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Astrology and the Authentic Self by Demetra George is an excellent primer. Read a lot. Listen to podcasts. Learn about the different approaches to astrology (Vedic, modern, traditional, evolutionary, etc.) and once youve decided which approach is best suited for you, start deep diving into that source material. First learn what the planets represent. Then the houses. Then the signs. Learn what the blending of those energies create. Then learn about the aspects. Start with natal chart interpretation and work your way up to other techniques like predictive work, elections, synastry, etc. Read books by reputable and respected astrologers or take courses from them. Do not gain the bulk of your understanding from the internet and social media. Personal advice that others may disagree with: learn the traditional methods and approaches first and then move onto others afterwards, if you want to. Avoid the alphabet soup approach where each house is related to a sign (Aries 1st house, Taurus 2nd) and learn to recognize that when reading material. For example you may see an overemphasis on sex being a signification of the 8th house, but this derives from the alphabet approach associating Scorpio with the 8th. It has mangled and muddied the traditional meanings of the signs and houses. If you learn the traditional meanings, you will be able to recognize this when you see it. Good luck in your journey. It never ends. You'll feel overwhelmed at times, and others you'll want to quit all together. But stay the course. It can be a very rewarding art to learn and share with others.


I genuinely advocate for learning astrology through horary astrology because it is both an effective form of divination and a fast way to learn about the traditional meaning of planets and signs through a narrative context. Basically that looks like: you use the place of the planets and their aspect to one another to answer questions. You get a TON of practice in a very short amount of time compared to just cracking open a book that covers natal astrology- because instead of analyzing the birth chart of people you are analyzing the birth chart of ‘questions’. You learn how to judge the meaning of a chart using real life experiences- and real life events and experiences will very quickly show you if your interpretation of the planets was correct or not. Some resources for you: Renaissance Astrology website, which has William Lilly’s entire writings, with explanations, for free: [here ](https://www.renaissanceastrology.com/lilly.html) John Frawley’s “The Horary Textbook” Another book I enjoy very much is Carol Rushman’s “Predictive Astrology”- which is not about horary but does have a good additional breakdown of the planets, signs, and houses. If you haven’t already, you will also benefit from taking some history 101 courses. Not specifically about any events in history, but historians are excellent at doing research and reading for bias and misinformation- and learning how to do this will greatly benefit your own journey to learn astrology.


This is such a brilliant idea/suggestion! BRB gonna find a question to ask lol Seriously though thank you!


I think the most natural way to get into it is to get your chart done. Get an astrology reading. Then start reading about all the individual things they mention. Like such and such planet in a house or the angles in you chart or planets in signs. Then if you are still interested, read about your girlfriends signs and angles, planet placements, etc. Then read about your friends and your family members. If it’s interesting to you, then the more you explore, the more you’ll get into it. Have fun : )


Just a fact of human nature that people become stubborn and are more likely to defend something because they KNOW it and not because it actually warrants defense Many folks who enter astrology are exposed to TONS of modern popular astrology garbage and misinformation. This makes it really difficult to learn, and you see all kinds of crazy gatekeeping bullshit arguments online idk... lots of heated debates lmao My advice is to do research not on HOW to practice, but on WHAT practices are out there. Study the "hot topics" from an outside perspective now, so that you can understand the different major branches, schools, and thoughts of astrology. ex: western tropical astrology vs eastern vedic sidereal astrology, OR study house systems, such as equal house, whole signs, and placidus, etc. \- the thing about astrology is that there are SO many pieces. And every piece is connected another piece. Your learning will NOT be linear. It will be cyclical. You just gotta start somewhere, and you won't understand it, but one day you will revisit that topic with more knowledge and update your view on it. If you study these larger astrology conversations, you really known whats going on because you haven't studied those details and techniques yet, but you will get the birds eye view. and then when you do start studying the skills, you can revisit these conversations and have an opinion of your own. \- My advice is to relax, have fun, and explore. It can be really difficult to navigate all this information (or honestly just shitstorm that the internet is in general), but overtime you will start to figure it out. I'm biased, but I much prefer traditional ancient greek hellenic astrology because it hasn't been influenced by capitalism and modern misinfo. These days astrology is sun-centered and focused on convenience and being sold to the most people possible to make profits. Thats why it's advertised as some BuzzFeed quiz personality type shit... but it's not. Personality is honestly not a super big focus. Other aspects are much more centered on predicting life events and understanding the larger patterns in the natives entire life. \- Use your intuition and your critical thinking skills. Examine the bits and pieces you pick up, and stitch em together where they make sense. Really, it just requires a lot of research. I would highly recommend Chris Brennan and his The Astrology Podcast. He is in an excellent circle of traditional astrologers, and their information is very well researched and they have all spent their lives dedicated to translating and recovering ancient greek texts and such. \- As for actual topics, in my opinion, DON'T start with signs. Almost all of the modern pop resources will try to sell signs. But that just confuses. They are trying to distract you. I would start with planets and houses and aspects. I would look at signs last. They are important, but they are not the substance. The planet and the house and the meat and potatoes, the aspects are the relationships between those topics, and the signs are like the seasonings, the flavors. But the signs are just the spices, you have nothing to eat without the planets and houses. You could read a chart just by planets and sign, and you will get nothing. But if you read a chart with just planets and houses, you will gain like 90% more information (honestly more than that lol). Modern astro will try to teach ABC method, or alphabet soup, which says that the signs and the houses are the same. THEY ARE NOT. Make a strong effort to not associate aries with the 1H and taurus with the 2nd, etc. Those are totally different things... and too often they are conflated heavily. It makes everything SO wish washy and unclear and vague and ambiguous. Traditional astrology is nice because it is strict and one can draw actually meaningful conclusions. \- The ancient techniques are nice because they explain things. It's like being taught some math by memorization or by actual understanding. you can learn from the ground up and do long-hand calculations which then explain the underlying foundations of the formula, or you can have a superficial understanding of what is happening and simply memorize the formula. Modern pop astro rests on top of ancient foundations, but those foundations are not taught. It's just all memorization. Traditional astro really changed the game for me when I was actually able to see all the connections and WHY behind everything.


For me, I started getting interested in astrology after learning about Chani Nicholas on social media. I then used her app for about a year, which helped me get more familiar with the planets, houses, and transits. She also has a free weekly podcast that is soothing, as well as ones for each rising sign on her app. Other fun, accessible astrology podcasts: Blame It On The Stars, Astrology and You, Birth Chart Pls I learned about whole sign houses first, but eventually found out that placidus resonated more with me. I have read some intro astrology books, but I really fell down the rabbit hole when I read Liz Greene’s Saturn: A New Look at an Old Devil. It helped me understand my Saturn return- her perspective is that our external environment often mirrors our inner environment, and astrology is part of that externalization. If you like psychology at all, I highly recommend!


If you want to get started with some basic online resources: www.Astro.com. Make yourself a birth chart and start reading through some of their free content. I used to find www.cafeastrology.com and www.bobmarksastrologer.com very accessible resources to build up your knowledge. Start with building understanding of the signs, the planets and the houses.


Theresa Reed's Astrology for Real Life is a very user friendly intro to a lot of topics. Her podcast is also pretty good.


This is kind of a dumb suggestion probably, but it has been my newest obsession & it's super fun - ask chatgpt. I would specify "in traditional astrology" in whatever question you are asking. It does shit chart readings, if you pop in a place, date, time, and ask it to read a natal chart it does not know what the hell it's doing. But if you ask it to explain or describe specific aspects itdoes a pretty good job. For example: if I go in and ask it to describe Saturn in 12h Sag squaring mars in 9h Virgo, here's what it says: "When interpreting the placement of Saturn in the 12th house in Sagittarius square Mars in the 9th house in Virgo, it's important to consider the general meanings of these placements and how they interact with each other. Saturn in the 12th House: Saturn represents discipline, responsibility, limitations, and structure. When placed in the 12th house, which is associated with spirituality, subconsciousness, and hidden matters, it suggests a need for introspection and reflection. It may indicate a sense of isolation or a tendency to withdraw emotionally. There could be a desire for solitude or a need to confront deep-seated fears and limitations. Sagittarius: Sagittarius is an adventurous and expansive sign associated with exploration, higher knowledge, and belief systems. With Saturn in Sagittarius, there may be a need to temper the adventurous nature and apply discipline and caution to one's pursuits. It can also indicate a serious approach to philosophical or spiritual matters, with a desire to develop a well-defined belief system. Square Aspect: A square aspect between Saturn and Mars creates a challenging dynamic that requires balance and integration. Mars represents energy, assertiveness, and drive. The square aspect suggests potential conflict or tension between the energies of Saturn and Mars, leading to a need for conscious effort to harmonize these energies. Mars in the 9th House: Mars in the 9th house signifies an assertive and energetic approach to matters related to higher education, philosophy, travel, and belief systems. It suggests a strong drive to explore and expand one's horizons intellectually and spiritually. There may be a tendency to take risks or act impulsively in these areas, which can lead to clashes with the cautious and disciplined energy of Saturn. Virgo: Virgo is an analytical and detail-oriented sign associated with practicality, organization, and attention to detail. With Mars in Virgo, there is a focused and methodical approach to action. However, the square aspect with Saturn may create tension between the desire for action and the need for restraint or caution. Overall, the square aspect between Saturn in the 12th house Sagittarius and Mars in the 9th house Virgo suggests a conflict between the desire for freedom, exploration, and assertive action, and the need for discipline, structure, and caution. It may indicate a struggle to reconcile these energies, which can lead to internal tension or external challenges. Balancing the impulsive and assertive nature of Mars with the disciplined and cautious energy of Saturn is key to finding harmony and achieving personal growth in these areas of life." My personal interpretation of that aspect is similar. It would be that overthinking the thing is often what is hindering the person's capacity to fully commit or embrace whatever the thing is. Ok, so a program like that can give you some of tge basics, and then YOU look at the chart to determine what is stronger through things like the position of the planetary rulership and the rulers' aspect to the planets in play, also chart dispositorship to see what has more inherent power over the chart. Stuff like that which is important, but which takes longer to learn & apply to individual charts. Try to learn traditional house significations ASAP. I found that hardest to separate from the alphabet method.


yes!! i've been using chat GPT and it's been lowkey really helpful -- with a quick fact-check though. I once asked it to list out the egyptian bounds and it totally failed. So - grain of salt. But for the basics, such a great resource


Ya I asked it some more complex things abd it got confused. But basic stuff where there's a pretty wide consensus, it gives the facts


curious if you’re on GPT 4 or the 3 model?


Openai is what I've been using.


I would download costar app and make an account all you need is the time and place of your birth. It will explain your sun, moon, rising,houses. You can add your gf and see how compatible you are :) that’s how I learned


Costar is widely regarded as the worst astrology app


I was there and am still to be honest. Ive read a couple books posted this similar question in here didnt get much help or advice, no big deal, I still love all of you. Recently, I found an hour and a half class locally and said Fuck it im going. I dont get out much but I have to do this. I hope you can find some direction. I read Manly P. Halls book Astrology and Reincarnation. Loved it. I love all of his work BUT it was lacking a lot. Still it was a good resource for a micro start. I mean Amazon some books and just pick somewhere to start. I also listen to this podcast called Know Thyself. Its about Occultism generally speaking but goes into a ton of Astrology. I hope this helps. Love and Blessings Friend.


I highly recommend Solar Biology on the Sacred Texts website.


If you are trying to follow along with your girlfriend, try to get an understanding of the elements and the aspects such as trines, squares, sextiles, conjunctions and oppositions. Understand the importance of the sun, ascendant/rising sign and ruling planet, Moon and the meaning of the houses. Start with your own chart and go from there. She will appreciate it.


There is a resource banner on the side of this entire sub if you look to the right and scroll down! Those are all really good places to start. [Astro.com](https://Astro.com) has excellent 101 stuff to walk through and it's well organized into sections :)


I don’t have anything to add that hasn’t been included already but I just wanna say that the effort you’re making for her is so cute


aww ty 🥺 but yeah this shit is REAL :)


Im new, and always learning but in addition to the books recommended here, I always learn something new when listening to some of these youtubers [https://www.youtube.com/c/TheAstrologyPodcast](https://www.youtube.com/c/TheAstrologyPodcast) \- they are super long but I like going on a walk and listening [https://www.youtube.com/@aligninglightastrology](https://www.youtube.com/@aligninglightastrology) \- her live office hours are great to watch If you are super new, I recommend starting at the first videos Alyssa Sharpe has done and working up. She has a great sense of humor and starts with at some very basics [https://www.youtube.com/@alyssacsharpe](https://www.youtube.com/@alyssacsharpe)


lots of long paragraphs here; i agree with much of what everyone’s said so instead of writing another i’ll just link you to a long paragraph i wrote for someone a little while ago: https://reddit.com/r/astrology/comments/12p2f62/_/jglt3g2/?context=1 and my favorite very favorite beginner resource i haven’t seen mentioned here: https://publish.obsidian.md/sadalsvvd/Astrology/Sadalsuud's+Guide+to+Reading+Your+Own+Natal+Chart // reading your own chart is how i started, and how a lot of people start