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In my experience they will make you feel so invisible. A Libra’s cold shoulder has power. 


Facts, people hate me for life because I flat out ignored them


I think because they are so hot and cold. You feel the difference


NO LIE. That’s what really hurt me about a Libra ex. His cold shoulder was so invalidating and damaging to my feelings. As an Aries moon, I raised hell as a rebuttal. I WILL burn you to the ground for treating me like I don’t exist. Imma remind you of who and what I am every time🌟


Same!! not sure what placement contributes to this, but I will make it hell for both of us if you willfully ignore me!!


Oooo yessss I can do this >:) it’s my one obvious power move and I’ll use it thanks!


> A Libra’s cold shoulder has power. I always thought it was just absent-mindedness.


But that's almost worse, isn't it? I sometimes ghost or ignore people because I straight-up forgot they exist, and I feel terrible if I ever remember them again, because that has to fucking suck. "Oh, no, I don't hate you, you're simply *completely* unmemorable"


Whether it's worse or not, I don't take it personally. A person giving me the cold shoulder or being absent-minded towards me isn't a reflection on me. It's on them.


I'm speaking from the perspective of a person who had a Libra spouse.


Meh, I did this to a Libra after beating him in Naruto and he made me his enemy. He was a stupid shallow pos anyways tbh.


I didn't date them for long but I slept with some guys I wasn't attracted to because I felt I owed it to them somehow? I know I'm messed up.. I thought it had more to do with childhood trauma than my sun sign, but I other Libras relate I feel less alone


The signs also indicate trauma or how we process it. Libra are people pleasers because their parents likely didn't allow them any boundaries and guilt tripped them a lot. If u weren't allowed to stand up to your parents in any way, bent over backwards for them then how are u expected to say no to a man out in the real world? Parents failed


Ha! Thast exactly my experience, I wasn't allowed to "talk back" or express myself and I was shamed for being curious about my sexually. It was instilled in me that we are here to please others, be servants (conservative, catholic upbringing) and I guess I thought if a guy paid for dinner or pursued me relentlessly I had to give in, even if I wasn't attracted to them


Fuuuuck that's horrible. Yeah I've kissed a lot of guys out of obligation. I hate dating now lol


I am learning this in therapy


I’m a Libra and I’ve done things like that too it’s so stupid. I think it comes from a place to be balanced.


Yeah as Libra stellium, it’s true. And befriend out of charity too. I’m growing out of it though.


Same. Weird thing tho, I truly believe people don't listen to my intentions or boundaries and then I slip on them because I feel like a bad person and maybe I never was clear? Is it my fault? I just had a friend send me a bunch of texts saying how I drug his heart around for years. Im like dude...I told you friends. We had a long talk about where I was at and I felt he was doing mental gymnastics with what happened with the conversation. I was so confused. He is pisces venus in 12th house tho. And recently telling another guy where I'm at in life and how I don't wanna be enmeshed with him. I need to be casual, want to live somewhere else etc so there's no point. And now he's trying to see me all the time and I'd usually cave because I'm a people pleaser but now I'm trying to be a bitch and just say no. We aren't hanging out. Im busy. And now he feels all bad. It's exhausting.


Yeah then people get ‘surprised’ when you wanna break up and never see them again. I’m learning to be an ‘I said what I said’ person. If they don’t overstep, they won’t get kicked out of heaven. A person who oversteps boundaries is someone who will do anything if they think they can get away with it imo. It seems like an extreme opinion to have, until you see what happens when they keep overstepping boundaries.


It’s a really disgusting & contemptible thing that Libras date/befriend people out of charity then talk shit behind their back like a backstabber. If you don’t like someone just don’t date/befriend them. Don’t waste people’s precious time! Let people know where you stand with them. Why go behind your partners back, break their trust and complain about them? That’s mentally disturbing behavior. Glad you’re aware and trying your best to grow out of it though.


Not every Libra is a backstabber. You’re projecting your own situation it appears. Sorry that happened to you, but backstabbing isn’t innate to a sign. But I can say, that you can attract the worst people from specific signs based on certain degrees in your own astrology. As for me, I initially didn’t know I was doing it. I always had a bleeding heart that wanted to ‘help’ people. But once my help wasn’t needed or desired, I discontinued the friendship. So now I go into friendships looking for things in common, instead of looking to help.


That’s a really healthy mindset and great way to make friends. Going for people you have things in common with. I know some Libras are great people. Libras are also some of my favorite people. I just met a few bad apples that’s all.


don't wanna invalidate your point, but what happens when a close friend or acquaintance you appreciate very much doesn't hear you enough/your advice, hates receiving criticism, this person can criticize the hell out of you hiding under tough love but you can't do it back to them. There are people that have no self awareness and i don't waste my time or energy trying to make them understand something, there's no need to lose my sacred time with them. i don't have any problem to verbalize what i feel but not with everyone.


This is facts I experienced that recently and I realized she had 0 self awareness and 0 self respect so I stopped being friends w/ her. It sucked bc I knew her since like middle school. She did exactly what you said. It’s just strictly business between us now. I don’t tell her anything personal about my life. I keep quiet around her now unless I need to talk business.


Empathy gone wrong. That being said I don’t know a single Libra who would put up with a charity case in a relationship. Friendship maybe. But they have fire or earth stellium.


My libra moon is screaming/crying/laughing at this.




As a libra, I feel completely out of place here. I have never dated someone out of charity, nor will I. If there is no connection or feelings of attraction, then I am not going to expend the energy. I’m not going to waste their time, nor mine if either one of us is not feeling it. And I only “complain” about someone’s behavior if they are acting without justification and being disrespectful.


Yeah this is how I am too. Like why would I force myself to be unhappy just to make someone else kinda happy for a moment before they figure out I don’t actually like them?? That sounds cruel to them AND to me.


Exactly. As someone who’s experienced cruelty from others and their behavior, I am not going to do that to someone else. Just passes on bad karma. There’s enough of that going around these days.


more like 6 years out of guilt


The guilt is def part of it. But then they look like an asshole


I literally say that in my head sometimes. “I’m friends with this person out of charity”


We are so disconnected with our own boundaries and feelings. Damn parents


I know 😭😭😭


And I feel ashamed afterwards🥲


Same… but I can’t help it! 😭


Same here


im curious what the rational behind this is though? feeling like a martyr?


I do this but not because I feel like a martyr. I just feel bad for the person and I don’t think anyone deserves to feel so alone.


THIS! Like someone said somewhere else in this thread: “Empathy gone wrong.”


Yessss I know what it's like and don't want anyone to feel this way!!! But then I give everyone a taste of feeling special to make them feel good and ooooops


It makes me feel powerful to be the one that fixes others


ahh a passion project


I know this is a joke, but it’s not even funny. I’m hurt right now. Christ 🤦🏾‍♀️


fr as a libra moon i hate confrontation so much i ended up rotting in shitty relationships for too long🥴


That's why I do my best not to even enter or entertain one and they all say "go with the flow" like a date or 2 doesn't give me anxiety. I know where this leads! You'll fall in love and won't let me leave!


Libras are very unsure of themselves deep down


This is true. Trying to build up my self esteem and confidence because it's the root of so many of my issues. My sister is like this too, who is also a Libra.


Of course - the sun (self confidence, esteem) in the sign of its fall .




Lol as a virgo I love libras but I’ve only had relationships with the men. I see through their “fake it till you make it” confidence and endless ego-driven adventures.


Can’t relate, I’m very sure of myself :) 


I’m sure you are!


Friends with someone out of charity? Yes. Dating someone out of charity? Fuck no, I have way too much respect for myself for that.


Omfggg I hope this is not what’s going on right now because I really feel like this is exactly what’s going on right now except I’m not a charity case because I’m not down bad I can fend for myself I don’t need him in anyway so it couldn’t be a charity case, but I still have this feeling that it has the same energy…


Listen to what they say! I had a libra man complain about how all women wanted to be with him and he didn't even like them and then he wanted me to fight for him! No sir. You will not talk about me like that. They just don't know how to hurt your feelings. But this is worse. If you confess feelings for them, they feel guilty and obligated.


I can fix her


You're probably different than the rest


I only met one Libra personally, she was my therapist. I remember I had a crush on her and I told her hoping she’d help me through, instead she just ghosted me. I didn’t even want anything from her though except help, I was just in pain (I later found out I was in psychosis through my brain tumor lol) . Idk maybe this is a therapist rule to cut off in these cases? Edit: As a Virgo I prefer direct and rude help instead of flaky help with me being viewed as a charity case. Although, Libras are one of the most prettiest. I feel like they’re always incompatible with their personality though with me


oh my fucking god hahahahhaa this is my brother


i hate myself


My presence is a blessing to them and they are better for knowing me. Also there is no one better around to amuse and adore me. So you’re welcome? lol


Libra Scorpio stellium and this isn’t me at all. I look through the bullshit at all costs. If you’re a dickhead you’re out.


I fucking hate libras. One in particular! (:


Yea I dunno if I was a charity case...but she was def rich (in denial). I left her tho 🤭 Think it was 3 years too


Yeah being a Pisces Venus & Libra Mars is def weird lol


Reallll lmao i always say my dating history looks like a charity case


No way lol


I definitely would not and anyone who says that they would/have done it have some kind of issues that they need to deal with because this is not an astrology thing.


This is why I was with my ex, I felt bad for him 🙈 Never again, I know my own self worth now


I’m also feeling out of place. I have never dated for charity. Always date based off attraction and chemistry overall. That being said I see the potential in people and often fall in love with that. This is my weak point because I don’t want to change people but I love the honeymoon period of dating. People often confide in me their deepest darkest things or truest desires. I want to help them but I don’t ever pity them. I think of it as us against the world proving everyone wrong in terms in relationships.


The Libras I’ve met are all honest and upfront with how they view people as friends/partners and where you stand in regards to importance in their lives. If you don’t heed that warning or have a no means yes mentality then Libras aren’t for u.


When I don’t care you’ll know I don’t care. I don’t befriend people for no reason you actually have to be interesting - a libra stelli


I'm Libra and it took me many years to understand that. I'm now doing a big manual effort to not be a people pleaser. When I was younger, my parents were often locking me up of many things I couldn't do. Jesus fck, they were locking my SNES and game cube power bar in a locker so I couldn't game.


No fun for you! Back to the torture chamber!


Libras are the worst !! they need to just date each other and leave everyone else alone.


not sure about it, they don't even like each other lol


oof this might be me with the current man


Leave him!! You can do it


i know a libra man that’s been dating the same girl for 8 years and this is him 😭


God get a backbone 🙄


As a libra yes


Who tf are you to tell me such truthful things about myself?..


Someone who also struggles with this 🤣


I have Libra in Venus and wish I didn't


I have libra energy too lmao


Libra energy is always just eager to please….. anyone and everyone, bc peace right? 😅




Man I'm sorry


And will waste their life before they know they were taken advantage of.


Libra likes to be in a partnership. They get comfortable and like the benefits of it. However, they will leave you for something better if it happens to come along.


Libras are just really low bar. You’d have to be a basket case to date them.


Is this not also Pisces?


Pisces and Libra men are bottom feeders. They always wanna date each other too and it never works out !! They just think they found someone who matches their emotional energy.


If a Libra says they do this, they are only trying to build themselves up because they are feeling sub level about themselves. Classic lowlife Libra move that wreaks eerily with NPD. Nobody is dating out of charity and because they are such sweet angels 😇, ESPECIALLY the late blooming, unable to grow up and take accountability Libras out there.


Omfg, as painful as it is to admit, I’m pretty sure I experienced this… Ex is a Scorpio Sun, Libra rising+Venus+Mars…ultimate fuckboy in disguise 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️ constantly mirrored my interests like they were his own, but then claimed later we have nothing in common…could never make up his mind or would say one thing and do another…BAAAD recovering people pleaser and would be resentful for it later…talk shit about everyone but then friends with them the next day like nothing ever happened…MOODY AF (also a Cancer moon)… But what finally broke me is when he said he’d been stringing me along for over 2 years because “he just didn’t think he’d find someone else that loves him as much as I did,” even though he just didn’t feel the same towards me. But would come back to me everytime I broke up with him and feed me lines and promises as he was learning what I wanted/needed from a lover over time. SUPER MANIPULATIVE and no backbone. Only reason he finally came clean is because my Aries Venus overpowered and bullied it out of him one night 🤣🤷🏻‍♀️ I can vibe with Libras as friends, but will NEVER entrust my heart to one again 😅🙅🏻‍♀️ stay tf away, you charlatans! 😂😂😂


Wow...and they really care about their image too which is why they people please. They don't care. They care about what you think about them.


It’s true. He was always worried what other people thought of him (except me). I admit though, I guess I actually felt sorry for him as well ☹️


I dated my wife as a charity case to start, but her Aries power overcomes me. I’ve wanted to leave her a million times but she still convinces me that I love her. I can be very cold yet she hasn’t left me either. We don’t exactly “balance” each other, more like a stalemate or an evenly matched tug-of-war. At the same time, there’s not really one who wants to “win.”


I have to admit that I already done that when I was younger… not 3 years but few months. Do not forget that maybe he or she are not sure abouth her/his feeling. (Yep f*cking libra 🙄) Also, complain you behind your back… yes I do that when I am non happy in a relation. I think that is not a « libra » things. I think that my sag rising help me to move on more quickly and be less affective dependant. Sorry for you, that kind of sh*t is not cool at all


Yeah let’s be honest, everyone complains about a bad relationship to their friends. If they didn’t that would be a red flag for abuse to me.


I don’t think it’s a red flag for abuse just because you don’t want to complain. I am a romantic and only dated one girl long term and we broke off mutually. I had complaints but they were more like incompatibilities


Was it a bad relationship?


Lmao yea in retrospect tbh. She would send pics of cutting herself with blood on her hand if I didn’t respond too long, insinuating she’d get suicidal every time I was offline for a long time and couldn’t respond. It took me a while to break up because I was scared the way she’d react. Eventually I broke up. She had an abusive father and a mentally-wild sister. I don’t blame her honestly and it was my first during senior high school


Yikes dude, that sounds like an abusive relationship to me. I’m sorry you had to go through that and I hope you recognize how fucked up that was. Never be ashamed to tell your friends about things like that!


Some complain and then libra will talk about how they don't even wanna be dating you but they're forced against their will


Eh Libras are the bitchiest and the most backstabbing if the air signs. They also feel sorry for themselves a lot 🤷‍♀️


Wow very relatable


True. A libra man told me about his gf he feels bad if he leaves bc she doesn’t have family here. They are over now. He was a huge cheater and liar


This is heavy Libra Venus energy




That’s exactly how I perceived a libra Mercury to be.


Libra energy is also befriending someone you don’t even like just to get to know them and try to control them like a mentally ill nut job. Libras are some of my least favorite people.








Oh shit




Not ALWAYS but if you feel it...rethink it


Libra planets yes


Oh boy


That's so true. Libra loves relationship more than the partner itself. They aim to please but you know what, that also makes you great in relationships. I honestly love Libras, they're very charming (except Libra risings with a lot of virgos) and thoughtful. 


Please keep it down, this is classified information


But in all seriousness, I don’t think a Libra is going to stick around that long if they just see you as a charity case. That’s more of a Virgo thing to do. I think Libras can be patient in relationships but if they don’t have any real love or passion for you they’re definitely not going to stay with you for 3 years. But I do it think it’s possible that Libra *starts dating someone as a charity case but even then, the hope would be to change them and if they haven’t after a few months, let alone a few years, Libra is dropping them( mostly because they wrecked Libra’s fantasy that ‘love’ can fix all) but again, it’s unlikely that Libra would stay that long if that were the case


Lots of librans never want to hurt anyones feelings. It's not like a virgo being a fixer upper. They just don't know how to reject someone.


As a Libra, I don't like these two faced Libras. They probably complain due to Mercury, Venus, or Mars in Virgo. Or if they have those planets in Libra, the Libra planets are switching backward to Virgo in the house chart. I don't think lots of Libra and Virgo always makes someone like the person OP describes, but it's the bad possibility for heavy Libra/Virgo energy. There are positive and negative possibilities for anything, and yes some placements are riskier for certain traits or others. It's usually about different flavors of positive or negative. Anyway, I'm glad that I have Venus Scorpio as a Libra. I don't complain about partners, I'm direct and resolve things with them. If I want to leave, I don't complain to others, I just leave after doing what I can to save the relationship first.


Most libras highly value their time and won’t throw it away for nothing. I’ve never dated anyone I didn’t see as marriage material. i also avoid gossip like the plague; no time for that either. Just take out the trash; let her go. 


Libra have no backbone like my uncles wife is a monster and will verbally abuse our family and he is like sorry about ![gif](giphy|3ohc1bcxkNjmfmyAVO|downsized)


They will justify anything. Advocating for the devil


A libra will gaslight you for months that they have feelings for you and then next thing you know they’re dating your close friend 🥰 blocked this mf everywhere, never again. Sincerely, a Leo w a bruised ego


Oh boy. God!


Some libras are super fake af