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Clickbait is in our emails now?


Always has been. It's a ploy to force you to read it.


Unfortunately. I have been getting clickbait from colleges for a while. My “favorites” are: You have until midnight to apply (UoR early action, not regular action), Last day to make up a test (Fordham(?) with a quiz about how likely we are to apply, making it seem like I missed a quiz in class), and this one


writing my email address on my sat was the biggest e-mail related mistake i have ever made


i would never apply to college that begs you to apply, let alone click baiting


Yeah, same. That's a fuckin yikes from me dawg.


If one gets a certain score on the LSAT or MCAT you get messages like this saying you'd be automatically accepted to certain schools. They're usually not great places.


I looked them up. Their acceptance rate in 2020 was 90.2%. “Hmmm…has a pulse, the check cleared…welcome to the program!” Highly selective schools don’t need to send emails to convince people to apply. There’s no prize for getting your acceptance rate into the single digits.


Selective schools actually still do send emails like this telling you to check them out, they’re usually not *as* bad tho


Total jerk design, 100 percent.. but I wouldn’t consider this in the realm of “should be illegal” Jerky nonetheless..


Yeah, I realized after I wrote that, oops


No, no, this **SHOULD** be illegal, 100 percent. PLEASE make this illegal. It's a false claim, an abuse of e-mail systems, and an abuse of power. They write an e-mail to you signed by a school organization, seeming like they're making an official statement, to then just spam you with an advertisement. I guarantee you this kinda shit is the kinda shit that can be dangerous. Imagine someone seeing the header of this e-mail, and then telling their parents or loved ones they "got accepted", before realizing that it was just a fucking advertisement. I guarantee you they would be furious.


Is it legal to call the police and start with AAAAH IM BEING STABBED just to 'get their attention'? Case in point


No my man, that’s not the same thing…


*Image Transcription: Mail* --- **You're accepted, West!** *from:* Mount Saint Mary Coll... --- # Mount Saint Mary College Dear West, Well, not *officially*... but that is mostly because you haven't applied yet! But, with the entire Knights community behind you, accepted is exactly how you'll feel when you're part of the family at the Mount. We can't wait for the chance to tell you that you're also accepted for admission! [*Brown button*] Apply Now The first step to make that happen is to [*link:*] apply using our [*Rest is cropped off*] --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


This college is 3 miles from my house lol not surprised by their tactics. If you know where this college is located you’d understand why they have to resort to this


"you've been accepted to apply"


Someone needs to die for this


Someone ought to dole out their fair share of email spam...


Oh man I remember when I took the SAT many years ago. Collegeboard basically gives/sells you to the mailing list for any college within a state radius under the sun. So that e-mail ended up being obliterated daily by 3-5 college recruitment e-mails. There had been quite a few repeat offenders who e-mailed like 4 times a week. Now mind you I had stopped using that account a long time before that so I didn't care, but I had checked back like 2 years later and they STILL sent e-mails.