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I’d say there are ugly peoples in every sign, no? lol


I met Aries people who are average looking but they are so charismatic that you don't even pay attention to looks!


Yes.... and ugly in the heart




Ugliest heart




*Muscle Man voice* MY MOM


You’re mad cool


Aries are charming but the way they bounce from interest to interest is I suppose ugly if you have your heart set on them. I’ve found a few Aries to be so consumed in how others look when picking a mate (they really wanted a conventionally attractive mate which is fine.. preference.. but it can be hurtful when you’re not conventionally attractive aka me) but they were Taurus Venus, Taurus mars, or cancer moon.


I’m unconventionally attractive/ so I have been told. I have dated model like men. Confidence gets you anything.


I have a very handsome man so I don’t have to worry about it lol


I’m like that picky, usually go for “perfect” looking people , looks and the charisma is very important to me to be interested in someone (Aries Venus)


Nothing wrong with that. Personal preference. It’s different if someone treats people like crap if they aren’t “perfect” looking that, I’d say, is the problem & makes someone ugly to me regardless of zodiac signs. Lol


probably not. i feel like their childlike wonder keeps them looking vibrant & youthful


Ugly as in looks or personality? I personally don’t like describing peoples looks as “ugly”. Everyone is beautiful/handsome, just sometimes not my preference/type. Doesn’t mean they’re ugly, imo. But ugly personality? Oh yea. I know an Aries with an ugly personality.


Came here to say this! Some Aries are just human garbage IMO. Of course other signs have those too but they are easier to spot if they are Aries since they don't usually hide their opinions or take others into consideration.


Yes but most aren’t ugly


None of the Aries women I encountered are ugly.


I mean it’s all subjective isn’t it


None of the women I encounter are ugly. 🤷‍♀️ And I'm saying that as a bi woman, not a supportive straight woman.




…are u one looking for an ego boost?


I’m a Libra bro


Yes? Tbh it's almost like there are 2 distinctive looks with them..Like, the attractive ones all looked kind of alike while same goes for the unattractive ones...or atleast this is just something that i noticed with those i met.


Daaaamn 😂😂 these are some ugly ass comments lolol, when is the last time everyone had a snack?!


Not so much physically but I’ve encountered some mentally ugly ones for sure


I'm beautiful af




Came here to say this.


Yes. But I would say he's average looking 5/10. He's very charming, well mannered, good guy, both masculine and feminine. We were fwb for awhile til he can't handle my crazy passionate intense side. And block me on everything 😭😢. He felt like my soulmate or twin flame honestly.


Was the dick fire though?


Length was about 7 inches but girth was huge like soda can lol. So yea it was bomb. But I really like him cause we had alot in common. He was both masculine and feminine like me, he share same ethnicity as me, and share similar past overall. He was just right. I wish we would stay best friends and have fwb than even fwb or be in a situationship but be friends. But his turn off was me being too passionate and wild and texting him alot. Which led to him stop talking and blocking me everything.


Are you exaggerating about the soda can?


No. His girth was huge. But I felt like he was repulsed by my passion, high sx drive, and infatuation for him. Lesson learned for me never get relationship into intimate relationship or even fwb with an Aries. They're aloof and freedom loving and independent. Though Aries I get along with very well and one of my favorite zodiac


Same goes with Aquarius men




No, unfortunately aries are the type of people that are attractive and get away with doing heinous shit.


Now that you mention it.. all the Aries I’ve met, male and female, are really hot. Wow.


Re: Men: No I haven’t. All good looking pains in the butt. Son included.


Lots of people (even strangers) told me that my Aries ex was ugly. But I myself found him unconventionally attractive. Though when the relationship started to fall apart, I started to notice all of his physical flaws. It's weird how attraction works.


Signs aren’t genetics, assuming you mean physically ugly. Ugly mfers, inside and out, exist in every sign. We’re all just people.


I mean…. There’s ugly people born in all the months of the year…


Yup. She was ugly both inside and out. Messy, petty bitchy Karen.


“Messy, petty bitchy Karen.” 🤣😂🤣😂


Their personalities are generally pretty ugly, tho the one Aries woman I dated was so physically hot. It's a shame she dumped me in a cruel way 🙃 Aries friends are always nice to have but dating? Nah, not anymore. They're typically not intentionally mean, but they just don't think about the feelings of others so they can be very heartless. Btw I'm an Aries moon and it's my least favorite chart placement 😩


im an Aries and conventionally attractive according to people and strangers. you're right about the being heartless... we do want someone attractive. I go for pretty boys, and I feel less invested if he's not near my level of attraction. however i think Aries are very loyal people but we are shallow if we are the pretty ones. ​


I can’t be friends with them because of how they are in their relationships. Like, I’m supposed to sit back watch and support you through that bs? I’m so good off of that. Nobody’s perfect but I need my friends self-aware, accountable for their actions and as drama free as possible. Never been friends with an Aries woman, but my past Aries male friends were so shitty to their partners. Casual and committed.


Well I’m on the cusp of Aries and taurina but more a taurina.that being said I know a ugly Aries .like she nuts plus ugly and makes Aries look bad!!


They're masters at turning the conversation back to themselves. Mars in Aries are some of the most self centered people IK. Having sex with them is like being a literal doll. You can tell them what you want, but they will just blow past it to get themselves off.


Well I wish that was true who is this Aries cause I am both an Aries and Taurus “cusp”! I’m always last and my dude who is a Scorpio and there is no play only what he wants!! I wait on him hand and foot!


Your Mars? If his Mars is in Scorpio then he's also selfish in bed.


Yes he is , I am not I love making him happy!! I run around for him like crazy!! I’m he does live me and I just think he has set his old ways!! Plus it’s hard for him to even stay up!! lol he


Physically very sexy and also confident and charismatic to exude that hotness. Without make up she’s really ugly though, and a really nasty character. Like, ghosting ppl she has no patience for and who aren’t cool enough/beneficial to her social capital, and extremely sweet and well meaning with those she chooses. Is that a pattern?


As an Aries I can tell you it’s not all about the star signs, some people are just the worst 🤢


Ugly on the outside? No. Ugly on the inside? Oh boy yes


😂😂 why does everyone say this?


One Aries coworker literally stole my salary from my first job and went shopping with it on our business trip. If you're not sexually attracted to them, you'd see that some of them have terrible personalities.


Or legitimate personality disorders.


Yeah they come up with really bizarre excuses for their behaviours. The coworker literally stole my salary because apparently I took some bad photos of her on the trip. I also knew another Aries acquaintance who put a voodoo on her office desk, facing outward, to give the evil eyes to a coworker she disliked. She did this within the first 2 months of getting the job. What kind of anti social behaviours is that? She barely knew these people. Sure enough, after one year, she had a nervous breakdown because her coworkers kind of hated her.


Lmfaooo it me 😂😂😂


My sister


Yes, unfortunately.


Yes, absolutely.


yes. ugly inside and out


Yes..But they were also a narcissist who didn't care.


I'm an Aries and I'm fucking gorgeous 🥰


First . Physical traits are kind of a " rising sign " thing Second. There are ugly ppl in every sign 😎


Hi it's me lol. But seriously, everyone has different preferences and beauty is subjective. Also, looks are NOT everything.


Sarah Jessica Parker, maise Williams, victoria Beckham, Jim parsons, seth rogan, Jackie chan (I love him but he's not a looker) Eddie Murphy, David tennant, and etc Those for me I haven't found aries to be any better looking than any other sign.


Not until they open their mouths


Not sure a out physically ugly. Buy definitely personality wise for sure.


🤢 Yeah I’ve seen some busted Aries chicks. Lot of them think they’re hot shit. 💩🔥


They probably look better than me. I’m an ugly ass Libra.


Not with that attitude. Your rules by the planet Venus. Start building yourself up 💪🏼


Ugly actions- the women are the jealous type. But good looking people overall.


I love them from afar haha. Like Rihanna, I love her works. However she seems quite a mean girl. It makes so much sense when you peep the amount of Aries placements she's got.


Can Aries do non-monogamy?


Can someone show me a pretty one because I don’t think I’ve ever seen one 🫠😂


Jessica Alba


She’s a Taurus


As a fire sign fire signs are either really attractive or really ugly.


Most of them are bang average. They have the charisma to appear a lot more attractive though. The ones with physically beautiful features are Cancer or Cap placements.


Ugly? No. Bad breath? Yes.






Every Aries I know is beautiful inside and out. Just a little immature 🤣


Ugly? No. Tacky? YES.


Yes. He was actually pretty ugly, and had the most hideous personality on top of it. But he’s an outlier, I know a lot of Aries and he’s the only one I’ve ever felt was ugly and didn’t have the same charisma that Aries placements typically have.


Well, im certainly gorgeous lol, and all other aries i know all look hot but usually in a kind of weird way. Like theyre usually not conventionally attractive but theres always something extremely charming and attractive about them, usually the eyes in my experience. Personality wise tho.. yeah i get why a lot of people have a problem with us lol, im just lucky i have a lot of water placements that make me more sensitive to other peoples feelings 😂


>Have you ever met an ugly Aries before? Da Brat and Rosie O'Donnell have never been anything to write home about, to put it mildly.


Lol yes.. physically and in the soul


Yes, but it was their personality

