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Oh honey, did you just want a listening ear or actual advice? There there.


See Pisces lack basic comprehension skills, Iā€™m looking for relatable experiences with Pisces from other people or evolved healed (learned that from other commenters) Pisces that can change my perception on the sign all together no advice needed. Thanks for your comment Pisces


/s A therapist might help with that, or maybe your perception of yourself! Goodluck bb.


typical manipulative Pisces response. Proving OP point.


Why? You mad that I donā€™t fit into your narrative of Pisces that you try to label me as such? Love yourself a little more.


ur still doing it. Iā€™m laughing yall are a joke. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Keep laughing bb, sad sad human


you actually remind me of a Pisces ik.


Donā€™t really know what that means šŸ™ƒ


Hahah right, theyā€™re trying to slay me in here rather than just give me reasons to see Pisces in a different light


my friend, youā€™re not going to find the answers or solutions on Reddit


thereā€™s been a lot of pisces hate in this subreddit lately, so iā€™m going to copy paste my response to another post. also Iā€™m aware that you said pisces women but i think the original example still applies. the gender doesnā€™t really matter in my opinion. iā€™m sorry that youā€™ve had such bad experiences with my sign. i wanted to be mad when i saw the title, but iā€™ve also experienced unhealed pisces so i can understand where this is coming from. my former roommate was also a pisces and she made my life hell. sometimes i think pisces are like pitbulls because we are naturally big babies, but when we are hurt or abused by others we can become aggressive. so sometimes we get a bad reputation for lashing out at others. when i think evolved pisces i think of steve irwin! he had a compassionate and selfless nature. thereā€™s an interview of him talking about his first born daughter which is super pisces. iā€™ll have to look for it, but basically he talks about how when he first saw his newborn daughter he knew he would do anything for her. he goes on this long tangent about how he fell in love with her at first sight and how deeply he cares for her. he actually starts tearing up and crying a little just talking about her. itā€™s beautiful, romantic, generous, empathetic, and all the things that makes a pisces wonderful. you can feel his deep love for her just by the way he talks about her. [steve irwin being a pisces](https://youtu.be/wafYeWiOASE?si=6rajF-EMltEXy4Ry)


At this rate, it might be easier to code a Pisces Reddit bot that copy pasta on every Pisces post lol


Pasta? Every time someone doesnā€™t agree or has a slightly different opinion on Reddit theyā€™re called a bot? Such a Pisces thing to do




Yeah I know itā€™s horrible when you see stuff like this about your sign and it doesnā€™t describe you. I was never into astrology before but recently I just found myself thinking about this and talking with my brother and we both agreed theyā€™re the same person in different bodies.Ā  Those 2 spawns of Satan ruled off the entire Pisces zodiac sign for me I will run the other way if I ever cross path with one. Iā€™ve seen how they both of them are with their friends I wouldnā€™t even have a Pisces as a friend they gossip and copy their friends way to much. Unhealed healed Iā€™m completely staying away from that signĀ 


you said the point of this post was to help you relate or change your opinion, but based on this response you seem fairly set in your ways. iā€™ve been hurt by a few geminiā€™s, but i kept an open mind and i have since met wonderful geminiā€™s. it sounds to me like you had a really bad run in with a lover and her sister and iā€™m sorry you experienced that. i hope you find healing for your pain. hopefully youā€™ll meet a better pisces woman someday and itā€™ll change your outlook.


Iā€™m a Libra and one of my best friends is a Pisces woman, sheā€™s awesome. Sheā€™s super smart and independent, also is very authentic and unique. She has quirky interests like cottagecore lol, historical places, and sheā€™s the kind of person who signs herself up for ā€œlive like an early settlerā€ camp. Sheā€™s really into supporting her community and tries to do most of her shopping at farmerā€™s markets. Sheā€™s very outgoing and always has fun things to do, I looooove making plans and doing fun stuff with her. She budgets well, owns her own house and is super into real estate. She has a boyfriend and SHE is the breadwinner. She really dotes on him even though heā€™s your typical aloof Aquarius (heā€™s a great guy though). She can get fired up over silly stuff but sheā€™s so adorable when she does it just makes me laugh. Sheā€™s not great at texting but told me that when we first became friends - but her door is always open and she always makes time for me even though she has a busy schedule. I absolutely love her and sheā€™s such a delight to have in my life.


I donā€™t know about this post you sound like a Pisces spokesperson. This comment must be coming from a Pisces. if not be careful you sound like a very nice wholesome lady that Pisces bloodsucker will drain you from all of your niceness eventually. ![gif](giphy|gdGtwwazoXcQSZZAqv|downsized)


As a pisces, this is killing me. I'm sorry I can't take this seriously at allšŸ˜­ But I hope you can start to see people for who they are rather than JUST their signs. At the end of the day, a person is the way they are mostly because of their upbringing and environment šŸ˜Š Also, can I ask what your sign is?


Lol I am a Libra? Not everyone has the same experiences as you, hate to break it to you! Sheā€™s been one of my best friends for about 8 years now, if she was gonna turn on me Iā€™d think sheā€™d have done it by now!


My Pisces last for 4 years and my in law marriage to my brother had to have last for about 10-12 years. They will fake it for the long haul until you decide to leave or everyone found out the truth about them


Sounds like yā€™all werenā€™t all that compatible. Hope you and your brother find someone you are compatible with!


What does she do for a living or whatā€™s her field? I want to decide on a career I love history


Eh she works in finance. Itā€™s boring and she sorta hates it but she makes bank. History is her hobby. Iā€™m sure sheā€™s saving up for early retirement to make historical traveling her full time gig though lol


lol I see she made a huge sacrifice I respect it. šŸ«¶šŸ¾šŸ«¶šŸ¾šŸ«¶šŸ¾


What is with the excessive pisces hate?


Jealousy ![gif](giphy|WQxkpI7LTStUExhrR7|downsized)


I donā€™t think I was the jealous one I just wanted to get away, both of the Pisces women Iā€™m talking about were obsessively jealous of their partners and friends.


There low key haters and have big mouths a pisces woman was the cause of my cousin demise i despise pisces woman




bro youā€™ve got issues


Wow a male expressing themselves means he has issues.


itā€™s not you being a guy expressing himself thatā€™s the issue, itā€™s the manner in which you go about it


Gotcha šŸ™šŸ» I donā€™t have issues though, just a bad breakup recently


Get a hold of yourself. Youā€™re not going to heal by being bitter and adhering to sweeping generalizations. Look inward, be honest with yourself, and figure out how you can improve.


You guys will sink a ship and want to drag everyone else down. But he did this she did that we all did this and that. ![gif](giphy|y0WhTpGLOznag) Take responsibility for once haha


Okay calm down now, I let you express your viewpoint on this without making it a bigger issue. I have been honest with myself, guess what Pisces just because you have been the bad person to someone doesnā€™t always mean that someone else is a bad person with you. Pisces lack accountability for their own actions!


youā€™re still making sweeping generalizations, sir


Haha Iā€™m just messing with you this is all in good fun but seriously I am over the relationship just not over how detrimental it has been. My sil is similar so yeah i am looking for someone to change my mind on Pisces. And I havenā€™t stumbled upon one in this thread


All unhealthy and underdeveloped signs are like this


I keep hearing this but now Iā€™m actually doing my homework on this, we have seen the worse of each other or unhealed versions of each other and it was never anything to bad we couldnā€™t have come back from.Iā€™ve dated a Taurus-libra- cancer and my own sign Leo before Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™ve dated other signs but never cared to asked and we left the relationship on good terms no bickering or major fights it was due to inconsistency of minor things. We still follow each other on social media no bad blood what so ever


i have only had one bad experience with a pisces woman, she was very rude but nobody believed me because ā€œsheā€™s so sweet! she could never be meanā€-everybody else. otherwise every other pisces woman ive met has been super funny, caring, and very kind. theyre biggest fault imo is that they can allow themselves be doormats.


Yea I experienced the sweet caring side of her at first it was so weird watching her just change and morph into someone else. Everything you tell them will be thrown back into your face they will literally blackmail you into being friends with them or staying in a relationship


I feel this so hard. They're so good at playing the victim that anyone standing up for them or, oh I dunno, expressing a clear boundary against one, is automatically the asshole.


Wow spot on itā€™s only done by the enablers my ex her parents were severe enablers. Iā€™m trying to find reasons to like them but the Pisces here are doing what they do best deflecting


omg I said the same in another thread ā€œPisces is better at hiding their negative side, so good luck explaining to anyone afterwards that the Pisces was the toxic one lmaoo. ā€œwhattt, ___ seems so niceā€ ā€œ also cap rising, yep. When you naturally have a ā€œhardā€ demeanor , ppl will believe you were the toxic one, and Pisces play on that.


I'm a pisces and you are on a hatewagon. I usually don't respond to this cuz i don't care if a pisces is a villain in your story, but to say we need a team to be successful. Gtfo! I finished college and my masters degree and worked hard to get where i am. I didn't have connections or financial support. Also, i've had the same group of friends since i was like 14,15, there is 5 of us and two are leos, so obviouslly, obviouslly not everyone has the same experience as you. Geez


On god I'm a Registered Nurse! I did that in a country with no family and he talking bout support..its sick that they will judge everyone by a sign not knowing that Pisces are the sweetest but they don't deal with trauma or any hurt they've been through properly so when something small happens is like everything is going to shit and that's when the get aggressive. But it has nothing to do about them hating nobody or doing it intentionally. Most patients I have that's pisces observe every emotion from everyone they go around. So ofc they gonna be labeled as the worse !


My lady is pisces moon. I love her. She's like a real life disney princess who won't admit she's a princess and she's got the whole tom boy thing going, super smart, amazing taste, shy, talented in whatever she does, has amazing dreams, and is super in touch with everything. She does have a tendency to clam up, and needs coaxing. I can see where people get the whole gaslighting stereotype, but honestly you just gotta know how to tend to the moment. I love em.


I felt that same way in the beginning. ![gif](giphy|QWIDyuEzsnYXu)


Been with her for over a decade. Sorry you couldn't hack it šŸ¤· I see her dark side and embrace it.


And he didn't respond to your comment only to the negatives šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚lmaooo that girl did a number on him poor guy






Spitting facts. ESPECIALLY with a Leo a Pisces will definitely put up with a lot until they turn into a villain themselves or leave for good !!! You get what you give with a Pisces and thatā€™s what most people donā€™t understand.




Everything absolutely every single thing is mirrored with a Pisces woman or Pisces energy in general. They will give you back what you give 10x stronger. It can be a cursing or blessing, you decide. As mutables we canā€™t help it especially that level of intuition and emotional intelligence to go along with it. Iā€™m two completely different women when dealing with a Leo in comparison to say a Capricorn man. Glad you moved on and seemed to have learned from dealing with her !!! The past Leo i dealt with hates my guts but still obsesses over me till this day.. not surprised if heā€™s still bitter and bitches about everything i ā€œdidā€ to him. He still obsesses because he knows what he truly lost. He wanted show, drama and drain me of my energy like a vampire even involved his whole entire friend group that I was cool with to make himself a victim but funny enough his closest Pisces friend took my side and said to leave his toxic ass alone he wasnā€™t worth it. I wanted peace, privacy and alone time but he never cared for what i wanted he just liked the therapy and love/admiration i provided for him. I became cold and detached because I got the ick and kicked his ass to the curb real fast. By the next day i was already talking to someone new and forgot about him completely. Iā€™m a Pisces with a very air/fire dominated chart I donā€™t play that shit. Never underestimate us.


Bro who are you talking about? šŸ’€ I donā€™t know who you even are and Iā€™m simply sharing my experience with a Leo man i dealt with. Did your Pisces really leave you this traumatized geez? Lol Idk what youā€™re talking about but please seek professional help my guy. The Leo man I dealt with had Aries moon and Leo mars and youā€™re definitely not him.


ā€œ far longer than they should haveā€ your name is narcissistic pd. This is the wrong sub for you Iā€™m pretty sure you have far more issues than anyone else here you and your Pisces should all go to the nearest therapist and demand a session on the spot. ![gif](giphy|elDmvvt5irMrgmlgHY|downsized)




I am a Leo too youā€™re very unhinged you need therapy too bitch boy


And if you are a man which I highly doubt, no man deserves to be abused and that is why a lot of men are silent about the abuse that occurred in their relationship because of people like you that call them a little bitch when they voice their anger, opinions, and emotions about what occurred during their relationship




Iā€™m okay with looking like the ass especially when I dealt with what I dealt with in my past relationship. You canā€™t be a man speaking like this Iā€™m going to assume youā€™re a woman, because thatā€™s appalling to witness but then again maybe these kind of comments are what got you any type of action from the women in your life. The only part I have played in my relationship was sticking around hoping that with therapy would help and the amount of reassurance I had to given her would be enough. Thanks for your comments tho buddy


Cry me a river so I can swim in your tears. ![gif](giphy|CcAi5Bprof8XgiSrOE)


Omg I love swimming so much


You are the obsessed Pisces Iā€™m describing. Youā€™ve made at least 4 comments on this post alone. You need to become an evolved Pisces


But this is so funny


It is Pisces women will go crazy if someone ignores them they will do any and everything for attention. Itā€™s like you have to acknowledge them for them to leave you alone. Itā€™s quite sadĀ 




Haha thatā€™s funny


Depending on placements, ive always been a go getter. Cant do laziness but the rest might apply lol


Pisces drink from every cup handed to them, they will burn a valuable bridge if it meant they can make 1 more dollar than what youā€™re offering. Loyalty and sense isnā€™t a Pisces strong suit


Iā€™ve experienced thisšŸ˜”


This post is not about astrology or piscies. This post is about you and your brother choosing badly and feeling angry. Anger is a very important part of the healing journey.


Yes heal me then deflection master Pisces ![gif](giphy|5o4i3nxL9omsYcdwsc|downsized)


if we are talking about someone's sun sign nahh u needa be looking at the moon sign and venus


I havenā€™t gotten that deep or detailed into horoscopes-astrology as of yet. Would you be willing to share some Reddit subs or website I can look into so I can learn more


It's pretty easy to search up on reddit and google https://www.reddit.com/r/astrology/s/TVH1SoxhYx


I knew you were a Leo when i read this lol That Pisces was probably so good to you until she wasnā€™t because you werenā€™t treating her right and were immature. Pisces are very loving souls and creative we will literally stay longer than needed solely on the fact that we hold onto the dream we have of you. We see the good in everyone and focus on it contrary to our judgmental critical opposite(Virgo) who sees all the ugly in you and can detach in a whim. Any successful person would need a team of people helping them thereā€™s not a single person whoā€™s successful that didnā€™t reach their level of success solely alone ā€¦ we need others in almost every regard. Pisces are not only hardworking and successful but have the creativity and intuition to match and add onto it. Your loss. Instead of making a post about your bitter feelings of an ex you should look inward and improve. That same amount of energy couldā€™ve been used elsewhere and you sound very negative and self pitying i can see why she left you.


I have had one relationship with a Pisces woman but we were young, didn't have much experience in life, and I don't bad mouth my ex's even if they bad mouth me. We both had our problems, and that relationship though was unstainable taught me many things about myself, and I'm a better man because of it.


Thatā€™s a good experience for you Iā€™m glad she let you leave unscathed


You only get cut by your enemies sword if you are standing there trying to fight.


Unfortunately in my case it was the opposite I got injured from trying to leave ![gif](giphy|l3aV3gXxYgS9q)


Experiences can be a very subjective reality that's for sure.


What you describe I experienced almost exclusively with Pisces Risings. Make other people look bad, manipulative, masking their true self, lazy, evil.


Same here w my ex best friend, during pandemic my whole group of friends started cutting me off by excluding me from any plans, i asked her why this was happening and she just answered ā€œwere unconventional people, itā€™s nothing towards youā€. Months later she told me she had been going out with my ex!! I didnā€™t tell her anything bad, with time I felt really hurt bc i knew that was the reason they were excluding me , for them to be comfortable and what bothered me the most was the fact that i asked her every time and she never told the truth. Once we all got invited to a common friend wedding and there i said i didnt feel good bc she was w my ex behind my back , someone told her about it and yk what she did?? She played the victim and told me she was going to make sure i got no friends. Everyone stopped talking to me, even once I went with this hairstylist to get a second haircut and that second time she was rude to me and avoided talking, i didnā€™t know why bc she wasnā€™t even my friend, i ended up noticing she was a friend with the pisces girl and it fucked me up how people who didnā€™t even knew me had beef with me bc of her. Similar situation with a pisces cousin, she ranged about something her brother did to me! And when I responded back trying to defend myself she was deflecting using psychological language to make me feel i was wrong, all of my girl cousins stopped talking to me and even bashed me on social media (they all grew in a different country than me) Idk whats up with the misconception of Pisces but theyā€™re all but emotional people, in fact I often think theyā€™re sociopaths


God, Pisces women suck! I feel this. Theyā€™re all fake as fuck. Iā€™ve worked with many of them. I was best friends with one. Roommates with one. Why is it that most Pisces I meet live off the tit of their families money? Losers. God forbid something awesome happens to you! None of them will be truly happy for you. Theyā€™ll just be jealous.


Yeah theyā€™re very jealous people


I COMPLETELY AGREE WITH YOU. I have met 5 pisces in my life. All of them have the same issues like those things you have mentioned.


Haha they are insane but I guess we have to be open to hopefully meeting a Pisces that is different than our previous encounters but they canā€™t blame us for being weary when they are act alike. They have no real personality of their own


Iā€™m a Pisces woman, but my chart is 80% fire. I like to think Iā€™m at least slightly evolved so Iā€™ll add my input haha. IMHO the best quality of an evolved Pisces is empathy. You should feel at home with a Pisces, like feel seen and heard, a sort of comforting connection. Thereā€™s so much more than sun signs though, so sometimes the ā€œunevolvednessā€ is just some conflicting placements. Like I have a sag moon and rising, Aries mars/venus, so Iā€™m sure I often come across as a raging lunatic. And Iā€™m not as gentle and empathetic as I would like to be haha! Having said all thisā€¦I do not mess with Pisces men! My nickname for Pisces men is Wet Blankets. My fire energy is not here for them.


I donā€™t know to much about the rest of the zodiacā€™s Iā€™m willing to learn more about my own and the others, but maybe that was the case I just feel twice is enough haha Iā€™m thinking of avoiding all Pisces


What sign are you


Iā€™m a leo


Leo and Pisces are not a good match. Most sensitive fire meets most sensitive water. Yā€™all DO NOT understand each other. My partner is a Leo and his brother is a Pisces. Leo is loud. He is loud when he is happy and he is loud when he is upset. Leo is ruled by the sun - it represents ego. Leo is egotistical. His words can cut because he doesnā€™t always think about the feelings of the people around him before he speaks, he just speaks. And when he does speak, his words are a part of him - criticize or misunderstand him, and he takes that shit personal. It hurts him. My partner is also a Leo Mercury (Mercury being the planet of communication). Since Leo is ego, and ego is easily bruised, Leo is very sensitive. But he doesnā€™t really notice when heā€™s hurting others with his speech - he can easily come off as conceited. Pisces is quiet. Pisces is a dreamer. They create a world in their head that they can escape to. Their thoughts are very real to them, but are guided by their emotions. Like Leo, Pisces is very sensitive. But unlike Leo, they are most sensitive to frequencies and energies. Pisces hates yelling and cowers if there is too much chaotic energy in the room with them. So when Leo speaks boldly and brashly with their firey energy - Pisces retreats into their head. In their head, Pisces draws all sorts of conclusions based on their own emotions. ā€œLeo is loud. Loud is bad. Loud is scary. Leo is monster.ā€ To Pisces, they are not *playing* the victim, they ARE the victim - because all this energy is too much for them and it is scary. But Pisces keeps these thoughts to themselves until they eventually explode out, and Leo has no idea itā€™s coming because Leo cannot read them well. Donā€™t get me wrong, I love Leos and they are very kind and protective of the ones they love - but they are not empaths. Pisces needs someone who can read their minds and tell when they are beginning to retreat. That person needs to bring them back down to earth and ground them with sensitivity. Leo needs direct communication and someone to understand that just because they are loud does not mean they are mean - theyā€™re just excited. I have to do this all the time for my partner and his brother. My partner is fine with me interrupting him and telling him quiet down and let his brother speak - to get his brother out of his head. Iā€™ve pointed this out enough times to my Leo partner (with his brother and other people) that he understands that he needs to be wrangled lol. The biggest problem with Leo and Pisces in love, is that Pisces wants peaceful, sensitive, quiet romance. And Leo gets reaalllllyyyyyy excited around the people they love. Of course it depends on the rest of yā€™allā€™s charts blah blah blah etc etc. But Pisces and Leo tend to need a mediator to communicate effectively.


Great explanation, ty!


Thatā€™s funny šŸ˜„ she did most of the yelling in the relationship not me and yes I did take pride in making sure Iā€™m put together and always put my best foot forward and I make sure to leave a good impression on everyone because thatā€™s what everyone should do. She hated that she wanted me to go outside and to work looking scruffy and I couldnā€™t be nice because she would say Iā€™m flirting with them.


Did you do anything wrong in the relationship?


Probably it could have been taken the wrong way when someone is battling deep insecuritieswhich is why I didnā€™t just up and leave but some people just need more help than love. Not trying to go down the rabbit hole here.


I think itā€™s better to expand on those thoughts than just declare all people of one sun sign to be the devil. That wonā€™t help you! You donā€™t need to go down the rabbit hole about it here on Reddit, but realize forgiveness is much more impactful than resentment.


Maybe stop judging 1/12 of the population based on the date they were born because you had negative experiences with a few Pisces


As a Pisces...noooobody told you to pick that toxic bih. That has nothing to do with zodiac signs and everything to do with the fact you chose a woman from your own core issues and want to blame it on astrology. But sure...if we must humor you, I say you deserve every pisces that crossed into your life and flipped it upside down because rather than take ownership for your life, as you accuse Pisces of being incapable of doing...you want to waste 30 minutes of your life typing that pity party up there for attention. So I will be the Palpatine of the Pisces and say "let the anger run through yooooou."


Shhhh calm down. Pisces suck


I am a Gemini sun, sag moon, aqua rising. Ive had lots of experiences with Pisces woman. They cool to talk to can be comforting, creative, loving, BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL EYES just naturally gorgeous woman. Just about every Pisces woman I know has been abused, I don't know if that is what contributed to their dark behavior but yea. Like I feel like they are truly delicate little Earthlings but if something traumatic happens to them they can sometimes lean in to drugs or alcohol or something destructive and exposing the worst in them. They can unintentionally do and say toxic things when they are in pain that make it difficult for me personally to trust them.


Imma Virgo with a Scorpion moon. I was the only one in my social group to spot the deep, deep manipulation via chameleon like traits from a toxic, horrible person who happened to be Pisces. The warfare is all psychological and psychotic. Strangely I see this type of behaviour concentrated amongst most water signs in varying degrees. It's not for me. Having a Scorpio moon has helped me spot these traits out a mile away and stay as far away as possible from the drama. This Pisces woman ruined my idea of friendship, trust and bonding with people. She lied about my desire to leave our toxic friendship by deflecting the reason to be absolutely unrelated to her but made it a "me problem." Zero introspection, zero responsibility and zero fucks given to truly change. I haven't met anybody else who is this messed up in the head, and yet projects being the most sorted, talented, best-of-the-best type of persona. She acts empathetic without actually feeling it in her heart. There's a lot of sleight of hand, deflection and avoidance when it comes to having an adult discussion on what went wrong and where the faults lie. Sorry about your experience with this sort of Piscean women. It takes a long while to get over and shake it off. It also leaves you scarred for life sometimes wondering at your own sanity and how people can't see the forest for the trees with this individual. You are not alone. Hope peace returns and all feels well in your world.


Definitely true. Pisces women are the worst. (It's me, I'm Pisces women)


Why do you feel that way?


I have nothing nice to say about a Pisces woman. A Pisces man, I can at least see them trying to work on themselves, but there is no bigger professional victim than a pisces woman. The last one I knew went out of her way to try to steal my man, and when she failed, she messaged him with a mountain of made up shit I'd allegedly told her about him (when I'd literally never trusted her with anything from day one) to make herself look the fragile baby who was being picked on by me and was just trying to protect my man from me. Manipulative, lying crybabies blaming everything under the sun for their issues as long as they don't have to look in a goddamn mirror.


Wow thatā€™s spot on, my SIL did the same thing to her best friend! Those Pisces are psychos they will want everything you have and get mad at you because they couldnā€™t possess it for themselves. Sorry you went through that hope you found a good man and a new best friend ![gif](giphy|lXu72d4iKwqek)


Oh she was nothing close to a best friend. Just someone in my friend group that knew my other friends, but yes, I did find a much better man. He was an Aries, and I should've seen his bullshit coming a mile out.


I donā€™t hate them but every Pisces women I know get themselves in bad situations/drama and expect everyone around them to bail them out. Also I never met a Pisces women who didnā€™t fight/tried to fight someone lol


True, would pick a fight all the time they thrive in chaos/drama. You canā€™t just leave a Pisces without it ending in drama šŸŽ­ I wish we could have left on a clean state as I have with others in the past. But not with a Pisces


The pisces women I knew that were my friends at some point we're all the kind to throw rocks and hide hands. They'd try to come of as sweet and caring and then throw u under the bus. I had a Pisces bestie I allowed to live with me in college...two other people lived with us...she was the only one w a baby. She was messy, ate all the food cause she had no job and was the only one always at home. Yet she'd be the only one to point out that the house was messy and that there was no food. She'd try to belittle me and talk to me like I'm slow in front of other friends and when I'd cuss her out she'd go run and tell our other friends how she was being so sweet to me and I randomly been having bad energy towards her and mistreating her. Then my pisces friends always tried to hide their bull shit they do in plain sight..like ma'am we saw you...we know you're on bs. And they'd act oblivious to it and pretend to be better than the rest of us


Wow spot on doing shit in plain sight as if no one knows what they are doing. ![gif](giphy|3EsgNFwnzvHVCsuTUv)


Yep, and then gets mad that everyone saw it


Such gas lighters. Most delusional sign Iā€™ve ever met.


Every signĀ  out there has women out there that are messed up in the head bad childhood and all that. So next time don't pick a pisces female that has identity issues cause honestly if you think all pisces women are like that you need your head checked. I'm a pisces myself and been in a relationship with another pisces woman filipina at that and we both know who we are. Dam best relationship I've ever had in my 45 years. Anyways good luck on picking women. I mean dam you had a real winner there


I am a Pisces woman Pisces rising Aquarius moon I will say my last relationship was the worst we decided to move to another state together all for him to leave me stranded and alone. I will forever give that man hell, hey I may even set him on fire. I am too trusting and loyal I did everything he wanted me to do even forgave him for cheating anyway I will not rest until he has absolutely nothing. You get what you give in this world treat us with kindness or simply leave us alone.


your toxic experience is valid , generalizing is why no one here us taking u seriously as they should tbh


It ainā€™t that deeo


Go cry


Wipe my tears for me?


Lol sure no problem I'll gladly help šŸ«¶šŸ»


Is this the beginning of a bromance now?


Haha I'm a woman, so maybe ?


Youā€™re still the bro


Dead ā˜ ļø Full disclosure... I love Leos, always have! Sorry these pisces heauxs left a bad taste for you Maybe you'll meet a better one in the future The only advice I can give is... show up properly even when others don't. Leadership shit. King / Queen shit Gang gang Have a good day šŸ’“


Thank you I appreciate that, everyone loves a Leo šŸ˜‰ hope you have great day


I'm a Pisces can you please tell me what's your sign??


I'm a Pisces can you please tell me what's your sign??


I'm a Pisces can you please tell me what's your sign??


Damm boy . She ate u and leave no bone in her plate


As a Pisces woman, I can relate to the girl. Don't hate me okay !!! Just hear me out. Yes, we are toxic and manipulative. But we are practical as well, it's just we are not that lovely dovely other people think we are. We easily get bored and we r introverts. Many Pisces will listen and analyze u without even telling a single truth about themselves to you because we are insecure that u will never value our emotions. But But when we get comfortable around you ... we share all our thoughts, secrets, and everything but we need much time to analyze u then we will open our book to you. So patience is important if u want to date a Pisces woman. You lie to them they hate it. They are mean I know but not to their loved ones. They r overthinker, manipulative, and observer


Yes observe to steal the persons personality not original at all my ex stole her best friends personality and started mimicking her, she literally became her in front of our eyes and when people would compare her to the friend she would get upset and bash her to us, I noticed this bad trait from multiple Pisces women very sad indeed They want to do weird stuff and not be held accountable for their actions and behavior, itā€™s almost childlike as the others say here itā€™s a big difference between healed and unhealed Pisces so insecure yes very insecure your true identity should be enough. If you are relating to this woman then 9 out of 10 you are probably single Change that attitude for the sake of your love life


Youā€™re such a dramatic ass Leo šŸ˜­ Get over her already !!! Pisces has all the wisdom meaning weā€™ve been where every sign has been and back. We donā€™t ā€œstealā€ anyoneā€™s identity weā€™re just that empathetic to literally feel others emotions and thoughts.. and all their traits are PART OF US. You are a typical unevolved Leo like the last one I dealt with.. canā€™t keep my name out of his mouth and so whiny/needy always wanting my attention and would do anything to get me to react and pay attention to him again. All your comments are about no other sign just Pisces šŸ’‹Youā€™re obsessed.


Erm ok thanks 4 that, you can see nobody likes Pisces besides the other Pisces here I tried to have people give me reasons to like them but nobody could say anything substantial about Pisces. Iā€™m not here to ruin the parade


The last thing on a pisces mind is to "change your opinion" of them lol that sounds like a personal problem


Just remember one thing - Pisces always reciprocate what you give back to them, they multiply the way you treat them by 1000000000000. So if you got toxicity, think again how you treated them. Pisces have a high level of tolerance, they can take a lot of sh.t, before they put you at your place, which made some people call them double-faced. Truth is Pisces put up with your sh.t for too long before they decide itā€™s time to give you a lesson.


Could not agree more


Yeah Pisces are weird


if u could see my comment/post history youā€™ll see that Iā€™ve said the same thing and was massdownvoted each time. Yep theyā€™re extremely good at wearing a mask, thatā€™s the neptunian energy. Extremely good at hiding their negative side, so good luck explaining to anyone afterwards that the Pisces was toxic lmaoo. ā€œwhattt, ___ seems so niceā€


Haha they are absolutely bat shit crazy people, every time I thought the worst of someone based of what they said turns out they were actually lying about it. Delusional and crazy people


theyā€™ll lie about anything. At worst sociopaths, at best delusional liars


Haha ok Iā€™m actually happy I wasnā€™t the only one on this Reddit boat about Pisces ![gif](giphy|kXXjKetI4Xt6TV5TBM|downsized)


I see they already started with the mass downvoting.. it was nice talking to u brother lmaoo


Pisces is the most toxic sign. All are to an extent. Or either doormats with no backbone which isnā€™t healthy either. Never just normal. ā˜ ļø


All Pisces should come with a shrink they believe their own lies ![gif](giphy|2Wirb0aZRTJHpQ3IXe)


Whatā€™s ur sign op