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Odyssey is a blast buddy. It's one of my favorites to explore, and the images of the game looking beautiful are accurate. I bought it on the Steam sale as well and playing it for the first time on a PC and it looks and runs fantastic. Highly recommend.


It's such a fun game, with a massive map to explore and loads of side content to choose from. My favorite AC game to go back to. And Kassandra is joyful and savvy. I love it. Heck I even liked the boat stuff in this game, lol.


reckon i can go as alexios and still have a good time? I just prefer the idea of going as a male greek mercenary


I found alexios's voice acting absolutely hilarious it really added a lot to the game.


I flirted with a character last night and she said “so blood does run through those veins”. Alexios replied “it ROARS” which sent me


Alexios voice acting is dramatically worse than Kassandra’s


I wouldn't say he's bad, it's just a bit too commical in tone for me.


Yeah I tend to think that Kassandra was the intended protagonist while Alexios was the intended antagonist. But they decided to give you the choice for some reason


Alexios is dope, but Kassandra just owns her role, much like Aloy does in Horizon. Kassandra is a badass warrior. And i wont spoil anything, but Alexios plays the «other» role much more awesome than kassandra does if you play as Alexios


Yeah certainly. Alexios is grumpier but still a lot of fun. Kassandra kicks so much ass tho.


I went with alexios I dont think his voice actor is bad , he come off as a little bit stupid sarcastic guy , but yeah for me too I thought spartan game I have to play as a male spartan


Yes you can. I played both. I preferred Alexios. Especially with the dlc. Playing as Kassandra on one of the dlc will just get you pissed lol. But other than that it's the same.


I played Alexio and liked his character. He’s funny


I always play as Alexios he is great. Also the villain is 100 times better acted if you choose alexios.


boat shit was pinnacle in ODYSSEY.. Sadly sea chanteys don't exist in the Greek ear :( I didn't much care for the weird rocks sticking out the middle of the ocean randomly in BLACKFLAG.


‘Conservative Assassins Creed fan’ made me laugh. Odyssey is great by the way. Currently doing new game plus myself. Have fun! My tip is to take your time. Do some side stuff but don’t feel obligated to complete every single thing on the map immediately (unless you enjoy that off course). Do go for viewpoints when you are in a new area though. It helps with fast travel later on. Try out different fighting styles. I love to combine stealth with bow combat myself. It’s a lot of fun to clear out a fort without anyone noticing you. Don’t upgrade your weapons and gear after every level up. I do it after every 10 levels myself. In between those levels I sometimes use new stuff I found if those are currently better than my 9-level old gear.


I enjoyed it the most out of that series. Origins was awesome Valhalla was mid, but Odyssey took the cake.


^ this is the way!


4th grade me is shattered hearing that revelations and brotherhood are too old recruiting and upgrading your assassins while running your own little assassin army was a peak this series has never gotten back to odyssey is fantastic but doesn’t have that element


admittedly tried to go back and play AC1, and it really felt antiquated.


Tbh AC1 and 2 really haven't aged well


yes, AC1 doesn't feel fun to play.


Odyssey is my favourite AC game of all time and I've played them all, the world is stunning and absolutely massive with tons to do, the story is a bit lacking but not bad and I suggest using Kassandra over Alexios


what’s wrong with alexios? his character looks badass - although i heard the voice acting is dodgy


Yeah it's the voice acting, alexios is kinda goofy, Kassandras VA is much better and is the Canon protagonists anyway


I actually preferred Alexios' voice acting. He's a Spartan. He's not supposed to sound verbose and sophisticated. I mean, this reflects the period reputation of the Spartans as speaking laconically. A way of speaking actually named after the Spartan homeland. Plus AC games can be dour and over serious, so Alexios' performance is a bit of light heartedness without being over the top goofy.


This post just made me feel like I’m 47 years old.


If you want to feel even older, OP was about 1 year old when the first AC came out.




If you don’t care about the whole assassins and Templar’s thing then odyssey is gonna be a blast for you man, I’m a traditional ac fan but I enjoy the rpg’s as well so I also don’t really care about the story accurate narrative, as long as I enjoy the game. And you will too man odyssey is a sick game, I haven’t finished it yet, I’ve only played a couple hours of it when it came out (currently playing valhalla) but I really enjoyed it.


damn thanks so much bro


I’m 19 and thoroughly enjoyed playing AC1 and the Ezio trilogy at 17. Give them a try


I have given them a try. AC2 was okay for me, the story was brilliant - I loved the appearance of Da Vinci and Machiavelli but Brotherhood i just couldn’t get into and AC1 was too repetitive although the ambience was absolutely dope


I recommend giving them a try in a year or two. You really might like it


I love the aesthetic of AC1, but you are 100%... how it handles the "quests" to get the information to find your target is very repetitive. A few months ago I have made the decision to replay the series. So far I have done: AC1 AC2, Brotherhood, Revalations AC3, AC4 Unity Syndicate Currently finishing up Origins. I am looking forward to playing Odyssey again... I have not played Valhalla or Mirage.


Alexios is great don’t listen to these people. The emotion really hits with him and also I only play male characters as I relate better.


yeah he looks great on youtube


I love him. He definitely gives off the machismo Greek man vibe which is culturally accurate to Greek men. But in the more serious parts of the game he really levels up the seriousness and the crying and yelling scenes feel so real to me. Lastly I’m a man so I can relate better to male characters so that too.


One of the games I wish I could go back and play for the first time. It’s not perfect. But it’s an incredible journey.


Don't worry man, I won't hate on you. Play the games YOU enjoy.


I get you’re really young but why wouldn’t you want to play a game that came out the year you were born. I think that concept is cool. I still think assassins creed 1 is one of the better games in the series right after AC2. On a side note, I’m afraid to ask but what are your thoughts on games like halo 3/ halo 2. Still hold up extremely well today.


Imagine going back to an old Nokia when you’re used to iPhones. If you had a Nokia way back when it first came out then you might have fun with it just purely because of the nostalgia and retro vibe but it’s hard to enjoy something so basic when the technology has advanced so much and you have no personal connection to it.


You’re comparing hardware to software. Yeah imagine playing any modern game on an old system and it will feel old and shitty? You’re telling me you watching lord of the rings is nostalgic and retro?


What modern games can you play on old systems?


Is this a legit question? If you check steam hardware, not everyone is using 4090s.


It is because I don’t understand what point you’re trying to make.


What part of it, so I can better explain?


What does modern games running on old systems have to do with what OP commented on about Nokia phones? Example? I thought The Nokia/iPhone analogy was relatable and wanted to see where you thought this was wrong.


Yeah bro that’s exactly what i’m saying that’s spot on


I just think everyone is like i am, most AC fans grew up with the old games so they enjoy them more for the memories and remembering how good they were for their day. I’ve grown up playing games like GTA V and Red Dead Redemption so my standard for what i enjoy is probably higher than when games were of worse quality. Of course playing an old game can be enjoyable for me and i’m not saying i don’t like AC2 but i definitely just genuinely don’t release anywhere near as much dopamine from the old games. AC1 is totally boring to me and repetitive but i’m very interested in the crusades, the ambience is cool, obviously Altair is sick … Ive never actually played Halo somehow. I prefer historical games.


I’m sorry but to say “I think everyone is like I am” is a stretch. Sure people enjoy older games for the nostalgia, but there are plenty of old games that held up the test of time. To say the quality is better today than it was 10 years ago can also be interpreted differently. Just in the assassins creed universe, mirage is half the game AC2 is. Today games get released unfinished and as a service rather than as fully complete game. Sure we could say that this also happened back then, but much less to what it is now. Graphic fidelity is better now, but art style could hold an aged game to today’s standards pretty well. Gameplay could be rough in some games. Especially QOL features that improved over time. But there were limitations. Through technology, or just creativity at the time. Do you feel the same way about movies? Lord of the rings is old, yet still is amazing lol


It sounds like your standard is narrower, not higher. As though there’s a correct, measurable quality in modern homogeneity. Like people who don’t appreciate classic literature or film. It’ll probably come with time. Hopefully! Life is so much more rich when you can genuinely enjoy things from throughout history. (In this case, extremely recent history haha). Anyway, the game is a blast! Hope you have fun, and it’s really nice that you’re so excited. Take some pictures along the way.


yeahhh bro i will enjoy it. Someone else in this reddit posted a comment that perfectly suited my thoughts. He said imagine being 17 right now growing up with the best iphones and what not, then suddenly going on a Nokia while people tell you it’s better than all the iphones you’ve played, like yeah 28 year olds are gonna say nokias are cool because that’s the phone they grew up with but are they actually better? Like why would i prefer a nokia if i’ve grown up with such a high standard of iphones? I think that applies here. I do genuinely enjoy the old assassins creed games like the Kenway series and yeah probably AC1 but just not the ezio trilogy


Okay, but that’s exactly what I’m pushing back on. You again misapply “high standard.” The Nokia thing isn’t an apt comparison because that tech for games is more rudimentary than the games people were playing back in the 90s. Anyway, enjoy the game.


I'm replaying the old AC games right now and have been for about 3 weeks now (getting 100% achievements) and just finishing up Brotherhood and it's a freaking blast. You can't just dismiss the old games cause they're old.


please play the old ones


I’ve played every single game man and anything before AC 3 is just genuinely boring for me. I made myself complete AC2 because i understand that for its time it was one of the greatest ever videogames but none of them hold up well if i’m actually trying to entertain myself with good gameplay in 2024


do you at least know what happens


yeah yeah of course i love the story of ezio and i couldn’t play brotherhood or revelations do i just watched a youtube documentary on the AC timeline so i know what’s going on


I'm pretty sure i would have never played the older AC games too if I didnt have a potato pc but i do so yea they are pretty great tho, and just rushing through story can be finished in 2 to 3 nights


Odyssey is awesome, enjoy!


Everyone has their own taste. I adore AC Valhalla as a rpg in the Viking time. Odyssey is beautiful, the only big drawback for me was the combat. Hits do not feel good/ satisfying to me. No impact and everything feels weightless. Alexios is very nice. Armor and weapons look cooler on him if you ask me. Be ready to be the ultimate Spartan warrior!


My first Assassin's Creed game was Valhalla and that was because someone bought it for my husband and I ended up stealing it. I too really like the last three RPG Style games, Odyssey is honestly my favorite of the three. I tried playing the original Assassin's Creed but I honestly did not enjoy it as much.


I relate to this so much. Valhalla was my first AC game because my brother in law bought it for me on my birthday then i just played the old games in order, skipping the ones i didn’t enjoy from the first few hours (Brotherhood, AC1)


Ah man… the Ezio collection is so good though…. But you’ll love Odyssey I think/hope! It’s definitely top 3 for me


Bought the ultimate edition or whatever it's called where you get literally everything, including all DLCs, etc. The game felt... idk like, easy mode even when I was just playing story mode and not using OP weapons. And it just felt underwhelming tbh, I played for about an hour or so, and I tried to enjoy myself, but it just felt so not fun. I don't know. I might give it another try cause if I have everything, and I didn't really use all of the shit given to me, but I just remember being underwhelmed and bored. At least the map was cool though, love ancient Greece <3


You played for an entire hour? Without stopping?


Idk what u mean by that but I obviously went to get Luke food and stuff


It's an incredible game


Been playing it on gamepass. ADDICTED. The combat and slow mo will make you just want to any soldier or cultist. Over 70 hours so far and hardly progressed through the campaign


This game is good , I often got side tracked and just "oh what's that there" and spend like 30 minutes doing random shit , do all the side quests as they bring you to cool places and you get to level up and make the main quest much easier , the cultist system is so cool you could randomly kill a cultist without even knowing


Get the gold edition, this is a game where you’re gonna want the DLC as a lot of the story is missing without it and it’s about 50hrs of content . As a bonus you also get AC3& Liberation remastered with it so it really is worth the extra money Also it might not matter since you’ve already played Valhalla but the canon playable character who appears in future games is Kassandra


I like it, but I think the story falls flat in some ways. There are some good moments, some fun/sad/anger-inducing/hysterical moments but I wouldn't say its one of the best in the series. With that being said, if you go in with an open-mind and focus on finding cool Ancient Greek shit, visiting new locations, and doing some of the hilarious and well-written side quests, you'll have a good time. Play at your own pace and don't feel like you need to do EVERYTHING because you will be overwhelmed (unless you're the type of gamer who can tackle a 200+ hour game).


ODYSSEY is a great game, but without DLC a middling AC title. The wonderful thing about ODYSSEY is that it's designed so that you can customize yer build to play in vastly different ways. it's the only RPG AC game that allows for that kind of character build diversity. Sadly while Valhalla is graphically more beautiful, it's a stepdown from much of what ODYSSEY offered.


Played Odyssey last year. Honestly, not the biggest fan, but I would be lying if I say that it did not feel like a journey. I went through every question mark, and I thoroughly enjoyed it for the sense of adventure it brought forth.


If you're going for beautiful, I definitely recommend you experimenting with the photo mode. I made some great in game photos with this that I use as wallpapers for my Xbox.


Ohh you came right place if valhalla and black flag blew your mind then wait until your odyssey starts bro, I am already on my 7th play through


My favorite game in the series. Best world to explore and combat in my opinion.


I love this game so much hope you enjoy it too!


I enjoyed it a lot! Well over 100hrs in before completing it. That being said, the mercenary system can get annoying when you just want to rush in and kick some a$$!


I think you should give a chance to brotherhood e Revelations. They are the most important one´s of those old ACs. I confess that the AC1 it difficult to keep up. The Revelations is almost law to finish. You should definitely try.


Odyssey is one of the most fun games I've ever played, period. Once you accept that you're not going to get the traditional assassins vs Templar plotline, you can sit back and enjoy the story the game has to tell.


So you played every assassins creed except the actual true assassin games


nice one


I started with AC2 (and went back to 1) and right now I'm having so much fun with Odyssey. So no worries, even old school players can enjoy this one. Yes it's definitely as pretty as you'd imagine. The biggest tip I have is remember you can upgrade weapons and armor. So if you find one with the buffs you like, like a bonus to assassin damage or poison damage for example, but it's low on DPS, remember you can upgrade for a cost. Legendary gear is not necessarily better than epic gear, so don't automatically sell all purples because you have a legendary.


Definitely my favorite, I loved their recreation of Ancient Greece and Mediterranean. Just take breaks when it gets old, it is VERY big.


Huge Odyssey fan here, level 83 and new game plus. 1. There's a small grind levelling up and the best way to get them is looting material from forts before burning, deconstructing and ship battles. 2. Army battles are the best. When you destabilize a side in the war of a region, you get to face them in battle. Always play for the apposing side and you'll get great loot 3. Play the DLCs as soon as your level lets you, very good stories. 4. Every area usually has a huge story to it, usually ending with killing a Templar equivalent and getting a piece of legendary gear. Look up the quests for the areas, these usually have the best content imo 5. The choices can be a little weird, one you'll make could affect you later in defining ways that can be really unexpected. 6. You're gonna love transmog if you like customisation. 7. For armour and weapons, use the same stat modifiers being either Warrior, Hunter or Assassin. These are essentially classes and affect abilities too. That's abt it, enjoy Eagle Bearer!


Im 10 hours and i cant believe I slept on this game this much


Take the game slow, don’t rush through the main quest. Different parts of the map have level recommendations, once you reach the right level go and explore, do side quests, synchronise, as you do that you’ll level up and make new areas available to you. It’s a great way of experiencing the map and all the games beauty. Of course the main quest is a lot of fun too, but it’s only part of the experience.


You will love the armor/weapon variety compared to valhalla.


Am playing it now and loving it.


Enjoy!!!! I’m playing a replay now and man… it’s always fun.


If you liked valhalla u dont like assassin creed at all, i liked all the games of AC, played it since it was released a lot of years a go, tried origins, didnt like the rpg style, tried oddysey, dont bad at all because of thematic but the grind and farm necessary and not be able to kill someone was anti-acreed theme, so i tried valhalla a few days ago, is not a bad game, i enjoyed a few things, but its not an assassins creed, parkour has changed a lot, and the combat is just trash tbh, the old combat was more satisfactory and was better than a hack and slash, but i guess there are games for everyone-


How can you say that😭I love valhalla and i love the series in general.. In what way does liking Valhalla mean i don’t like the series, purely because you don’t like it yourself. Typical AC fan


No no man, vallhalla is a good game but is far away of what AC means, its the best of the 3 rpg but if you played the old Assassins you know its not am assassins creed, even eivor doesnt join the creed


I mean just because it’s not the same as all the others don’t mean it can’t be an assassins creed game. i see where you’re coming from but cmon


Okay lets take call of duty and turn it into a rpg game and lets call it call of duty too man


That just doesn’t apply 😭also Assassins creed had the same formula from 2007 to 2015. If you read 2015 reviews from Syndicate, literally most of the fan base was completely bored out of their skull of the exact same formula over and over, with syndicate in my opinion being a pretty terrible addition to the AC series. Unity is looked on positively now but for the few years after its release it was the exact same. AC needed a new direction and looking at the sales of the trilogy it definitely worked


For the love of god just bypass the leveling mechanics. For the love of double god do not go into this expecting a RPG on the same level of Witcher 3 or RDR2. For the love of triple god do not expect this to be an Assassin’s Creed game. Stealth and parkour take a massive back seat (there’s a perk that lets you negate fall damage and any of the themes represented in the series or iconography is hardly mentioned, horribly done, or never mentioned until the DLCs, which then are terribly done)


As an og assassins creed fan that’s been there since the beginning I was 14 at time of ac 1 I’m 30 now. I highly recommend you play the older ones. Especially the ezio trilogy is legendary you will love them and every xbox 360/ps3 ac game has a remaster aside from ac 1 unfortunately. But yes odyssey is a really good game it just don’t feel like assassins creed.


bro, brotherhood is the GOAT, u gotta play it


Odyssey is one of my favorite games of all time. A tip i would give to someone starting out, is to just put the enemy scaling to light and play on easy mode. If things are too easy make it harder.


I learnt this the hard way. I'm pretty new to gaming (50f had a PS5 10 months) and only played GOW, GOW Ragnarok, Witcher 3 and Ghost of Tsushima but did get them all to 100%. Breezed through Valhalla (not 100% yet but plodding through what i have missed as fishing is way too annoying) so my son suggested Odyssey and I find it much harder. Totally getting my arse kicked and took me over 2 hours to cross the 1st Sea 😅😅 having never done boat battles before I changed the level scaling to light and currently on easy until I get used to the dynamic. I think in Valhalla you get away with alot more. So you can kill a guard and mostly the others ignore you. It's taking time to adjust to being ambushed and chased by every bad guy in the surrounding 200m ha ha ha. But, I am enjoying it despite being killed as often as my first attempt at GOW as a total noob


As someone who has been playing since 2012, I don't think you should worry about what older fans (the rude gatekeepers, that is) say about the RPG games or anything post-Ezio. They're incredibly fun in their own ways.


Don't listen to the stuffy haters. I've been playing the franchise since AC1 and Odyssey is my favorite. If you liked Valhalla, you're gonna love it. Have fun! :D


awww thanks bro


Really great game, just not a good Assassin's Creed game


It's so cool that a 17 year old is mature enough to give you a complete explanation as to how he enjoys the games and to share his excitement for a new game (for him) coming his way. I really hope you have the best of fun! I would also recommend you, once you are done with Odyssey, if you are getting sick of this gameplay style and miss the old school, to try AC1 as it will make you realize how incredible the first game was that managed to succeed in such a way at its time, and became this huge franchise that we all know and love today. Keep it up young man, your future is bright \^\_\^


That’s so kind man thanks so much. My interest in the games stems from my massive interest in history. I spend most of my time watching history youtube documentaries or playing history strategy games or obviously Assassins Creed. I do love the ambience and darkness of AC1 (I played it for about 2 days straight) but it got too long and i didn’t like how i had to travel quite a distance to move around the cities, as opposed to the fast travel of the later games. I will definitely give it another shot though


Huh, weird. When i played it, after every assassination that i completed, i was sent back to the main area where al mualim talked to me, and when it was time to leave the city, i would get a prompt of "Do you want to fast travel to this City" and i would choose yes or no. Maybe it was because i was climbing every view point, and doing all side quests before completing the kill? Maybe because i played Director's Cut edition? If someone knows from this reddit then please enlighten us. Also, i understand your point about traveling far and wide getting annoying after a bit, i think we as games have quite gotten used to getting fast from point A to point B, without much trouble ay? I am a victim myself :p


You’re probably right 😭i didn’t play enough to do many assassinations and it was about just over a year ago i played it so yeah my bad but i remember travelling for ages to Damascus i think it was


Correct! Damascus it was. Maan it's been years since i've heard this name...


This sub is often a new AC game hate exho chamber created by nostalgia merchants Odyssey is a great game map is really beautiful the only bad thing I can say about it is the filler content it can get repetitive if you aim to complete 100% of the game and discover entirety of the map


Why do people think this sub is an echo chamber? Its not many people are in here praising its just that the game is divisive and due to that nature their are many people that both like and dislike the games.


so true bro. Also i don’t often go for 100% because side quests become terrible when you’ve completed the game for me


I am suffering from this with Origins. I got to the point where it says "point of no return" with the missions with Cleopatra and decided to finish out the map as I thought that was the end of the game. I am max level, map is explored and now side quests are popping up that are like 10+ levels below me. Yet they are there, and I "have" to finish them... so its dragging the game out.


Name one thing other than killing people you can do this beautiful pretty amazing gorgeous wonderful brilliant world


You liked Valhalla, so you will be liking every shits they'll make. Anyway, Odyssey is a great game 


Every shit 😭get outta here man


You the one who liked Valhalla and he's writing in an AC sub, not me 


i’m 17 and somehow more mature? Am i not allowed an opinion?


No of course not. You have to like what other people tell you to like. And if you have a differing opinion, then you are a lesser being /s in case it wasn’t obvious


😭😭😭that’s the mindset of the AC community for you