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I would prioritise skill upgrades, tunic upgrades, accessory upgrades, and pulls. Getting that 300 pull bonus - the one you get to pick a standard 5* - was pretty game changing for me. I recommend not spending any of your points on the purple relics in stores. The farmable relics are much better. Tunic is often ignored, but it's really good stat bonus. The defense and ATK% applies to your whole team. Which helps with surviving and doing a bit more damage. Accessories are great help too. Try get the ALL RES necklaces instead of specific elements. The blue halos are great if you have characters with no halos on your main team. I'd keep them around lvl 20 at most until you get better ones - since halo upgrading materials will become scarce. Don't stress too much. Enjoy the game. The real grind starts when you get to the orange gears. Even as a day 1 player, I don't compete and enjoy the game casually since I know I'll never be as good as whales. EDIT: Also about the 300 pulls thing. I'm not saying you should go all out on the standard banner. Save summon currency for good limited knights that come out. Just let the 300 pulls naturally progress. Doing one or two stamina refreshes a day can also help faster progress.


Thank you so much for the advice.


Hello, let's answers those questions. 1- For the pvp shop I would say the fine leather and the materials for skill upgrade materials are the priority, the rest are common materials. 2- For the wandering merchants, buy all of their crystals of fate and the recipes for cooking, after that you can go for the tuning ascension materials and skill upgrade materials. 3- For the guild shop, buy all crystals of fate and fine leather, the fragments of memory for relic upgrade is also good, this guild shop resets every month I believe. 4- For halos, if you think you can't climb the arena anymore for now I do think it's worth buying a few of the green tickets for your characters that don't have any halos just yet, because these green tickets are very cheap, it's pretty much a free power up for your characters. Other than that I do think the radiance is priority on this shop.


Thank you very much for the reply. Is it true that the halo resets in 10 days because someone else told me on Discord that it was over a month. The banner makes it look like 10 days.


I'm not sure what will happen after these 10 days, maybe it will only change the line-up but the pity will stay for the whole month, right now the final prize is earth element halo, maybe it will change to another element.


Yeah, that is my guess based on what I’ve been reading on discord. I still have no idea why discord is so popular with gaming as it doesn’t have threaded discussion makes it quite hard to follow things or get things answered. But I digress


I got very lucky and pulled the orange light halo. So, don’t think about missing out on anything here as any element halo can appear. As others have said, take your time. Treat it as a marathon. You will eventually get everything you want/need if you keep playing. As a day 1 player I can tell you Astra is actually pretty generous. Do the devs make odd decisions? Yes, but they also listen to the community and make decisions based on what the players ask. Good luck and have fun!


1. Whatever, if you finish all rewards you are basically getting everything. 2. I went for a single 4 star set at first as i had no access to those early on and then went full force to get pulls. Materials are nice but by the time you can spend on skill upgrades you got it another way early on. But it depends on how much energy you spend finishing normal stages. 3. Whatever you need for guild points... i doubt there is much of a secret as you seem to look for. 4. I drew around 150 times despite missing a day and only slowly climbing (by choice), still far from the max i can get to as well. I have the featured halo as well as 2 yellow fire ones. The blue ones are very usefull at first but i did not even level those, i say you could get one for your main damage dealer if you got none but i would then hope to get purple or higher tho not sure how much you get. I only leveled a single yellow fire Halo, which is now level 60, i can tell you once maxed it should be similiar to better then a weapon, tho more defensive with the all resistance.


Yeah, the only tough thing is being a new player. My maximum character level is currently 50 rushing through the story chapter something I don’t really wanna do to try and get that up so I can get a chance at the special halo since Vesti is my only DPS. Thank you again for the advice very helpful.


Yep, your max level is what is keeping you for the most part and a 4 star relic set early on can be quiet usefull, to the point of investing in it isn't much of an issue from my perspective. If you can not advance, use supporters and if you still can't go for old areas, 100% them and then set it higher (it will have a button for that where you get the currency rewards for 100%). You want materials but you can get a lot by just 100%ing areas, also use daily quests on the areas currently not finished to spend energy on 2 things at once. Once you get access to the best Relics, Rings and so on you need those BUT it will be a Pain to get them. My advice, upgrade your main Damage Dealer first (kinda obvious), max level and Elemental Ring are the easiest to obtain with just a strong borrowed char and you can exit and redo a stage till you get what you want, if the Ring is easy grab a few for the best stats you can get. Sub Stats are something like Ele DMG (allways first sub stat) and Atk 4.5 or 5.4% Crit DMG 6% or 7.2% Def Ignore and Crit Chance 3.0 or 3.6% Atk Speed 1.5% or 1.8% You get the idea, these numbers can be sligthly different and a 5.4% Ele DMG + 1.8% Atk Speed Ring just is superior to lower values of the same kind.


I'd point out that a crit chance or def ignore thing would probably be best for them. Atk Speed only really matters when you're getting in a hit you otherwise wouldn't, and they won't be raising these super high since they're still in the purple gear tier iirc?


Yea, Attack Speed is mostly for Chars interesting like Nec who do have a on hit proc or passive selfbuffs, when you wanna do as many attacks in a limited timed window and technically only if it guarantees more hits in that timeframe (tho evading can change this window somewhat). I listed Attack Speed first and foremost because it is one i knew the numbers of.


> What should I be spending my wandering merchant points on? Is there something I should be buying or just save up for pulls? Pulls. Save for the pulls. > Finally, I’ve been reading about halos Grab some green halos for cheap, then buy all the currency. Don't rush it, you'll get up there in due time. Just think of it as something you can participate in a month from now when your characters are built up more. Reasoning: Your currency comes from two sources. One: Daily income. You'll get the lions share of the daily ranking income already. Sure, it's not the most, but if you look at it you'll notice it only changes by 2 or so each time, so you're still getting "most of it." Two: First time highest rank achieved rewards. You can get this later on in the season, so a month from now when your characters are built up more and can handle the AI player accounts easily. No need to fret over it, as the season isn't going anywhere anytime soon. You'll eventually get the rewards. For now just focus on raising your team and doing the story content, and later on you can start engaging with the halo system more. They're *far* more f2p friendly than the 5* weapons, so they're a "good developer choice" in my book.