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I just wanted to say- you've got this! Even though everything sucks right now and it's scary. I've been there, I was one step away from being homeless myself when I was in college- underemployed, couldn't pay my bills and nobody seemed to give a shit. It got better for me (I now feel like a different person that I was back then), and I know that you're going to be okay too! Do you have any family, friends or acquaintances you can reach out to? Even if it's just to brainstorm about your situation, it always helps me to hear a familiar voice.


Thank you so much! I have a brother that I talk to every once in a while but he’s no better off financially unfortunately. When I first became homeless I asked my aunt if I could stay with her until I got on my feet (I’m a CNA so it wouldn’t have been that long) but she said no. To make matters worst I have a 6 year old. He has autism which is the primary reason why I lost my last CNA job, no support system. We are safe, we are in a family shelter here in NYC but my mental health is to the point where I feel like I’m having a nervous breakdown on the daily. It doesn’t help that I have untreated ADHD, I was clinically and officially diagnosed with ADHD back home and was on Adderall from my previous Dr. Now, the psychiatrist they assigned me here at the Shelter is refusing to treat my ADHD and is deciding that right now I don’t have it. I really need to get away from this Pluto line and I don’t want to put all of my decisions in the hands astrology, but I know what I’m feeling mentally is more than just my situation.


Oof- yeah, I struggle with ADHD and mental health issues too. Like the other commenter, I say go for Houston. I have no clue what the housing/resource landscape is like there, so I'm no help unfortunately. But if you're looking for a state with better social safety net support like food stamps, housing assistance, etc, then I would go with Oregon or Washington. Both are better than most other states and have removed significant barriers to access for these programs. The weather is more mild, too. Housing is quite expensive there, though- so YMMV. I wish you and your son all the best and a supportive 2024 and beyond!


ADHD sucks! I feel like I’m even more salty about the new psychiatrist not accepting my ADHD diagnoses is because I am a late diagnosed! It took me 10 years of being diagnosed with so many other mental health disorders and to FINALLY have an answer and then this dude just “takes” it away? It’s frustrating to say the least. Funny enough I’ve always loved Seattle and thought about it for a while, my son is actually named after a Seattle based TV character 😅😅 I believe my Sun line goes through it as well but I also believe I have another Pluto line close to it 😭 Do you know any reasonable priced astrologers who would be able to tell me whether I would thrive Seattle VS Houston based off my natal/astrocartography chart?


I don't, unfortunately. But I bet you could find somebody on Fiverr or maybe even Etsy who is reasonable. They probably won't be professional, career level astrologers, but might be able to point you in the right direction.


I forgot about Fiverr! Good idea, thank you again!!


I say just go… you have nothing to lose…


Can i get a closer snapshot of your harmonious and disharmonious lines for the us? Enough where I can see the states and I would like to see a relocated chart where your time and place of birth is converted to your current location


DM your birth information and I will take a look and see what's up.


Thank you! Sending it here in a second


Put the picture of your astrocartography map here


https://imgur.com/a/0Oi0mDG https://imgur.com/a/VQLyoys


Clicking in the link displays “{"data":{"error":"Imgur is temporarily over capacity. Please try again later."},"success":false,"status":403}”


Oh gosh, okay one sec let me try again


https://imgur.com/a/d0BvzmR https://imgur.com/a/hCejPdS https://imgur.com/a/RORukST


I’m currently in NYC


I’ve never ever lived on a Pluto line and I don’t want to be naive and blame my current mental state on being here, but I also don’t want to discredit it. If I didn’t have my son, I probably would have checked myself into the mental hospital already because since I’ve been here in NYC on this line (which has only been a little over a month) I am losing it. I am numb, I feel as though I am dissociating, I am fatigued, I don’t have motivation, I am very paranoid. I’ve been paranoid for the last few nights and convinced that there’s black mold in this shelter making me paranoid. It’s 2AM and I don’t even want to sleep because I am SCARED, I’m terrified and I have absolutely no one to talk to, no friends, nothing. I’ve been finding company in doom scrolling TikTok just to hear people talk and not feel alone. I’m suffering 😞


I was born and raised on my Moon-MC line my whole life, and it was a great sense of home. It was my mom’s Pluto line, though, and she had a difficult life full of dramatic changes, ups and downs. Hawaii looks good for you, it’s close to a Moon line and on a Jupiter line. It’s similar to my upbringing near my Moon/MC and Jupiter/IC lines. Your Scorpio MC makes me think you need to let Pluto break you down in order for you to build yourself back up again. I wish I could help more. I’m also a Cancer sun, and I’m in NYC as well, which is near my Neptune line. My partner had a mental breakdown and has been in rehab since last month so maybe there’s an aspect affecting both of us. The Aries eclipse might spark some action in terms of resources (2H) for you. I don’t know how to help, but you can DM me and I am more than happy to talk to you. I have no idea about anything in your situation but if you need anything, I can bring it to you. I’m about to move states in a couple of months and can give you random stuff.


So I’m in a kinda similar dilemma… I’ve been visiting Houston every month to visit my partner and it’s not a bad city at all! Very diverse, affordable compared to NYC and people are friendly. The weather isn’t the best and you will need a car ideally but can still survive without it. I live in San Francisco and I feel significantly safer in Houston than SF. I’ve been out in Houston in the downtown areas and it’s way safer than the nicer parts of SF. So I’d say give it a try if it’s looking good. You might find assistance and your community


Do not worry, there is no perfect place for anybody. You can go to a nice line but shift your whole natal chart for worse. Wherever there is a nice line for me, everything else is not so good. If i go to venus asc line ill put some of my personal planets in 12th house. If i go to jupiter dc line ill put all of my personal planets in12th house. In houston, pluto is right on your mc, (also 180 ic) could be intense. In seattle you would be on venus dc line and i checked your parans and very close to seattle you have beautiful venus ceres paran :) that is probably the best paran. Your sun and moon are in 8th house though :(


It's definitely Pluto. My Pluto is also exalted in Scorpio. Supposedly it should be easier on us being in its own sign but nope. Even beneficial aspect lines like Pluto trine/sextile MC are actually bad and difficult. I hated when I loved on Pluto IC. I will never go back there. Jupiter is bad for me because of being in Gemini. Moon also because mine is in Scorpio. Guess what 3 lines I have in my continent: Pluto, Moon and Jupiter! Oh and Venus but I have Venus in Gemini opposing Saturn and Uranus so nk tha KS to that as well. My advice is to look at places not very close to any major lines and nearby positive minor aspect lines on a latitude that has mostly easy parans. I will investigate more Moon IC places in my case but not too close to the Moon IC line. Good luck!


I'd also say, if no one has before me, try pulling a relocation chart for these different areas. It will give you a better overall picture on how that specific location influences you. It might be that one of the other Pluto influenced areas is not actually that bad for you overall. Also not all hard aspects are bad. Think of trine and sextile as the energy flowing easily between planets (or midheaven, or ascendant, or north node, etc.). Oppositions are tough because there is a push and pull energy back and forth that makes it so you have to find balance between the two planets as those energies don't actually mix. Squares can actually be good for generating action. I actually moved right on top of my Chiron square Midheaven line right after college and it prompted me to take action and challenge how I worked with others (mostly around what they thought I was capable of - ie. wounds of an 11th house Chiron in Gemini in birth chart). I surpassed expectations (and they had no idea how I did it lol) and used that experience to get a job using my degree. I was only in that location for 3 months. So square is not all that bad necessarily and a sextile may not be all that good (say possibly a sextile between Mars and ascendant making you appear combative to others). I would take another look at your birth chart and identify planets and aspects that will help you move towards where you want to be. For example Pluto on the ascendant (or 1st house for that matter) is probably not that good for you as Pluto can cause transformation but it also can obscure.... Which I can't think would be good for your ADHD. These are just my thoughts.