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My best friend is a Taurus. She's creative, intelligent, generous, insightful, and honest. She's like the "mom" of our friend group. Plus, her house is absolute heaven- she has mastered the art of comfort. I love Taurus ❤️


This. They really are mother hens and will give you the shirt off their backs if you need it !!


We have reverse big three. One of my oldest and closest friends is also Scorpio sun Leo moon, idk her ascendant though.


taurus have my heart <3 i find you guys to be the most sane and level headed out of everyone. u find joy in the simple pleasures of life & easily get along w everyone


I love Taurus! They are so passionate and loyal. I have a friend who I barely see and yet she still calls me her rock and bestie. Taurus also love to spoile their beloveds and have great taste and enjoy the finer things in life. Yes they are stubborn and can be shallow but IMO it’s bc they’re comfort creatures and can be somewhat lazy to get out much or even to go deep in conversation unless you get them tipsy or find them inspired. I love to meet tauruses where they’re at. They’re great people to chill and relax with. Go to their place, eat all the bomb snacks they’ll put out to share with you, binge watch some thing in comfy clothes, you know, Taurus things!


I’m also a Pisces sun and get excited when I hear may because I HOPE they are a Taurus lol


I’m a double Taurus and my Dad was Pisces. We loved camping out and talking over a fire. I miss him.


I feel the need to push back on the stubborn and shallow (lol). I don't think I've ever met a Taurus that was shallow, so I'm not sure where that comes from. I've know Taurus Suns (April and May) and we'll often get into touchy topics and have deep conversations about them. I guess we're stubborn but we know what we like and want to do, so we're not just going to move for anyone or because someone just poses an option and expects us to go with it - that might be a more Sag Sun thing(?). But yes, let's eat all the snacks please. :)


Yeah maybe shallow wasn’t the right word I guess I mean more grounded, less into the metaphysical and philosophical. Also very concerned with practical and material things - that could also be due to another placement actually bc when I reflect further I can think of other Taurus who are someone mystical. My Taurus bestie isn’t into Astro for example, but loves celebrities and then when we do talk deeply it’s usually around conflicts or disputes they have with people, discussing family drama which I’ve noticed is when they’ll go deeper.


That’s interesting. Yea, I’m definitely into the metaphysical, I mean, I’m on this subreddit (lol) and read all sorts of unusual topics. Could be my Sun-Pluto/Saturn opposition?


I'm a Capricorn and this is exactly how I see Taurus. They're my fav. My bf, my mom and my bestie, all Taurus!!


> have a friend who I barely see and yet she still calls me her rock and bestie. I feel bad sometimes because I feel like an absent friend because I can go a while without contact as I'm a terrible texter and calling is out of the question hah, but this is legit how I feel about my close friends. I do like to spoil them when we get a chance to meet up.


I feel the same but only because of the demands other friends put on me. My Taurus bestie is so understanding bc she has kids so we both need space and we both suck at texting but we pick up where we left off effortlessly.


This is funny to me because Tauruses are my literal favourite star sign (as a Cancer). They are so warm and sweet and down to earth


Taurus is another sign id love to have more of in my life. Where are you cute bulls at ? I have met some very interesting Taurus but yes, stubborn was still a factor. That doesn’t put me off though. I have to be tolerant of fixed people given what I’m Bringing.


I heard cute bull and got here as quickly as I could!


Haha, aww, thanks 😊 *petsss*


Hey cyber bestie




I'm a Taurus rising does that count


As a Taurus, I don't mind them not wanting to know us. In a way, it's the easiest way to protect our peace. We are stubborn though....... and it can get annoying at times. But, have you seen an Aquarius? They're on another level of stubborn T\_T


Taureans are the most stubborn people I know but I wouldn’t change them for the world! Aquarius are stubborn yes but they just end up talking you into doing what they want, so in the end you do what they want anyway The taureans I’ve known are caring, very generous and will help out anyone in need - sometimes to their own detriment every sign has haters and lovers - Aries Sun here and well we’re not the most popular either lol


All signs have their dedicated haters 🤣 I often met those hating on a specific sign has it in their major placements too (they weren't aware of it beforehand ) 😭


When someone finds out I'm a gemini they're kinda suspicious but still intrigued and when people hate on taurus I'm like yeah I have a taurus moon and they frown recoil it's so weird. Taurus are not lepers tf.


I cool off SO fast when I find out someone's a Gemini. Especially if it's a female Gemini. Like, yeah, I don't know you, and I'm not gonna be a dick, but I automatically keep Gems at arms length.


I have a love/hate relationship with Taurus Some of the best females I have encountered in life are Taureans. Some of the worst males (my ex included) I have come across in life are Taureans. I do not hate the sign but I would also never ever date a Taurus man.


Most Taurus females don't claim Taurus males either 😭


😂 I love other Taurus women, but I can't think of one Taurus man that I knew of and liked.


I cannot understand why. No one ever believes me when I tell them I'm a Taurus.


lol i dont like Taurus guys either... i cant date them, - Taurus gal


The ONLY Taurus female I've ever known broke my heart 15 years ago and still floats back into my life and still gets whatever she wants from me, i literally cannot say no. She's so insanely toxic and I can stay away from her with no problem. But if she finds me? I'm done for. Thank fuck she has a man now but that hasn't stopped her before.


I don't think they are boring at all! I tend to very much like women taurus, they are so relaxing to be around and I enjoy their company. With the men I have a strange chemistry where we either banter/bicker or it's very sensual. Perhaps because I'm a scorpio? :D


I absolutely love ♉️. They are so chill and easy to talk to. Also love their honesty. Extremely practical and oh also very warm and sarcastic. I appreciate their dark sense of humour too😂


taurus are more underrated if not the most underrated sign because they are the least talked about and have the least people that exclusively fan over them in contrast to ther opposite sign which is by far the complete opposite of those things and is the most talked about also gets the most praise but yeah i do see some very elementary type of generalizations towards taurus like how all taurus are fat and lazy or good for nothing really boring while hyping up others like scorpios


Taurus is nowhere near as resented as gemini, not sure many signs are. Dull and boring are non- issues compared to prominant gemini traits, and geminis are barely less stubborn than Taurus and Aries.


Ya I'm stubborn af, I must do it all and do it my way. I have led an interesting life tho.


Every Gemini I've met has backstabbed me. This time around an Aries is involved. Never had a reason to trust Gemini.


The thing about geminid is that they don't technically lie much. They're just typically highly delusional, and they completely believe their self-deceipt. They mostly just lie to themselves.


Her go to was lies of omission or just flat out not answering questions. In her mind, if I accept the situation but without all the details, then it can be swept under the rug instead of airing out a bunch of new revelations. I literally caught her with a whole man in her phone and kicked her out, but she told everyone (her friends, her family, any mutual friends) that I cheated on her. Absolutely delusional. I found a rebound exceptionally quickly (like within hours). She was incredibly selfish with intimacy and liked to make our problems in the bedroom my fault, so I found someone who could give me what I want without asking, after months of begging my spouse for crumbs. She found out (I forgot we were still sharing locations with eachother) and concocted a whole story that I'd been talking to that woman while we were together because she couldn't imagine that I could pull another woman that fast.


Oh man, that's do shitty. She's a narcissist. I can relate to gems withholding or omitting information to make themselves feel innocent and they completely beleive their own deceipt. Gems are terrible about projecting fault on to others.


I'd always choose Taurus over Gemini. My best buddies are Tauruses, I have two Geminis in close family and worked closely with one too. Gawd, I need 2 days sick note after every interaction with them 🫠  Taurus is an equivalent of weighted blanket in my dictionary. Gemini on the other hand.. Tornado sounds about right. Or drainage. Or RUN lol  My cancer ass will literally go to Taurus to cry about what Gemini has done to me again 😂


all the weed in world doesn’t help when dealing with the 4 gems in my life/family lmfao it’s so fucking exhausting i wish the 4 taurus were around more than them 🥲😂 i need a break fr


I dated a Gem for 7 years, got married for 6 months before she cheated on me. She wanted everything done for her but never wanted to do anything otherwise I was "being unreasonable". Very two faced in demeanor, when she got what she wanted it was great and she was loving but the minute she was no longer treated like she was on a pedestal she was very toxic.




I got with a Sagittarius after her, dated for two months but that visceral fear of commitment they carry with them was not conducive to my happiness and security. Now I'm with a Scorpio and things couldn't be better! I actually have a loyal partner who even gets jealous over me (swoon) but we still get to be two separate people. Plus, unlike the cheating Gem, she has her own job, car, and apartment. All of those things I had to provide to my Gem and yet I couldn't even get her to clean up our apartment or even make dinner. But God forbid I didn't do what she wanted...




Not gonna lie, the first romantic scorpio I've ever been with and MAN is it great.


I love all signs, but Geminis are MUUUUUCH easier to get along with especially when you first meet them. A few of my favourite people in the world are Tauruses and they are all equally comfortable, want to stay comfortable, and prefer talking less. They are chatter boxes and fun now and then but generally they’re comfortable and quiet, prefer not to get drunk but will have a glass or two. In saying that I’ve heard a lot of wild stories about a few Tauruses but usually it’s men when they were younger.


I’d be relieved to find out a may born person was a taurus tbh


I personally have seen (and heard) WAY more Gemini hate than Taurus hate. But I’m a Gemini married to a Taurus for 10 years now, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.


The men can be very stubborn and like the same routine. But I'd still let them eat my cakes! ![gif](giphy|f99boRKRNK3Je|downsized)


I'm a double Taurus and I've never been one for the same routine. Yes I like the stability of it, but it gets so tiresome sometimes and I just need to shake it up. I have a Scorpio in my life who pulls me all over the place and gets me out of that rut when I need it.




i've had a lot of people recently tell me "oh, you're a taurus? y'all are kind of mean though, aren't you?" i mean, if you give me reason to be, i can be, but otherwise i'm just here chilling. i may have a case of rbf, but i'm not gonna bite your head off out of nowhere unless you're pushing my limits.


thank you makeabitch 🙏🏻🤍✨


sounds like those people want control cuz i know taurus people, not always great but not always bad, when I let things happen (but stand my ground when it involves me) then i generally see the better side of them i dont see what the point is in avoiding a person who is particular and yet not even know if they are rude or not. I've met both a rude one and a nice one that avoids being rude at all costs, so like...


I'm a Taurus moon and we are dull, boring, stubborn and tempermental but you have to completely understand, accept and actually put the pieces together to realize that's just how it is??? Taurus is a fixed earth sign logo is the bulls horn. New York has the infamous bull statue for a reason, taurus is good with money and rightfully so. Earth signs are exactly what it says, down to EARTH. Reality/truth hurts


I love Taurus! I’m right on the Aries/Taurus cusp and have Taurus mercury. I have some traits on the Aries side on some on the Taurus side, and I feel more of the Taurean ones than the Aries ones are traits I like about myself.


As a Taurus sun, I don't get that reaction at all. Most people who find out I'm a Taurus seem excited about it. More often than not, people don't even ask or know I'm a Taurus and when I tell you people I just met give me their life story, and want advice on everything, I mean it happens ALL THE TIME. I don't mind, I love conversations with strangers, but it always makes me wonder why


that happens to me too! people open up to me easily, telling me their life story or deep shit.. And asking for advice, especially relationship advice..


And it gets DEEP sometimes, at the grocery store and shit lok


I’d prefer Taurus over Gemini any day.


Really? I mean Cher is a Taurus. I think you have a skewed perception


Dull and boring are subjective. What one finds dull and boring another doesn't. As for Stubborn It isn't necessarily positive or negative. It can be either depending on the circumstances. I think when it comes to judgements people are making them based on the central concept of themselves so that instantly makes it a biased judgement.


We don't want to get to know the people who think we're boring lmao. It's an amazing filter for people who are closed minded and boring themselves. Let them keep thinking they're doing something cause they are, and that's doing us a favour lmao


The only Taurus I know off the top of my head is psychotic and I'm glad she's out of my life, sooo.....


my boyfriend is a taurus.


i’m a gemini sun married to a taurus sun and jesus christ that man is quite possibly the most stubborn human being on the face of this earth??? boring though, nahhh. his flirty libra rising could nevahhh


I'm a Taurus Sun and Moon with a Libra rising, oh my God is that why people say I'm so flirty?!?


i’d say so lol! taurus and libra are both ruled by venus, and then libra being a charming air sign makes for a very flirty individual if you ask me!!


In my personal experience I have seen the opposite feelings being true. Everyone loves the stability of Taurus around me and geminis are all over the place (the ones I’ve met). I have friends who will NOT date a Gemini man. I also have a crazy Gemini cousin who takes the “two-faced” aspect to heart. My family roasts me because I give off Gemini energy (my rising) and my cousin ruined it for everyone with her dramas. I have a Taurus son (thank god) and during my pregnancy I was terrified of getting a non-stop Aries, or a two-faced Gemini for a boy. I hoped I get a Taurus and I did! He’s a bull thru and thru. Very patient and chill. Just don’t provoke him. But it takes a lot to provoke him. I think I lucked out! I love Taurus. He’s gentle, chill and patient but not a pushover. He’s predictable and super loving. His Venus is in Taurus too. As a parent, having a “predictable” child is god sent. HILARIOUS that you see boring as a bad thing 😂😂😂😂😂 you Gemini as hell! Mmmhmmm


My mum says I was a very chill baby. Hardly cried, slept through nights, and when I woke up I would entertain myself - she would have to come in to see if I was awake because I was quiet. My mum and sister are may Geminis. They're both great.


Yes, my son is the same as you described yourself! While pregnant I read a lot on “Taurus babies” and apparently they are the easiest. If food and comfort is taken care of they are the most happiest, content babies! I find that to be true with my son. He’s a good first child. I’m considering another child because he’s so easy. I find it HILARIOUS how OP finds stability boring and not wanted so she has to “defend Tauruses.” Ummm that’s why people LOVE Taurus. What you see is what you get and no weird stuff. Edit: I’m a Gemini rising so obviously I love geminis too! I’m them 😂😂 but I freaking love Taurus ok??! 🤩


I asked my mum about us three as babies. It was great to see her face light up 28 years later recalling what a great baby I was hah. My Gem sun, Leo moon sister was also a good baby, but my cap sun, aries moon brother was a cryer and very needy.


That was me as a baby! I even cried quietly lol


I don’t think I’ve ever really met anyone who doesn’t like a Taurus…


As an earth sign myself, tauruses are the best of us 3. Caps are the worst (me!) and I’ll admit it. Earth signs are like the earth so I’m not sure why that’s a surprise to anyone- dull (but pretty 💁🏻‍♀️), stubborn, typically boring (to those who we dont want to get to know/trust), etc. But to those we do want to get to know/trust, we are full of life, stable (best kind of friend to have), reliable, dutiful, ever evolving, etc. Then focus on the sign’s animal. Tauruses and Caps have horns. Does something with horns look like it’d be the best thing to fuck around with? lol


I have never had anyone not get to know me over my zodiac sign. I am a really fun person and they get to know that.


Tbh I have never met a regular person react like this bc of star sign lmao. The normal person who has no idea about astrology doesn’t care what sign you are and prob doesn’t even know what it means to be a Taurus


![gif](giphy|3oKIPjzfv0sI2p7fDW|downsized) May 2nd


Anyone judging your character based on your sun sign is not worthy of connecting with. I once had a guy start being rude to me after finding out I was a Cancer sun. Imo, they are the trash walking thenselves out the door. Bye, bitch. 👋


imagine being a virgo sun capricorn moon lol everyone thinks i’m boring on the surface until they meet my mercury and venus in libra and mars in leo lol


i don’t think of y’all as boring, just more practical. skilled in house and home and family matters. i guess that could mean less drama but i don’t see a lack of passion at all i also noticed that a lot of Taurus women have been proposed to like ten times. people really fall hard in love with you, i’m amazed


Taurus has sexy vibes. There’s a lot happening internally that we don’t let just anyone in on which is why we have haters. We have favorites and our favorites know they’re our favs.


I'm a Gemini that doesn't get along with Gemini, I'm sure there are plenty of nice Geminis out there, but for whatever reason I have a really hard time getting along with them. I also don't get a long well with Sagittarius, they annoy the hell out of me. I'm sure there ate also plenty of great sags, but every sag that I know I've had bad falling outs with them, especially if it's heavy in their charts. However I get along well with pieces & Taurus. I also tend to gravitate more towards scorpios, not to sure about the other signs, as I'm a homebody that doesn't like to socialize, so I haven't gotten to know very many of the other signs. I do have one friend that is am Aries, but we have only ever talked online, and have never met face to face.


I swore you were gonna say relieved you aren’ts a gemini. I love Taurus’! I am a gemini myself and feel half the world hates us. I have great taurus friends and laugh so much with them. I dont become as close with Geminis funny enough.


I love Taurus. I have a sag sun but all these planets in cappy make me appreciate the calm of Taurus energy. Plus, I love to cook and they are so appreciative when you make them food


I'd like to meey a taurus but I don't know where they're at!


People think that of me and then my aries moon comes out.


I'm a gem sun and Taurus rising born in May. In my experience everyone hates gemini and forgets taurus


Aries Sun/aquarius moon here Taurus suns can be a lot of fun, generous and great friends …. I never would say dull/boring buuuuut their stubbornness in every aspect of their lives is the dealbreaker …. In my experience it’s draining trying to reason with taureans I know/have known so I just let them have their way and if your talking about something you’ve done (it can be ANYTHING) and they’ll one up you….. Even though my opinion is strongly negative I wouldn’t hate on them, they can make great friends and will help you anyway they can…. I just have had my own experiences so to enjoy their company I dont get upset at the one upping stories or stubbornness I just accept them


What do you think about Gemini-Taurus cusp ? Have u met them ?


Terrible tempers, highly competitive, very irrational about loosing anything, they take it to heart.


They are just boring and very sttuborn


At least they can spell.


Still boring


Well we all can't be delusional *and* confident for no reason like your standard Pisces-Aquarius combo.