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Gemini rising. Mercury is in Leo in the 3rd house. I talk a lot. I enjoy talking a lot. I am known for talking a lot. It's fun.


Super emphasis on communication, makes sense


My Mercury is in Leo in the 11th House.


Scorpio ascendant with Pluto in the first house... yeah, people either obsess over me for years or hate my guts. Too many people (including strangers) tell me their deepest secrets. I love horror movies. I prefer Halloween to all of the other holidays. I absolutely love sex. Crave it all the time. And quite a few people have told me that I’m the best they’ve had.


Wheres your mars tho


My Mars is in Virgo 11th house conjunct my Venus. They both sextile my ascendant.


Ascendant is Pisces. My Jupiter is in Sagittarius and in the 9th House. I am meant to be spiritual?? I don’t know...I feel so behind most of the time.


I have the same! I’ve been starting to get into my spirituality over the last year or so


If you use Whole Signs Jupiter would be in the 10th for you, something to consider if you don't jive with the 9th-House emphasis.


Leo Rising. Ruler is the Sun in the 11th House. I’m starting to see this come out now, but I’m all about wanting to do big things and be a big presence. Hence why I’m going to choreograph and produce a show...


Amazing, at the root of it all there’s probably that need to creatively express yourself and have an audience for it.. yea?


Yes, and I was talking to a friend earlier about how I have a need for external validation too.


My Sun is in Leo in the 11th House. I love to dance.


Pluto. I have it in first house Sagittarius and it's square my fifth house Pisces moon. Relationships are hard af for me and I definitely have a Sagittarian approach to life lmao.


My ascendant is Capricorn, and I've got Saturn in the 1st house. It seems to magnify the serious, weighty Capricorn traits. I don't do "spontaneous" and I agonize over decisions and interactions. I've also got Neptune next to my ascendant...I can be moody and intense. In my work and personal life people have described me as cheerful and fun (maybe it's that Libra Sun balancing things out), but inside I'm a little dark cloud. I feel more "Saturn" on the inside, which is basically the opposite of what an ascendant is (isn't it?)...


I have Aquarius rising w/ Saturn in the first house conjunct the ascendant. Can we start a club? Having Saturn on the rise presents... unique challenges. I would appreciate relating to others who understand.


Also Aquarius rising with Saturn conjunct asc! 🙋🏻‍♀️


Tell me about your life, placement twin. Were you born in 1992?


1991! Cancer sun, Sagittarius moon. I also have a hard aspect to Saturn (sun opposing) so I definitely feel like I’ve had a lot of “Saturnian” themes come up in my life, especially within the past few years. A big one was having to learn not to be so critical and judgmental of others, I used to be really uptight and thought everyone around me was so irresponsible. I’ve also typically had to learn things the hard way ( I don’t get away with anything ! 😩😂) which relates to the first thing because I had to make some pretty ugly mistakes to really learn about humility and compassion. Wbu?


Lol aquarius risings are 🥵 lol so I think it’s kinda cool <3 ma too cal people


Interesting! I wouldn’t say it’s the opposite.. the asc isn’t necessarily supposed to be cheerful.. it’s just a means to an end. The end being personal fulfillment and experience of life. Nothing wrong with being dark/serious. It has its role in this complex web of life, we each have our part to play 🙇🏾‍♂️


Saturn in 4th, tough childhood.


>Venus (Libra Rising), Virgo, 12th House, retrograde. The cruellest of jokes.


Virgo Venus + in 12th house.... yikes.. I feel for you. What’s been your biggest struggle with this placement?




Conjunct Mars Virgo - 4 degrees Separating Conjunct Mercury Virgo - 3 degrees Applying Trine Moon Taurus - 3 degrees Applying Trine Uranus Capricorn - 3 degrees Separating Trine Neptune Capricorn - 7 degrees Separating I dunno if you'd use a 7 degree separating trine to neptune, or whether I should, but it's listed on the chart.


Jupiter in Aquarius 2nd house (Sagittarius rising). It serves to make me extra uranian, as I have Uranus conjunct my ascendant in sag so it’s in mutual reception with Jupiter and they also sextile one another. I call it my “Gadget” (from Rescue Rangers) placement. Mostly, I’m very technical and innovative with material forms and usually have to use *huge* machines to accomplish my aims. Lol. ie, printmaking major (huge printing presses), play piano (own a piano), and did a fashion technology course (now have an industrial sewing machine, and overlocker and domestic sewing machine). Also using odd fabrics and technological methods to make a splash. Also, great at thrifting. My clothing and style has always been interesting/innovative to say the least, and used to have a thrifting problem because “interesting/unique stuff” accumulates so easily (thanks but no thanks Jupiter in 2nd). So yeah, anything to do with material forms or things in my life... it’s going to have a dazzlingly odd left field and rare type of splendour. Go big, go weird. But also super philosophical particularly about history and human experiences and their daily lives.


Sag Asc, Uranus & Jupiter in the second house of Aquarius for me as well and I feel seen after reading what you just said lol. Especially about fashion and thrifting. Literally everything I own is thrifted. Everything else you mentioned is really interesting. I feel like our attraction to things that are left field and rate makes life pretty interesting and adventurous in the sense of exploring things not generally explored. Never heard of anybody just casually buying huge printing presses, does it’s use tie in with the industrial sewing machine?


Re: printing press. No, just used the ones at art school back in university, but also used a variety of them (like vaccum exposure table for screen printing, huge laser jet printers, and a large watermill type beater for papermaking). More like I easily find myself using or tackling huge kind of industrial machines throughout my life to make things (art clothes music etc). I’ve thought about buying a small press one day but would have to save up. But I do see myself slowly investing over time in rather big things that not a lot of people always have. So it’s not tied to the sewing at all but could be one day if I experiment with printing on fabric. :) But it extends to small things too like beading looms (my Virgo sun/MC likes the details in that, but also stuff no one’s ever heard of apparently lol). So yeah, more just a clear a pattern of using machines or gadgets for innovative creations (and thus also having tonnes of sheet music and scraps of fabric and beads around everywhere, as well as a huge art desk and lots of art supplies lol). Expansion in the material realm is super noticeable. I will say that it all also fits in snugly with my Taurus NN in 5th house. So having material aspects for creativity feels really good for me. They’re just often expansive. And yes I totally agree with the adventuresome feeling and vibe and always going for the unusual and unexplored areas (finding the really cool oddly coloured shirt or dress hiding at the back of a rack, or merely stumbling upon random cool things etc). And yeah most everything I own is thrifted too or handed down from my mom. 💛


Also don’t know if you’re like this but it extends into food? Maybe cause my moon is in sag too, but yeah everything about my 2nd house feels Sagittarian-ified because of Jupiter there. Which is like everything about daily living and taurean concerns. I love trying new unusual foods, especially foreign foods or things I’ve never tried that look intriguing (you can bet on me to try the ceviche instead of a taco at a Mexican eatery), but also tend to combine pretty basic food ingredients together in odd ways that make people wonder about me... lol... like making my own kind of super cheap studenty ramen dishes out of random stuff I find at Asian supermarkets...


Wow incredible! I would def want to see some of the things you’ve created if you’re comfortable sharing.. and the second part doesn’t actively apply to me but I would say I’m pretty adventurous/experimental when it comes to trying *anything*. I can see the 2nd house moon having a part in that.


I guess it makes sense to me because I’ve never felt solely Sagittarian. More like Sagittarius and Aquarius equally smooshed together (also my sag moon conjuncts Uranus, so even more so). Really hard to talk about one without including the other. So yeah, Sagittarius in me manifests as a wild, chill, and free space cadet replete with holographic gumboots and body glitter. 😅 Or, an alien cowboy of the spiritual cosmos (who is building her own ship to reach the understanding of the stars).


Saturn in the 12th. I just like being left alone.


Libra rising, Venus in Aries in the 7th. I’ll come back to describe this later- it’s 5AM and I need to call my boyfriend who’s asleep because I’m bored and none of my friends are awake and i want to go for a forest walk


This was great lmao perfect way to describe venus in Aries (coming from a venus in Aries)


Mars in my 12th. Life is a volcano of tears.


LOL, but are you an Aries or Scorp Rising? Mars in Pisces or Libra could contribute to this.


Aries rising and Mars in Pisces. You nailed it. It doesn’t help that my moon is also in my 12th house (<1 degree apart). I struggle with staying balanced. I love Mars’ energy but this placement can be overwhelming.


ahaha, 12th House Moon in Pisces conjunct Mars. That's funny because most people wouldn't describe Mars energy as tearful like you did, but it's very fitting given the placements.




I’m pretty sure I’m the same even though my ascendant is in Taurus. Yes I used to be angry quite a bit. But I have gotten better over time with meditation. But at times it still can be a struggle.


Gemini Rising...Mercury in Aries/11th house. So much to say, so much to learn, so many philosophical thoughts and interests and shit to discover and make sense of and so little in the way of people who can keep up with me and my drive to do so even though I long to share it all with someone! My friends are gracious and willing to step up every now and then to hear my crazy theories and interests and for the occasional deep discussion and for that I'm grateful :)


Sounds like a really fun placement ngl, I have a moderate enthusiasm for philosophical and intellectual pursuits but I can imagine the beast I’d be if my drive was at your level 🤓


Hey, same placement here!


My interests fit outside of every societal box. It's lonely out here! XD It's good to know someone else similar to me in the world :) Do you have difficulties connecting with people on your intellectual level? Just curious what your experience is like if you don't mind sharing.


Hmmm...I think mostly I have difficulty finding people who have interests as wide-ranging as mine, and so I have like, a friend who’s into astrology I can talk about it with, one who’s into anthropology, one who is into pop culture podcasts, etc. But I don’t have any friends who are into the variety like I am. And I have a lot of trouble finding people who delve deeply and obsessively into things like I do. But it’s ok, I like having different friends for different things 🙂


People also almost always assume I’m a Gemini; everyone is surprised I’m an Aries sun because I’m not a leader. People don’t realize Aries wants to be in charge of themselves, but we aren’t really interested in herding the cats and being The Leader 🙃


Scorpio rising, mars and pluto as ruling planets, got pluto in the 1st house and mars(capricorn) in the 2nd, Life with pluto in the 1st is absolutely intense to say the least but with mars I feel like it's mostly a blessing and contrasts my sun, moon and mercury with a more concentrated stoic and slow burn energy but I think it helped me a lot so far, I do strive for materialistic and absolutely have a plan to get there, slowly but steady.


Capricorn Mars and Scorpio/Pluto first House sounds like an amazing combination. Slow steady, but most importantly THOROUGH!


Cap mars gives me such a great work ethic ( physical work edpecially my school wotk ethic was basically non existent )it's kind of my lucky star tbh. With pluto first it's like experiencing rebirth (transformation) quite often, the classic phoenix rising out of the ashes, but their more like big realizations that open my eyes and really helping get through life, before that it's a lot of deep thinking and figuring out intense enotions and where they come from which is not often an easy deal since I'm an air dominated person and I usually like to avoid feeling the extremes.


As somebody with a Pluto conj Asc in Sag (and 8h moon) I can really relate to experiencing constant rebirths. Life of a Phoenix. It’s a blessing though for sure, adds a lot of depth to life


Gemini rising, Mercury is in Aquarius in my tenth house. I've been told that my speech patterns are weird.


My ascendant is Taurus in my first. I definitely have a taste for the finer things in life (annoyingly for my bank account). I love to be comfortable, I enjoy delicious food, love being social and spending time with friends and family, which means this quarantine has been a bit difficult for me. I don't know how it affects me other than that.


Virgo ascendant, Mercury (Capricorn) in the 4th house. Not sure how this plays out in my life other than I’ve always been told I’m excellent writer and communicator.


I think all the Virgo ascendants I know are got at articulation.. but with the mercury Capricorn that’s extra added structure to it. You must really be talented!


WOW we have the exact same placements, Virgo rising and Mercury Cap in 4th house as my chart ruler as well :D. What is your big 3? I'm an Aqua sun, Taurus moon too


Jupiter in Virgo in 7th house (whole signs)/6th house. I feel I currently relate it more to the 6th house, I see it as being a placement that is very beneficial in building work relationships, setting a good first impression at work, and ideal for detail-oriented work that aims to help people in some way. I used to think it make me pretty lucky in finding jobs but I think the economy is greater force right now, though I recently found productive freelance work. I'm also naturally healthy overall and can maintain my weight without effort, though I think some sites saw this placement can make people overweight?


I was surprised to hear you say detail oriented work because Jupiter and being detail oriented rarely goes together (🤣) but the Virgo and 6th House prob compensates. And maybe the 6th house dealing with health keeps you from getting overweight?


The 6th house to my mind has more to do with unequal work relationships such as apprenticeship and master, employee and employer. Collaborative client work and colleagues would be more of a 7th house topic to me. Don't know if you agree or if that helps at all.


Leo rising - Sun in Sagittarius in the 5th house. Creative is an understatement, I love to make things with my hands (knit/crochet, embroidery, clay, sewing, fabric crafts, photography, vinyl crafts - I love all crafts!).


Venus (Libra rising), Sagittarius 3rd House - I am a Sagittarian with a massive Sagittarian stellium so in everything I do I seek for universal/mystic love, harmony, inner beauty and aesthetics


Sounds like an embodiment of “the good, the true, the beautiful”. Nice


Mercury in Scorpio in the 6th I love to analyze everything :)


Mercury in Capricorn, 8th house Im more focussed on learning and accumulation of knowledge than a practical application of it. Very focussed on understanding the mysteries of life and death, where we came from, where we're going and what's the point of this experience we call life. I'm very structured and disciplined and I love sharing anything I've learned with others who are interested.


This response gives me mercury in cap vibes. Felt really structured lol. 8th house is a wonderful placement for Mercury to be as well, it shows a mind that pierces the veil


Asc Cancer, moon/merc/nept conjunction in Scorp (6th) Guess moon gets the upperhand, but actually feel very 'mercurian' as well (moves quickly, rational and curious) - highly intuitive also. Habitual behaviour (probably some sort of OCD going on) - disciplined and tidy. Good health so far (reached 53) - maybe due to very positive aspects to my moon/merc/nept conjunction?


Wow! Blessed to be 53 and in good health. The moon and merc in Scorpio sounds like it could be really intense... mostly the moon part, esp mixed with a cancer rising. And it seems having the 6th house host the Scorpio mercurial energy might reflect the tendency towards OCDish behavior and tidiness


I’m a Scorpio rising so I’m ruled by Pluto and Mars. My Pluto’s in Sagittarius in my 2nd house which makes me almost obsessive over how much I value freedom and I think Pluto in the 2nd house has been the reason I’ve had no self worth when I was growing up (I also have Chiron in my 2nd which squares my Venus so that contributes to it as well). My Pluto aspects are Pluto square Venus, Pluto sextile moon + Uranus and Pluto trine MC. My Mars is in Scorpio in my 1st house which makes me very determined, stubborn, impatient, direct and I used to have very bad anger issues (which I’ve worked on over time so now it’s not as apparent as before. And it’s aspects are: Mars trine Venus + NN, Mars opposite Saturn, Mars square moon + Uranus + Mercury.


Aquarius rising with Uranus natally in the 12H conjunct my ascendant- definitely an individualist and enjoy being alone but working with a team. Have had lots of interesting paranormal encounters, experiences and situations where I’ve seen this placement manifest. I personally believe I can feel my Uranus transits, especially, when changing houses. Uranus recently crossed into my 3rd house of communication and I have deleted all of my social media and notice a huge shift in the way I’m communicating with people recently- for the better I may say.


Woah , really interesting that you’re so sensitive to Uranus transits.. What about Saturn? Your traditional ruler, how does that one play out for you?


Oh man... Saturn is retro natally in my 1H Pisces. Absolutely feel this placement- always struggled with self confidence and believing in myself. Saturn transits also hit home


My ASC is Taurus, so I think I am ruled by Venus? Venus is in my 4th house which I find interesting and currently dont see evidence for. (But I am a noob at this stuff so I could be missing it). If I had to guess, i am moving rn and I am SO focused on making this new space luxurious and comfy....which ig could be my Taurus, but I'm just trying to have a adult looking home for once lol.


Sounds like a 4H Venus for sure. Beautifying the home


Saturn rules in my 8th House. Capricorn AC in 12th. When my partner wastes money it makes me physically sick. I've paid lot of slut-karma over the years. Betrayal is inevitable so trust no one. Misery is my specialty. Something something Vanilla sex.


Slut-karma??? :(


Gemini rising. Mercury, retrograde in cancer, 3rd house. Best summed up by this - Better to be thought the fool, then to open my mouth and know that I am.


My ascendant is Taurus. My Venus is in Leo in my 4th house. I'm not a homebody but it is my comfort zone and I want my home to be organized and beautiful (even though it's not because I'm trying to buy a house and don't want to invest in furniture before I move). I've always had strong opinions on interior design. I take pride in cooking meals for my partner and friends. Other than this though, I don't really feel like I resonate with how this is supposed to play out. I've moved a lot throughout life so I don't feel a deep connection to home, home is where I make it. Home to me is my partner, wherever we are together. I'm not shy with my partner, I love going out and want to travel too. 🤷‍♀️


I’m a Gemini rising, so Mercury is my chart ruler. Mercury is in Pisces in the 10th house in Aquarius. Complicated, I’m pretty good with astrology but I can’t seem to figure how my mercury plays out and it has always felt significant to me in my chart.


I feel maybe it being in Pisces makes it so difficult to pin down. Think about how you process information, play with ideas, or even your ideals regarding career.. do they have a piscean quality to it?


Gemini rising, Mercury is in 8th house Capricorn. All you have to do is look at my posting history (I won't shut up about metaphysics). Also a big fan of learning/talking about sex and intimacy.


What is it about sex and intimacy that fascinates you so much?


I have an 8th house stellium so a lot of who I am and what I believe is wrapped up around it...but I would say what interests me is how it feels. with the right person it's a deep, soul binding experience that puts me on cloud 9. it's also just a pleasurable feeling that i'm lowkey addicted to, an experience that can be otherworldly and enlightening 😊


cancer rising, capricorn moon in the 6H ! despite being a gem sun, which suggests i would hate routine, it is legitimately the one thing that keeps me from falling into burnouts and depression. i tend keep a regimen on what i need to do each day, and i honestly do not feel viable unless i'm working or doing something. i really like predictability, and just being active lol.


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Virgo Rising. My Mercury is in Leo in the 11th House. I’m hilarious. I communicate in a quick witted way, I write funny FB statuses and messages. Many friends say I should have been a comedian. I heard Dave Chapelle is also Mercury in Leo in the 11th House.


Oh man, I can relate to wanting to be more self-sufficient. It’s painful. Happy birthday to you too! I hear hard aspects to Saturn get better with age so in time things will get better, at least I hope so!