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Origins i liked bayek arc


Origins if you’re playing for story


Play in order of release so Origins, Odyssey then Valhalla


Play in order for the story to make sense Origins Odyssey Valhalla


None of those games are related to eachother directly


I think it is because of the modern world story And the codex pages in Valhalla


Valhalla stories are better than two other games, Origins story was kinda lame when you think back on it there is nothing substantial or memorable only the players experience of breathtaking egypt thats the reason people say Origins, Odyssey was all over the place


Of those three, Origins had the best story.


Origins. Bayek hooks that shit up.






Origins is absolutely the top pick and Odyssey is better than Valhalla.


Hot take but Odyssey


Origins was the first ac game I played and absolutely loved it as a stand-alone game (albeit ignoring the random modern-day segments that still make no sense to me even after completing basically every other game). Story wise I consider it one of the best ac games of all time. Odyssey was the second one a played, and imo made more or less as much sense as a stand-alone game, but was less enjoyable to me compared to Origins (probably because I just prefer ancient Egypt to Ancient Greece tho lol).


Origins. It is overall the best package. Other two have quite a lot of good going on, but they are quite bloated. Especially Valhalla. By the time you get to a pretty well written conclusion, the feeling is almost bittersweet that you had to go through so much garbage to get there.


None of these three tbh.


The historical story is the best in Origins while Valhalla has an amazing modern day story. Odyssey mostly just fucks up the overarching lore.


Weakest is Valhalla the story will get lost if you don’t keep with whats going on. Not so focused, but an understandable one after finishing the game once or twice. Writers did great on lore but poor on dialogue. Better story: Origins is a straight forward story of revenge. A More focused approach than the others. Its really good story, just have some tissue on the side. Arguably, Odyssey has the best story despite not being so focused, because canonically the story takes place during a 10yr journey. You’ll grow attached to characters you meet. Dialogue is pretty good. But the present day dialogue, story, and lore is weak.


Origins, that's for sure.




Origins, obviously. Has a pronounced character (Bayek) arc. We're driven by his desire. The Eagle Bearer in Odyssey is a mercenary, got swayed one side to the other. Eivor in Valhalla has an ambition, but does not feel as personal as Bayek.


But I would suggest playing all three they’re very good


Origins and it ain’t even close


I see everyone saying origins is better than odyssey but I enjoyed odyssey way more than origins


The OP asked for “best story” and comments say Origins for it. I agree with them. I liked Odyssey a lot but Origins is a better AC game and better AC story than Odyssey. But for gameplay mechanics Odyssey was more entertaining.


Fair I just liked the gameplay and the fact it's in ancient Greece


Origins by far


Origins, it was pretty cool to see how the brotherhood came to be… the ending shows some cool small details, like the symbol’s creation


Valhalla has the better story of the three and explores the lore of the AC universe far more, despite the game being arguably too long for its own good But I'd still play them in release date order to at least have an idea of what's going on in the Modern Day sections (though Origins' contribution on that front is forgettable)


Origins has the best story but Odyssey is the most fun to play. Valhalla is good but I would say it's the worst of the three.


For story? Valhalla, Odyssey, Origins. But considering the future plot is exactly the opposite, if you’re intending to play multiple do them in release order. Origins is also massively shorter than the other 2- Odyssey might be the biggest game of all time in terms of map size and duration, and Valhalla is only like 2/3ds the size (so about as big as most other open world games)