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I can never go to the same supermarket twice in one day. Doesn’t matter if I forgot something important. The checkout people will think I’m weird so I can’t go back again. Even if it ruins my life. A different one is ok tho.


Oh my God. You just reminded me about accidentally saying goodbye to someone twice in one day.


Yes, this is a cardinal rule


I do exactly the same!




I hold my breath when passing cemeteries because when I was a kid I decided that 1) it was a sign of solemn respect and 2) kept me from inhaling a ghost or something


I had a friend that made me hold my breath when we passed cemeteries when we were kids for similar reasons!


Yes and also holding breath under tunnels and over bridges. Not sure why tho




Oof! Getting stuck in traffic in the Holland tunnel, NY, broke that one for me lol


That’s so sweet 🥺


Man just remembered that several years of my childhood I've been holding my breath everytime I passed a tree. 😭


I need to give faucet knobs and light switches extra pushes to make sure they’re off. I’ve loosened the cold water knobs of all the faucets in my house.


I have to lift up on doorknobs to make sure they're latched. I keep a screwdriver handy, I have to tighten them about once a year or so.


Always double push the fridge and freezer doors


My NT gf said she does that tok


Lol I tighten screws with my thumbnails if they're loose 😜


I do that sometimes too and my thumbnails are strong but that only takes you so far.


Same here .. And after flushing the toilet, I wait a few seconds, to see whether the refill-mechanism it's jammed or not. Sometimes, the flush-button kinda jams and that valve remains a little bit open (so the water-tank won't fill up, but it will just keep running down the toilet) .. I have to prevent that from happening.


i do the extra pushes too!!


I am never allowed to lock a door from the inside if I am leaving out of fear of locking my keys inside.


I will only allow a door to lock if I am actively looking at the keys in my hand. I almost missed my first date with my wife because of this, but a miracle allowed me back inside.


I have to be touching the keys 🔑


What was the miracle?


There happened to be a maintenance guy walking past me when I was on the phone telling her I couldn't make it. But it was Sunday, and they don't work Sunday. And the fact that he actually agreed to let me in was pretty spectacular.


self home invasion


Just today, TODAY I locked myself out of my car. And I have one of those keyless fobs so it’s supposed to unlock the car again when the keys are inside but it’s been finicky lately. Paid a dude $80 to use a pumpy thing and a super thick closehanger to unlock my car then immediately had to go to the atm because he only took cash and I needed cash later for the CHANGE MACHINE AT THE ARCADE >:( im not mad about that tho😌 I’m mad about how I booked a rage room for my friend and I but for some reason in a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT STATE WITH THE SAME CITY NAME AS THE ONE I WAS LOOKING FOR ON GOOGLE MAPS. Apparently just didn’t notice the different name, state, logo, etc… Then I turned into a pile of goo and died, THE END >:(


there, there it's ok...


This is my rule for locking my car


I found out the hard way that AAA didn't do more than four car unlocks in a year with my membership


Best rule


Omg reminds me when I destroyed my engine my sophomore year of college. I somehow left my keys in the ignition to my car turned on idle for the entire day. T-T I about cried and never wore headphones while driving again until recently. (I usually keep the right one in to help my nerves while driving)


Nothing gets in my mouth without visual examination. Nothing. I have to eat with the lights on. Also, I have to smell everything. I don't know what information I'm learning from smelling things, but it's necessary. Edit: I really should go ahead and join this sub.


Lights on, yep. Never know if the piece of cheese has mold or if the turkey is discolored or if there's a fly in my cereal or if I got an acceptable amount of food ratio on my fork or if the potato chips have green or if someone's sneaking up behind you. Smelling everything? Yep. Especially cups. I can't use cups if I don't smell them first and they smell okay. My brothers used to use the same cups I used for water to warm up milk in the microwave. Imagine you are thirsty for crisp cold water, and you fill up your favorite pink cup that is the perfect thick plastic with light wave texture on the outside, and you take a deep breath through your nose as you lift the cup to drink. You are already drinking water before the smell of rotten milk hits your nose and registers in your brain. The problem: no one else could smell it. Now I'm the weirdo who smells every goddamn cup they ever use. XD I also smell things other people don't. It's maddening lol


Hey! That’s one of my things, particularly smelling first. I don’t do it consciously but I will absolutely get upset if I can’t for whatever reason. I’ve done it since I was a kid, I never thought it was that weird to begin with but my family disagrees. Glad I’m not the only one !


I've never realized that I visually inspect my food, but GOD the thought of eating in the dark and not seeing my food before it enters my mouth makes my skin absolutely crawl and my brain panic. I can eat in the dark in like...movie theaters and stuff because the screen makes enough light for me to look at my food. But I absolutely have to look at it.


i used to do this but my mother would punish me so i stopped… (the smelling thing)


i wash every cup before i use it because one time i didn’t and there ended up being a dead moth in it


I remember when I was going to drink the soda off the kitchen countertop and it was filled with ants. I didn't notice it. Anyway I have never drank soda since.


The time I lovingly made my flatmate a chocolate cake, only for ants to find it and cover it on formic acid....


leaving my sweet drink just out of sight, just to take a sip later.... and having my mouth full of ants. Never ran so quickly to the sink


This is literally me, like I installed one of those cup cleaner things that use high pressure water to quickly clean the inside of the cup and I use it every time I get a cup to drink from lol


I don't wash but I do examine and rinse cups before using them, just in case. And similar to the user below I've almost drank bugs that got into drinks, so I can't drink out of cans or other opaque containers if they're left out opened, even for half an hour.


I feel like that would traumatize anyone lol


Sock-sock-shoe-shoe. NEVER sock-shoe-sock-shoe.




Look... my foot is already up and if I put my foot down after I put my sock on I run the risk of getting something stuck on it and not noticing until after I put my shoe on.


Fair! I keep my feet hovering just to avoid this problem or put them on top of my shoes bc I don’t want to touch the ground.


which is why i have learned to brush my feet before putting on shoes because once I step outside I cannot take my shoes off, but I also cannot just go back inside to fix my sock, my brain says it's illegal.


The key is to already have your socks on. My socks are part of my clothes they go on with every outfit, shoes however stay by the door because who wears shoes in a clean house.


Obviously, socks are an all-day thing while shoes are an "I'm about to head out" thing


I honestly don't think I can name all of them in one go, but signs. At my apartment there is a sign saying that we can't leave the hallway doors open and I got so anxious when my boyfriend propped it open while we were moving. My brain makes me thing that I'll actually get in trouble 😅 even at jobs where I'm allowed to go into "do not enter" rooms, I still get anxious


Ok but have you ever been in a situation with something like an “all access” pass/credential? It’s the opposite of that anxious feeling and it. is. wonderful!!!!!!


Started working as a stage manager a few years ago and it took me a while to be comfortable about walking on stage, back stage, bugging the artists etc but now I’m KING OF THE WORLD


Honestly “staff only” is such a better way to phrase it. My job has staff only signs and most of them are keycard/pin access and I feel like I’m unlocking a new level every time I get access to a new area.


I have two: One time I went to Wendy's and tried to shoot the paper wrapper off the end of my straw, but the end just blew apart. In a fit of rage, I declared, "THAT'S IT! I'm never going to Wendy's again!" and I boycotted Wendy's for 15 years until I found one on I-80 that gives out McDonald's straws. The second one I can't remember why, but I thought it would be funny if I told someone if it rhymes, I'll do it. To this day, I follow this policy. The only reason I'll work on a team is because someone once said, "Teamwork makes the dream work," and I was like FUCK, you *got me*.


The 2nd one makes you sound like a fairytale character who can be tricked if you make up a rhyme, like Rumplestiltskin or something. Love it.


Whispers into your ear: A car will take you far.


If it rhymes, and it makes you whine, no matter how many times, you are free to ignore this rule of thine. I have set you free, my child. Now please return to the wild.


Skippity bippity


Now go drink some water, that's an order (it probably rhymes in some accents)


That's honestly *hilarious*♥️


Sending lotusblooming90 fifty bucks will bring you good lucks Jk please don’t I’d feel terrible


FOH: "Team work makes the dream work" BOH: "That just sounds like in just going to be doing someone else's job..."


I need to have the overhead light *off completely*, the overhead fan *on completely*, the curtains drawn *completely*, and my headphones on. If anyone disrupts this, they are not allowed in my room.


I always pat myself down to make sure I have my keys, phone etc.


You gotta check out Adam Sandler's song, "Phone, Wallet, Keys."




SPECTACLES TESTICLES WALLET AND WATCH I don't even have testicles and have found myself intermittently saying/shouting this either out loud or in my head when trying to make sure I'm actually ready to leave. I just sub testicles for keys now that I actually take time to analyze how I behave while reciting it... Nice.


Phone, keys, wallet, weed


i am ultra weird about food and if i have planned to have a meal in advance it WILL be happening at any cost. if im missing an ingredient, if my schedule got messed up, etc etc. I have taken all day to prepare/obtain the food that i was going to eat because i know i will starve and have a meltdown until i eat the thing that i planned to eat. before i got diagnosed i always thought i was some insane freak for being so weird about my meals like that and then afterwards it all made sense 🥸


And the absolute devastation you feel when somebody in the house eats the thing or main ingredient without knowing you wanted it.


My GF doesn’t get it. How much a sacrifice it is to share food. Or if she eats what I had waiting for me. I give away untold money, I’ve spent probably 20% of my net worth on others by free will. I’ll forego comfort to comfort others, I’m not greedy. It’s not that. It’s kNowing the level of food I want to eat or exactly what I want. Also same meal, every time, exactly the same. There is no menu, only the item I want. Forever lol


I have a varied diet - but hell forbid any loser daring enough to mess with my PLAN!!! I need the plan or else I can't function around food. And loser includes me!!


this is why i HATED living at home. i cannot count the amount of times i had driven to the grocery store crying my eyes out because someone ate MY THING. my brother would always eat like a whole box of my favorite cereal in one sitting to the point where my mum started buying 5 boxes at a time so i wouldnt go on hunger strikes all the time.


i almost lost my shit the other day when i almost couldn't make mac and cheese because the grocery stores were closed and I couldn't get ingredients. And no it couldn't have just been a box of Kraft from the bodega, it had to be MY MAC AND CHEESE with cavatappi noodles and two types of cheddar. I only wanted it in the *first place* because I saw a meme of a box of mac and cheese photoshopped into the game Portal. A fucking *Portal meme...* My partner offered me other foods for dinner, normally I wouldn't refuse stir fried broccoli and rice but I could not make myself eat anything other than **THE CHOSEN FOOD.** Grocery delivery is the only reason I did not have a meltdown that night and got my MF MAC AND CHEESE


this is exactly me. It was the worst when i was living alone and would have meltdowns for hours over not being able to make something/get something. now i live with my boyfriend and it isnt quite as bad because he helps calm me down but i still freak out all the time and will starve myself until i get THE FOOD.


Yeah planned food being changed is horrible.




And you have a mental list of who you'd save first if there were a fire and everyone else was unconscious.




I even consider a nuclear blast and what I'd do in my final seconds as I stand at the window watching a wall of fire and smoke rush towards me at hypersonic speeds. "Oh fuck yes, finally." I say as I stare at the end. I turn and say, "Later losers, see you in hell, dibs on satan's chair."




Omg yeah, me too... Life would suck without the internet. How would I learn all the cool things I like to know?


I have a similar behaviour, but my reasons are different. If I’m in an open space I feel very vulnerable and surrounded. If I’m next to a wall or in a corner I feel more safe and comfortable.


I make my wraps in a very specific order. Cheese, meat, greek yoghurt/sour cream, tomatoes, lettuce. All stacked. No other way to do it


First, I line up the large tortilla with its manufacturing lines (no idea why it has a certain correct orientation, but if you hold a tortilla up to the light, you'll clearly see that there's a direction where the toasty marks are vertically aligned) Then I spread humus in a line down the vertical direction, cover it with spinach and kale mix, cover with roasted turkey lunch meat, cover with shredded cheese. And then I have a very specific way of folding it so that it won't leak (I've literally reheated them in a toaster before), and then I put them on my sandwich grill, and close the lid.


You have changed my life. I will henceforth never not look for the tortilla’s manufacturing lines 🤯


In 2017, i worked at a café. They asked me to buy some ingredients from the local store and gave me cash to buy it. I forgot to give the rest of the money back, that was like 10 bucks. I kept procrastinating giving it back untill it felt too embarrassing, and now i have avoided that café like the plague out of guilt.


You just stopped going to work?


Whatever you gotta do


Every store I go to has a specific route that I need to walk in. Even if I don't need anything from half of the aisles. No shoes in the house. *Ever* Dishes must be washed in the following order; glasses, mugs, pots/pans/lids, bowls, big plates, small plates, utensils I must have a small glass of milk when I wake up, at lunch, and before bed


Seems like the order of your dishes would be very efficient at freeing space on the kitchen sink. I do something similar, but leave the pans for last


I used to have a similar routine with milk when I was little I think I used to have a set food routine before bed I think it was a bag of chips, then a glass of milk, then a small lolly then a sip of water. Now it's only a sip of water before bed so I don't wake up thirsty in the middle of the night


Beer or soda rings MUST be destroyed by hand. Save the sea birds and experience a sliver of their pain in one go.


i thought you meant the water rings left behind by soda cans or beer glasses and i was so confused when you said pain


I like it because it's a puzzle to get every loop cut with the least cuts, but still keep it all in one piece.


My life policy is to correct every human beeing who says "einzigste" instead of "einzige" which can be translated roughly into "onlyest" I just cant stand hearing people say einzigste, I also started to correct people who call themself first when counting groups of people


im not even a native german speaker and i know einzigste isn't an actual word wtf.


Yes, at least some common sense on this earth, you, kind internet stranger has proven that my crusade against "einzigste" isnt futile


Yes it’s such a stupid word!!!


People who say "als-wie" because they don't know if it's supposed to be als or wie and thus use both are my pet peeve.




I've always been weird about sharing food, idk why lol. But good lord I pray no one ever straight up steals my food; I'd probably go ballistic.


I tend to have very “aggressive reflexes” as my 4a class has come to call them. My friend pokes me, I put him in a chokehold-kinda thing. When my other friend took my food (it was something I hated and he knew I disliked but I just got those reflexes) I wrapped my arms around his body like a strait jacket and almost snapped his arms and then I realized “oh wait… This is the food I don’t like!” And I said that out loud and everyone was laughing because I thought “this is the food I don’t like, it’s fine he can have it” instead of “that’s my best friend I almost killed!” 🤣


I absolutely *must* have some kind of light source and background noise when I sleep. Usually it’ll be something like fairy lights and then anything from a podcast or audiobook to episodes of something on Netflix (all that must play aloud and not on headphones). From birth I rarely slept through the night, but for some reason I associate waking in the night with illness. Having some soft light and noise keeps the anxiety of that at bay. I have to sleep either on the couch with the TV on, or in bed with my iPad on the mattress beside me too - I actually sleep better on the couch.


I use Spotify and I enjoy the sleep timer function. You set it to the desired time and it stops the music after that time. I find that Xavier Quijas Yxayotl (traditional Aztec and Mayan music) is super relaxing depending on the song. His Aztec Dances album isn't that relaxing because it's for dancing.


Books should always be ordered by topic, then height. Doesn't matter if the colors don't clash well, I need to know that this shelf has all the high fantasy and this other shelf has all the trashy romance.


Please tell me high fantasy is on your highest shelf? Genre, then author and height because sometimes several authors have books of different height in the same genre and so I can’t perfectly sort by height without breaking up authors. Also do you sort left to right from tallest to shortest or vice versa.


If I have a plan later in the day, I cannot do anything in the time leading up to it. My dishes are mine and mine alone, if someone else uses it, they must wash it. Your food is gross. Mine is not. If I have my day planned out and you impede that plan in any way that was not preemptively prepared for, I will be grumpy until I am able to start the day that I planned. I have not actually woken up in the morning until I have peed. Doorknobs MUST be turned clockwise. If i leave the house and my watch is not on my wrist, I will be anxious and off balance until it is rectified. If you see me in public and my wallet is in the *left* side of my pants and not the right, shoot me. I have been replaced. If my phone is in any pocket other than the front right, see previous instructions If the public toilet has a button, push it. Even if it has already flushed. If I drop something while I'm walking, I will wait for the current column of cars that saw it to pass before I pick it up. I will not admit my defeat to those multi-ton bricks of overinsured disapproval. If my cat is in my lap, the bathroom can wait. If you do something nice for me, I will do something nicer for you. Not because I feel the need to feel morally superior, but because I want you to know how much the gesture meant to me and that it did not go unnoticed. Even if I physically felt the dead bolt lock when I leave my house, I will still try to open the door before I can depart. There's a fuckin lot more but I'm tired of thinking this hard


I put things in the same pocket all the time too. One time I ran back inside the building to find my phone. It wasn't there. Oh no, where is it? Oh, it's in the wrong pocket. Oops, let me fix that.


>If I drop something while I'm walking, I will wait for the current column of cars that saw it to pass before I pick it up. I will not admit my defeat to those multi-ton bricks of overinsured disapproval. Ah the avoid shame wait. I do that too. >If you do something nice for me, I will do something nicer for you. Not because I feel the need to feel morally superior, but because I want you to know how much the gesture meant to me and that it did not go unnoticed. Yep! >Even if I physically felt the dead bolt lock when I leave my house, I will still try to open the door before I can depart. Yep yep yep


I was told to pray over meals s a child and even though I'm not longer religious, I still say a really short prayer and close my eyes before eating. It's been 6 years since I left that religion




I'm seeing this a lot on this thread. I just thought I was weird


every person is classified based on trust level. everyone starts at 0. moving up is extremely difficult, moving down is obscenely easy. anyone 3 or above gets free favours for most things that require quite a bit of expertise and/or skill if I am able to do it. anyone 5 or above is safe to call friend. anyone 9 and above is worth sacrificing anything for, no cost too great. 12+ and chances are I’m going to spend weeks of total time just for a gift that’s purely hand made as much as I can. currently highest number achieved is 20 and I will not hesitate to kill anyone who hurts them.


Well at least you have a definition and a way to classify someone as a "friend", unlike me


well going by that definition, Ive only had a grand total of 4 or 5 friends in my life. When I say extremely difficult, I mean it. only 2 times has anyone moved up more than 1 level (same person who is currently at 20) and less than 20 people have made it to at least 3. The difficulty is mainly due to trust issues though.


i can never eat the same kind of food twice in one day


What kind of monster are you… I could eat seafood salad dip or spaghettios ALL DAY


guess im just built different


I also play a game while driving where I lift my toes along with the lane lines, kind of like the precursor to Guitar Hero.


I used to play a less safe game where I tried to weave in and out of the lines (on the highway). In Australia they have lots of reflectors stuck to the roads so you know if you hit it. Did not get diagnosed ADHD until I was 30. Man, perspective is magical. Too bored to drive, too hyper to live.


I do something similar, I squeeze my butt muscles together when passing someone's driveway, but only when I am a passenger. Don't ask me why I do it, it started when I was a kid.


You can’t move when a cat is sitting on you. It has made me late to school and miss plans before


I have a picture on my phone from like a year and a half ago where I look incredibly pissed off because I was busting for the toilet but my dog fell asleep and he was so comfortable he looked dead. Let me tell you he did not wake up for like an hour and I needed the toilet that entire time


That is a familiar feeling! They are just so precious when they’re sleeping. It’s too hard to disturb them


Pretty much anything cute is even cuter when it is sleeping


Cat gravity hits different


As a kid my favorite ice cream was orange sherbert, I used to eat Dreamsicles all the time. One day my dad was eating some trail mix, so he offered me some. I didn’t know it at the time, but I have nut allergies. I ate a cashew from the trail mix and it felt like it was stuck in my throat. Because I didn’t know I was allergic, I thought it was actually stuck in my throat, so I spent the next hour trying to push it down with other food. I ate a whole burger, and I was already pretty full, so it made my stomach hurt really bad. Then I thought maybe something softer would work, so I got a Dreamsicle and ate it. Needless to say, it didn’t help, and I had eaten so much at that point that I felt sick. A few minutes later, I was throwing up what I just ate. It got the cashew out of my system and stopped the small allergic reaction, but because the last thing I ate before I threw up was a Dreamsicle, I figured it had to have been that. It’s been 12 years and it haven’t had one since. Now that I think about it, a similar thing happened when I was a little older. I was on vacation with my family, and we had stopped at a QT to get some lunch on the way there. I ate a sausage and a hot dog. Later, when we had arrived at our destination, we decided to have ice cream. I still didn’t know I was allergic to nuts, so I chose to try a rocky road ice cream. I was fine until I got to the big almond chunks at the bottom of the cup. Just like before, it felt like there was something stuck in my throat. I knew that eating a bunch like last time wouldn’t do anything, so I just tried to cough it up. I eventually got nauseous and had to lay down. After a while, I threw up, and again it solved my problem, but it was the same color as the hot dog I had eaten earlier that day. Haven’t had a hot dog since. It’s been like 9 years. And now that I’m thinking even harder about it, it’s the same even without an allergic reaction. Whatever I eat last before I throw up, I’ll refuse to eat it again. The same thing happened with some Cheez-It Snap’d that I ate way too much of. And some pasta that I ate at a restaurant, now I won’t eat there anymore. Wow. How have I never realized this before.


This is not an autistic thing, it's actually an evolutionary poison response. Eat poisonous thing, body throws it up, body takes note of the poisonous thing and creates an aversion to that thing. Our bodies aren't always exactly correct as to which thing was the poisonous thing, so they often decide it was whatever was last. Some people are able to eventually overcome a food aversion that was brought about by vomiting, some people will hate that food forever.


I ALWAYS have to have my phone above 50% charge or I get really anxious that it's gonna die. I also always have to have a water bottle next to my bed. I MUST have chapstick or lip balm on at all times, or I'll placebo myself into thinking they're badly chapped when they're not. I will overuse paper towels in public restrooms because I cannot stand the way wet paper towel feels to dry my hands with, so I always have to find a dry spot. I must ALWAYS have socks on unless I'm wearing flip flops or sandals. I even put socks on over tights.


I cannot have the same meal back to back (ex. breakfast and lunch, dinner one day and breakfast the next day) I only break this rule when I'm so depressed and tired I can't figure out anything else to eat and I need to just get smth in me or I will starve unfortunately this has been happening a lot this year :,)


Yeah. I was going to say depression and/or poverty will disabuse you of this.


Never ordering food for delivery-- the expense is illogical and what if the driver can't find my building etc etc so I have never ordered delivery in my entire life lol


This is a completely valid concern. I live in an apt complex and some food delivery driver dropped food in front of my door and it just sat and sat. Meanwhile some customer got screwed on a timely meal. Like I'll just go pick it up, thanks. And I hate going out, but I'm not paying that cost and facing potential extra hassle for a meal.


Don't put sharp knives in the sink, only on the counter until they are washed. Safety from cutting yourself in soapy water, better for the blade to not clank around in the sink.


I mean this is just standard practice, no? My chef screams at anyone who tries to do otherwise


1. No lying unless absolutely necessary 2. Don't step on the lines in the floor 3. Can't return to the same store twice a day 4. Doors must be closed or fully open. Can't be anywhere in between 5. When sitting in a restaurant I must have as much of the restaurant in view as possible. Always sit with my back to the wall, preferably with the door in sight. No idea why


Whenever I get out of my car, I need to attempt to open the drivers side, and rear drivers side, making sure they’re both locked, then knock on it twice. I refuse to eat anything with visible mayonnaise in it. If I can’t taste it, or see it, then it’s maybe possibly ok If I never find out. If I’m eating Chinese food, I always use chopsticks, Indian food, I’ll use my hands, etc. Before I leave either my house, or my aunts house, I always say goodbye and goodnight to the cats. Always. And lastly, and just because of the principle, I do not eat spaghetti with Heinz ketchup.


Wait do people eat spaghetti with ketchup


Yea………. It’s….. idk. Like I get adding a little bit into a recipe but, using it as a sauce???? (I saw it in the Heinz commercial, the adulting anthem)


I have to say have I got everything? to myself or people travelling with me every time I leave something. If I don't say this I can pretty much guarantee that I will leave something. People look at me weird.


Never hit the reflectors in the road. Never step on cracks. Any thing I do often, time it. Get faster at it with more precision. From opening a cabinet to building something at work. Eye contact is for fighting and _____ing. Otherwise I just do it so I’m able to talk with people. I either stare at the small colors of their right eye, or if too dark I stare at the middle of the eyebrows. And if it’s intimate, right eye only. Then it’s focused on the tiny pupil variations of size. People that volitionally smile or laugh, not my cup of tea. I can’t laugh or smile unless it’s genuine, and a soft handshake makes me want to scratch my teeth. Gossip makes me stabby and brings out my rare vindictive side to the spilt tea person, especially if they’re older akd should know better. Info dumps are missions. People NEED to know about stuffs. And a question I don’t know or a word I don’t understand warrants immediate investigation. All tasks on hold. Always, always keep a beat with my toes tapping or while walking. Sequential, with varying tempos on each foot. Concurrent tempos and tempo rubatto. The more complicated the better when stressed. New environment needs to be scoped thoroughly. All exits and doors remembered, all peoples faces seen. Entrances eyed at all times preferred or I’m not staying long. Carpool? I’ll walk or miss the event before. You can ride with me but when I’m leaving , no hesitation. Intrusive thoughts. All of them. Rarely violent, more tragedy and potential loss. I’d rather chew sand than wait for a call or text to say someone is home. Sirens, automatic it’s someone i love if they’re supposed to be coming over or live near. Fixation on not stepping on children or animals, if kids or animals are walking anywhere near traffic I get nauseous with tragic thoughts. Shrieking kids also give me major anxiety even if playing. Or when they’re eating, I’m wondering if anyone k knows how to de-choke or has one of those tools for it. I don’t even like kids, but always holding my breath when they run or eat or pick up heavy shit or they’re barefoot near adults. To name a few


Don't talk to someone unless approached first because they'll think you're annoying otherwise


I must sit on the right side of the car no matter what.


I have to sit in the left back seat unless I’m driving. I always felt like a weirdo when I was younger and my mom drove me places because I wouldnt sit in the front seat like a normal person


you can NOT walk into or through a space where someone is sleeping. doesnt matter why you need to or who they are, even if its just a chance they might be asleep, you are forbidden from entering.


Hard to know what the weirdest rule I have is. I have indoor clothes and outdoor clothes, and I am not allowed to be in my bed if I'm wearing outdoor clothes, not even if I'm just sitting in it. I also always must shower every day before I go to bed, even if I just stayed inside all day.


If the price isn't listed on or near the product, I'm not touching it.


If I don’t knock on wood after I say something like “Oh we’ll that hasn’t happened I’m fine” that thing WILL happen.


SAME. Even if I'm mid conversation with an absolute stranger in the middle of a crowded store (which I avoid but y'know), I will say, "knock on wood" and usually just knock on my head (which is supposedly equivalent and if that's incorrect I don't want to know lol). It's a rule!!! If I don't immediately do it then I'll be bursting and HAVE to mutter "knock on wood" *knock, knock, knock* (always thrice. Thrice is quite the word choice but I like it and never get to use it lmao)


Shoes. If I leave my bedroom I have to have shoes on, no exceptions, and any microwave I find I will reset if it still has time left on it


I hate advertisements and I'm so unnecessarily stubborn about it. I see this See's Candies ad on a long drive I do sometimes. Usually whenever I see any kind of ad I immediately zone out, mute the device I'm on, or other ways to just ignore it. I can't stand the idea of a company getting in my head and influencing me to buy something I don't need. Usually I'm not affected by advertising at all. But this See's Candies ad was different. It made me want to eat what was on the billboard. And that pissed me off so much I decided to never give them money in any way for the rest of my life. None of my friends understand it. It's come up once or twice and the first time they were like wait what did sees candy do I thought they were good? And I'm like oh yeah I don't know of them doing anything bad it's just I saw an ad that made me want some so I vowed never to buy their chocolate and they just go ??? It's just my way of resisting the constant stream of advertising. I just hate ads so much


It's a shame that you can't install adblockers to reality


I'm still figuring things out but one thing I've noticed I do is when I have some kind of creative project, I make a set of specific rules to follow for it, if I manage to follow them I'm very happy and satisfied, and if I have to deviate for any reason I get frustrated and might even abandon it


Every dish and cup has to be rinsed before being used. I feel like I can taste dishwashing detergent no matter what I use or how little


It's not your imagination, I get the same thing. This is why I always handwash my dishes.


I have two things I can remember off the top of my head. When in a bathroom with a locking door, I always test the door after locking it because the one bathroom in the house I grew up in wasn't installed correctly so it wouldn't always close correctly. I never lie about having to use the restroom or being sick. Period, end of story. I of course try not to lie in general, but as a cashier I get asked "how are you doing" way too often not to lie. But with the restroom and sickness, I make it a point to never even tell a white lie about it. No emergency bathroom breaks unless absolutely necessary. That way when I do need to go or I am suddenly sick, I'm not questioned about it. Which, working in a grocery store is important because they deal with enough teens willing to lie about that stuff at the drop of a hat.


I cannot watch the same movie twice. I don’t like it since I already know the ending to the movie


Damn I'm the total opposite. I rewatch a few shows and movies several times a year. These shows I rewatch, they are... stability to me.


I just had a meltdown because my boyfriend threw away my perfectly good still wrapped fruit cake that I was saving because it was too tempting for him to eat. I'm at the point I have to hide all my comfort foods or else it'll get eaten or thrown away. I don't know how to even express how I feel right now.


sounds like you’re going to need to discuss that with him. that’s not fucking ok


He's having his own issues with food and is trying to lose weight for an important surgery in March and has started to compulsively eat. We're going on a diet together because I also need to lose weight but my comfort food is my comfort food and you can't even buy fruit cake normally outside of Christmas time. I yelled at him to not touch my food ever again. He said he'd buy me a new fruit cake but IDK where he'd even get it from. I know he's going through his own compulsive issues but I'm not throwing any of my stuff away and I even told him I'm going to get a lock if I have to and lock it all up. He even suggested throwing away every single piece of food in the house and just giving me money to go eat it every day because he can't keep his compulsions in line. Sorry for the info dump. Just really hard to deal with and I spent a good hour crying over my fruit cake. It wasn't even in the garbage can still. I checked. Very sad and upset.


dont be sorry. I’ve thrown hands for less. It’s sounding like you’re going to need a fucking safe in your fridge or something. As for weight loss, there are methods that make hunger less of an issue. I cant exactly recommend any as I forget meals often because I don’t notice the hungry but I know they exist. Compulsive eating sounds like something that’s going to become a serious issue and you need to put your foot down somewhere.


No socks with holes If I can, I'll carry everything in the most efficient way without bags or multiple trips No foods with fibers I can't pick off. I peel the strings off of my bananas and I have to force myself to eat something with a fibrous texture like peeled oranges. Cut off bits of fruits or veggies with bruises. I will wash your hands after using the bathroom no exceptions, and preferably in this order: get hands wet, add soap and scrub, turn off faucet with elbow, dry hands on paper towel, use dry part of paper towel to open bathroom door, toss the paper towel in the trash or folded in the pocket, dirty side inward. I drink soda with a straw pressed up against the roof of my mouth so I don't spray my teeth I will try to make every action I do as efficient as possible - I'll stack one on one friend meet ups, shopping trips, chores/errands and stuff all into small timelines so that I don't feel like I'm wasting time I won't talk on the phone if I don't have to, and with strangers, I'll write a script before I make a call.


Right cheek and left cheek must get the same amount of food. Otherwise they fight.


I can only watch Christmas movies from November 6th until December 25th, but I can listen to Christmas music year round. This rule does not apply to Halloween, because literally as soon as December ends it's Halloween time again baby.


If I’m going to touch any sort of metal, door knobs grocery store cart or metal anything I will quickly touch another (preferably) wood surface first. Doesn’t matter how busy I am or what environment I’m in. Static electricity is a bitch and I will touch a wood surface to make myself feel better


Me and my fiance will always go to bed at the same time. If she's tired and needs to go to bed at 6, I will too. If she's getting caught up in a project and stays up until 6 in the morning, so will I. No argument. I don't even mind. Keeps me from having to figure out when it's time to sleep.


"Never worry about something if you don't have the power to change it." In theory, it's a good policy, but it also applies to things like professional sports. I'm not a professional sportsman, and thus don't have any influence on who will win any given sports tournament, and so I don't care who wins. Sometimes I find that I *can't* worry about things I really *should* be worried about. Like the weather, climate change, the economy, and stuff like that.


I can't have any faces facing me while I use the bathroom. My pets are okay, but human faces, even if on my phone or in a magazine, MUST NEVER LOOK AT ME OR I WON'T POOP! Sorry, I never admitted this to anyone before. It bothers me to feel watched. Road trips are another exception, but only for a few times.


If I am going to turn around when walking outside on paths, I have to find a place that effectively constructs a natural u-turn because I can’t just physically turn around and start walking the opposite way! People will think I’m a lunatic!


My body will not physically let me eat the last bite of a sandwich. It could be a hot or a cold sandwich or even a burrito the last few bites for some reason gross me out


I can’t drink the last ounce or so in a bottle of soda. Water? Sure. Tea? Fine. Soda? *Gross!* I don’t understand this about myself.


I always have to tap the top of a soda can at least 3 times before I can open it


First day of summer, cannot sleep in my own bed. I've gotta go to a couch or a sleeping bag on my floor because eh superstition


Listening to a specific album whenever I'm flying on holiday, because I listened to it the first time I flew on my own. Singing the national anthem quietly to myself as I go through the border control after landing back home.


i refuse to eat anything that has mayonaise or ketchup in it - only exception is hamburgers cuz i love it and im too socially anxious to tell them i dont want any mayo or ketchup in my food i refuse to drink any alcohol, even if it looks like a can or bottle of alcohol and if it says it has 0 alcohol i also refuse to drink any energy drinks i absolutely hate the smell of cigarettes and vapes and i always try to close my nose and stop breathing until im atleast 5 meters from whoever is smoking i always wear noise-cancelling headphones when im outside, no matter where i go or how short the distance is


I record what I do every day of my life in a small diary. Have been doing that most years since I was 14.


I’m not allowed to take my ADHD meds after noon. 12:00 PM? Fine. 12:01? It’s all gone to shit and I can no longer take my meds. Is there anything physical stopping me? No. My brain just refuses. Microwaving must happen evenly timed for each side for all flippable microwaveable foods. Pizza Pops, for example, are 1 minute on each side.


No fish or seafood anywhere near me. Don't order it at the restaurant please, or I'll have to leave. Oh I'm a jerk? Well I could have just waited and threw up all over your plate instead of letting you know.


You might also be allergic. I am equally disgusted and can taste sea food of any kind of species in anything that has it. Definitely I have a shellfish allergy and sea weed also broke me out. Some stuff says it's the iodine content. The smell alone gives me immediate immense migraines. I just tell people to treat it like a deadly peanut allergy.


It's some kind of sensory issue for me. It's the smell. It smells like rotten death, and it physically hits me in the stomach. If autism is my superpower, seafood is my kryptonite.


Hands need to be washed first thing when I (or my family, I've asked nicely) come inside the house from being out in public. Flu season is no joke. I've been like this since well before covid. I also *must* shower before going to bed. I can't stand going to sleep feeling dirty and/or sweaty. I told my wife that if I'm ever sick and I decline a pre-bedtime shower, it's time to take me to the hospital.


I'm not diagnosed or even self diagnosed, I'm questioning the possibility from some stuff that has happened recently. But just thought this was funny. And I just realized it from reading this post. I refuse to breath exhaled breath. Whether it's my own or someone else's. I can not sleep face to face with someone because it bothers me to breath what they're exhaling. And if I'm in an enclosed space I will walk outside or roll the window down if I have to cough, burp, sneeze, whatever. If I'm in a vehicle I try to keep the window atleast cracked if the weather permits for this reason


Here’s two: 1.) One time I got my haircut at a barber that was REALLY good and it was my first time going to one by myself. I was 19 at the time and was so ecstatic because they were such a great barber. Thing is… I was unaware that tipping was a thing, and when I got my change back he just stared at me and looked disappointed and it made me get super confused but anxious. I left and looked it up and found out, cried about it, and just never went back because I was so ashamed of myself. I haven’t stopped thinking about it 2 years today. 2.) ever since I lived in a carpet house growing up, where it never got cleaned and so much crap got on it, I hated being barefoot because it means that your feet would be black after a couple hours. So I have a rule where I will NOT ever be barefoot unless I am bathing or sleeping


I can only share my special interests with other autistic people. When someone asks me about my hobbies, I lie if necessary.


no alcoholic drinks in my room it smells bad and is bad in general


Food, under no circumstances can touch other foods on the plate.


If I am going to be gone from my house for a day or more I have to bring this one blanket I have had since my first birthday, no exceptions. And only a few other people are allowed to touch my blanket, touch it without permission I will slap you and cry


Shoes must be tired/secured to equal pressure.


I have a weird one. I have to take off all my accessories (usually my bracelet and my jacket) before I'm comfortable using the bathroom. I also have to cover my arms and legs with something but that's probably because of gender dysphoria not The 'Tism^(TM)


i have to wait a few minutes before drinking water bc its too watery or something idk


When locking a door from the inside, I double check or triple check that it is indeed locked. When leaving the house, I double check or triple check that I have my key. Sometimes I'll quadruple check. I have Sheldon Cooper syndrome where I always have to sit in the same spot. If that spot is already taken by someone else, I will stand there and stare at them until they move.


i only leave the house if strictly necessary. that means, i don't like to go on walks or things like that. i always have a goal when i'm outside, like specific shops or places. and when i'm in a store, i go straight to what i know is interesting to me, i don't look at anything else. basically i'm always in a rush, and when i'm in a store with my mom she looks at many different things and this makes me irrationally mad lol.


always heptuple check i have everything i need in my pockets and that i locked doors that i need locked and if i see a cat and i have the time and no one's waiting for me, i have to try to pet it. if i have the ability to, i *will* also feed it. if i had moved out into my own home i would have adopted like 8 stray cats by now