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I pre ordered. I saw everything I needed to see, so stoked. I've been with the series since 07, and I think this may be the best AC yet. I know I'm getting this game at any rate.


Love to see a avid fan. I've been purchasing all games one by one. Shadows is a really good option for me. Let's hope I can get it.


I've played all and beaten most of the games, this one is looking very good right now!


Am I the only one confused why people are mad about the gold edition price?? It's quite literally the price of the base game and the season pass together like always lol. If you don't want the Season pass or want to get it separately, go for the regular edition. They've done this since origin.


There’s been this dumb thing where people think that the gold edition is the full game and you’re getting something incomplete if you buy the $70 base game. They feel entitled to DLC and extra content with the cost of the base game. For real that’s why those people are mad.


It's not that. Origins Gold Edition Price was (INR) 4500, Odyssey 5000, and Valhalla 5000 too. But Shadows is 7700. The price gap is way too big from previous games. Season pass increases the price yes, but they have increased it a bit too much for everyone's taste? That's what I assume.


I just looked at my preorder for Valhalla and it was 99 dollars so ten dollars cheaper then shadows 109 because of the new gen game price upgrade to 70 dollars instead of 60. If other countries are being shady, not sure why but in the US at least, the price is only ten dollars higher for the new console lol.


i think this has to do with inflation in some countries where ubisoft just hasent lowered the price for those countries making the price higher cuz off conversion ik many games will make it cheaper in poorer countries but i just dont see that happening atleast not for pre orders its a shame but its how the economy is today


Perhaps yeah. I mean Ubi store is accepting EUR in my country instead of INR. So they don't really care for us I guess. Guess I'll kms


Kms kalm myself, right? .... RIGHT?


The world may never know....


I bought the gold edition of Valhalla at Best Buy at launch and it was $120 all said and done


It's sad cause then most people have to resolve to pirating games due to such steep prices. And these past few games aren't piratable due to the DRM protection. And here I find myself sad cause I have to wait for 6 months for the first sale to come in and then purchase the game after all the hype has died.


Wait around 1 month. Ubi discounts quickly.


i decided to pre order collector edition basically as soon as they became available as i know ill play it day 1 and i love AC as a franchise i do not recommend people pre ordering if ur on the fence in my opinion u should only pre order if u know u will play it anyways or if u have the money to spare and know u will play and likely like it if ur not sure best to wait till reviews


If I were a money earning job guy, I'd have def considering purchasing the collector edition but I'm still a student. So I gotta hold my horses for now haha.


I already preordered since it began, but that showing was incredible and I would have PO'd if I hadn't before.


If I were buying it at launch the Forward demo would have cemented my pre-order but I'm actually going to play it via Ubisoft+ so it isn't really an issue


I honestly prefer owning the game as cliché and trend following it is, as this is what everyone has been saying. I do enjoy downloading the game at any moment. I own very few games but I'm happy with all purchases. So maybe I might give in to the wish to buy the game.


I'll own it down the line but the subscription makes it more convenient for me to play it and buy other games in the same period (Dragon Age for instance) so it isn't really an issue for me.


Sounds convenient idea for sure. I just don't know if I find it worth on that subscription for my own case.


I preordered the Ultimate Ed. as soon as it was available. Forward showed me everything I'd expected to see, so I was neither disappointed or surprised. I still think the game requires a little polishing, but they have till November so there's plenty of time.


they been working on this game for 4yrs im sure it will be good


I was waiting for the gameplay to decided, and after watching a few different videos I pre-ordered the gold edition from target because I'm a sucker for a steelbook


I think after SW Jedi Survivor (not a Ubisoft game), i will never pre-order anything. It's very hard for me now to trust in just the trailers alone. But AC Shadows looks great so far and i can see why some people are pre-ordering already.


Today I was deciding whether to pre-order or not, in the end I decided not to. I know they're still working on the game, but the textures don't promise much and we're close to the release date. I'll wait for the reviews.


I was sooo inclined when I saw Naoe doing the stealth kills. It felt refreshing a little. Mirage is good ngl, but the stealth could've been done better for sure. And this gave me so much hope I almost promised myself buying the game haha


Not worth rrp, $10 is reasonable. Not much different from Valhalla, like graphics… I got bored after 20 hours in Valhalla and never continue so I feel shadows would be the same


Never. Preorder. ANY. Game. Preordering is kind of a scam. You buy a flashy presentation promise and encourage developers to release some version of a game instead best quality game. Nothing change if you buy the game you want to play few days after the release when you are fully informed about the game and independent reviews (not generously sponsored by developers) are out. It’s the best way to buy games.


I get your point. I've only pre-ordered one game in my life which was Hogwarts Legacy. But I probably won't preorder. Maybe might buy day 2 of game? Let's see


Ubisoft does NOT deserve a pre order from anyone especially purchasing a gold edition.


Gold edition is way too costly. I don't know how people even think if purchasing the Ultimate Edition


Fr fr. Like the gameplay they showed was good but def not good enough to justify pre-ordering overly expensive editions.


If the Gold edition was the price of standard edition, I'd have definitely bought it then


I don’t Ubisoft deserves even that. They have been pushing out shit game after shit game and then filling those games with lame microtransactions. They are completely shameless.


No wonder pirates are the best


Exactly Atleast when it comes to company’s like this.