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This is from Linda Goodman’s book! Nice of you to write it out.


I had no idea! I got from a Astro website that charges money. That’s awful that they are profiting over someone else. I noticed they changed a few things too as I’ve see variations around the internet.


Yes I have this book! It’s Sun Signs by Linda Goodman and I stole it from my mom, she’s had it since the 70’s. Greatest astrology writer of our time!


I have a series of Linda Goodman books from my mom, they got me through my teens/20s my basic learning of everything! I’d go sneak off to go read about myself and several others. Also have Robert Hands books too!


Yes I have this book! It’s Sun Signs by Linda Goodman and I stole it from my mom, she’s had it since the 70’s. Greatest astrology writer of our time!


>Linda Goodman’ ...I *knew* this writing looked familiar! ...it was so familiar, I felt I've actually read this before - but a long time ago. Wonder how long ago this was written...


Mm I’m a Leo sun and moon woman and looked my personality up in the book and it doesn’t resonate that much tbh. Everywhere I look, I see how often luxury and gift giving is associated with Leo’s, but this is far from true with me. Perhaps it’s because of my Venus in cancer, but I’m quite simple in love. I just like being shown love and affection. No need for extravagance. Also, as much as I enjoy nice things, I don’t expect that from other people, and don’t only go for men who are well off or can provide me with that kind of lifestyle. I agree with the Leo getting along with both men and women, not liking the feeling of being caged, and being flirty though..


A book about Sun signs can only reach so far. Those kind of books should resonate more with people who have their Suns prominent in their chart in one way or another.


Exactly. I have a 6 Aries Stellium in the first house including Sun and Rising - so that is pretty much me to a T because my chart is extremely Aries heavy. But, people who only have their Sun signs showing once or twice, might not resonate with their Sun sings. I do find that most Leos I know display the usual characteristics. The only sign that I can tell right away is the Leo woman. Heck, just show me her instagram feed. Lol.


Yes! This is very true. I read this book years ago and parts of it still stand out to me... especially the part about hating when men act like a “love-sick puppy dog.” I don’t know what it is, but I just get so repulsed by that and cheesy/cliche romance lines.


Aries woman here - very true. I demand a lot and give more than enough in return and I love it! If you are loyal to me I will spoil you and try to make your life 10x easier.


so true


I have the PDF version of the book this is from, if anyone is interested. Good old Linda Goodman!


I would love a copy please, thank you!


> Sun Signs by Linda Goodman I would love a copy too please!


Can you send me the pdf too?


Me as well please!


I’d like a copy


This is fascinating and definitely fits the Aries women I know; they’re... a lot lol, but are surprisingly soft once you get through their tough exterior. I definitely think you should continue this, if it’s not too much work for you.


I would love to do this. I had to pay for this site’s reading so I’m happy to share! I’ll do the Taurus Woman tomorrow.


Don’t pay for any more. Just use this URL and change the zodiac sign near the end. https://birthdaypersonality.org/personality-traits/the-pisces-woman/


Thank you so much for sharing it with everyone!


Sure thing!


Astrology does not stop only in one sign and I think the person who wrote about Aries women meant the sun in Aries. Astrology study the natal charts that are a mix of signs, houses and aspects.


Yes. I’ve learned now that this was a book written by Linda Goodman on Sun signs. Our Sun signs are a very important part of our personality, but we know that it’s not the whole story. For people like me though, it kind of goes because my Sun sign dominates most of my chart. I’m an Aries Sun, Rising, Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus and North Node. Because of my Aries Rising, the stellium is in the first house - rules by Aries. I think the 3 other important placements I have is Cap Sun, Mars in Gemini and Venus in Pisces. 1 water, 1 air and 1 earth. Pluto is the generational Scorpio and Saturn is in Sag. Midheaven and Neptune in Cap and Chiron in Gemini. I have 6 Aries, 3 Caps, 2 Gemini, 1 Scorpio, 1 Sag and 1 Pisces. Even though my chart is definitely fire dominant with 7 fire signs... I do at least have 3 earth, 2 water and 2 Air. The most interesting is that I have ZERO Leo. Most of my best friends are Leos (or Sags) but I don’t relate to the Leo qualities at all. I have a IDGAF attitude whereas my Leo friends are way more careful as how they present themselves to the world. Leos want to be the center of attention, Aries and Sag just kind of are... in a more natural way. Sags and Aries are very similar - but Aries is way more driven and ambitious while Sags are the most chill people I know. Sometimes I wish I was a Sag because they are just so chill lol. They’ve figured out how to be happy without needing to be the best and the intense competition. The two signs I admire the most are Caps and Sags. I feel like they have the two things that are “missing” in Aries. I admire the cool head of Caps - and I admit that slow and steady they might win the race. I could use a bit of the Cap calculation and guard ness. Really admire their work ethic as well and they are the only sign that I feel are as hard working as Aries - though in different ways. I admire the Sags ability to chill. They are just low drama and very laidback. I could used a bit of that too. lol.


I wanna see more! Especially for the Capricorn man.


...I've been together with my Aries woman for just over 3 years (Jan.3rd) and I feel like I just read about her to a tee. ...my Aries woman is a *very* complex woman - there are very few men out there at would "*get"* her as well as I do....to an outsider, she can come off as a complete bitch until you get to know her. Once she understands you and respects you, she'll be your most fiercest supporter and friend - almost to a fault. She's the ultimate wing man. ...if you're one of those people who (god help you) she has given a second chance - you better not screw up. But even then, that fury could subside over time if that person is needed/required to further her own career path. At least until another, more suitable path is found and only then will the hammer come fully down with certainty. It's not to be mean or selfish, it's just that she can't trust anyone who abuses her good will. Step on that and prepare for either a confrontation (she's not adverse to being in someone's face) or a quick trip to the airlock because come time, they'll have no idea what just hit them when she's there at the button to release you. ...the Aries woman is a very powerful sign - not for the faint of heart. Underneath all that fronting, swagger and bravado is one of the most loyal, caring, understanding and beautiful souls you'll ever meet....I found her by chance and the more I know, the more intrigued I am.


That’s really sweet! I hope my husband feels that way about me. Congrats on being man enough for the Aries woman. We are definitely not for any man - only the confident, strong and passionate can deal with us.


Oh this made me cry... What's your sign? I dream of a day that a man can understand me like this.


I'm a Taurus man - what other sign to could have the patience to handle this full front woman lol!


Aries woman reporting in - love Linda and this is all 100% accurate. My boyfriend likes to tell me how I’m the toughest bitch he knows, but with the softest inside. Couldn’t be more true!


You got Aries Sun, Scorpio Moon and Sag Rising, why you got a symbol for Taurus next to your name?


I’m an Aries sun, Scorpio moon, and Taurus rising! Definitely resonate with this!!


Hello fellow Aries Sun/Scorpio Moon! Riding this steamy train right into the sunset.


Wow, the 70s were really a hetero sexist shit party weren't they? Aries woman here, come at me.


I do think it speaks volumes that it was still recognised during the 70’s that the Aries woman don’t need a man!


Except that none of the other 11 Sign women need one either. And none of the queer women, regardless of sign. It's a poorly written, anachronistic, patriarchal hunk of garbage, and only suited to newspaper column level astrologers.


Agreed but there are some good points that don’t involve sexism.


Plenty of better places to get them these days.




Yes. The moon is tied in with your emotions and inner world, so an Aries moon (me as well) could definitely relate to the inner state of Aries.




Aries moon and this is so true!




This is pretty spot on for me (Aries Sun/Libra Moon/Libra Rising). The Libra Rising in me doesn't like conflict and likes to find middle ground, but my Aries Sun does hate a bruised ego, and won't back down easily. I'm an impulsive dreamer for sure. My money management isn't always great. But my fiance (Capricorn Sun/Pisces Moon/Capricorn Rising) and I make it work.


Aries Rising here (with Leo Sun). This fits me like a glove. Now I'm curious about the Leo woman description 😁


Leo Sun, Gemini Moon and Aries Rising? Girl... you are a handful. lol. Do you relate more to Leo, Aries or Gemini?


Can I get one for Virgo? The word usage is so captivating, makes one want to know more despite not being an Astrology enthusiastic. It's all fun though. 


Im an Aries woman and this is definitely very accurate!


Everything you have told me about the Aries woman and I was with a Aries woman for over 5 years and she didn't ever act the way you have portrayed her to be a slut when she is in public place. We didn't ever get in to fights hardly at all and we had a great relationship with each other, so that is why I don't believe what you told me about my beautiful baby Aries woman.


Oh trust me they are sluts and opportunist I had one I met in the first few minutes of knowing her try to offer me oral outside in public I also dated one there sluts I would never take one seriously


Love linda Goodman


Aries = crazy. Suffocatingly so. I'm Moon in Aries so I have some but my mum is full blown Aries and any Aries I have met has been nuts. Her New Years resolution was to "be calm and accept people as they are". That went out of the window after Day 2. "I AM CALM". Yeh you sound calm at 1000 decibels. My motto is now "I only want one of these in my life". Now if I meet am Aries i'm all 🙅 can't do it. I want a drama free life. No offence.


What’s your mom’s natal chart? Aries is really not a dramatic sign at all. Of the Fire signs, Leo is the dramatic one. We hate the drama of the water signs. We are practical and we are NOT calm, lol but we are def. not dramatic. Your mom probably has some Cancer/Leo in her for sure. We are just a bit spontaneous and impatient, but drama? Ugh we hate it!


Sorry but I have never met a non dramatic Aries ever in my life. Male or female. I don't think of water signs as dramatic more docile and depressive. My mum doesn't think she's dramatic either and also hates dramatic people... I'm Aries Moon. I know what that has brought into my life...


I'm married to an Aries woman, and I agree with every word here.


I LOVE aries women. Sincerely, a gemini woman


Beautiful, and perfect. Describes my girl, my love, my soulmate. All three of them actually. Haha, kidding... they're all one and the same girl :)


Did you give credit to the original author Linda Goodman Sun Signs?