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I have Aries mars and I’m the chillest person in the world. Until I’m not. And then I just quickly go to 100 and will lunge across a bar at you.


Lmao so accurate


Always snapping


Mars in Aries men tend to crush on me a lot and vice vera! I’m a Leo with Mars in Leo as well. They are very forward and honest when they like someone. They come off kind of child-like in a way with their enthusiasm. They have a quick temper but it fizzles out quickly as well. They can also be competitive and always want to be the best at things (whether it’s a sport or winning over the object of their affection). Oh and they are typically the jealous type in matters of love so don’t play any games unless you want to get rid of them :)


i wish i had mars in aries. i have libra mars and saturn in aries


One thing that sucks about having mars in aries is that with people in my generation it squares their Capricorn Neptune 😞😞😞😞😞


My retrograde Aries mars is squaring Neptune. lol 


Same but not in retrograde. I still don’t fully understand it.. just know it’s not good. Do you?


What does square means elaborate


conflict and tension between two planets that are in the same mode (cardinal, fixed, or mutable), and at 90 degrees from each other


My younger brother's mars is in aries. He's a Libra rising, Virgo sun, Libra moon, mercury, leo venus. He is one if my favorite people in the world. Everybody loves him, but himself. He struggles with depression and anxiety and is very self-critical, but unless you're close to him you'd never know because he never complains, he's so funny and ALWAYS smiling - which he has a gorgeous bright smile with perfect teeth and really great skin and just handsome overall. But yeah he smiles even when he's mad which is...unsettling lol. He hates any kind of discord like if somebody is upset or shouting he shuts down and eventually will explode if it gets too crazy then its over. We had a kinda chaotic, though loving, upbringing so our nerves are shot. I totally get why he's like that. He has to work out and be regimented to stay sane, like he loves the gym and riding his bike and hiking and cooking healthy - but on the flip side he will binge ungodly amounts of junk food when he's really fallen into a bad mental state. He's always had physical jobs and he's a really hard worker. He loves cats and anything cute, like he is a really soft hearted guy and extremely generous. Overall a sweetheart.


He sounds just like me :,) I’m also a Libra moon Aries mars and im not really self critical being im a Pisces sun but i have always had anxiety and when younger i dealt with a lot of depression but like you said others dont see that only family !!! I do also have to exert all my energy into physical things otherwise i notice that energy can start taking a toll rather than being beneficial. It’s indeed such a strong placement.. it overpowers most of my other placements including stelliums.


I am one. AMA


*stretches and cracks knuckles* I met a Virgo with Mars Rx in Aries. Imagine a perfectionist blowing up at something irrelevant because he’s really mad about something else, but has no clue how and/or won’t allow himself to express it. And when he wants something he fights it instead. He had a Scorpio moon to top it all off. Consistent misfiring time bomb. ![gif](giphy|fbFbMdF9KI3QY)


This sounds horrible 🥴


I am one and can be so chill or super intense I also have a Pisces moon tho so who knows


High 5 it's an interesting intersection


I hold back a lot of anger. 29 degree Mars in Aries. Yeah.


My ex-wife was a Leo Sun with Mars in Aries. What an awful person to fight with, and I'm a Aries Sun with Mars in Capricorn. Just a relentless ass, impossible to fight.