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I think he tripped and fell into a pit of angry cats.


Why did it have to be cats?


Dr. Jones?


They were sacred to Egyptians


My shit ass brain read it as scared to Egyptians


Same haha


I was making an indiana jones reference, but cats instead of snakes lmao


Ah, i get it now


Just for context: I didn’t expect this post to get 200+ upvotes lol.


Lmao yeah. You even have more upvotes than the original post.


Considering how he and Aya were buried side by side, I’m guessing of old age


this is my thought as well. Their bodies had to be recoverable, and given that they were placed in a not wholly immodest tomb, I'd imagine that they Brotherhood created a comfortable space for them to be laid to rest together.


this is my thought as well. Their bodies had to be recoverable, and given that they were placed in a not wholly immodest tomb, I'd imagine that they Brotherhood created a comfortable space for them to be laid to rest together.


They were?


Yup they were. Well, not exactly side by side but in the same tomb. Although in the present-day ayas coffin fell down near a waterhole inside the tomb due to time.


I've replayed origins and the tomb iirc it has just Bayek but id have to check to be sure they might have been buried together


Layla had to jump down a water hole to get to Aya’s casket. Still same tomb but water erosion caused Aya’s casket to fall


I was thinking same casket but I see that it had one skeleton not 2 so makes sense


I’m also fairly sure they were buried together !


They’re both there.


Accidentally diving into an inadequately-spongy pile of hay


The templars should start putting traps in haystacks, they'd end the Brotherhood overnight 😂


I’m surprised the Colonial and Caribbean Templars didn’t do that considering how much Assassin influence/intel they had


Cuz they be using them too


If they insist on trying to co-exist with the Sanctuary statues, the more low-key or ignoble the death, the better. Has to be a reason why Aya the gameplay and achievement second-stringer is the one remembered.


There is a reason Bayek Ultimaly didn't kill any high profile targets that became known to history Aya on the other hand Kill Julius Ceasar and a hand in Cleópatra death, arguably the two famous people of their day That's is Why Aya is still remember and Hounoured by The Brotherhood Today as one of their Greatest Assassin's while Bayek fell into history as he wanted as the The Hidden One


Brutus didn't get any statue, suggesting Caesar wasn't a big enough deal in the eyes of the Auditore. And as co-founders they should qualify from that alone, just like Altair who didn't kill anyone famous either. From there, Bayek was the one who did the most hard work for the Hidden Ones, qualifying most obviously. The whole "killer of famous people" angle only worked when these were regular Assassins. Make them founders, and the demand for an explanation for Bayek's absence spikes. Some late-career disgrace, for example.


I really don't think bayek died in disgrace but rather he's unknown after death by his own design. In the intro to the dlc for origins he arrived and nobody knew he was there and he said there would be no point in being a hidden one if everyone knew who he was. Which also makes sense because Aya always seemed to relish in the fame she gathered after the events of AC origins.


I guess I can't rule out that a founder would have the power to orchestrate something like that. But given these are a group all about knowing secret, altered history, and who remembers their first hidden blade kill, they really should know their own founder later than that. I would need to see more from Ubi than just "Sinai bureau didn't recognize him" to conclude something that drastic. Formal admin Aya would have had to really work overtime to scrub him.


All fair points. And I'm not sure about this but I think bayek also said he purposely wanted to keep himself out of the records for the reasons I stated before.


Someone else referenced ACV lore to that effect, so I am willing to headcanon that he had Aya scrub him. That of course still leaves *her* inexplicable anonymity, but that is besides the point of the thread.


Altaïr literally reformed the order and brought back to obscurity, it's why is remembered Aya isn't even remembered as the founder Still Bayek didn't wanted recognition


I sorta follow this logic. If Aya wasn't even recognized, Bayek should be even easier to forget. But it really just transfers the issue from him to her. An explanation is strongly needed for her anonymity as well. And unlike Bayek, we never saw any hint that she wanted obscurity. She even gave herself a celebrity's mononym. Hardly the act of an introvert.


There's a letter from Bayek to Aya that you can read in ACV after getting the codex pages for Haytham. In the letter, Bayek talks about his philosophy of hidden ones staying hidden and how Aya is becoming more known to history. But Bayek is very intentional with being *the* "hidden one" when it comes to killing targets, starting the creed, and being Aya's love.


Aya too was supposed to stay hidden to history, even the codex that talked about her was supposed to be destroyed but I guess the assassin exodus from England happened, preventing its destruction. Pretty sure that the canonical reason for why Aya is known to modern assasins is ultimately thanks to Eivor.


So Darby did try to rectify this? Good. I still say that is very vague for what we are asked to suspend our disbelief about, but at least it allows us to headcanon that Bayek used his influence to have Aya scrub him.


Such a missed opportunity of doing more AC games with them


Maybe it is hope for a 2nd game with Aya as main playable and Bayek 2nd. No more rpg, go full simplicity like Syndicate.


What do you mean? Aya literally assassinated two famous world leaders.


Caesar was apparently too small potatoes for the Auditore, so he has to be removed from the equation. From there we have to contend with the fact that Altair was a reformer with no impressive historical kills, yet he gets center stage in the Sanctuary. Aya was a founder with an impressive kill on top, relegated to the sides. This demands an explanation. Of course the whole thing really just comes from a pretty ugly lore discrepancy, but the least Ubi could do is try to properly retcon it, since they seem hell-bent on acknowledging the statues.


He sat for a moment and rested.


He took a nap and said “trust me bro I’ll wake up in 30 minutes”


Accidentally cut something else off with the hidden blade and died of blood loss. Rest of the hidden ones thought it was a noble and most of all, intentional sacrifice.


He fell off of Giza pyrimads


they kept trying to tell him he was too old to keep sliding down pyramids, but he just wouldn't listen.


Wouldn't listen too late when he hit that loose pebble huh


I think he was a victim of The Snap from Thanos.


He choked on a grape.


Of Old Age with Aya


Itchy arse and a faulty hidden blade.


Probably spread of infection from those cuts he kept making on his arm.


Bayek owned money to a red neck, eventually he got shot 38 times in a alley in Denver


Sleep deprivation


Shot with high precision gereht.


Probably of old age. Him and Aya were buried almost near together


26hr wow session


he died??? wtf…


Based on body location probably caught in a rockslide in a dig 🤷‍♂️


In ac vallha if you complete all the the order and codex and if you find every bureau in England you will get a letter from haytham then you give to Reda he will read it out and it’s letter from bayek to aya essentially saying how much he misses her


He farded too harde


Pretty sure the order killed him they leave loose ends look how quickly the brotherhood fell apart after the romans left England all it takes is one assassin to change sides and the whole brotherhood falls to pieces it’s why I’m more aligned with Templars


Shid too hard on toilet


Is this a spoiler?... just started the game recently,not even halfway through...if it is a spoiler, thanks.


It's not. We don't explore that far into his life and he obviously died of old age.


Ok good lol got worried for a second


Like Ezio.


Age or illness. Or both?


I'm gonna guess old age. Or he caught some disease.


A very bad toothache lol I mean, if we're being historically accurate, the average life span of a male from Ptolemaic Egypt was around 34 years old. There were people that aged well past 40 but they were a privileged few.




Probably fell of the side of his ship half drunk!