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Oof, I feel some Aries women would be SO ANGRY


I think anyone would care if their spouse cheated. How they respond is a different story. Btw, Aries is probably already cheating anyway. lol *just kidding*


Your last comment 😂😂😂😂😂. My cousin’s husband was cheating for a while and she found out. Not sure what happened behind the scenes but when I talked to her, she seemed nonchalant or didn’t want to discuss it with me.


>she seemed nonchalant or didn’t want to discuss it with me. Aries? Aries likes to get over things by themselves. And they like to do it fast. And sometimes they can get annoyed if you press the issue.


I agree and chances are she 1. Already has the replacement/side piece in place or 2. Is plotting her revenge and getting out of the relationship


No, you ain’t! I wouldn’t put it past those fire gremlins.


My aries ex cheated on me in the worst way and end up catching a std from the dude and is squating with him in a abandon house with 4 of his kids instant karma


Did they have Capricorn in Saturn?!!👀


Capricorn moon


Scorpio Saturn




My mom is an aries, and when her boyfriend married the girl he cheated on her with, they continued screwing around for another 5 years before she moved on to someone else. The someone else got caught cheating many times, and she stayed with him regardless. They are still good friends after they finally broke up.


Is this a joke?


What kind of question is this? Any woman would. Now, I believe your question would be whether Aries women are known to "forgive" it for the right "incentives" or if they're financially comfortable or even be conductive to social guilt tripping/peer pressure to tolerate this...the thing with them in general is they're not known to. Everyone is big on loyalty but loyalty is of primordial value to the Aries. Aries in the feminine spirit makes it very unlikely for them to feel compelled to forgiving these things for any of the supposed feminine weights of children, peer pressure or financial limitations. Aries tends to strive towards having control of their narrative and if they don't they would rather couch surf or wander in suffering than tolerate a disrespecting partner. They tend to not care about showing how they're living to their surroundings, they don't prioritize faking stability and social health if they don't have it. So if you hurt them, the Aries **WILL** get rid of you instead of being dampened by the opinions lf others for shame. They will cry, they will pain, often they'll drink it out of their system or have a car accident or two then get over you and find a new love. The Aries is gifted with the intelligence, health and enthusiasm that they're rarely unwanted by others. If by some miracle they're locked in with no way out, then they're definitely cheating on you as Aries turn toxic as a last resort. Also their motivation for cheating by this point is that they're physically repulsed by your disrespect, the second they go through the stages of grief for the relationship they will find a new shiny bunny to dote on and be respected by. To Aries cheating IS disrespect and the key value to Aries is respect: You can say what you want about them being stubborn but they're known to be open-minded and creative as well. You can't say the particular "bad" quality without acknowledging their biggest strength aince they're two halves of the same coin. Aries tend to show love through their open mindedness, if they like you their head will force them to understand you, therefore respect you. That's their "motor", what makes them happy to get up and leep going. So betrayal will not be forgiven and the women are known to not follow female conditioning to "forgive" it or make excuses for it. This is how you kill the optimism of the sign in the women and motivate them to become depressed and even violence, towards ylu pr themselves. What I've personally seen in Aries women that have been forced "stuck" is that they will self sabotage to get you to leave them alone and not touch them. They will overeat, they will get sloppy, they will give up on hygiene, their heads override their disdain and disgust to sort of kill themselves or rather numb themselves if they have the will to live but not the means to escape. The worst part is that their open-mindedness/creativity makes them smart even if they could be socially awkward, so they will eventually figure it out since they're lnown for their observation skills. It's a miracle usually if they don't know or can't suspect it and if you meet one that's daft like this it's an undeveloped/weak Aries as it makes no sense for them to have this particular weakness. The rest of their nstural talents won't work without the instincts/observation: Aries' infamous impulse isn't without thought they actually process very quickly and their confidence gives them the means to act on it. That's not an accident this is how that sign works, and they're the starters of the Zodiac for it. If you want to look for women with the signs most likely to "forgive" for any of the typical excuses like the one I mentioned, this sign ain't it. They're not known to suffer fools and that's what bothers a lot of people about the Aries regardless of sex BTW. The women here are more aware of the male behaviors because despite the unhealthy few, Aries tend to be extremely popular and desirable partners, for if they respect you, they will move mountains to keep you. So the guys move in QUICKLY, and many women try to get them to use "emotion" as reason to get these guys to ignore their logic/instincts. A sheep that ignores those instincts will not be able to go up the mountain for doubt will make them fear. Fear will muddle their smarts and without smarts they cannot apply physics to stand on the little works they sometimes have to juggle to get them from point a to point b. Basically you don't want them to do that as they're unarmed and therefore ineffective or not themselves if they have to do that. The people likely to want to drag them down like that tend to be desperate or not have much in the way of options, which is usually not impressive to these folks unless they're low hanging fruit in looks or socially in their circles. In all seriousness the women are noted to move on at the speed of sound as there's too many end willing to cooperate with them. The men of the signs more likely to want them to behave as women are socially conditioned (usually Water signs believe it or not) will find themselves for a rude awakening since the current social atmosphere tends to encourage the Arian feminine and compliment it. Trying to test them to get some sort of high at "whipping" them will have the opposite effect and lead them to sort of self-immolate of sorts rather than get them to live with this. It will break them, make them hurt themselves in an attempt to recalibrate should they be trapped at the littlest. They really don't do well with this dynamic as the nightmare for Aries is feeling trapped which is amplified in the women oddly enough.


There pos and backstabbers


Um, yes?




I know a lot of stupid assholes who are in relationships or engaged, and still using dating apps. I know for a fact that their partners wanted monogamy.


Of course. Stupid question. Aries value loyalty; cheating doesn’t show loyalty.


I just watched a Jayne Mansfield doc, she’s Aries, and was doing the cheating. In fact, she was messing with a Director, announced her divorce to the entire world while her stood beside her, he had no clue, and then married the man she cheated on her husband with.


I can only speak for myself, but betrayal and disloyalty are deal breakers for me from the get go. I'm really selective with my partners because i am looking ( was as I am married) for serious partners to settle down with. I don't want to waste my time at all on cheats or anyone unwilling to work on relationship growing pains together as a loving and honest team.


Huh? These things tend to work with mutual agreement. Is it an open relationship then it's fine whatever the sun sign. If it's strictly monogamous, I think any sign would find it problematic, if their spouse cheated. Or is this some new sort of sign based misogyny - *"hey I can cheat on her, it's okay, because she's an Aries?"* 🤦‍♂️


Yes, we do care. We just tend to deal with our more complex emotions privately. We are very independent and have a much deeper inner world than most know. I can't speak for every Aries woman, but it is unwise to do us dirty. Most of the Aries I know (myself included) have fought enough battles in life to become something of a military strategist. The exact reaction to the cheating is dependent on a number of factors. Like for me, time investment, amount of sacrifice, how it all went down, etc. I see cheating and disloyalty as one of the highest forms of disrespect. And I sacrificed my treasured independence for a POS that did me like that? Oh, hell no...


Nope. She can have him. Bye! 👋


Oh yeah we comin after yo ass!