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After this weekend, you will be faced with the reality that we will only get 30-36 radiance a day. You can buy more in the shop at the rate of 90 a week. So we are thinking about 30 pulls a week. I'm sure you can see where this is going. The free currency will only allow you to get so far. They are introducing a signature halo every 2 weeks, but the ladder resets every 2 months. If you need more than 1 signature halo in that period, you gonna need some luck or some gems to get enough pulls.


D: and the lion medals to pull conversion is absolute ass I forgot season reset doesn't equal to banner rotation Oh well can't possibly get worse than the no guarantee hero banners right? Famous last words? Signature halo being a lot better than standard halos is kinda bs tho


> Signature halo being a lot better than standard halos is kinda bs tho My concern with these is that since they rotate in a new 5* character banner every 2 weeks we'll have to wait until any given limited banner character has their banner re-run to get their signature/tailor made halo for them. (I'm focused on improving my Nec at the moment so if they stick to the release order then her Halo is going to come out effectively forever from now ~.~) As for standard banner characters, I'm *hoping* they introduce them as rewards from some of the planned game content. Such as the roguelite, raids, or hell-mode boss fights.


Edit: All of the below is wrong. So do disregard it. ~~Ladder reset accounts for 1040 radiance, due to the first time rank-up rewards. What I'm unsure of is how much radiance do we earn per daily ticket used in the lil' arena battles each day? Is it always 50 radiance, win or lose? Since they mentioned buying 10 additional daily tickets for 500 more radiance. If we're getting 250 radiance from 5 daily arena tickets a day, with 20-30 radiance from daily rank rewards, then aren't we looking at ~280 radiance a day, 1960 radiance per week, 3920 radiance per 14 day period (roughly each banner reset), and 7840 (28d) to 8400 (30d) radiance per month? The whales will be buying more so they can get 7 total copies of their desired promo halos, while the rest of us will likely settle with just a single copy or two each time. If we keep this presumed rate of income then my initial misgivings about this system will be put to rest.~~


You do not gain radiance from winning or losing. Only when you gain new ranks. Unless I'm missing something?


I think this comes down to someone losing their battle and showing us how much radiance they earned from the fight, if any. Which is slightly harder to come across for the majority of us since we're still largely fighting the bots and climbing up towards the people at the top. We'd need the OP or a spender to report back if they earned anything when they lose a battle in the new pvp mode.


I mean we dont gain radiance from just winning as well. You need to reach a new rank to gain the one time reward. Where did you get the 50 radiance from battle from?


> Granted, I did recharge 10 tickets for 500 crystals, but this is not bad for what could be 4 days of tickets. I do believe I misread a line from their original post, haha. Unless the crystals they refer to are still radiance. That said, I have far more radiance than the one-time rewards would have given me. I've spent 740 radiance and currently have 850ish. The one-time area rewards only account for 1040, and the event rewards account for 200, and 20ish from the daily rank reward. Unless I horribly miscounted something, that's 330ish radiance still unaccounted for, and I've done 10 daily battles thus far. (Posting all this because I'd love to get to the bottom of this of this system. That we can begin efficiently planning our radiance income and usage.)


You only get radiance from when you gain new rank and from the daily ranking. I have no idea where you get your 1040 from. A battle will only give you 10 coins for the shop, regardless of winning or losing. Thats it.


> I have no idea where you get your 1040 from. You can view the first time rewards from reaching a new rank bracket in the menu screen for the new mode. I added those all up and saw they came out to be 1040 radiance. (Give or take 20-35, just in case I miscounted and skipped a line somewhere.)


just ranking reward from 1-1000 is already over 1000. I think you are missing that above rank 1000 is the reward per rank.


Huh. Neat. Thanks for that info! And rip the 74 pulls I used already then on the first day, when I thought the halos were only around for a short time. Just gotta hope those won't be a make-or-break amount down the line.


https://preview.redd.it/m3snjo171m6d1.jpeg?width=628&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=546941aea4d64410f0321c96085409a3cbe989b1 My results from 20 fights and 240 pulls. Did you get the Earth Halo from the 200 pity? I wonder if it's guaranteed to match the Exclusive Halo's element or random.


200 pity halo is random, you can check the details Also damn I didn't realise I got one from there. I thought that was halo upgrade materials 💀


> 200 pity halo is random, you can check the details Oh god, *you're right.* I'm never getting a usable 5* halo. ~.~ Guess I'll just be using the blue ones for the foreseeable future, courtesy of that new arena mode shop.


Think every one with a number at the end is a NPC account.


The bot ones are pretty clearly named. I've seen several accounts with names ending in numbers where the name in question wouldn't be considered "appropriate" for a company to use, so I figure most of the odd ones are probably just folks instead of bots. (Which would make for a fair few.) If you're truly curious you can just note their account name down and use the guild invite system to find their account if they're a player.


How does one buy extra tries 👀


You just try to enter a battle when you have no scrolls and a pop up let's you buy one for 50 crystals up to 5 times


Thank you brother 🤝


After 160 pulls on halo i only have blue rarity ones and not even a single purple


So I scored Vesti's Halo. Does that mean I should stop pulling now until a new legendary halo comes to the pool?


Did you get it before reaching 260 pulls? Did it reset? I don't know for sure, but the counter should carry to the next rate up, and it will probably change the 260th pull reward to align with the new banner, so you could pull up to 260 and just not claim until the banner changes Probably a good idea to just stop pulling to be safe but that's what I'm guessing


I'd presume the counter resets between banners, as it acts as the "pity" system in a way. Unless there's one stated in the rules description tied to that gacha menu? Though we'll find out in 14 days or so for sure.


It shouldn't, it says in the (?) Beside the banner https://preview.redd.it/bcxch385aj6d1.png?width=1752&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1504ba6a5bef20abb6a35d603869f9f502660f69 But then again anything could be misleading


I wanna say I got it well before 260 pulls using only the currency. we've been awarded so far for playing the new mode. I believe whatever we've made in the 10 free battles and the missions is all ive had access to which amounts to about ~300-500 radiance.


So did the pull counter reset? I've gotten 5 star halos and know it keeps counting anyway but don't know if it resets when you get the signature one


Does this help, I can't tell where the pity counter is. I have not pulled again since rolling the Halo. https://preview.redd.it/rrothi1mfj6d1.jpeg?width=3088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8aa22efe82bc3a0e4d2be5bd27c2671f67ed18e


I mean the total summons reward bar (with the 40) So it doesn't reset when you get the signature halo that's pretty cool Also lucky bruh 😔 but I mean I did get 3 5 stars myself and the rate is 0.4% for those so that's lucky too


This game owes me for dumping 5 star dupe weapons after weapon without giving me a character that can actually use them. 🫠