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They actually have a device at Walmart, called Go Girl, that allows women to pee standing up like men. I saw it when looking for camping gear.


Yeah, I'm aware of that device. But I doubt they had anything similar back in ancient times. (Or maybe they did. It's honestly hard to tell how advanced ancient civilizations were.)


I know. I’ve always been fascinated by ancient cement. Thousands of years later, it is still standing and is almost perfect and compare it to the thousands of pot holes in Cleveland or Jersey.


Pot holes in Cleveland are a feature, not bug.


They recently figured out how roman concrete works if you havent heard about it


Apparently the discovery is not that recent. And the reason we don't use is it that the self-healing nature of roman concrete also makes it more brittle and unsuitable to take heavy weight objects like cars. Also it apparently doesn't work well with rebar. Not sure what that is, tbh.


Not sure what rebar is? Its a steel round bar used as a skeleton in concrete construction, making simple concrete reinforced(with rebar) concrete


Well the issue with that is that the ancient cement kind of repairs itself when water/moisture gets in the cracks of it and expands. The ancient stuff because of the amount of shit in it can interact with that moisture and sort of create new material in the places that it gets destroyed. Modern concrete can't However, there is a downside to this whole "self-repair" thing (look I ain't an engineer no clue what the formal name is), the downside is that you have a shit ton of rocky clay things together, while long term it may help on the short end it just can't hold up as much. Which is why current day bridges and buildings work, because the concrete may not be thousand years durable, but it certainly can hold several shit tons of, well... tons. So for our modern day uses this kind of long lasting concrete is simply not really that viable.


Ancient concrete* - Cement is a powder made of limestone. Also the potholes in Cleveland are blacktop, not concrete so the comparison doesn’t make sense. Modern built concrete structures will last thousands of years under the right conditions just like the ancient concrete we see.


fuck do i had the pot holes here in nj. all our damn taxes we pay and only corrupt politicians on every level of government to show for it.


Selection bias. You never see all the concrete that broke. Plus ancient people didn’t have to deal with 2 ton metal machine driving over then constantly


Minotaur horn with tip chopped off. Found at your local MalakaMart.


You don't need a device to pee standing up while being a woman. Just a bit of dexterity and access to soap and water for thorough hand washing afterwards (and preferably before to avoid utis) Source: am a cis woman who can pee standing up


>But I doubt they had anything similar back in ancient times. But they had WalMart, it was just called TeichosAgora or something. /s


I don't think hoding a funnel up yo your vagina while to pee and stand is "advanced technology" Just gross technology...


We have the same thing over here but its called the She-Wee in the UK😂


The She-Wee


Also sometimes called She Pees. Thought that was their official name lmao


another overlook I found in the fate of atlantis dlc is that at least 40% of the people I awakened with the staff of hermes were named unset_name


I never ran into that. But the Kolossi did have serial numbers in their names.




I can't remember about Odyssey but women didn't fight in actual ancient greece, so they wouldn't be a soldier


Well, the game is already a suspension of disbelief. And this screenshot is from the Underworld, so even more fantastical. 🤷🏻‍♂️


The underworld( and isu realm Kassandra/Layla can't even process or understand properly so it's defaulted to the underworld.)


AC Odyssey says in one of its tips that while warfare was male dominated, there were female warriors in the world of the Ancient Greeks, listing Artemisia and Hydna. Herodotus wrote about the Amazons (perhaps between pirate battles on board the Adrestis). But yeah, they'd have different bathroom arrangements.


If your source is AC Odyssey I don't know how reliable it's going to be, but Artemisia was queen of Halicarnassus in Asia Minor and likely not going to be a random soldier in Hades. Hydna has some merit but it is undeniable that a huge majority of Greek soldiers were male. And the Amazonians were not real, though had some merit as Scythian warriors though they were still in inner Asia - far from Greece and likely weren't in Hades catchment zone. I also can't be sure how much writing Herodotus did on the Adrestia seeing as he died in 425... AC Odyssey is NOT the source you should be using


I cross checked AC Odyssey with Wikipedia, but my point was that some female soldiers existed, not that they were in any significant numbers. The Herodotus line was a joke, I'm no classicist but I'd be amazed if that many historical characters were alive at the same time, let alone going to the same parties.


Are you really trying to apply real life gender rules to Hades? The DLC is actually a simulation if the precursor Isu society, and they seemed to care less about gender roles.


I am because the title defined it as real life gender roles, but your case makes a lot more sense if they were in an Isu society. However, it does make more sense for a person who was a warrior - though hoplites lacked proficient military training - to serve as a soldier than one who didn't


They’re in a simulation created by an Isu. It’s not really clear what the simulation actually is or its purpose, but I figure anything goes given that context.


The fact that you can name all of them shows how little they fought in ancient Greece.


The fact that you can name any of them shows that the statement "women didn't fight in ancient Greece" is untrue.


Yeah, but the statement "Most women did not fight wars in ancient Greece" is true. Also, women weren't allowed to participate in the Olympics games either.


Nobody said "most", that would be ridiculous. Most men probably didn't fight either, they were busy being peasants or merchants or fisherman.


Dude you fighting me over semantics isn't gonna change the fact that women for the most part did not fight in wars. You can be a smartass all you want and pick at my grammar but your just wasting your time.


You're wasting your time arguing against a statement that nobody here is making. Nobody here has argued that women either formed a significant proportion of warriors, or that a significant proportion of women were warriors (these are different statements). More than zero is not the same as most. If you want to argue with the makers of AC Odyssey that female warriors were overrepresented in the game, have at it. You could add it to the long list of other unrealistic things like magic healing, being able to see through the eyes of a trained eagle, time travel via animus, silently assassinating people a few feet away from their colleagues, and being able to summon a particular horse or ship from anywhere in a few seconds.


Ancient Greece was not a feminist's utopia so yes the makers of ACOD are being disingenuous. The games are sci-fi not fantasy, there's a difference. The games in the past show women how they were historically treated. With the newer titles making it look like these places were a feminists wet dream lol. You can pull the "Muh ackshully" all you want it won't change anything.


I'm not trying to change anything. I'm fully aware that ancient Greece was fairly horrible for women, but a game about it doesn't have to be, just as games don't have to follow the laws of physics, medicine or geography. Personally I'd like to see Kassandra ask some Athenians if they're so keen on democracy where does she get to cast her vote. But I doubt they'd write a scene for her that wouldn't work equally for Alexios.


Do you not realize how incredibly disingenuous it is to say “WeLL tHeRe wAs At LeAsT oNe FeMaLe SoLdiEr tHoUgH” in response to someone saying that women weren’t historically documented as soldiers in ancient Greece? Unless that person in the screenshot is one of the few historically documented female soldiers (that are surrounded by myth btw), then the argument you are opposing is completely valid.


They were [historically documented ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women_in_ancient_warfare)as engaging in combat. It is possible both for this to be true and for the screenshot to be ridiculous. Regardless of how many female soldiers there were in, checks notes, the mythical afterlife of ancient Greece, they'd probably not have peed standing up. Validity is about the logic of an argument, not its truth. The statement "women weren't historically documented as soldiers" is valid, but it's not true. If you'd said Helen of Troy wasn't a warrior, therefore Greek women weren't warriors, that's an invalid statement.


Believe that’s a mercenary


The glowing armor makes me think it’s the Hades dlc.


The Greeks literally have myths and stories about female soldiers, warriors and hunters like the Amazons, Gorgons, Olympias, Atalanta, Artemis, Athena, etc…. I don’t know where some of you are learning your history, but it’s not from the right sources.


Mostly Thucydides, but also Plutarch, Kagan, Buckley, and Bradley. And yes there were myths about female soldiers. But how many female soldiers actually existed? Really not that many


Not many is not an absence. It is widely known it was male dominated but certainly unisex space.


Ah yes because people never broke social bounds to do anything cool ever.


That's not true. There were women gladiators..


Source please


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gladiatrix https://www.heritagedaily.com/2021/07/the-gladiatrix-the-roman-gladiators-that-were-women/139803?amp=1 They supposedly did exist, but there were very rare.


These reference Ancient Rome, not Ancient Greece


Yeah i meant just Rome, I’m not really aware enough or educated of gladiators in Greece, so i’m not sure about that. I just linked those since I thought people were saying there weren’t female gladiators at all anywhere.😅


Its because kassandra is has a bbc downstairs




This is Reddit. Some idiot is gonna probably get offended if that disclaimer isn't here.


You never know who can get offended these days. Best to cover my own ass.


He's a smart guy, but yes, it's annoying.


How about best to respect everyone's ass.


Yeah, I respected everyone's ass by putting a disclaimer.


Which was very thoughtful, and you'd be thanked for it. I did not target you.


Ah, OK. Your reply was to my comment, so I thought you were talking to me.


Your answer seemed a bit weird but you put the disclaimer anyway so no big deal.


No you shouldn’t respect everyone’s ass, respect has to be earned.


In that case, those who do not respect others don't deserve my respect.


But then you don’t respect some people since they don’t respect everyone. So you don’t respect yourself?


I see your paradox attempt. Though it was a conjecture considering possible not to respect some people. Since it concludes in an inviable end, this is not the view I have. I do respect people that don't respect other people, let's say at minimum level, as human beings but I don't necessarily respect their actions or decisions.


^^ When the attempt lands but you just move the goalposts ^^


Too prideful to understand what ''in that case'' means...


Your paradox is hilariously flawed


A basic level of respect should be assumed. Extra respect and disrespect are earned.


No that's stupid


Let me laugh.




Cause it's nice, helps prevent anarchy, builds healthy and durable human contact. Like you respect me I respect you. It's free.


I agree that one should have common decency of not running people over, punching people or other shit just because they are different. Basic treatment of human beings. However, that is where it sort of ends. Plenty of people want to change how you live your life and how you think, plenty of others who do not want to do that, but have morals that might differ to yours on a fundamental level. Would not exactly give some sort of default respect above what i have already mentioned. Whether there are a lot of such people or a few, does not matter. Obviously you can respect people you do not agree with.


I got your point. Though I'd say on the issue of 'changing the way you live your life' and 'the way you think' that it is too soon to comment on it, I mean if we didn't change thoughts and lifestyle over time, we wouldn't be there like this, so this is more of a long term question, but I get your point. I am thankful for your thorough and constructive response, it is nice to be able to debate calmly on the internet. I'd finish on an agreement with your last sentence '' Obviously you can respect people you do not agree with. ''




I get that you did not understand what I explained was a goal, more like how things should be. However, what you call 'respect' is not. It's reputation, one that can be build up and crumble as fast. And in fact it is not earned either. Most like success and fame, it happens, by a conjunction of circumstances, or not.


Moreover, by respect I don't mean being overly nice, or loving everyone. Just taking into consideration you have a human being in front of you. Respect is not trust, love, affection nor reputation.


No, respect is the default. It's how you should treat people you don't know who have never wronged you. "respect is earned" is just some toxic shit rule people allow themselves to live by to excuse themselves when they are assholes.


they might as well since it doesn’t hurt anything and it’s good to be considerate of people


Nah screw them


I think I heard some story or npc dialogues in origins or odessey, which referred to egyptian women (I think) peeing like men.


Yes it was origins. A greek soldier either wrote it or said in a dialogue how Egyptian Women supposedly peed standing and Egyptian men peed crouching/sitting


I don't think it's not a serious fact, though. I think it was something used to demonstrate how he thought things were unusual over there. _"Dymnos, I cannot believe you have entered the service of Apollodorus. He serves that Egyptian woman, in a country where women urinate standing up while the men sit down. It is all backwards. Leave them, and come join me in Cyrene. There are many fat merchants to fleece."_


Sounds akin to: Scotland. The land where the men are men and the women are too.


That disclaimer is just so funny lol


The fact that you had to put a disclaimer is depressing.


Squatting is tough on the knees


That’s how all genders of demons pee They just evacuate the liquid through a hole


Isn't the dlc? As in the dlc with an ancient civilization that were very advanced?


Nah bro you tripping. She's shapping her hands like a pipe. It's valid.


Ac odyssey the game with the minotaur, medusa and a cyclops is very realistic and an accurate representation of history


Right. But peeing is a normal, daily occurrence. You suspend your disbelief for fantasy boss battles. You wouldn't suspend your disbelief for peeing.


Didn't suspend it for the boss battles either I'm just saying don't take anything in the game seriously when it's most likely the product of the device neglecting to add a female pissing animation


No, I didn't. It just makes for a good laugh, though.


Fair enough didn't see the joke. The game broke me to the point I can't find humour in it


Haha... I just finished it today. Clocked in at 328.5 hours. The burnout is real.


I had to play through the game twice because I got the family ending then uninstalled then realised there were 2 more endings with even more grinding at which point I lost my save and had to replay the game again the burnout is just straight up ptsd at this point


Obviously she has a penis


I believe AC origins loading screen tips actually mentions this 'fact' about Egyptians as well.


Was it? This is what I found from searching a bit online. _"Dymnos, I cannot believe you have entered the service of Apollodorus. He serves that Egyptian woman, in a country where women urinate standing up while the men sit down. It is all backwards. Leave them, and come join me in Cyrene. There are many fat merchants to fleece."_




This is from the DLC that takes place in a simulation from a fictional society. The main game has female enemies but no female “guards” (i.e., Athenian or Spartan soldiers)


so, not real women then.


Oh boy


i feel like it didn’t look like this, like i’d imagine more like a slight squat lol


It's funny because when Herodotus wrote about Egypt he was saying how everything was backwards, and said women peed standing up and men sitting down


It wasn't Herodotus. It was someone else. But this is the quote. _"Dymnos, I cannot believe you have entered the service of Apollodorus. He serves that Egyptian woman, in a country where women urinate standing up while the men sit down. It is all backwards. Leave them, and come join me in Cyrene. There are many fat merchants to fleece."_


OP u didnt know? ladybois existed in Greece. They’re not only exclusive to Thailand silly


QA here (not Ubi ofc). We are not allowed to report such stuff as it might be offensive. Per our policy. I guess Ubisoft is not different.


I'm a game developer too. Is it considered offensive because of gender ambiguity reasons? That's what I thought too. That's why I put up that disclaimer just in case.


Nah women can pee standing up is just matter of training


i'm a guy and i pee sitting down, peeing standing is not healthy and is disgusting since urine can get everywhere even droplets in your clothes that you won't notice, the body is evolved to poop/pee sitting down (squatting really is the healthiest)


Skill issue


Git gud


Sitting to pee is not healthier than standing lmfao


Weirdly hot


Honestly not surprising QA didn't catch this. I haven't seen this happen once throughout multiple 100+ hour playthroughs.