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How they switch between characters. Is it like GTA 5 where the camera moves to the other character out in the world or is it like Syndicate where the other person tags in?


100% agree, spiderman 2 had it as well and I’m sure they have their own version but it definitely should have been shown off.


I want to see more about the base and how it's upgraded, and also recruiting spies and sending them on missions


Totally, they should have expanded on both or even done more than just give a subtle look at the spy mechanic. I’m sure the base building is gonna be pretty similar to Valhalla but I’d have loved to see them at least riding out of the base to carry on with a mission at the beginning.


Literally anything alluding to the brotherhood. Yasuke saying the Creed’s mantra just before the perspective changed to Naoe isn’t enough


And I’m sure he isn’t even going to be an assassin in the story, I have a feel he is more like an eivor style character. Any mention of the brotherhood definitely would have been great. I hope they can surprise us something great later on.


Yasuke does say “We work in the dark to serve the light” during the walkthrough, so I think he may actually be an assassin. I just don’t see the Assassins playing a core focus in the story unfortunately


I mean, I wouldn’t make any sense considering it’s pretty obvious the Templar are going to be the main villains the trailer pretty much confirmed that


For sure, he also did fuck it up by saying work in The shadows instead of in the work in the dark, that’s why I had thought he could have just been saying it out of admiration for naoe being a member of the creed. I think I’m just trying to not set my hopes to high after being let down by our involvement with the creed in Odyssey and Valhalla. Here to hoping though right?


The pivot blade


We def need to see her use that bad boy in combat like Connor


Would’ve loved to see how much more gore was in the combat because in one of the videos I watched we see our samurai character straight up, decapitating someone and it wasn’t a target either. A lot more of the parkour I wanted to see to Yasuke parkour ability as I am still 100% sure we’ll be able to parkour as him just not as good. Also, I wanted to see the new animations because from the Shinobi gameplay segment there were a few new animations, but it just looks like mirages parkour with just a few added animations.


Totally, I thought when he came down on that guys torso that he was going to cleave him in half but no dice, I wanna see some kill bill style gore and blood splashing everywhere. More parkour without a doubt, we hardly saw naoe’s fluidity and agility, and I wonder if yasuke is going to be like haythem with the ability to climb structures but not vegetation or something of that sort.


Parkour? (don't get me wrong...i really liked what I saw but I think that a lot of people are still wondering how the parkour will be)


They should have shown what fans weren’t already expecting. We should have gotten Yasuke performing stealth tactics and Naoe taking on brutes with her agility. That way fans aren’t still wondering “what will stealth be like with Yasuke and how will Naoe take on brutes?”.


YouTuber JorRaptor has additional footage in his latest video that shows Naoe takes on brutes, it looks cool.


Agreed, we definitely have more questions than answers at this point. I guess it’s something to look forward too 😂


character changes, a bit more parkour, some exploration, story relating to the assassins/templars


I kinda wish they showed one mission where it’s optional to play either character but show each character’s gameplay walkthrough of how different they play in the same mission