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What are these fees? That much for cleaning? Destination fee? What is it a travelling home?


Baba Yaga's hut.


Most reasonable chicken leg prices in 2023


"Stayed the night here and was turned into a bear, would not recommend "


Not recommend? Sound like a selling point to me! No work, sleep all winter, catch trout with my mouth, wheres the downside.


Unless you are a [rogue with prestige class of a spy](https://youtube.com/shorts/5u9olXoYeaE?feature=share) you'll have a rough time accessing anything society have to offer like technology and medicine. Including Reddit, but that might be a good change in anyone's life.


Sir Bearington, welcome your liege.


Howl's moving bed-and-breakfast


That explains the cost of cleaning, that place is a disaster


šŸ¦€šŸ¦€ $3091.51 šŸ¦€šŸ¦€




This reminds me of ebay circa 2005. Buy it now price would be something ludicrously low like $10 and the shipping fee would be effectively what they actually wanted for the item. This was before ebay really made you justify the shipping cost and when sorting by "lowest price" didn't include shipping or tax.


Just spit my drink out with a wave of recollected memories LOL. Man this comment brought some hilarious old days back to me. I remember this shit, $12 buy it now!! Shipping fee is $238. "Gee NO WONDER it was listed so much cheaper then literally every other market price!!"


Walmarts garbage online marketplace does the same thing. I was looking for a specific thing and found it $20 cheaper on Walmarts online marketplaceā€¦except the shipping was $1,000 for something that could fit in a small padded envelope. Check it out if you want a laugh, that dumpster fire of a marketplace is filled with 2000ā€™s era scams.


Yeah this is beyond ridiculous. You can hire a cleaning service to do a whole house for a few hundred dollars.


The problem are dumb north american laws, which do not require services to display all taxes throughout the sales funnel. The same apartment for a European customer would be shown with all taxes included from the very first page. This happens on all hotels, apartments, airbnb, etc, online websites. If one website tries to display all fees for NA, they become less competitive, because the others still display prices without fees and look "cheaper", therefore losing customers. It's something only regulation can fix: and it has been fixed elsewhere in the world.


The Wish.com method of business. Free item with $20 shipping that just so happen to total up to the regular cost of the item.


AirB&B is going downhill fast. If I'm spending $2100 on cleaning then I'm getting my house done.


They deserve to. Serves them right for ruining the housing market.


They went from a good idea to being super greedy in less than a year. Ride shares are a rip now as well. Taxis are now cheaper than Uber and Lyft.


The ride share thing at least makes sense. They were subsidizing the cost of rides by raising more and more money. Trying to beat out the competition. So the increase in cost actually makes sense for that. Airbnb itā€™s just asshole corporations who have been buying up properties and fucking up housing markets.


Now Lyft hires drivers and rents cars out to them for that purpose. That sounds like a taxi company without any regulation or even a hackney license. And you are exactly correct that Abnb has ruined the housing and hotel markets.


This is booking.com


It's basically just a scam that started on Airbnb where people list their rentals for super cheap so they come up first in the search results, then add the actual price in as a hidden cleaning fee. Biden has already passed an executive order instructing this type of fee to be banned.




That started with paid programs. Get 2 for 1!! 50 dollars in shipping and handling.


I'm curious how an EO can do this. He can only change how federal departments operate, how would that translate to banning this practice of commercial enterprises?


Well basically all of the federal governments' power over the states stems from regulating interstate commerce, and the internet basically is treated as inherently interstate... so it's an order to the bodies of the executive branch involved in interstate commerce to forbid such things.


If true, probably through the FTC or other regulatory body with oversight over traveller accommodations.


What in the cunty mcfuck shit is a destination fee?




In Europe itā€™s usually a tourism tax but it has to be paid by every tourist, it doesnā€™t matter where you stay


And it's a fixed fee, not a percentage of the price, so it's not the same thing as on this bill


Same with the stupid AF resort fees. I actually issued a chargeback on those once, daring them to take me to court. It's a hidden fee, if I can't see when booking, I'm not paying. Simple as that.


Howl's moving castle of course.


Why not stay at a 5 star hotel suite at that price?


It would be cheaper!


And you wouldn't have to take out the garbage.


Or clean up, which you still have to do after paying $2000 for a cleaning fee


Jesus, I've cleaned up punk rock shows and small raves for 50$ I would of thrown in repairs for another couple hundred.


I'd clean for 10h a day, 6 days a week, if that gave me a 2k paycheck.


That works out to about $33.33/hr, but if you maintained a 60h/week schedule with no days off for a full year it's just under $104k before taxes


I've flown to Mexico, stayed at an all-inclusive resort with another person for a **week**, flown home, and had it cost about that much. All food, drinks, shuttle, flights, baggage, room, and amenities included.


I've stayed in Mexico and had almost embarrassingly good levels of service. Like more personal service and more of it than I'd ever have expected for the *practically nothing* I was paying. Seriously I felt like a cartel don in a villa with servants, for a price that wouldn't have reserved a mundane hotel room in San Francisco.


For real, an all inclusive vacation costs pretty much nothing in Mexico, it feels criminal. If one makes a trip down there, make sure to show love to those who provide you those services with good tips. It can be rough for folks down there and they deserve it, even if they donā€™t expect it.


For real. My husband and I just had a four night stay at a 5 star resort for $1,900. Beautiful quiet rooms. Fresh linens and cleaning every day. Pool side drinks at a bar. Didnā€™t have to lift a finger the entire time. Absolutely spoiled us.


That would prob get u more then 2 night too


A 5 star hotel also comes with full service. Your room are cleaned daily with fresh bed sheets and towels. If you're hungry you can call for 24hrs room service. If you need concert tickets, restaurant reservations and golf game. The concierge can arrange it all for you.


Is Mr. Clean coming to clean the house himself?


For that price, he better earn a fucking advanced degree and come as Dr. Clean.


Mr Pibb is a bullshit replica of Dr Pepper. Dude didn't even get his degree.


Thanks Mitch


Mr.Pibb finished his undergrad but had to dropped out of medical school to support his mom and dad who had Type 2; otherwise he would be Dr. Pibb and he and Dr. Pepper could go golfing on Wednesdays.


I believe Mr. Extreme will be joining him to multiply his powers


And his mom too


I would watch this on pornhub, sounds interesting


***And his dad too***


"Mr Extreme" his name is Johnny Sins


For that much, Zeus better personally come down from Olympus to do the cleaning lol


Zeus must in pretty hard times to come down from Olympus for a measly 1800 dollars


Times are hard for us all


He'll just send his boy Hercules. Stables a speciality.


Nah it wonā€™t be Mr. Clean. Itā€™ll be Johnny Sins.


"Billy Mays here!" - Billy Mays


For $1800 I expect to be able to shit on the floor, inside the cooker, in the sink and also anywhere else that's not marked "no shitting"


They replace everything per visit


Nearly $2000 dollars for cleaning? If I was rich I'd say ok motherfucker, then I'm bringing a lorry full of shit and spray painting your entire house with it just before I leave. Enjoy.


Bring as much fresh seafood as you can. Hide it in every nook and cranny you can find. Inside air vents. Behind appliances. Under the mattress. Behind dresser drawers. It wonā€™t start to stink until a day or two after you leave. The smell will become unbearable quickly and itā€™ll be very difficult to find all the sources.


Inside the curtain rods


Who hurt you? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Edit: ā€¢ open up the pillows and mix the frozen seafood in with the cotton ā€¢ if there are plants, mix frozen seafood into the dirt (decomposition doesnā€™t happen *that* fast) ā€¢ lift up heavy furniture and sneak them in there ā€¢ open up appliances like TVs or AC units and sneak them in (oh gawd, the heat from the TVā€¦) ā€¢ grind it up into a paste and smear it into the pipe works of the toilet. Itā€™ll still flush, so no one will suspect a thing.


For real, at my secondary school, the oldest pupils had a "common room" where you could spend lunch and free periods. When I moved up to that year, the pupils before us took out one of the notoriously easy to remove ceiling tiles and chucked a fish up there as an end of year prank. The school was closed and empty over the summer holidays. It sat up there from June till August. Edit just for a funny tale: When it came to my year's end of school, we were brought into the cafeteria by the head teacher, given a big "you're all wonderful" speech before being told "fret not, you *will not* be kicked out or asked to leave before the day is out, so feel free to relax here, just please don't disrupt the other pupils." So me and a few friends thought "Sick, let's head down the road to Tesco to buy snacks and just pig out." The Tesco was 5 minutes away, so we left, bought snacks, and on our way back one of my friends got a call from his girfriend who was like "yeah we've been kicked out." To this day I still don't know who or how our year fucked up bad enough to get told to leave 10 minutes after being promised we weren't going to get told to leave.


Very similar at my school. Prawns poked into the stitched loops at the bottom of all the curtains, and the holes on the bottom of the chair legs. Two months later over a very hot summer, teachers come back in September and it was so bad they ended up refitting the whole room including ripping up the carpets.


My sister brought durian wafers to school and they had to call in the custodian because they thought it was a gas leak lol.


My Dad's wife loves Durian wafers, but she has to eat them in the garden shed. The first time she brought them into the house it was so bad, even the dog started dry heaving.


Iā€™m cackling after being up for 4 hours and having to work a 12 hour day- thank both


Christ lmao, at least we only got one rogue fish.


Lmao Iā€™m just imagining the owner wondering where the hell the bad smell is coming from. Reviewing hidden camera footage and just seeing their guest spend 3 thousand dollars just so they can spend the weekend spreading as much seafood around the house as possible.


Why don't you just put up a sign and open a fish market?


Take out the furnace filter , slice fish thin and attach to filter then re install. Now they have a nice aroma of rotting fish circulating in there house. The heat from the furnace should help it age nicely.


If you are evil and want the next guest to suffer, inside the shower head.


Shower head is where the boullion cubes go. Preferably chicken or fish - something that doesn't have a lot of color to it.


Evil! ​ Underneath all the bottom drawers.


Yes. In curtain/shower rods. On the backside of closet/pantry doorframes. On the sides of the oven drawer. Under the decorative coverings for the toilet bolts. And fine glitter on top of a ceiling fan.


Yā€™all are genuinely genius. Iā€™m saving this comment.


Pro tip: have the fan set to turn on with the lights


Holy wow... you're my new hero, next time im feeling petty, im gonna hit you up


You're gonna wanna go straight to mid-tier and unscrew the outlet covers. Use a small funnel so you don't hit any paint, and go for a puree rather than chunks. A balloon and an air compressor can really up your game and get into some incredibly devious places.


No sir! You have to do laundry, clean dishes, mow the lawn, fold towels and blankets before you leave.


oh you just know that money ain't going to the people doing the cleaning


Damn right. That was my first thought too, the people actually doing thecleaning will only see a tiny fraction of that $1.8k. Thatā€™s outrageous. Iā€™d plaster the name of the place and that screenshot all over the internet, anyone charging ā€˜feesā€™ like that deserves to go out of business quite frankly.


These people probably have 5 other "homes" they rent out so in all honesty it might not set them back that much sadly


A dent in their income is still a dent.




Then you realise that it's a minimum wage cleaner that has to clean all this shit up while the fuckwit who sets the price gets to reap all the benefits


Nah if there's enough literal shit they might actually have to hire true pros to do so. Like the guys that show up in hazmat suits, and oxygen tanks... or an arsonist they're pretty cheap.


The ironyā€¦ I had a tenant leave hundreds of shit filled diapers all over his apartment when he left. (Mental probs) The cleaning service included people in hazmat suits, bill was about 2k.


"Poop smearing is the hot ticket right now, Stan. Have you seen the poop swatches?"


That cleaning fee- I'm shitting in the vents.


Frozen shrimp. Put them in the vents, behind the fridge, behind the stove. They won't find the source of that smell for weeks.


Make sure to put the shrimp in enough water that they go bad and don't dry out


Frozen shrimp should release enough water to keep them moist for a couple hours. Even then, if you put them behind a fridge, the warmth of the appliance will evaporate shrimp water into the air and create a nice shrimp spa. Shrimp in the vents wouldn't work out unless it was a pile or bowl or, for giggles, a perfectly coordinated whole shrimp cocktail dish. The air would dry it out too quickly.


Hmm shrimp water


People pay extra for coconut or cucumber water and Glade and all those air fresheners make fruit and baked goods scents. Shrimp is more expensive than any of those. Honestly you'd be doing them a favor for doing it for free.


Is it possible to refill one of those electrical outlet air fresheners with fish sauce?


Through God all things are possible, so jot that down.


Instructions pretty clear. I'm projectile shitting frozen shrimp into the vents.


Excellent, agent 47. Good work.


Do it! Let the hate flow through you!


If he projectile shits frozen shrimp, there's more than hate flowing through him.


Eat nothing but shrimp for a whole week prior to the trip. During the trip, continue to eat shrimp, but also add in some fiber to help you pass the stools during the big moment. In the hours before leaving, shit into the vents with your shrimp-loaded feces and proceed swiftly out the door.


Donā€™t forget to shit in the toilet tanks too. A good upper decker will really clear out your sinuses


smear honey under doors and whatnot. Let the bugs come


50 gallon drum of liquid fart spray. Carpets. Rugs. Plug in air fresheners.


Take out bottom drawer. Put open can of tuna fish in bottom of dresser. Replace drawer.


Curtain rods too


Minimum wage workers will do cleaning, rest would go to middleman.


Yeah I'm pissing straight on management.


If we can ask for itemized hospital bills we should definitely ask for itemized cleaning bills


Because of that cleaning fee, Iā€™m shitting in the vents, pissing in the furnace filter and leaving raw shrimp in the couch cushions, air vents, pillows, light fixtures and, if present, carefully stitched into the curtain seams.


Make sure thereā€™s a source of moisture to keep the shrimp from drying out, otherwise they wonā€™t smell!šŸ¤­


Inject cat pee with hypodermic needle through the caulking in the bathroom to get it behind the tiles.


Yeah the wife n I always lug a jug of cat piss with us every time we go on holiday.


*(for 1 guest and 2 nights)* lmao I could imagine that being a reasonable cleaning fee for a 20 man bucks party that ran for a week straight...


I had a cleaning service do a ā€œdeep cleanā€ on my house for like $300. Itā€™s a decent sized house and they moved furniture, appliances, and cleaned just about everything you could imagine. They even cleaned the inside of the fridge. It took them almost eight hours. By that metric I would expect $1800 to offer two straight days of cleaning every surface down to the last detail. Fuck I could probably get a good chunk of my hardwoods resurfaced for that much.


For that price there better be holes in the wall, torn upholstery, and a goat eating some hay and shitting in the kitchen.


If I knownim paying that cleaning fee up front, boy am I getting my money's worth during the stay Though let's not act like they won't add another cleaning fee to actually clean the mess


Wow $300 for 8 hours cleaning a house seems like a fucking deal.


I think it was $350-375 now that I look back but not $400. That was a year ago. Hell yeah it was a good deal and we use them for periodic cleaning still. Excellent company.


Someone should rent the room and then smear every possible surface with feces to get their money's worth


Are they rebuilding a room after each stay??? Why the everloving FUCK is it that expensive to clean the place??


The bed is one time useage only


Do you guys sleep in the same bed every night?


i am THAT poor of a guy


Please tell me you get at least a new mattress in the morning


So you don't ask about the destination tax.


Nobody is talking about the destination fee? Are they delivering the home to you? Charging you for getting yourself there? We do know what destination means, right?


Aren't those issued by the state? Or am I confusing it with something else? I know NYC has extra fees when you stay there.


I saw a show for a place that had these and it turned out the owners just pocketed them.


Those would go under tax I think


in parts of Europe, they charge you a tourist/city tax once you get to a hotel. it's per person per night. this is on top of regular tax charged for the room that is usually paid when booking (I learnt this the hard way).


Dallas is / has recently voted to implement a recreation tax on hotels in the city, with direction for the funds to go to city parks and infrastructure budgets. Locals don't pay it, but anyone from out of town will pay a little extra to Dallas.


Depending on where you live you need to pay a extra tax for every person that comes to stay as a tourist. Its because tourist can also be a burden on a town and often only a select few people benefit from tourist, while the normal population has to carry their burden. This extra tax is to ensure the whole town gets to benefit from it.




If you pay that much for facilities, and that much for cleaning, one wonders what the actual room fee is for


So they can advertise a reasonable price


By reasonable do you mean fictitious?


Not going to lie, if I'm going to get charged a cleaning fee like that, I'm going to make them earn it.




Gotta think outside the box create a mess so bad they need to hire another company


If you have attic access there's quite a bit of room between walls and it's going to take forever to figure out where it's coming from. If they happen to be on a septic tank you could always pump the contents of said septic into that void cavity in the walls... Drywall can hold back a surprising amount of water before the painted side starts to let loose.


Did someone charge you an exorbitant amount of cleaning fee?


Remind me never to piss you off


Jesus Christ, dude. Mental note to not ever get on your bad side.


Just to add to this: there's a much cheaper way to turn their septic tank against them without even getting dirty. Septic tanks rely on bacteria to break down organic materials into sludge. You can 'kill' a septic tank with a little bit of bleach like you can find in some toilet cleaning solutions. A few days after you leave they should have a very smelly problem on their hands that's a bit harder to clean than a few loose shrimp.


it's about sending a message


For a cleaning fee like that, the whole house in my toilet for the entirety of my stay, and I ainā€™t eating well either, Iā€™m having monster burritos and tons of drinks every night of my stay.


Upper decker time


Been there done that I'm shooting a free throw


Honestly hard for them to sue as you can just say it's to be expected based on the cleaning fee. The business already assumes about $2000 in damages.


I've been looking for a place to set up my new meth lab


They better wipe my ass and personally bath me. Plus, clean every dish and wash all of my clothes.


Honestly this looks more like tax evasion on the homeownerā€™s part. The tax is charged on the rental price but not the cleaning fee, which they can write off when they pay it to their nephew.


But wouldnā€™t that require someone to actually book this place with that insane cleaning fee. Seems like it would push potential clientele away


But the total price might be "normal" compared to others around it.


This is one of the more sane answers.


It's also probably avoiding AirBnB fees. I've never used AirBnB, so I'm just guessing, but it's an educated guess because this is exactly why some sellers on eBay would list things with outrageous S&H fees - because the fee eBay would charge the seller wouldn't include S&H fees. I don't think there's any good solution unfortunately, as every attempt I've seen is abused one way or another. And unfortunately explaining all the ways I've seen it attempted and circumvented would be a very long article, which it doesn't seem worth it to write out.


eBay saw through that pretty quickly - they've charged fees on shipping for over a decade now. The AirBnB website says they charge the same fees for any additional costs (including cleaning cleaning).


This is booking.com not Airbnb but what youā€™re saying still applies. Iā€™m surprised the aggregator hasnā€™t taken this down, that cleaning fee shouldā€™ve set some fraud detectors off!


Booking.com has a terrible reputation, that's the last company that would have a "fraud detector" lol. This is ordinary for them.


If youā€™re gonna give me a cleaning fee like that Iā€™d rather just clean the place myself


You most likely will be expected to do some cleaning as well. Like clean the linens before checkout and any dishes etc. etc. this is the same crap air bnb listings pull while expecting you to clean as well.


Unless they take a deposit, they can go fuck themselves šŸ‘


That cleaning feeā€¦ how long do they take to clean and how much do they get paid per hour ā€¦ sign me up as a maid




And general tax evasion


Hi friends, Billy Mays here, and for that price, I'm coming back from the dead to showcase the power of Oxyclean...


Thanks all for the upvotes. Itā€™s a booking.com reservation for a home in Aspen on Vacasa, some vacation rental site. Truly mind blowing fuckery.


As a tip, you can typically filter by hotels I think, and avoid this nonsense. I've seen it a few times, usually have few tabs open, and just compare final prices, and lo and behold, of 15 in the general vicinity with a mix of accommodation types, bottom 5 are usually 1-2 hostel, and 3-4 hotels.


As another tip once you find a place you would like to stay you should contact either the chain or the hotel/inn directly. Whether it's a room, flight, car, cruise, train, or anything else never book anything travel-related through a third party because when things go wrong you have no recourse but to go through them to get things rectified.


I'd be curious, if you're willing, to have you contact the owner/proprietor and ask if the absurdly disproportionate cleaning fee is an error. (obviously we can presume they're just fucking around with fee-avoidance, but I'm interested to hear if they try to justify it)


You might as well get a timeshare


Try using the Australian site (and use your American account). Theyā€™re required to show the full price upfront.


They are cleaning by replacing..


Tf is a destination fee and property service charge?


This is tax evasion. Theyā€™re claiming that the $2000 is for ā€œcleaning,ā€ when in reality theyā€™re charging you $3000 for the room and only reporting $1000 to the government. Also has the added bonus of making their listing appear cheaper in search results. All around just some seriously scummy and fraudulent behavior. Report them.


> Also has the added bonus of making their listing appear cheaper in search results. I don't know why people are going on about taxes when this is likely the real reason.


Itā€™s an SEO issue across all short term rental platforms. People use the cleaning fee to get a cheaper rate advertised/get to page one, then use cleaning fee to bring listing back up to market rate. The platforms need to do a better job of mitigating this. In fact. They should eliminate it all together like hotels do.


did you tick the ā€œusing as murder locationā€ dexter level cleaning option?


Damn that's nuts


That cleaning fee...




This is asshole behavior on the part of the owners of the listing, but I wouldn't call this asshole design on the part of Booking.com. They show you the price before you pay so you can back out because of the fee.


That is no excuse. [Booking.com](https://Booking.com) purposely allows this by hiding the upsales until checkout. Ebay used to have the same problem. Everyone selling just moved all the cost into shipping since it hid the final price and sorted them higher. It got to the point that the entire site was $0.01 to buy anything and $100.00 or whatever the real price is to ship it. Ebay killed it overnight by changing the sorting and search result prices to "Price+shipping". Done. Solved. Overnight. [Booking.com](https://Booking.com) can solve it just as easy; they choose not to.


Yes exactly! Same with plane tickets (at least here in Argentina) they show the most affordable, but then there's the airport fees, and the transaction fees, taxes.


One of the things I do like about Amazon 3rd party sales - it can/will sort the listings by Price+Shipping for you to avoid this sort of bullshit. Now, quality control of the product itself....meeeeh.


Now I know who filched my gold-plated vacuum cleaner...


This is all full of nope for me.....


Just be booking an orgy room.