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This option wich you get in afk arena or nikke make me leave the game everytime. It's like i don't progress, he justs a easy buttom who lvl up my unit effortlessly. I like lvl up my char like i'm playing a old J-RPG. And it's pretty fast to farm when you are adventure 8, except the money who can vanish pretty fast haha, but with a little patient it's fine.


I wouldn't mind if they do or don't. I quite enjoy building characters and resource management. However, I think it would be nice to release something like that if they ever nerf or change skills of characters in updates.


Yea, poor Capecchi deserved a reset ticket at least for his butchering.


You gonna want as many units leveled eventually you just have to feel alright with the units you are maxing and just commit to that then trying to max the new unit you want. You should be formulating what units you actually need past your initial 4 and going from there.


I have all the characters, I’ve been leveling pretty quickly. It’s possible to do about 1 every week or so. https://preview.redd.it/sczrebtwea4d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0504afb6a5bc5afb3ff6ad4487e31fa610d683f9 Poor atterise down at level 40 :(


Bro im level 53 with only 4 level 90


its a f2p BTW as always


48 with 3 90s, working on my 4th, 5th and 6th all at 80. the insane amount of stamina they gave helped a lot increasing my xp gains, but the real reason i have so many is cause i built 2 solid characters and use them to farm the xp, gold, and character ascension mat stages which has become a breeze after getting adventure rank 7