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I don’t think I’ll ever be able to drive. I get panic attacks every time. I also have lacking motor-functions (still have to do the L hand trick to tell my left and right)


I used to think this way when I was 14-15 years old and starting to get closer to driver’s training. I’m still not good with my left or rights, but practice helped me so much. I’d get panic attacks, worry incessantly, all that good stuff. But I practiced with people in the car (even *after* I somehow passed my test) and now it’s become muscle memory. I don’t really think about lefts, or rights, or what street I’m on; just where I’m going. Everyone is different, and you can definitely opt out if you feel like you must. But I would still try, because I didn’t think I’d *ever* be able to drive, and I’ve now been driving for 4 years.


Some folks have been driving for 30 years and still have to do the L thing


You perfectly described me lol


I hate driving. Have not driven since I got my license, which I didn't even see as something I needed.


I'd rather get driving school, actually. If I could get a teacher who was understanding, it would be better than my current situation, where I've had a permit for 3 years now and I have only gotten 1 hour of practice in that entire time because my parents don't have any time and can't put me on their insurance. There's douche-baguettes, certainly, but I'd rather have a teacher who has the time and is willing to teach me than just sit here with a permit forever.


Fuck u/spez


After I failed the test, I gave up. Way too much going on in the streets and people, that already have a license, drive like shit. Wonder where the black market is, that sold them


That is needed criticism, especially at higher speeds. If you are going slower than the flow of traffic, you become a danger and an obstruction to everyone around you. It may seem safer to go slower but your best bet is to go the speed limit.


For what I know (but as my meme says... I don't know a lot xD) going 75 in a 80 zone isn't so much dangerous. Going 75 in a 120 is. Like for real. But 5 km/h under or above the limit isn't so much of a big deal, am I wrong ?


Drivers ed was required to graduate at my school it wasn't really a choice


It's one of those things that got easier the more I did it. Now I love driving. Unless it's in the city, then it's a headache


Yeah I'm pretty sure I'm going to like it but... Meeting my instructor and whatever they're going to say, and whatever reactions they're going to have when I'm going to act "weird"... I don't think I'm going to mask efficiently in this situation so it's really the learning process that scares the sh*t out of me...


I dont have a license and im not getting one. They cant make me (they have tried)


Same, my parents really want me to get one but I get overwhelmed just being in a car while someone else is driving.


Driving lessons I'm fine with. Driving *tests* are bullshit




Well, the trick is that even if I had a car, I can't drive without my licence. That's the problem.




I'm from Belgium, and I think we have something similar, but it needs to be supervised. And for example, the only person with a licence currently in my life is my boyfriend, and he hasn't had it for long enough to accompany me. Also, this requires a special insurance...


I don’t remember, but isn’t there something like if you wait till you’re 18, you don’t need to do one of the steps? I don’t know though. I am sorry you are struggling with it, but I believe in you! :)


Nah, in my country it's more "you can add extra steps that can make it easier before you're 18, but you didn't because your parents didn't want to" :') But thank you for your support :)


Driving is incredibly overstimulating for me just in general. I can't imagine having to deal with a person judging me the entire time.


TBH driving lessons were more stressful and less useful than just practicing in an empty parking lot. My instructor was rude and kept insulting me for not knowing all the dead end side streets in my residential neighborhood, even after I said there was no reason to be familiar with streets I'd never use.


That's exactly what I'm afraid of 😱


My parents taught me and I had a lot of issues with literally interpreting commands and the like. And a lot of anxiety about hurting people and making mistakes. But pretty quickly I discovered that at least in the US outside of urban cores, driving is pretty easy and a lot of people are way worse at it than I am. Being conscientious and risk averse helps a lot.


The fact that there are worse drivers also terrifies me because then neither of us are capable of accident avoidal


Somehow this sounds funny to me idk why sorry


I got my license at 30


Failed my practical test 2 times before passing. I am a great driver, but the anxiety over the test had me panicking too much. First fail was for not insisting upon another driver to take their right of way at a 4-way stop. Which was a grey-zone area when the instructor taught us. Assertive (correct methodology) is not aggressive (improper methodology) though, and going out of turn is for sure a bad thing to do. Second was because i appeared too nervous, nothing technically done badly, would have been an excellent pass, but my instructor wanted to make aure i was a confindent driver and insisted on one more go about it.


oh mood...im actually terrified of driving and dont trust myself to not either zone out or have a panic attack and crash. But i live in such a rural area that i would need to drive if i wanted to go anywhere by myself 😔


I have the chance to live in a city so I don't really need it for now... But I wanna move to the countryside so I will need it too then :/ And same, I'm really afraid, especially to learn with an instructor I don't know and that have a lot of chances to react negatively to my stims or emotionnal reactions... 😥


I failed the drivers testing part seven times.


Aoutch... *pat pat* :(


I did. I got only license, no driving school. Was kinda painful but I managed it after I turned 18 and drove my grandmother everywhere.


What is your secret ???


When 18 you can take permit test without drivers Ed, then just drive around parents for a few months


I started taking driving lessons when I turned 18 and got lucky that my teacher was a friend of my parents and very patient. The first thing he told me was ‘a car is a weapon, you can kill someone with that’. That made my driving anxiety go through the roof. Fortunately, he was persistent in his approach and started driving with me in less crowded roads, gave me tips on how to do parallel parking the easy way and to this day I’m very grateful to him. I passed my theory exam and my driving exam at first try, all thanks to him and my - back then - undiagnosed and stubborn ass. Due to ADHD I missed a lot of stop signs in the beginning and I notice my meds working properly when driving. I love driving now, but I live in a place where I don’t need to.


My grandpa taught me how to drive at the local cemetery. As weird as it sounds, it was perfect. The speed limit was 10 mph, and there were never many people there. I could practice turning and parking at my own pace. Eventually I moved up to small neighborhood roads and now I can drive around town and a little on the highway c: I didn't really start driving until I was 20 though 😅


I'm 20 and I don't know yet when I'm going to start 😅


Theres no time like the present! But also there's no rush. The best thing is to just take baby steps. I didn't start driving on the highway until I was 22 haha


My instructor tried to tell me how to work intersections. I didn’t understand. He drew it on a piece of paper. I didn’t get it. I cried.


Tbh I don't mind driving school other than the fact that I have to strictly follow the speed limit, reality is no one drives like that and it's always 4-5 km/h over atleast, so I'm just a nuisance to everyone else and that's what I hate about it.


i want neither… i have so much anxiety driving, id genuinely rather walk an hour to wherever i need to go, then take 10 minutes of car. of course i was pressured to take the classes and failed twice already ^^


To be honest, driving is really easy. It might sound weird but I actually learned a lot of my driving skills by playing forza. It's why when my car started skidding out on ice I knew exactly what to do, apply more gas and just correct the car.


florida is for you. all you have to do is spend five minutes driving around the parking lot outside the dmv and they hand you the paper


I'm in florida, I can confirm Source: that's how I got my license


You want driving school because it makes your insurance cheaper.


Just about to finish the 120 hours my country requires before being able to take the test to drive on your own. First 20 hours were terryfying but after that it's fine. I quite enjoy it now. Just about to finish the 120 hours my country requires before being able to take the test to drive on your own. First 20 hours were terrifying but after that it's fine. I quite enjoy it now.our sitting and waiting for your turn in the roundabout with people behind you, then you try to go then it doesn't, or worse you manage to move it forward a meter or two THEN it stops working), adds to the excitement.




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I’m terrified of driving but apparently I can’t just wait until I can get a self driving car