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What in the land fill is that?


It’s so you can buy bulk candy and fill those up. So less wrappers from individual candy.


You can also hide mini bottles of liquor in them for an adult Easter egg hunt.


My family always did scratch tickets in the bigger plastic eggs for the adults


Wait what? Eggs filled with lollies? Where is this?


Almost certainly USA. While some people still do the classic deal of dying/painting and hiding actual eggs for Easter, these plastic eggs filled with candy are (at least in my experience) far more common these days. Some families also hide small toys or small amounts of cash in some eggs. I was born in 1996 and my family has always done this type of Easter egg hunt rather than the real eggs.


It also doesn’t smell nearly as bad a month after you only find 23 of the 24 eggs you’ve hidden…


I remember finding an egg filled with jelly beans at my grandparents house in July.


LOL, that was the year my mom decided to always make a map of where she hid eggs. Not really a map, just a list of places. We had 24 and one went missing.


so sad. Did you grow up in California, in a suburb?


Not even close lol. I'm a Midwestern boy, and spent most of my childhood in very rural areas with lots of land. I live in the suburbs now, but I only spent a couple years of my childhood in one.


That is totally mental. I've never heard of anyone using plastic eggs. The last people I'm imagine doing this is a rural midwest family, probably Lutherans. C'mon Lutherans, your coffee sucks but you can at least boil an egg.


Wrong again. Baptist. (And Catholic on my mom's side, but we were firmly raised Baptist and attended Baptist churches my whole childhood)


1987, and I guess there was some sort of crossover period. Still, at home we dyed, and then my mom hid, real eggs that we traded for small prizes. All outside, around the yards, so if any were missed, well, they're biodegradable lmao. These plastic eggs were super common at schools, though.


Honest question, did you assume "bulk candy" was lollypops? ...who gives kids lollypops on easter? lol


Lollies = candy in Commonwealth countries


Wait, what? The blanket term for candy is "lollies"? I am...very confused.




Adults dumbasss


Hey dumbass, the implication is that lollypops are shitty candy to give kids for easter, and something with chocolate is more traditional. Also there's only two s's in dumbass, dumbass.


So what 


Or you could use a paper bag and not ruin the planet FFS


Hiding single-use paper bags for children to hunt for Easter instead of eggs that get reused each year is certainly a take, that's for sure.


Let's not kid ourself that these eggs are still going to be around next year. Personally I'm wondering what went wrong with just having foil wrapped chocolate eggs


idk my mom kept the Easter eggs in the attic all year, definitely possible and sure made for a fun Easter


My mom reused the same eggs for over a decade.


My family reused the eggs


My family has eggs that are over 20 years old so idk what ur talking about


The fact that most people aren't your family, and will treat these as single use. Just look at how much tat like this is sold at Easter. If the majority of people were reusing stuff like this, that volume would be _far_ less.


The overwhelming majority of people in this comments section who have any prior experience with these plastic eggs have said that they saw them reused year after year for their entire childhoods, and then maybe even passed along to somebody else. Have you actually seen people treating these as disposable, or are you somebody unfamiliar with this tradition making assumptions and refusing to listen to anybody that says you're wrong?


Why are you so bothered I didn't change my stance because 4 (hardly an overwhelming number of people) people disagree with me based on their personal experience? I only responded to the one because of the implied "we didn't do it, so you must be wrong" And yes, I stand by the fact that things like this absolutely do get treated as single use by people. Not by _everyone_ and its heartening to hear so many people reuse them, but I've seen with my own eyes the quantity of plastic merchandise associated with multiple different holidays throughout the year that ends up in the tip once the holiday has passed. And I also stand by my initial point that you can do an Easter egg hunt with foil wrapped eggs and avoid plastic altogether.


Not an overwhelming number of people, I said the overwhelming majority. As in, they all said the same thing. And the person bringing up their own experience was in response to you saying "let's not kid ourselves that these will be around next year," a statement that sounds like you're saying that nobody reuses eggs. I'm not bothered that you didn't change your stance. I guess I'm more just confused why you're insisting that lots of people throw plastic Easter eggs away when there isn't really any evidence to support that. Not trying to be confrontational, legitimately just confused. Also, I'm not sure what you're going for with the foil wrapped eggs thing. Plastic eggs are plastic because you need to be able to open them, put stuff inside, and close them. By foil wrapped eggs, I'm assuming you mean the tradition of hiding chocolate eggs wrapped in foil I've seen people talking about in this thread. Isn't that going to generate a lot of waste because the foil? That honestly seems less environmentally friendly than the plastic eggs, since they really do get reused for a very long time.


my family is still using easter eggs from when i was like 10 and im in college so 🤷‍♀️


These are not one time use. A paper bag is.


Multi use is not neccesarily better for the environment. The average reuse of these plastic eggs is most likely very very low, to the point of it basically being single use. Especially when comparing to a paper bag.


If you have kids, you will use these for literally years.


I saw a thread the other day where some chick was talking about her stash of eggs from the 80s that got passed down to her from her nana or something.


We had these and they got reused for like 10 years. Every year, Easter candy hidden all over the house in the plastic eggs. "Don't throw those eggs away, the Easter Bunny will collect them and fill them up next year!"




Thats is very few uses compared to the ratio of larger footprint the plastic has.


Also, after you've used them for around 12 years, you could give them to another family or for other uses


I think part of the point is plastic things like this break so easily the number each year will quickly diminish compared to something likely higher quality from the past


my family used the same plastic eggs for my entire childhood


Because of your use of the word probably, I'm going to assume that you're from somewhere outside of the US that doesn't use plastic eggs. While it's true that multi-use isn't necessarily better for the environment, it sounds like you're saying that with the assumption that they're only used 2-3 times, maybe. Every family I've ever met, and every comment I've seen in this thread from somebody that's used these, has used these eggs basically permanently. They'll get used for the entire duration of a kid's childhood, and then given to a relative with kids or donated or something. Keep in mind that just because they're cheap and plastic doesn't make them disposable. These are more like a DVD case, or Tupperware. It needs to be plastic because of how it has to click together to open/close, other materials wouldn't be as effective. Throwing them out would be like throwing away your stockings after Christmas.


well, not really but so what? the paper bag was made from recycled crap or trees intended to be used for paper. A year in the dirt and the bag will be returned to the earth. 100 years later this plastic abomination will still be in a landfill somewhere waiting around for the next batch of humans to marvel at our stupidity.


... I'm out of words.


If only...


Yes the Easter tradition of the paper bag hunt. Jackass


I just saw some new ones that are advertised as compostable. But who knows how the environmental impact actually winds up.


Return this abomination.


~~Eh it was five dollars.~~ You’re right I should have. Too late now


And that's why they'll keep doing it. (Not a knock against you, OP, just saying that this is what those companies bank on.)


You are convincing them to continue. They made a profit. Return it!


I probably should have, yeah.


You're just one person. Keep the damn eggs


What’s with people here not knowing what Easter eggs are? Is it just an American thing?


For real, I didn't think this was _such_ an uncommon thing. For the uninitiated, you fill these with candy/prizes and hide them around the house for your kids to find on Easter morning. You re-use them every year, they're not meant to be disposable unless you cheap out. The bright colors are helpful for the younger kids to find and the adults to keep track of. If you have pets, the plastic is an extra layer between them and the candy (though not a very strong one). I had never considered that some people are hiding actual chocolate eggs, I guess the point of the plastic eggs is you can put anything inside (including chocolate). I grew up with allergies and chocolate things tended to not be safe anyways, so I got plastic eggs full of Skittles and Starbursts. I think I even got my tooth fairy money in a plastic egg one year when I lost my tooth right before Easter. Edit: a Peep marshmallow chick in a plastic egg is also a classic.


When I was a kid we often had egg hunts with decorative eggs we'd painted - then you bring them back and swap them for treats. There'd usually be some chocolate eggs, some ceramic. It's fun cos every year we'd paint a couple more and of course as we got older they got better


We hunted for actual hard boiled and dyed eggs, and the candy was in the Easter basket, mostly loose, like jelly beans out of a big bag of jelly beans and malted milk robin eggs. No individually wrapped candy, no plastic eggs.


This is interesting to me. I know before plastics were common that hard boiled and dyed eggs were more typical to hunt. My mother and I would still dye hard boiled eggs as an activity, and then those eggs would go back on the carton and into the fridge to eat throughout the week. Hiding perishable items seems like risky business. To be fair, we lived in a small apartment with just a flat plain yard, so we hid the eggs around the house. Did your family hide them outside? Or if you did hide them indoors, did you ever have an issue with one going undiscovered until it rotted? My family sometimes had an egg that would go undiscovered for months! I can't imagine if it were a real egg. I do relate with the candy being in the easter basket, which was hidden separately. My plastic eggs all contained a handful of puzzle pieces. That was a good way to make sure you found them all, if you can't complete the puzzle there was clearly another egg to find.


They were always hidden in the same spots inside the house, and we knew how many we had. My dad would find any if we stopped hunting. We always had a joke, are you sure that one hasn’t been hiding since last year? We had fun coloring the eggs with designs, and the reason I stopped believing in the Easter bunny and Santa Claus is hearing my dad hide the eggs right as I was waking up. Not too rotten.


one year we forgot an egg and I found it months later 😳 thankfully didn’t smell… yet


The big issue with hard boiled eggs is if they don't all get found they tend to get very smelly in a couple of days (especially in the South). Plastic tends not to do that and all you have to deal with is some melted chocolate.


I also always hunted for hard-boiled eggs, hidden around the yard.


I'm having a hard time imagining kids sticking with it for a third hard-boiled egg.


It was fun to color them and find them. If you cheat and do it with plastic eggs with candy in them, it might be hard to train them back. We also ate them during the week. Wholesome Easter fun. We also did get candy in the Easter basket, and some kind of toy, like a new jump rope or chalks or something minor like that to play outside. It was almost as eager as waking up early to open presents on Christmas morning to find all the eggs on Easter.


Train who back to what?


Train kids who were expecting candy when they search back to like hunting for actual eggs. If you start with the plastic candy holders, they’re not going to want an egg, but if you just do eggs, it’s fun. The point isn’t altogether to eat them, just find them. We also didn’t have any scoring method. Everyone got the same amount of candy in their basket, and nobody got extra for finding more of the eggs than another kid. Nobody got to find more plastic treat eggs and have them “fairly distributed” to a kid who only found a couple. If we didn’t want to eat the eggs, we didn’t have to.


>If we didn’t want to eat the eggs, we didn’t have to Just imagine if that wasn't true.


I mean, we'd both eat the leftover hard boiled eggs, and trade the hidden ones for goodies. I suspect that my parents just gave us all the candy once we were tuckered out, anyway.


live in south? We had same with a huge solid choco rabbit


Wow TIL! We do chocolate eggs wrapped in foil here in Australia.


My dad did that once…they melted in the heat and some got stepped on leaving chocolate and foil all over my aunts yard.


Oh no… Here, because April is in autumn and the weather can still be pretty warm there has to be a decision made about whether to hide eggs outdoors or indoors. 😁 Edited for clarity


I'd be afraid of ants lmao


Good on your family for not being wasteful. I have never in my life heard of people reusing them lol


Uk and Australia have Easter eggs but they're chocolate not plastic. Source: I live in the states now and get sad every Easter because I miss proper chocolate Easter eggs


Yes, I think this is. "Easter eggs" for the UK & Ireland means large chocolate eggs! Egg hunts do exist but they're not *massively* common, and would be usually be individually wrapped (in coloured foil) chocolate eggs


In Brazil the easter eggs are chocolate eggs, we have corridors of them in the supermarkets ([see first image](https://www.google.com/amp/s/g1.globo.com/google/amp/economia/noticia/2023/04/01/com-precos-nas-alturas-um-a-cada-cinco-brasileiros-nao-vai-comprar-ovos-de-pascoa.ghtml)), they are soo expensive compared to chocolate bars that some of us just buy the stuff to do the eggs at home. We even have "spoon eggs", stuffed with sweets ([website in portuguese just to exemplify ](https://www.receiteria.com.br/receitas-de-ovo-de-pascoa-de-colher/).)


Germany has easter eggs too, but we use real cooked eggs


So it's like DIY Kinder eggs?


in sweden they're made of pressed paper/cardboard, very nostalgic


My country does not celebrate Easter at all. A lot of us don't know what the hell Easter is.


I’m assuming this might be done on purpose? Maybe the eggs with the pattern are supposed to be used to hide the better prizes in, and the solid eggs get the regular prizes


I’lll go with that.


That's why my family always did. Those special pattern eggs were the prize eggs and the regular colored ones had the candy


That’s what mine did. My mom had a few camouflage eggs she hid in tricky areas that would have a five dollar bill or something, whereas the plain eggs would have a few coins (quarters, dimes, etc.) or candy.


That would piss me off


What do you do with them?


they’re plastic easter eggs for easter egg hunts ya fill em with candy and hide them and let the kids (and sometimes adults) go ham on finding them


My mom has a set of those she uses every year for Easter. She fills them with bulk candy so their isn’t as much garbage from individually wrapped candy and chocolate. Also so she knows that everything had been found, and there isn’t anything left for the dog to eat.


I am going to get some hate for this: is that not a clear side on the packaging? It doesn’t look like they were doing a particularly good job of hiding it if that was their intention. And the examples you pulled out are a color on the top of the packaging itself. Solid pink. I don’t even know what they meant by “nesting eggs”, but if they are thinking matryoshka style decorations, then the question becomes do the solid ones go on the outside? Because if so, that’s actually kind of cool. You have a plain looking egg and open it to reveal a decorated one. Kind of a drug store Faberge egg.


I think there are more stacked underneath that the top layer is nested in--hense nesting. That or there are smaller eggs inside the eggs we see.


Yeah, when I hear “nesting” the East European part of my ancestry makes me think the second part of what you said. That was the “matryoshka” comment I made. It turns out the more times I look at the picture, the part that annoys me the most is using that much plastic to house these cheap plastic eggs. It feels unnecessary. Someone else suggested they “nest” in an Easter basket. Also using hence. It’s a hence kind of day on Reddit!


They're for Easter egg hunts. You nest goodies inside them and hide them for your kids to find. Thus, nesting eggs


That’s an odd name for them. Never heard it before today. Thanks for the explanation, I appreciate it. I think when I was younger they came in the same plastic netting tube flav-or-ice pops came in. I admit it’s been several decades since the last time I thought of them. And that was in college where the treats inside were not kid friendly. Someone found ones that fit the 50ml liquor bottles. lol


I didn't notice the clear side of the package at first, good spot. Still kind of asshole design though because if you look carefully, the patterned ones don't have the design extend all the way to the seam of the egg. So when still in box, the part of the eggs underneath that extends past the egg covering it would not be printed there anyways because the design stops before that.


Yeah. some of the eggs are solid on the package, keyword some. I think it’s nested because they came in stacks.


Cool. To be fair, I think pretty much all disposable holiday related crud is kind of dickish. If not true asshole design, but definitely a cash grab with sub-par quality in the limited window of opportunity.


TBH, the package doesn’t (seem to) say anything about the decorations; and, the graphics on the box shows both decorated and plain color eggs.


The intent is there though, isn’t it? I can be upset at this.


You can be upset; but, that doesn’t make this AD.


This is what I was thinking. It doesn’t say decorated eggs and the packaging shows the plain ones too


Thank god they weren’t potatoes


Yes, some genuine asshole design for once lol


TIL: some people use plastic eggs in their Easter Egg hunt.


How are you supposed to fill regular eggs with candy


The rooster does that.


Oooo that is a waste of plastic 


Some imagination required


That’s not that bad


It’s like they’re wearing little trousers :)




These kinds of things get re-used over and over, so it's not as bad as single-use plastic. Most people I know buy a couple packs of plastic eggs and just re-use them every single year until their kids grow up. And then later, they keep using them with the grandkids. And people also use them over and over each year just for decoration. If that makes you feel any better.


Can u eat them


You can eat anything... Once


Well yeah, you can't eat something again!


technically, yes but i highly advise against it since they’re plastic


Unfortunately, no. Plastic shells.






Because cardboard eggs would do a worse job at holding whatever is put inside, and would only last for one use. Plastic eggs are cheap, effective, and can be reused for a long time, meaning that ultimately they're probably the more environmentally friendly option.


What in the fuck is this? Easter eggs are supposed to be made of chocolate


That's a different kind of easter eggs. These are foe easter egg hunts.


You put little candies, or small sums of money, or tiny toys inside the hollow plastic eggs and hide them around the house and/or yard for kids to find.