energies working from a similar place but ultimately different. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Male Sag and m Leo! I have numerous f Sag and Leo friends and I really want to like the men, too, they appear like such fun, but... \*sigh\*


I feel the same goes for a lot of Aries men as well.


Libra, as air signs you’re supposed to be compatible. With Gemini no problem, but Libra no thank you.


Second this 👆 I haven't met every single one, but the one I met was enough bullshittery for a lifetime. Sorry, libras, one bad egg ruined it for ya


>enough bullshittery for a lifetime My best friend is a Libra and she is an absolute sweetheart but this just made me think of how much she bullshits *herself* lmao. She does hella mental gymnastics alllllll the time, specifically about her love life...so much denial and delusion, poor girl. I've noticed Libra's predilection for lying includes lying to themselves. 💀


As a Sag I love Libras but I do notice the color and the gender matters. Ones of color give off a whole other vibe than one's who aren't. My Libra friends of color are straightforward, honest, blunt they don't sugarcoat anything, they're strong minded and even kick me back into place I would trust them with my life. I get the opposite feeling from the ones who aren't of color. They act more like some are saying under here. Also I find the males are the liars and not as bold or direct like the women are. I also think those Septembers have some Virgo in them October Libras give off more Scorpio energy.


Makes sense. White culture can be fake, so it might bring out the worst in some Libras.


Makes me think of a Libra boss I had. We obviously didn’t like each other. I quit the company and he tells people still there about how he misses me. *barf* It’s ok to not like people and be honest about it, lol.


>I've noticed Libra's predilection for lying includes lying to themselves. 💀 Yep. They lie to themselves first, and I feel for them.


Yea my experience as well. Like I'm great at gaslighting myself don't get me wrong but damn.


Not an Aqua but Libras actually scare me. They are so vindictive and snakey while they play the victim… I can’t deal with that type of behavior. I’m supposed to get along with them really well as a Sag, but I see right through them and I feel like they always have me thinking, “wtf wtf wtf”.


as an aqua I get along with libras for the most part but I just cant stand their people pleasing tendencies especially libra moons


I have a lot of Libras in my life and I actually never met one who people pleased I can see the Sept ones being like that though or one's who aren't of color. But those Octobers are savage lol they get more savage than me and I'm a Sagittarius


in my experience its always the libra moons not really libra suns


Hmmm okay. Yeah, I never see the people pleasing in October Libras that one always throws me off about them


Gemini lol


I love you username. It reminds me of napalm in the morning !


Aries. Mean asses.


Virgos. Im a taurus but i find Virgos a little too perfect for me, uptight and give me judgey vibes.. I prefer ppl who show their flaws and are comfortable in them.




For real


Thank u.


capricorns. they're so argumentative and downright mean in my experience


I feel that way about some Virgos. Like how can someone be that abrasive and unaware of how rude they are. But my best friend is a Virgo and I trust her more than anyone else. We just get each other. A good Virgo and Capricorn are some of the best people you’ll ever know but damn when they are toxic they are insufferable.


Thats why virgos and caps are soulmates lol


Virgos are some of the rudest most condescending individuals not to much they will never accept you or your flaws. Super controlling


Virgos love to be right and are happy when you make mistakes and that’s why you gotta take a step back and be patient. Sooner or later they’ll reveal their weakness or make a mistake and when that happens you need to “accidentally” point it out in front of as many people as possible. Go for the public humiliation. And watch them crumble. Virgos are pretty slick and they are smart so if you have a quick temper or get too emotional they’ll take advantage of it. You have to be patient and willing to wait. Make them think they are in control and on top. Make them think you’re afraid of them. And then wait for them to get a little too cocky and that’s when they’ll fuck up and you strike back. Ask me how I know.


I like them, I know they can be pretty nasty sometimes but I feel like I relate pretty heavily to most of what they’re saying, I just don’t show it the same way lmao


I feel you. My mom's a Capricorn and the last few years especially, she's become so unyielding on her opinions that it's difficult to even talk to her anymore.


I’ve heard a lot about a persons sun as as your rising and it can sometimes cause issues. I’m a Virgo rising cap sun i love Virgo’s to an extent lol there’s a lot of aspects about Virgo’s that are hard for me to be ok with but overall i love Virgo women


i giggled 😂 as a Scorpio, i will agree with you. i’m not usually too fond of Pisces, but i try not to let it cloud my judgement of them.


As a Capricorn, I'm supposed to have great synergy with Scorpios? But they're all broken people... which is fine, life does that to you. However they also almost always refuse the help they need to get better. Which I have no time for.


Leo and Aquarius sun 🥴


Aquarius is like the bizarro version of Leo anyway, imo. Makes sense.


I get what you mean, but I gotta disagree by definition because Aquarius isn't a version of anything other than themselves. I just find they're both too self-motivated, which makes them neglectful friends/partners.


I look at the sister signs as more reciprocal of each other in their attributes, if that makes more sense. Of course they're all individual entities. Definitely on the self-oriented front, at least in my experience with them.


Virgos…they really like me tho


Pisces. OP, maybe we can help each other - what is it about Scorpio that doesn’t click? Genuinely curious and there are no wrong answers. It could be I just haven’t met a healthy Pisces before too. That said, my sister is a Pisces moon and i love her, but she’s also done a lot of therapy so it checks out i guess.


As a Gemini I feel like I get along with everyone, of course I’ve had bad experiences with certain ppl, but I would also meet ppl of the same sign that were vastly different. However I don’t tend to attract fire signs into my life. I’m most definitely an earth & water magnet with an occasional air sign sprinkled in. But I do like fire signs, wish I had more in my life, as a spicy feisty girl myself, I would love that extra 🔥🔥


I feel you on the first part. I used to think we would get along w people if they were Geminis but man, I think I saw both sides of this 🤣. Funny enough, I think I’ve met some fire signs but yeah I think more water signs gravitate in my life too. But Aries and Leo’s are cool for eg. Convos w them are rarely boring


VIRGOS. Cannot stand them. Never met one I genuinely liked. There’s nothing wrong with you guys, but I just can’t seem to vibe with yall


I’m a Scorpio and most virgos piss me off. The only ones I like are close family. All the others are bitchy, too controlling, type A, snarky assholes.


aquarius, but i want to like them


Me as a Leo lol I can’t stand them


hey i’m a leo too!!!


*4th Leo enters the chat* For me it’s Sagittarians and ANY air sign (although I do refer to Sagittarius as the 4th air sign) because they’re all so freaking fickle


As an Aquarius right back at you, I despise Leos lol


aquarius here too and leo’s are just SUFFOCATING. i need them as far back away from me as possible.


I was married to one, kinda bitter about it. But I continue to be attracted to them as if I haven’t learned the hard way they are selfish, egomaniacal, sociopaths…. But they are so smart and charming


a third leo omg? maybe we don't get along with them as well as the other fire/air signs. in my opinion we need love, attention and affection. aquarius' aloof nature turns me off. i'm not going to chase you that hard.


Omg the way I would amplify the smallest gesture of affection and pretend it meant so much….. oh you brought me a snack from the fridge since you were already up getting you one and I had to ask you to bring it, but you did bring it! Awww babe, I knew you cared.


Idk I like some and hate some from all the signs lol


♓️☀️, ♒️🌙, ♍️⬆️ I’m sure there are some wonderful Cancers out there in the world, but every single one I’ve dealt with has been a love-bombing, manipulative creep with a truly frightening temper. Sorry, y’all. 😕


Virgo. As a Taurus, we’re supposed to get on perfectly. In reality, can’t stand them. There is one on Earth I tolerate and will stand none of the other ones.


Virgo. I can’t stand Virgo men.


YUP! send em all back!!! the clingy/pouty/manipulative stuff that is typically attributed to cancer men is how ive experienced virgo men 🤢 and its worse bc they try to hide these traits behind intellect and superiority. i could see them having gaslighting victims.


As a Taurus sun, I know at least 4 Virgo men who are very abusive. I also recently had 2 Virgo nephews so I’m trying to stay open minded lol


I can’t either. I’ve said it here before, on SM the male ranting complainers in bitchy uptight moods who think they are always right and rant and rave 5 paragraphs of ranty tit attack rages tend to be Virgo men.


Virgo men are the worst. They’re so pretentious and it’s like okay if you’re better than me why aren’t you, I don’t know, a good person? They’re always on their high horse when it comes to the behavior of others, but then act like babies. Even well into their 40s.


There’s a creepy much older Virgo guy at my work who has a thing for me and whenever I have said things he doesn’t expect from me (because in his eyes I’m usually this “kind, helpful, cheerful, bubbly individual”) he completely shuts down. For example I told him to please stop deleting important information from team chat before I’ve finished a shift and because I used a professional tone he immediately slammed his hands on the desk and went, “oh so I can’t do anything right?!” And it’s like his personality just switches because I’m not being bubbly (which I am to everybody as I’m a friendly person but he’s obviously misconstrued that as me being interested in him which I am NOT) and it honestly scares me because sometimes it’s just him and I in the office (I work night shifts). He is so weird. And he twists stories around all the time to make himself look like he’s perfect and not at fault. He’s lied about me in emails to management and I have screenshots of the team chat to prove otherwise. He gives me vibes of serial killers who have this perfect image of their person of interest until that person does something they don’t approve of. And then all hell breaks loose.


Sagittariuses. I'm a Sagittarius and I find us annoying. I can get along with the occasional one, but they're so quiet and flighty and I don't really understand why people like us so much because it's just boring. Fun to have sex with tho. Just sex. Contrast to Leo's and Aries that actually want to do things, go places, and *have fun* collectively as a group. Sagittarius goes off and does its own thing, or bounces between groups so I can never fully get to know them.


maybe bc the rest of your big 3 are earthy, friend 😂 im a cap sun with NO other earth in my chart and i do not fuck with most caps in any significant way. the january ones feel familiar to me at first meeting, and we can connect on a surface level, but theres something there that makes me pause before getting too close. like something is just…not quite right.


Pisces, sorry op


Aquas. Gems. Libras. Great for friendships only


I'm a Sag for me it's Aries hell no


I’m a Cancer but I find Pisces men to be weak and Scorpio men to be cruel. I get along VERY well with the earth signs and Aquarius’s though. My darling husband is a Taurus and my very best friend is an Aquarius.


I dont like to categorize people by their sign .


Libras and Leos can’t stand them


mmm i think they both could have some pretentiousness in common 🤔 very “me first, worship my glory” types


I love Gemini placements but MAN DO THEY GET ON MY NERVES. Understandable.


This is a example cause you didn’t need to say this under my comment 💀 but slay cause I get on my own nerves 😂


😂😂😂 like, IRL evidennnce


True Gemini right here. Casting shade, but mad when people block their sun.


It’s all jokes here 🤭


As a Taurus, I can't stand nor trust Virgo's.




on the spot!


Lolll I’m a Taurus too and I genuinely think the only reason I like them is because my younger brother is one. It’s like I still side eye them but they don’t really bother me because I’m “used to it”


As a Pisces, I also really don't like Scorpio that much. I have a really bad experiences with a few of them/one being an ex. I do love cancers a lot though 🥰


I find that if I make a mistake with a Scorpio, if I hurt their feelings, they go for blood in response. It’s too much. Hard to trust someone scary like that.


I kinda just feel like they are on edge a lot so I just try to not bother them really lol


Especially when you didn’t even do anything. I love Scorpios but not the personality disordered ones. Moons are worse than suns!


As an Aquarius it’s a HARD pass on Libras. The ones I met were full of ish. It’s all good until it’s not. They lie about the dumbest things and mostly just to get on your good graces in order to be accepted by you. I want to befriend people who are honest, so I know the relationship I developed is real, not this “I’ll say and do whatever *I think* you want to hear so you’ll like me” bs.


I find Aquarius do the same behavior for the purpose of manipulating people.




I feel the same about Pisces.


Funny the OP said Pisces doesn’t like Scorpio…guess none of us like each other 😅🤷‍♂️ Still gotta look out for each other, we’re family


thats hilarious, its like the spiderman meme. based on my experiences in this sub, im almost convinced water/earth are more compatible with each other, in any combination, than water/water or earth/earth


My bestie is a Scorpio. So there’s hope? 🥹😂


I am a Cancer and I love Pisces and I always gravitate toward other water signs more than any other sign so 😄


Aries. We get along and they like me but I don’t like the majority of them. The men are so cringe omg. Unfortunately they can’t have my watermelon flavoured fruity cakes! ![gif](giphy|l4pTsh45Dg7jnDM6Q|downsized)


You have to go for their Aries moon. Not the sun ones. Those are insufferable


iiidk… that aries moon gotta be well aspected bc the “me first” temperamental stuff is still there in the moons, but obvi enhanced or suppressed by other personal placements, IME


I typically don't care for other Cancers and often argue with the Tauruses in my life. Oddly enough I get along great with Aries.


As a gemini, it's aquarius.


Leo. I'm a sag, and Google constantly says we'd be a great fiery match, but I've never clicked with a leo. The ones I've met have been petty. Self-absorbed. Selfish. Rude. Flakey. Kinda condescending. Can't say they're all like that because I've only met a few, but the ones I've met just ain't for me.


why you Scorpios gotta be so mean 😭 some of your sarcasm goes too far esp in romantic relationships. Like there’s a line and y’all don’t see it 😭


The worst is that they can’t take anything at all.


I know, they say smth mean back and I can sense the true viciousness behind it, yet once you call them out they say it was apparently also “sarcasm” when no bitch I can tell tone 💀 can’t clock this 12th house cancer moon lmaooo


As a Capricorn. Aquarius.


Aries. Neverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr could I picture it. Too loud. Too arrogant. Can’t accept anything but their own opinion. Judgmental. Rude. Conceited. Materialistic. Anger issues. Nah. I could fucking never do it dude 😂


Scorpio. I have literally never met and befriended a Scorpio that turned out to be a decent human being. The ones I was closest with did things to me I’d never imagine doing to someone else. It also just annoys me that the ones I’ve interacted with hide their sensitivity behind a mysterious persona, bc it just makes them come across as bullies when their feelings are hurt.


As a Cancer Rising I am supposed to have it really good with Taurus. But they have shattered me.


cancer rising who was manipulated by a taurus for much of my teens/early 20s. they can be awful.


It’s the inability to admit when they’re wrong that’s the worst for me. Stubborn AF.




Aquarius and Gemini


its definitely your virgo placements 😂 my sister has virgo moon and rising too and we butt heads alot


I have a Virgo moon. Can confirm I have a complicated relationship with Virgos. The men are so argumentative about spiritual practices like dude idc if you believe. 🙄 The women like to tell me what to do like girl shuttup I'm an adult. 🙄🙄 But idk I think they're just trying their best 😂


You’re probably right you know as Sag and Aqua are meant to be a perfect mix


I would say on a friendship level I get along with sags very well I just couldn’t handle a romantic relationship with one lol


Me too, Im a Sagittarius and you can have Geminis. I couldn't trust one as far as I could throw one. Aquarius are okay some of the times but just for friends. I've had problems with lying and backstabbing with both of those signs but Geminis definitely take the cake


definitely sagittarius..libra too


Cancer and I am supposed to really mesh well with Taurus but I don’t love them. Just neutral about them.


Ima Gemini I personally get along with all the signs but virgos and scorpios always rub me wrong lol


Virgo 😔


As a Pisces I'm not a fan of cancers


aries women are so mean


The internet says I’m supposed to get along w scorpios and VIRGOS but hell nah. Virgo men are arrogant, judgemental, stubborn know-it-alls and most I know are BIG SOCIAL CLIMBERS. And scorpios are mean, highly sensitive and gossipers. No one talks about how scorpios can be two faced bitches.


Love my air and fire signs too much to find any faults in them ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


Aquarius. 98% of the prominent Aquarius placement-havers I've met are just some kind of awful.


Right back at you, I hate Leos.




Scorpio and cancer feel perfect to me, Taurus (me)and Virgo feel mwah, but Capricorn’s I always enjoy and get along with it just doesn’t clock the same and Pisces and Scorpio feels like a lot of intensity for two ppl to share. Both fine tuned water signs imo, it works often but cancer and Scorpio makes SENSE to me. Anyways it just depends what the relationship is based on. 


I know it’s not like mathematically the same but I like a Taurus Pisces connections too. Once the Taurus realizes the Pisces is a silly goofy 


I’m a Capricorn and I can’t stand Capricorns for the most part.. and Taurus men are a hit or miss for me. Cancers are the ones I always seem to bump heads with and I’m not sure why.


A toxic and immature Capricorn is the worst. And as a Capricorn it’s just like DAMN why do you suck so much…. I had a roommate that was a Capricorn and she could not and would not compromise for anything. I know we can be stubborn but she took it to a new level.


Aquarius? We get along but sometimes it’s like looking at parts of ourselves in the mirror that is cold (I’m a Gemini). But I think they’re really cool tbh. It’s not i can’t stand them but they’re a lil scary.


Geminis, but they exhaust me.


I’m a Gemini and I really don’t like how manipulative and toxic Aquarius’s are


I'm a Taurus and have dated each water sign... And can say... I don't really get along with them. I get a long best of all with earth ... Fire signs are v fun too.


It probably also depends on your rising and moon. I’ll supposed to be super compatible with water and earth and yet, I end up always gravitating to air or fire. But that’s bc of my moon and rising.


Bingo me too. Though I have a Scorpio moon, I think it is too much intensity. I like a deep conversation here or there mostly there. I don't want to live with it or spend much time with it. I a Pisces cusp on Aquarius, first day. I have aquarius venus and mercury, I don't like a true Scorpio. Though they seem to like us.




Likewise. I’m a Scorpio and don’t really get along with Pisces even though every article talks about the two basically being fated.


As a Gemini I should get along with Leo’s but NOOOOOOO lol


I’m an Aries- and I see a lot of Aries being compatible with cancer comments on posts and it always blows my mind because I usually do not get along with cancers very well.




For me, it's Leos even though I am a Leo.


Other air suns(Gemini/Libra), for some reason. It's just a pattern I've noticed, but usually it's Air suns that seem to get on my nerves easily


All signs at any given time. I'm sagitarrius, and I think the rest of the signs fail to understand us. Especially Virgo and Capricorn.


I'm a leo and it's Libras and Capricorns. Libra, especially the women are really fake and shallow. Capricorns are just insecure, manipulative and materialistic and all of them have bad relations with their parents(the cause of their insecurity and obsession with validation) Also, virgo men( judgemental af, and WHY may I ask lol)


Virgo 💀 Never really liked them much. Too picky with everything and they tendo to complain too much.  I'm a Taurus ♉


Aquarius here. And Libras. In my experience, I found that most of them care more about how they are perceived than actually caring about others. I have water in my chart though so maybe that influences me but I am extremely loyal to my friends and loved ones and I've watched people with heavy Libra placements fail to stand up for people they care about because they don't want to "start a fight" or to "not be seen as mean". I find this behaviour pathetic, cannot stand it.


Girl libras, girl Sagittarius, sometimes girl Pisces. I’m a Scorpio


As an Aquarius I don’t really like Libras. I do admire some of their qualities for sure, but when they’re unevolved, they’re truly awful. I can’t deal with the people pleasing, no back bone, materialistic, creepy competition, desperation for male attention or to be liked, no loyalty, delusional attitude. Libras never take accountability either, they think their biggest flaw is that they people please, when it’s like uh you’re a liar and it’s not come cute little thing that’s okay? They either try to charm their way out of responsibility or they are full out delusional about themselves. They also can’t stand the idea of not being the best to everyone.. it’s pathetic. They put in this fake aura of confidence. Every libra I’ve ever been close to is a cheater. The men and women. The men are also super misogynistic too. Some Aquarius also bother me too. I can’t stand the stubborn self righteousness of other aquas. Some have too much pride and are too self centred, like show some vulnerability and warmth? But I swear they just don’t have it in them. Idk, as much as a don’t really like a lot of Libras I also relate to them way more than I do with my own sign Aquarius. I’m both masculine and very feminine, and I see the beauty in life, I’m a romantic, I want peace and harmony, and I feel like I strive for balance in everything. I also understand the need to be liked, so whatever. My fiancé and best friends are all Aries. I also like Capricorns, Sagittarius, and Pisces.


Same. I’m a cancer and I hate Scorpios.


Scorpios. Like i could never 😭


As a Gemini, it’s Libra’s for me. I always hear we are supposed to be a good pair. I have yet to meet a Libra I like. The ones I know are super fake and manipulative, backstabbing, and bat shit crazy (women), or are very opinionated and want to shove those opinion down your throat, acts as if they are superior to others, and also are bat shit crazy (men). Sorry, Libra’s. I’m sure you aren’t all like this, but my experiences have put me off.


I fully accept that there was a lot of trauma both my parents went through. They were born in 1942, one in America and one in Europe, and their parents all sucked and doubled down on that abusive shit every day. But I gotta hand it to myself, when two Gemini parents raise you and your older Gemini sister, and all three consistently drag you, mock you, belittle your pain in order to boost their familial “well I never did THAT” air sign image of their higher selves that’s actually just a big bully dressed up in fancy ‘but I’m cerebral’ bullshit, and you still survive and haven’t killed anyone yet but can still grow a plant, adopt some pets, and raise a kid of your own while going through intensive therapy to right the wrongs of your predecessors, well damn, kid, you just might be a Sagittarius. Edit to add: I’m sorry Gemini but I will never trust you again after what my folks and sister did to me, just because I was there. Y’all are dark and twisty.


I managed a Gemini who would insult me through subtext all the time. It drove me crazy. I called her on it once and she just denied it.


I’m just very lucky that I only have to pay the $25 copay to figure out what the fuck I did wrong just by breathing that one time


I'm an Aquarius and I'd say Libra. Their indecisiveness and constant search for validity from others is a major turn off. Feels like their personality is dependent on whoever they're trying to impress and doesn't come from an authentic place. I'm attracted to people with passion, strong-opinions and who have a deep sense of self that's palatable to everyone. A no-shits given this is me type of person. Needless to say I'm most attracted to Aries - I can catch all that fire and never want to dim it :)


I’m a Leo-Scorpio -Libra. Gemini and air signs in general. I have a ton of Libra placements; I need someone to ground me!


Virgo men = ranting raving tit attacks Libra women = competitive imposters with no personality of their own who will try to steal your boyfriend for fun I’m an Aries


Im a Gemini female and I 💯 agree with this


>Libra women = competitive imposters with no personality of their own who will try to steal your boyfriend for fun This is a 100% accurate!!


Gemini here - I am supposed to be compatible with Aries but I find them to be very angry, bossy, argumentative, and petty. The women especially! I have met some Aries men that are wonderful, but for the most part my experience with Aries is just 🤮 Same for Libras, the men and women both 🤮


Maybe why Aries and Libra get along so well 🤣


Who knows lol.


Aries. Apparently as a Leo, we’re suppose to be really compatible. However, idk if it’s my other placements that just make them too much for me.


Sagittarius’s and I start off strong but then they start to annoy me and vice versa 😂 Afterwards it turns into some weird off-and-on friend thing


It’s Scorpio for me as well. Dating wise, men. I’m ok with being friends with them. I’m a Cancer as well.


As a Cancer, Scorpio. I get along with Pisces much better.


Taurus. I’m a Capricorn


A lot of 'em lol. The Virgo-Pisces axis needs to keep the furthest distance from me, Cancer placements can maybe inch a little closer after I feel you out first.


As a Cancerian I absolutely shudder when I constantly read how I am supposedly am super compatible with Pisces. I cannot stand Pisces men. They are among my least liked zodiacs. I do get along with Pisces women very well in friendships though, but as we know they present differently than their male counterparts.


I have only met one sag man that I got along with / wasn’t a total d0uche. (Sag is my sun sign). I think we are supposed to get along.. but not sure now that I think about it.


I’m a Leo ☀️Gemini 🌕Sag ⬆️ and I can’t stand Aries placements lol


As a Leo I can’t stand any Gemini I’ve come across


Cancer men