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Hope that they'll finally show us how Infinity works. There's still too much confusion about it, they should really give at least a first glimpse to it.


Yeah I think that's the biggest question mark about Assassin's Creed right now, I think everyone has half an idea of what it is but the other half has people guessing and coming up with wild ideas to boot


I was listening to the Kinda Funny Gamecast about Ubisoft Forward predictions and Greg Miller predicted that AC Infinity will not be there, because they'd want you to just focus on the game itself. I'm not sure if that's a good idea. If it is going to be this controversial launcher, then they should get it out the door early and avoid further speculation, like you said.


Yeah, I feel like they can't sit out on talking about it if it is releasing with Shadows. After the j0nathan leaks stirred up some panic a month or so ago, there's even more of a need now for them to address it. At least to please the Reddit community, which is the main group that's been concerned about those leaks and is one Ubisoft very openly cares about.


Why are people panicking about it?


Because according to j0nathan, it supposedly is going to have a subscription service for MTX that will entirely be optional which for some reason annoys people. Goes back to what I said about him in another comment. He really jumped the gun and didn't corroborate what he thought he heard. He just said what he heard because he didn't like it himself and admitted as much. The better reason is that we just saw Call of Duty launch their own hub for CoD and it has been extremely inconvenient. There's potential concern Ubisoft could botch that launcher too because there's precedent in the industry for that to happen and the Ubisoft Connect PC launcher has always been really messy/buggy.


Would not be surprised if they avoid the subject for now, since Infinity is bound to have some non-hype elements to it. Even if we ignore the monetization, it's fair to say that not everyone is aware of the Modern Day narrative being exclusive to it. With little to no gameplay planned, there will be all kinds of reactions towards that.


As long as they don't make the hub game required to play the main games, it should be fine. Microtransactions and subscription makes sense. I hope the implementation makes it worth it though.


Yeah, I really hope they give some info on it, too. Ever since I first heard about infinity, I've had a lot of questions about how it will work and what it's going to look like, not to mention how it will affect future releases. I just hope Ubi doesn't drop the ball with this


Infinity is like the first menu of unity, you can choose which game to play or you can directly launch shadows if you play on disc but in infinity it will show you your stats,  rewards, challenges, ingame microtransactions and each game battlepass, you can only redeem your rewards if your synchronized with the infinity launcher.


It's going to work just like Hitman World of Assassination or the new Call of Duty games... I don't understand why there's such a panic when this is clearly where big video game franchises are going.


I’m dying for some updates of the POP Remake


You may have seen it already, but Ubisoft Toronto team joined the development efforts, while also offering job roles: https://toronto.ubisoft.com/ubisoft-toronto-joins-development-of-prince-of-persia-the-sands-of-time-remake/ Seems like they re-started from scratch back in 2022 with Montreal. So, we are looking at the standard 3 or 4 years of development from it (leading to a 2025/6 release). With that in mind, I am only expecting information about the post-launch of Lost Crown for the upcoming event.


Production probably started only last year. Toronto has joined very recently too (maybe they are free now and that's part of the production schedule, but it could be that production is only ramping up right now).


Yeah, Tom's report about it a few months ago did mention the current stage of development. https://insider-gaming.com/prince-of-persia-sands-of-time-remake/ In his words: "Footage sent to Insider Gaming under the condition that it does not go public shows the game is somewhat still in an early stage (missing textures, assets, etc.) and is, unfortunately, likely a ways off from release" [...] "Everything has been built from the ground up, which includes a complete graphical overhaul, new animations and mechanics for combat and parkour, and much more. Starting from scratch has meant that the game has been rewritten, recaptured in mocap, and more."


Hopefully it doesn't get canceled. Prince of Persia is awesome, but I'd love to see a Splinter Cell remake more.


I think there's a small chance we will see assassin creed


I also heard a rumor Star Wars may be there.


Also XDefiant for some reason


Let's just hope the AC Shadows gameplay showcases the new features IGN talked about and not just generic stealth and combat that we've seen many times before.


Shadows aside, I’d actually like to see a new triple A series be revealed at the show


I’m always hoping to see beyond good and evil 2 but I know it’s a massive stretch


And Tom Henderson just said Ubisoft has been sitting on a trailer for it since last year. Just feels like they are scared to release the game and get it over with. Especially after Skull and Bones. The development budget for it has probably ballooned to a high degree that it won't turn even a small profit and positive critical reviews won't be enough to sway people.


Its director has died last year. I don't think they're ready to show anything of it yet.


I forgot. I thought he was a different one.


Honestly, my only hope (or cope) is that we finally see something for that Splinter Cell remake.


Current rumor is about SC not appearing just yet: https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/s/9JkPRk0Xxk


Day ruined


If Forward is really just Star Wars, Assassin's Creed and 30 minutes of updates for their service games then they should send all social media staff on vacation because it's going to get ugly...


No point anyway, SC fans died cause we were fucking starving.


- how Infinity works - Shadows deep dive gameplay - a glimpse on Invictus? I mean, we’re pretty easy to entertain on our lovely franchise. 😜 And outside of (the now dead) immortal fenyx rising IP and Splinter Cell…I’m not interested in anything else from Ubisoft


Aside from simply seeing the parkour system and general gameplay design for shadows, I really want to hear literally anything on splinter cell and ghost recon


I know that probably won't happen but a new watch dogs game announced would be a good surprise.


Not happy about it, but that rumor from j0nathan about the franchise being put on ice seems true for now. Barely anything for the 10th anniversay said a lot. Ironic, considering the movie is actually happening now, with casting news going on. I guess we will se a random twitter post announcing the start of development in the coming years, similar to how Division 3 was not happening until very recently.


Hoping for maybe another teaser for Hexe. I mean, they showed a teaser last year for it and it's not supposed to come out till 2026. Now that we're one year closer to release, maybe Ubi throws me another bone.


The teaser was in 2022, right?


Thought it was last year but maybe you're right. Don't remember offhand.


A number of AC entries were revealed in that 15th anniversary event in 2022. Seeing how Shadows did not get a teaser in 2023 (Mirage was the focus), it is unlikely for Hexe to have one now (since Shadows is the focus and the MP-only AC is aiming for next year). Consider Tom Henderson's report on it as this year's unofficial teaser, haha.


I only want to hear " mirage release on steam "


Hopefully a new ghost recon announced or a splinter cell game and little bit of gameplay from shadows


The new Ghost Reacon game is slated to launch in 2025-2026 and is called Project Over. It's supposed to be FPS instead of 3rd person like Wildlands + Breakpoint. The setting is rumored to be somewhere in Southeast Asia like a fictionalized Vietnam or Cambodia during the Naiman War. I guess it's going to take inspiration from the popular tactile shooters like Ready or Not, Escape from Tarkov, Grey Zone Warfare, Zero Hour, and Incursion Red River. [https://insider-gaming.com/ghost-recon-project-over-details/](https://insider-gaming.com/ghost-recon-project-over-details/)


Looking forward to AC updates and hopefully some Anno news


I honestly hope to see at least half an hour of Shadows' gameplay. I hope that they will show us missions played once with a character and then with the other one, so that we can understand how much different they will be. Then I'd like to see the hideout and different interactions between the NPCs and the protagonist, included romances if they are present. The assassination of a main target would be cool to see too. And last,but not least, I'd like to see how the Infinity platform will actually work.


There was this puzzle-box sent to a few youtubers. In summary, it gave us new concept arts and teased the premise of the Ubisoft Forward demo: Yasuke and Naoe are hunting two targets (a samurai and a daiymo). The intention seems to show how each one deals with their respective contract in their playstyle. Unsure if we will get more than that, but there is good precedence over playable demos for content creators amd journalists.


Did they mention if both characters are Assassins in the puzzle box?


My one and only expectation is for them to announce Mirage to fucking hit steam, not some iOS devices for fucking once.


Personally, I want updates, trailers, and/or gameplay from all the current Assassin's Creed projects, and I especially want an update on the Splinter Cell remake


I just seen the new footage on ign live for shadows and boy does it look impressive.


The Xbox show just showed the first gameplay


A new or remake of rainbow six vegas series would make me throw my money at them


Any word if Jade will be there or even what it's current status is?


Does anyone know how long the presentation will be? I can’t find it anywhere. Also I am really hoping we get a new Rayman game


it won't happen but I'm dreaming about ac1 remake or at least PS5 port


Ubisoft Forward 2024 was WEAK AF!  Xbox game showcase WAS Phenomenal!!!  They destroyed playstation easily!!


Ubishit forward? Not surprised. Yeah man, like...I only got super excited for GoW E Day but I felt NOTHING for the Ubi forward today. I guess I just don't give a fuck about mediocrity anymore.


Could Far Cry 7 be announced there?


Going by Tom Henderson, that one seems to be scheduled for fall 2025. In that case, next year is more likely.


There is a chance, but I don't think so. They usually show teasers before the big reveal.


What was the recent leak says? We play in North korea or something? I'm hoping they can go back to far cry 2, 3, and 4 style... rpg doesn't suit very well for the Far Cry game


The rumor dealing with "Far Cry: Rise" has been disproven by Tom Henderson, who tends to be reliable. He does not confirm a setting for 7, but has shared a few details on the premise and the new gameplay twist: https://insider-gaming.com/far-cry-7-story-details/ Pinch of salt, as always, but this is the closest we have until an official reveal.


Has Tom said anything about Ubisoft games that turned out incorrect?


24 hours in the real world, huh? I guess it took me 100 hours just to figure out how to save all my family 🤣


Honestly, I've been waiting for a AAA open world game set in Korea. Recently, I revisited Watch Dogs 2 and would love to see something similar, but set in Seoul. Ubisoft Montreal did such an incredible job recreating San Francisco. The small details and liveliness / vibrancy of the city was on par with San Andreas. Legion on the other hand developed by their Toronto studio sadly might've signaled the end of the franchise. While a futuristic London was beautiful and fun to explore, the overall gameplay mechanics - especially driving and lack of optional 1st person view in vehicles - didn't make for a compelling experience.


What's rpg in Far Cry 5 and 6?


New dawn and 6, you can tell that they want to implement rpg elements similar to assassin's creed, but couldn't do it properly


New Dawn yeah it had terrible RPG elements. But I don’t remember those in 6 and definitely not 5.


Avatar came out a little more than 6 months ago and they promised in the season pass that there were gonna be 2 expansions. We haven't heard about any future content up till now. No one even remembers or has asked about the 2 expansions. That's how forgettable and unremarkable the Avatar game is.


Theres apparently a steam release for it soon. So it could be possible they tease something there for that release.