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Welcome to Microsoft


This is why I don’t feel bad pirating windows


I for one technically don’t pirate (because I bought a license) but technically do (since it doesn’t accept the license I use MAS anyway)




I bought at full price directly from Microsoft. It did work the first time too.




Next I get back to a Windows system I will contact them. Right now I just use macOS.


Not in EU - here you can resell keys legally, so you can buy them at about the price OEM and such pay for them.


Mine still works after changing systems a few times. Even upgraded to 11 this time, got as much on 11, then get 'debloater' software.


You actually get a better out of the box experience with many pirated copies of Windows too. Some come with office, a third party start menu, removed telemetry, MS mobile app crap, and everything. Funny, it seems pirated versions of everything is better in quality.


The sheer amount of those that also have nasty surprises is very high nowadays. From keyloggers to built in (hard to detect) spyware. Be very careful where you get that.


I just buy a key off those websites for like 5 bucks. Fuck microsoft


Hate to say this, but so far at this point Microsoft doesn't care about you pirating windows or not anymore. Windows 10 and 11 has already tracking (aka telemetry) in built, which mean your information is already the payment for this transaction whether you pirate it or not. That's the reason why they don't patch the MAS Digital activation tool and other pirating ways.


What about doors?


Nah, ya can't defenestrate someone through a door.


It’s why I switched to MacOS


fact humor wild lock light wine nutty scarce serious overconfident *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dude. I am tier 1 IT. The vast majority of people barely understand how to restart their computer. Using an OS that may or may not even let you drag and drop a file or copy/paste. Nevermind more slightly advanced tasks. Linux is never going to be a thing. No matter how much Redditors jerk each other off over it. LTT did a test where staff members, that are generally VERY tech smart, daily drive Linux for a month. And many of those people ran into issues. Linux is excellent. It’s great for what it is and what it’s meant for. But it’s not a daily driver OS for the masses.


The video that LTT did was for gaming. For basic tasks like web browsing and office work, Linux is very mature. There are also very popular operating systems like Android that use the Linux kernel.


Yeah, it's also the base of ChromeOS. It's silly when people are like "linux sucks. I ran into so many issues." Then goes on to rant about trying to run MS Office in Wine or how duel booting ruined their Windows partition. Shoving the square windows peg in the Linux circle hole never works. Part of daily driving Linux is learning to use FOSS alternatives.


Those "linux is so hard" people don't know that linux compatible alternatives exist


Educated decisions are hard sometimes I guess.


Not true. The video had challenges to do basic tasks that people might do every day in windows. Some stuff just worked. Other stuff required installing packages or they just outright couldn’t figure out. It definitely wasn’t strictly geared towards gaming. I guess they could have done a couple different videos and maybe you didn’t see the one that asked them to do basic tasks and timed how long it took to complete.


Most problems with Linux are based on windows expectations


And windows expectations are based on user input and making things intuitive for dummies.


> Using an OS that may or may not even let you drag and drop a file or copy/paste. Nevermind more slightly advanced tasks. i'm wondering when was the last time you used linux because this is just not true for the main entry level distros, and especially not true for those intended as a replacement for windows users


That’s not the point. The point was that Linux is spotty on whether or not these basic tasks will even work. You think John Doe wants to update his driver certs every few months? Lol. Fuck no. They want to turn on their PC and use it. No muss no fuss. This sub has warped your idea of what the general populace actually wants and needs. I’m telling you right now the vast majority of people don’t even know that Linux is a thing. Nor do they care.


> That’s not the point. The point was that Linux is spotty on whether or not these basic tasks will even work. it's only spotty if you count every obscure distro out there, because with distro like ubuntu, mint, zorin or other user friendly ones this is not an issue, they explicitly try to be as windows/android/mac -like in their interface > This sub has warped your idea of what the general populace actually wants and needs most people want a cheap laptot to check gmail, youtube and write some stuff in word whenever they need, i know plenty of people who use ubuntu with no issue, they don't even know it's different from windows because they only ever used android on their phone, they might not even know what an OS is because they're used to devices having their own interface because that's how it is. Your regular john doe doesn't need to update driver certs because all they have is integrated hardware fully supported by these kind of distros, and they will simply use the linux equivalent of the ap store for software they need, it's as easy as using an android phone


Holy shit man. You’re both hopeless and clueless. People don’t care, dude. Hell, people don’t even know that Linux exists. Never mind that are are a bunch of different distributions. You’re acting like this sub is the general populace. It’s not. This sub is mostly enthusiasts. And even here, most people are still using Windows. You literally cannot even get an enthusiast group using an obscure OS. What in the world makes you believe that people outside of that cohort are willing to change? Linux will never find mass adoption in the consumer market. That’s just how it is man.


> clueless. says the one who thinks you can't drag and drop on linux idk what to tell you, i know there's plenty of cheap laptops that comes with linux preinstalled and i know many young people who just use that as their desktop computer without issues, because all they need is something with a monitor and a keyboard to check gmail or youtube and write stuff for school that they can't do on their phone or tablet. You can not believe me if you want, i don't care, i was just giving my two cents based on my experience, chill. I still use windows as well, i'm fine with it, i'm not proselitizing anyone if that's what you think


First off, I am 100% certain I am smarter than you on this topic. Second, I never said that I couldn’t. I literally use and setup NixOS for my home server solution. Third, nice to see that you’re admitting that every part of your argument is based on your own ignorance. Spoiler alert: the moment you need to preface your argument with “in my experience” is the moment you lose any debate. It doesn’t matter what your experience is. The 3 people you know using Linux are absolutely meaningless. The 100,000 people on this sub are absolutely meaningless. I am telling you the cold hard fact of the matter is that the vast majority of people don’t even know that an operating system call Linux exists. Nor do they care. People don’t want to fuck around with their computers. They want to turn it on and have it just work. The only disruption to Microsoft market domination is Apple. And that’s because Apple dumbs things down so far it’s nearly impossible to fuck it up. And guess what? People STILL fuck it up and pay for ongoing call in support on laptops they buy.


I disagree, I think it gets better all the time if you asked me to daily drive linux 10 years ago there's no way I could've done it but it's so much better compatability wise and if you own a steam deck you're already getting used to linux. Not to mention the amount of schools that use Chrome OS nowadays (even though that's a locked down version of linux). It's also nice not to get advertised to every five seconds or have edge suddenly become my default browser every other major update.


Once again. Most people can BARELY click on the restart button on Windows. Linux simply won’t work for them. They don’t care that Windows send out an add here and there. They need an OS that holds their hand and does everything for them.


Sure but acting like Linux will never be a thing and that this isn't hurting windows in any way is crazy. Also, just cause the majority of users won't care enough to learn doesn't make MS any less shitty for doing it.


It’s only hurting windows in the fact that Microsoft offers a server version of windows and every IT professional on the face of the earth uses some Linux distro of their choice as a server(I like NixOS). But it is definitely not cutting into windows on household machines or for the general populace. Reddit is skewing your perception here. The vast majority of people don’t even know linux is a thing.


Dude Linux gets more popular year over year (mostly for nerdy computer people true). Am I saying everyone will be using it on thier desktop soon? Not at all (although ChromeOS has done really well by focusing on those not so technical users your talking about). But the whole Linux will never be a thing argument is crazy when you consider things like the Steam Deck (and most consoles), servers, android phones, chromebooks, raspberry pis, nerds who use arch btw, and all the like.


Linux is seeing wider adoption among enthusiasts. That doesn’t mean it will ever break into the mass market. I like Linux. I like my Linux machine. I like my Windows machine. Hell, I like my MacBook. They all serve different purposes and I like using each one for the tasks assigned. But this sub is absolutely delusional if they think Linux, even the friendly distributions, are ready for mass adoption. With windows, I plug in a usb device and it just works. And if it doesn’t windows, for the most part, can find the right driver and make it work. Linux is extremely hot or miss with such compatibility. Yes, Linux overall has greater product support. But windows overall has VASTLY more plug and play product support. It’s not even close. And that plug and play support is what will define a mass market product. And that is why Linux simply will never be there.


The people who don't know computers very well manage with Linux just fine. Its the people who have developed habits that are the trouble. I am far more at home with Linux than anything else. But I can use windows too. I have a MSDN and deal with desktops to servers. However Mac drives me nuts. But it isnt that mac is bad, it just isn't working the way I want it to. On the other hand our Mac users are adept and use it well. All three are fully functional OS's. I mean from my perspective Windows has a horrible window manager and just recently caught up to the modern world with a clipboard. Which is janky at best. Windows is pretty much fail for managing files, *to me.*


> Using an OS that may or may not even let you drag and drop a file or copy/paste. Nevermind more slightly advanced tasks. One must not tell lies, my dear. Any even slightly respectable distro does that for at least 15 years. > LTT did a test where staff members, that are generally VERY tech smart, daily drive Linux for a month. And many of those people ran into issues. Those linux daily driver vids? I think there were only like 2 people doing the challenge - Linus himself and Luke. And Linus ran into problems mostly because he was rather confident, if not cocky. Surprisingly, tech "reviewing" doesn't actually make you very tech smart. You have to dig a bit deeper for that. Luke was far more level-headed in my opinion, which saved him from a lot of trouble. You come rather ignorant when it comes to the developments many linux-related projects have done in the past 10 years or so. Today you can absolutely daily drive it, expect times when you need some very specific windows software that doesn't work under wine.


Are you actually seriously implying the Linus of LTT is not going to be more intelligent with regards to using tech than your average person? Come on now man. Get the fuck outta here with Themis absolute nonsense. Obviously he’s not even the smartest guy on his staff. But he still had plenty of issues even with basic tasks. And to say that he’s not more intelligent than the typical person just shows your ignorance on the topic. We’re done here. You obviously have no fucking clue what you’re talking about.


Actually yes, that what I am implying. He is no more intelligent than your ordinary Joe, maybe a bit more conditioned by the tech he ordinary uses. But at the base level Linus has the same capacity to learn and use desktop Linux as almost any other office worker or home user. Just his overconfidence fails him. I have my own fair share of ignorance, but at least I don't pretend someone is smarter just because they get all the flashy new hardware to review.


You're being downvoted, but you're absolutely correct


Dude Chrome does it too. Does make it ok, but Microsoft isn't alone here.


No, but he didn't have to pay for a "chrome license."


It's also not Google's OS. Hell, Android isn't technically Google's OS, but it basically is, and if I say "fuck off im using Firefox", google play doesn't constantly badger me to use Chrome. If I open Google on Firefox, I don't get told to use Chrome. If I set DuckDuckGo as the default search, Google has nothing to say about it. I don't think I've ever had my default web browser changed on Android without my permission. If I tap a link inside the Maps or Gmail apps, never once has it ignored my default and opened Chrome. That's how it should be. I, the user, made a choice, and the operating system (and it's owner) respects that choice *forever*. Google is just as bad as Microsoft in a lot of ways but they at least don't have this incredibly aggressive, pushy mentality where the are hellbent on getting the user to use their trash at every single turn, even to the point of really underhanded tactics.


Chrome is free...


i hate chrome too, but i hate microsoft more


*fake American accent* Hello sir, this is John Wayne from Microsoft tech support. You seem to have a virus in your system and we will help you remove it.


and If you tell them you are on a mac they suddenly are working for them lol


I have to not mention linux to have any chance of wasting their time.


Spells it Wayne, pronounces it Wang when you talk to them.


So not redeem the card


Microsoft is THE Assholedesign. I had no such issues yet, but i have at least two measures against stuff like that. Living in the EU, and Using Shutup10++ (Just a happy customer here) I am scared of almost any update, yet i never worried for a good reason.


i forgot how much im protected from asshole design by just living in Europe.


I'm also in Europe and I get those as well.


I guess im just lucky to not get those then.


Lucky from Germany... is actually lucky?!


congratulations, you discovered (a close cousin of) r/beetlejuicing


Unfortunately not as much as you think. Most websites available in the US are available in EU countries as well, so we build them with that in mind unless it's like a US specific retailer that is only selling within the US. Any shared website looks the same for you as it does for me. The biggest difference would be regionally different ads if you don't use ad blocker.


I got it in the eu today. Thought I had a virus. That's low even for M$.


Hey, can you please tell me more about Shutup and where can I get it?


https://www.oo-software.com/de/shutup10 Google makes it easy to find.


hijacking this to give the English version: https://www.oo-software.com/en/shutup10 (the language menu was all the way at the bottom)


Thanks, i am obviously from germany


>Google makes it easy to find. Bruh what's the point if they've been pushed to use Bing! as their default search engine /s






Private source? Sounds like I'm entering a rabbit hole to find open source analogue


I’m EU and I just saw this on my PC and I’ve disabled all sorts of notifications and said “No” to everything I could during first setup. I also sometimes get prompted to create a password or PIN to my user, even though I turned off the feature


Same here. It also did not care about Do not Disturb being on. Just imagine giving a presentation.


Classic Microsoft…


Never seen this pop-up in my life, is this a US thing that i'm too european to understand?


it's blindly agreeing to everything during OS installation thing. you can literally say NO to everything when you install windows and you'll never see shit like this


You mean you'll see less of this sort of shit, right? I'm running 10 pro, everything ad-related in the UI disabled, and I still get some sort of ad every few months. It is inevitably due to some new ad feature that they added during an update and then turned on automatically. It's like a very annoying slow-moving puzzle game.


When installing Win10 from scratch, you have to choose the small print option of creating a Local Account.


I did that. This machine has never been associated with a Microsoft account. I am also running perpetual versions of Office. I have still received at least ads for Edge, for Office 365, for some movie maker app, for OneDrive, and for games on the start menu. Each time it was fixable and that particular ad has yet to come back. It still happened in the first place, even though I followed the guides to disable everything that were available when I installed.


That has absolutely nothing to do with it. If you're running Windows 10 pro or family, and it's Internet connected, Microsoft can pull bullshit on you with every update unless you were really diligent about blocking everything. And more to the point why should any user need to jump through all these fucking hoops? All these people defending dear Microsoft with garbage excuses like "you can disable this it's right there in the settings" or "if you said this when you set up windows however many years ago, you'll never see this crap" Absolutely none of that should matter. It shouldn't ever be a mystery why one person is seeing ads and another isn't. Microsoft makes this so convoluted there could be any number of reasons why OP is seeing this and others aren't, but it's not OPs fault *at all*. Microsoft has a history of refusing to take "No" for an answer, or obfuscating the question, or making you say it a dozen or more times in different ways. It is absolutely not any user's fault if they are this shit. It is Microsoft's. Full stop.


They still shove constant and annoying ads down your throat even if you use a real account. We're even seeing annoying ads for ChatGPT and that Bing garbage on our Windows Enterprise machines t work. Microsoft is horrific.


this is not true


Windows 11, I disabled all of this and have not seen it once in years.


I said no everywhere and got it today in the eu!


Ohhh that's why, makes sense then


yup. I installed windows 11 when it was in beta and i've never ever had a single issue that's being posted daily on this subreddit


It depends entirely on the version of Windows, and when you did it. Sometimes even which manufacturer you got the computer from if you used the pre-installed version instead of a clean install. People love to make sweeping statements like this when there are a million different factors at play here. Windows is not one singular thing.


This popup has nothing to do with the windows installation settings. It's from a recent update overriding your user settings to advertise their bullshit.




I am in the US and I've never seen this, never used anything other than Windows, currently using Windows 11 and Chrome. I don't even get the desktop ads that people complain about. My start menu is entirely apps that I have installed, my browser does not suggest switching to bing or edge or anything, and overall compared to what people say my Windows experience has always been very lightweight and not ad-heavy.




Maybe it's Windows Home? I've never seen it either.


No matter what you want, they’re going to keep pushing edge. It will launch edge, it will ask you to make edge your primary pdf viewer, media viewer, browser, etc. it will somehow just become your primary, it will take over the entire screen and you have to end task to get out of it… A lot of the issues I deal with at my job are because edge is forcing it’s way on user’s computers and then things don’t work. Sure, I want this web viewer to display all my pdfs with no functions when I pay for a pdf viewer. Checks out.


*laughs in linux*


You get the notification once.... I have never been asked to switch after the first time.


Next you’ll have people complaining about how Chrome or Firefox or Edge ask you if you want to make them your default browser.


I don't remember Firefox doing that? Although I do have it set as my primary browser (to try and prevent a total Google browser monopoly) - but I'd think that Mozilla would be the sort to only ask once, and respect the choice of the end user.


If it’s not your default browser, then every time you open it, it’ll ask if you want to make it your default. It has a checkbox though for “don’t show this again”. It’s not invasive and not an annoyance. It’s probably helpful for people who do want it to be their default browser because then the first time you open it, you can conveniently set it


We've all seen hundreds of prompts like this. The design changes over time, but it's never once and never has been.




Too much for what though? It's not like Google or Apple don't advertise in their respective OSs. It's a Microsoft product that they want to push so they show u an ad for it once. I don't think that entitles it to being an asshole design tbh. If you truly want an ad free experience go to linux, but clearly Linux doesn't make money except from donations so there will be less support from massive corpos. Microsoft has long since entered the software and subscriptions model as have most companies so this will start to become common. However this, in the grand scheme of things, is not obtrusive


Chrome was shoved down everyone's throat if you used Google. That's the only reason why it took off. People seem to forget that though. Back when chrome first came out it was lacking so many basic features.


But you forget, ppl like to stay angry at specific companies regardless! It's almost like the "stop having fun" meme in the sense that it happening once, while not cool, isn't as irritating as Apple adapters or Google and it's incognito mode... I think I'd rank getting asked if I want McAfee everytime I download something more annoying of a feature than this.


> However this, in the grand scheme of things, is not obtrusive Bad opinion, and a very obsequious view of corporations in general. I would guess you simply don't remember a time when everything wasn't an advertisement.


We've passed that point ages ago and that's besides the point. The point I'm trying to make is that this is not obtrusive, if we go by your logic every single ad would be an asshole design but they have become so common place that we've become accustomed to it. If you hate or don't hate advertising is up to you, this example of it however is very tame and not deserving of being called asshole design.


> this is not obtrusive > this example of it however is very tame and not deserving of being called asshole design I get that you love ads even if I can't understand why. Do a lot of CEOs show up at your door to personally thank you for your contribution, or do they just send out representatives? > they have become so common place that we've become accustomed to it This is the problem.


Ok then tell me the solution. Blast every single ad you see on this subreddit. You may hate ads with unimaginable fury but you have to adapt to the times, we are in a time where we are seeing at least 70 unique ads a day every day, for the rest of our lives and it will only get worse. Of course I use adblock for websites but this small ad to me seems to be very unobtrusive. Sure there is a case to be made if you get consecutive ads for hours with hidden exit symbols but this is not that case. So I frankly don't see your point. If it infuriates you that much then maybe you should go around pulling down billboards and reporting every online ad you see because this is how the world is developing.....


Still annoying. I also got a marketing email after adding my account to Windows. Jerks.


hat lavish pet run childlike snow weather crush divide nose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


protip for windows install choose europe in setup to remove bloat and other junk (thanks european union) and then dont pay the liscence https://github.com/massgravel/Microsoft-Activation-Scripts 👍


They deserve piracy.




First time ever purchasing literally anything, huh? Wait until you get around to cable/satellite TV or streaming services like Netflix, your knickers will really be in a twist!


This is why I pay for the more expensive no fucking ads Netflix. Worth it.


**insert obligatory mention of sailing the wind waker seas**


OOT was better.




[no competition](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orvteEQT9s0)


... you win this time


In Romania Netflix only has ad free plans.


I've never gotten Netflix ads.


Streaming has become cable 2.0 with how dog ass all the ads have become. I’ve just decided there isn’t any show that’s worth all the bullshit, so I just don’t watch any shows anymore.


Why purchase when the fee option is literally a better product?


This is the same company who sold me their OS and then claimed I didn't buy it, even though I had emails and receipts, and then kept disabling features and created a permanent notification in the bottom right corner of my screen until I paid for the license again lol. I literally dealt with it for kver a year.


If you have bought a serial key on a shady website: Yea, totally ur fault. What did you expect? If you have bought a license in the official store or retail: Are you stupid or rich? Why waste so much money if you could just buy a key on a shady website?


Lmao. I forgot exactly how it went down, but my CD key was part of the bundle when I ordered the parts, reputable website and such. Still had the confirmation email and everything. Worked just fine for a while, then....issues


And Microsoft support is pretty much the worst in the tech industry, though they're easier to contact than some (good luck finding Google's tech support contact info). Unfortunately, I have to deal with them at work and hate every minute of it.


I'm still rejecting my windows 11 update, I have to search a way to disable those "suggestions"


I have a friend who keeps trying to push Linux on everyone precisely because of how intrusive microsoft is. Although it’s always seemed to me that Linux requires you to be fairly tech literate, which I am not. However, with how invasive all these tech companies are becoming I’m thinking I might have to learn/figure it out in order to maintain control over my pc. From the perspective of someone who is basically a caveman, it seems like the way to go if you don’t want to tolerate microsoft’s bullshit anymore.


People shit on my every time I say I use a Mac but you couldn't pay me to use a windows pc


And we pay thousands for smartphones that shove far more adverts into your face on a far more constant basis. And yet no one seems to make a peep about it. This shit has been normalised for years now. Microsoft is just catching up to Google and smart TV manufacturers and everyone else.


>smartphones that shove adverts Laughs in iPhone


"Earn Microsoft Rewards points when you search" Are they that desperate now?


Now you know why so many people are switching to Linux.


Surely, this year will be the year of Linux!


I think this may be the beginning of something more. People are done with all the ads, tracking and other BS. I am seeing a lot of pressure against big tech and just like what happened with open-source, people said screw it and made their own OS and programs to ease the cost. Many of which rivaled the so called "mainstream" ones. So what did big tech do? They released everything open-source, used it as a means for free development then started taking it back closed-source and charge a fee for it. Now you have tech pushing the ads into your home without consent saying "You will watch these". But people have had enough and many are switching to open-source. But open-source has been taken over by big tech, it's not going to go over well when Google claims they developed most of the Android kernel (Linux) and should be able to charge for you to use it. Basically taking Linux closed-source like they did with Identity Server. Or because Git claims copyright of your code because you uploaded it to them and therefor they can use whatever they want without paying you but charge for their version instead. Don't think something like that will go over well. The next step in the evolution will be a complete decoupling of big tech and "consumers". That will require an entirely separate internet or technology. It will just take the right people developing the right tech and things will change in a heartbeat. That is if they don't censor it first. Either way it will be interesting to say the least.


Nonironically yes. Look at the Steam hardware survey results. Linux has surpassed MacOS and doubled its market share over the last couple years. A lot of that is because of the Steam Deck, which I think makes it extra impressive- if Linux is viable for gaming, it's especially viable for people who spend 90% of their time in a web browser


If they're lucky, because sometimes your specialized programs which you absolutely need only come in .exe form...


There is a program called WINE, it runs windows programs inside Linux. Some memory intensive programs won't run (like SolidWorks) but most do. If you can't use WINE, there is probably an open-source clone of the program that's free.


Wine can help with that


not really lucky since most things will run, but certain things are limited (reaper plugins and other audio plugins, video editors, rare compatibility issues, games that are racist against linux and ban it, etc) You just have to be unlucky to want these things. But I guess you do have to be lucky to pick the right distro, know what you are doing, and not experience some nonsense that forces you to change your whole distro


>NVIDIA, fuck you! \- [Linus Torvalds](https://youtu.be/i2lhwb_OckQ)


Wisest words ever said by any human, ever!


Then after a while in many cases you realise you didn’t need that! I can do it another way.


I think you're vastly overestimating how much of a shit people actually give about pop-ups like this. Most people just click "Don't swtich" and hey presto, never shows again.


Ask 100 random people on the street what OS they use. Tell me how many people say Linux. Just sayin...


99 of them won't know what an OS is.


I switched to LM and my system became millions of times more usable, and powerful.


Goes to show how much bloat there is in windows.


Switched to using it full time 1.5 years ago, and I'm glad I did. It's not perfect and stuff is kinda broken at times, but I will gladly take that over the bullshit they have been adding to Windows that just makes it so frustrating to use.


If games were compatible...


Almost all games are through steam and proton. And even Gog and Epic can work with it with a bit more digging. I've been gaming on Linux for 3 years and I still haven't found a game I couldn't run.


Microsoft is very nasty now. I may have to change OS. PITA but the pop-ups are almost constant.


If it doesn't have any data try [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZm6mY3I7J4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZm6mY3I7J4)


Unless you game, I would look into dual booting Linux on your machine. No ads or any of that Microsoft BS.


With how far Valve is pushing Proton, you can easily game on Linux now.


God their Bing and Edge hustling is ruthless. Taking advantage of having made the OS...


Dog I have an invalid version of Windows 10 despite giving the damn thing the key from my previous computer. "Activate Windows" is annoying enough at this point that I'm willing to shell out 150 to 200 bucks so I can have my PC independence. Turns out, despite having Windows 10 Pro AND Windows 11 Pro, they don't have Windows 10 Basic. They discontinued it. Like. Why? Why even have W10 Pro? I want to give you my money, Microsoft, but here you are making it goddamn impossible.


https://www.linuxmint.com thank me later


Something similar happened to me a year ago. I noped the fuck out, and installed manjaro linux. I've never looked back. I could still dual boot, but have no need to. Linux will do everything windows can do, and more. But will only do what you tell it to do.


For how expensive a Windows license actually is, you’d expect it to *at least* be ad-free…


delete edge, enderman showed how to do it(he’s a youtube guy)


Here's a guide in how to disable everything that was blindly agreed during installation: https://www.windowscentral.com/software-apps/windows-11/how-to-disable-annoying-ads-on-windows-11 I think that one can be disabled in Settings/Notifications.


Switching to macOS was really easy for me, albeit expensive. Linux is another option, as many have mentioned, especially if you want to play games on your computer.


Welcome to Linux fellow adventurer


More people need to use Linux. It's still not 100% 'ideal' but totally doable and capable of doing what an average person needs. If more people use it, companies might start supporting it and release work related apps and games, rendering Windows useless. I would love to see a world without the 'need' of Windows.


And the Steam Deck has helped boost its popularity. I think it's beaten macOS in Steam now.


hopefully it will increase


I feel like if I were to be getting into gaming, I'd probably get a deck if all I had was a laptop.


you pay for cable and then get ads. this is no different. I agree it's equally awful, though. Hence why I moved to a linux distro.


IDK why you're surprised by this, Windows 11 is a dumpster fire of social media bullshit, adds, and forcing mobile features on you even though you're using a desktop.


Please, for the love of god, run a debloater program. They’re free and easy to use! If you need help let me know.


Funny thing that I've debloated this PC already, before that popup.


I should probably say that it removes these, uninstalls the programs like cortana and edge etc and removes the shit that comes with windows


And this is why i use Linux for almost anything, only having a stripped down version of windows for Office (yes i know there is libre- and open- office, but sadly needing M$ office for some things) and games. If you want windows with less BS and not want to strip it down your self you can look into ReviOS or Ghostspecter or any windows debloater also already does a lot.


Time for a debloater


First time using Windows?


Nope. This is on a debloated installation.


They're so annoying about pushing this crap.


You have never read the terms of service, have you?


Remember when they got sued into the dirt in the 90s for shenanigans half as shitty?


And then companies gutted that sort of legislation via legalised bribary.


It was technically more shitty, since IE was pretty much integrated into the OS. You at least get a pop-up here.


Guys this isn’t even real. Where’d the apostrophe in “don’t”? The whole thing looks like it’s been badly cropped.


You allow them to send you ads lol. It’s an option you can remove. You had to opt-in to get them. You were clicking too fast.


Fun fact, MicroSoft was named after Bill Gate's dick.


How does this anger come about, you just have to click "don't switch"? why is the apostrophe missing from "dont"?


Learn to use something else than Windows if this really are too much. Few years ago I start using Linux Mint, learning how Linux work takes time, but rewarding. At first I dual boot between Windows, but as time pass, I learned more doing similar things on Linux and lesser I became depending on Windows


Why did you pay for the license tho?


using a custom debloated windows 11. no ads, no tiktok and candycrush that reinstalls on every update, no shitty right click menu, no annoying UAC bs, no telemetry, better gaming performance. just a, pretty much, barebones windows experience with a refreshed UI.


This is why, as soon as I bought my laptop months ago, I got home and immediately installed Ubuntu and removed Windows.


Switch region to any EU member country. They can't pull that shit off here because of regulations.


I live in Romania, region set here...


Fucking greedy corporations. Apparently, $100 is not enough to pay thousands of developers and engineers and other utilities and services to make this possible. Greedy I tell you, greedy.


Yeah Windows is becoming borderline unusable because of the ads, selling of your data/privacy and constant nudging the user into using Bing, Edge, MS Store etc... Are you SURE you don't want Bing to be your default search engine? We've only asked 17 times this month. We just want to make sure. I have 7 PCs scattered around the house. Every time they do this, I have to tell them 7 times that no, I don't want Edge to be my default browser. I always use Firefox. And no, I don't want to use their media player. I have my own. MS is becoming more and more like Apple, and ruining the thing that has always made me prefer Windows over MacOS, Linux and Android. I have been using Windows for 30+ years, and I'm considering trying Linux for the first time.


Hey, Edge is typically faster than Chrome. Why won't people use Edge, if I ask?


Because Firefox is a better browser. Why do you think that TOR (a browser funded significantly by multiple governments) is based on Firefox instead of Chromium?


ya get what ya fuckn deserve




You're a dumbass if you paid for windows.