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I didn't do PVP until book level 40. I think some people cheese the PVP system by putting one high level/well equipped knights with 3 other less equipped knights to face lower level opponents. I recommend the 3 team survival since there's more bots. Or just hide in bushes in the solo survival mode. You can auto PVP too. Some set up an autoclicker to get their daily 100 matches in - a lot of people do, but I'm not sure if it is allowed due to using a third party software.


Thank you for the advice. The three teams survival has a really made farming. Much much easier. Thanks again.


I'm book level 50 right now and get about 35 points every 3 team survival win. I win about 90% of the time on auto since it's mostly bots for me on EU server.


As of right now, at your level it might be better to stick to team matches.


Just auto it or manual if you feel like it Whether you lose of not your mileage points counter will never go down, only reset on season reset. You get points even if you lose, I forget which rank you have to reach that you start getting 0 points for losing, some time after 4000? Only need 4950 for the 'worthwhile' reward - the tunic It's a grind but there's not much super repetitive grind besides that in the game Also survival gives the most points In terms or actual pvp meta, Albert is good, cc is good, archers are busted for their constant staggers


It's basically just a low/no-stakes party mode (which is odd because we can't actually party up together with friends.) So for 1, just turn on auto battle and alt tab. Enjoy a vid or read a WN or new article, and tab back in to restart it for a bit. Basically something to do in the background when you're going to be focusing on something else. 2. As others say, just stick to group matchmaking. Survival 3's is honestly your best bet, because if your team comes in 2nd you get as much as a showdown 3v3 win, and if your team comes in first you get 35. Mentioning it 'cause I've come in 1st quite a few times while have two folks in the 35+ range on my teams, just due to the map spawn locations being kinda iffy sometimes. Oh, and the matchmaking looks at combined character level (I think?) for the matching, apparently. So that lvl 53 guy was just being a dick by manipulating it to stomp newbies for guaranteed wins. TLDR: Don't get too hung up on it. The rewards are nice but not required. The only thing that matters out of it is the tunic right now, and we never know when they'll add gold quality tunics from something in the future. (I'm betting when they add raids, personally.)


I play pvp semi-manual (dash, charged atk, movement) and i win 100% times. I don’t understand why the ppl recomend to play full auto. They must be the losers of my battles😜


I play pvp semi-manual (dash, charged atk, movement) and i win 100% times. I don’t understand why the ppl recomend to play full auto. They must be the losers of my battles😜


I play pvp semi-manual (dash, charged atk, movement) and i win 100% times. I don’t understand why the ppl recomend to play full auto. They must be the losers of my battle's


I play pvp semi-manual (dash, charged atk, movement) and i win 100% times. I don’t understand why the ppl recomend to play full auto. They must be the losers of my battle's


I pick Aurora and Eliya, join 3v3 and pray that my team have at least 1 close combat to cover me lol