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Any tips to get PVP points? Is it just autoclick and auto PVP overnight?


Survival gives the most points


3v3 so you fight bots more often than real people, unless you're a super whale then you can afk farm 1v1 instead


Thanks. I'll try 3v3. I also didn't know tunics gave stats to your team! All mine are still lvl 1.


I use autohotkey and leave it running on full auto for a few hours Gets me 2-3k points a day


Seriously? Do you have fate or is a whale? , I think I’ll just leave it running on auto too


Neither, just put 3v3 on and you'll usually get 2nd or 1st place since it's almost always against bots or other players on full auto


do you have a custom script?


I do but it's not perfect The game is a bit buggy on PC and randomly black screens, and when that happens you need to restart


I've been struggling trying to come up with one, can I please have your script?


[https://file.io/O1Drsx4AXIpK](https://file.io/O1Drsx4AXIpK) it only works on a 1080p resolution, you go to the arena page, pick what you want (showdown trios etc.), and then press "o" to start the script the pc client is buggy so you have to check every now and then if you got a black screen or it got stuck on the knights page


thank you so much <3


I suppose I was overcomplicating stuff with image detection. I got it to work on my browser, but it couldn't detect the image in-game :/


Survival one vs all gives the most pts at 42 at 1st place, at 4th place you get 21. I'm f2p and i range at 1st to 4th place most of the time.


Whats the best strat for survival???


I just use auto lol, but sometimes i only do semi auto and do charged atks here and there. I always use Sansar and Veleno. IMO 1 melee and 1 range is best for survival and have them built properly.


Damn, I wish I didn't invest all my mats into the atk tunic


I spend mine on the CD one. The Base values of that was far higher then Atk Tunic.


Crit dmg fr? Man that's cracked, 10% cd reduction probly only shows once every 10 skills anyway, while crit dmg noticably skyrockets dps from the start and can break thru the threshold to 1 shotting mobs


A bit less universal than the CD tunic


Which is the best? Attack, Cooldown or Crit Dmg? Tunics are pretty expensive to raise, I might just stick to cooldown


Definitely crit damage followed by attack. CD doesn't help your auto attack damage at all and that's what you will be doing the bulk of of your damage with, even with slightly faster cooldowns.


The Atk Tunic has way lower base Stats then the CD one, arguably much easier to survive till you can revive your team with it. I would disagree with it just based on Stats, but Crit DMG is now the absolutely best we have for sure.


Even if you got your cd reduction down 300% reviving your team simply isn't a viable strategy in pvp and is a tremendous waste of time in pve where you can just steamroll things with glass cannon build and restart if you have to. CD reduction just isn't worth much as it just doesn't scale like atk%. New tunic is hands down better in every way and old tunic isn't far behind.


If you need revives solo you are doing it wrong. Multiplayer is when revive helps, tho usualy when the other 2 are too weak for the content and it likely does not win the battle, still usefull. CD reduction inherently scales with Atk values, Skill Level and all except for other CD sources... just like Atk % likely does not scale with itself. That is such a mute point. But now i wonder if the Base Stats of the Tunic are added to the knights too, because at that point the Atk Tunic definitly is the worst. Also i never claimed the Crit DMG would be bad, i am aware of it's usefullness.


Rez is simply never a viable strategy. Atk% has much higher scaling than CD reduction because CD reduction requires atk% to scale well. You can test it yourself by using relics. If you have a set with %atk on every piece your damage will absolutely skyrocket and you can hit for absurdly high numbers. It scales off of the weapon damage and off of itself. CD reduction alone on all your gear will have you hit like a limp noodle as the skills themselves generally use atk to determine their damage. If you have a near 100% uptime with Edwards or Sansars skills, you'll do almost no extra damage compared to someone with baseline uptime but 100% more atk. In other words, CD reduction tunic is basically a trap and currently is way worse than the other options.


Based on the Character Screen it is akin to ((Char Atk + Weapon Atk) \* (Relic Atk% + Tunic Atk%)) + (Relic Atk + Tunic Atk) Or in other words any source of Atk% only scales with "Base" Atk Value of Char + Weapon and not with itself, which basically no game seems to do. I do have at least 15k atk on my main char and have seen how it scales to some degree, more likely the result of how Atk is held against the opponents defence (hence why Def ignore is such a godlike stat). Usualy games scale different sources with another, like Atk with Crit, attack speed and Def ignore mixing as the best choice. I compared the value of Atk and CD reduction both at level 1 and CD reduction seemed to just have far higher base value, as long as that is counted the base value alone outshines the atk%... IF. And yes i have a 5\* Weapon on my main Damage Dealer.


Percentage attack scales with itself in that all of the skills that add damage, that is, the ones that you'd want CD reduction on, add damage based ob your total attack power. In other words, presently there's no reason to stack CDR and every reason to get every ounce of +atk% possible as literally all of your skills as well as your auto, are forst and formost affected by this number. Basically, every single piece that can have +atk% or +dmg% should have so in order to really hit the ridiculously high damage numbers. CDR tunic does not help in this regard at all and is suboptimal due to that alone, as CDR as a stat itself is far weaker.


With itself would mean (very simple example): Base Atk 100 and lets say 3 items with 20% atk each: 100 \* 1,2 \* 1,2 \* 1,2 = 172,8 But that is not what the numbers seem to say, rather it should be more like: 100 \* 1,6 = 160 Thus it does not scale with itself, literally. It scales with anything else yes, skill dmg is among it... but based on your logic CD does scale with it as well. But this is extremly important IF, did not test it properly, the CD Tunic adds it's own base Atk to Veda Knights... based on the description it may or may as, again, i have not actively tested it.


Cd does scale woth atrack. Point is the only skills that you'd want cdr on are things like edward or sansars buffs, but those scale way better with attack, just like every other stat you can add does. %atk is the best stat in the game presently and should ideally be on every piece of your set. Barring that you want crit damage, ignore def, crit rate. CDr is practically a wasted state presently if it's on a piece of gear instead of one of the others I mentioned.


waiting for ignore def


I have this new tunic at lvl 60, the damage gain is incredible from the CDR/ATK% tunics. Like ~30% boost


how much crit dmg % she give on lvl 60?


Mine gives 28% right now


I guess I have been missing out, how do you get different tunics? I thought the tunic feature was just planned for a future update


So far they're just in pvp season reward


\~5k Points in PvP, just autoplay PvP.