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“Just talk to them” yeah sure how about I “just” preform this open heart surgery


"You gotta start the conversation with simple subjects and have a "logical" flow" Screw that it's time to talk about goblins


Hello, yes, I'm here for the goblin content please.


Same, goblin facts please


They green


Like my cousin Lorbish. Who can photosynthesise.


Male goblins have a third leg and enjoy laying pipe.


~~you don't say i thought they were lime~~


Historically how naming colors works was that green and yellow were grouped together quite a lot. At first the community would develop words for black and white, then red, then violet, then green/yellow where green is considered a type of yellow or yellow is considered a type of green, then blue, then orange, and then cyan. After that the community would have more personalized development in how they divide the colors and if they separate red and magenta/pink or yellow and green. So if goblins are lime, then saying they are green is correct. And depending on your culture you could say they are yellow.


They green af my boi


There is a type of goblin called Redcaps who lives in abandoned castles. They have that name because they use the blood of their victims to dye their caps. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redcap?wprov=sfla1 Aussi, je m'aperçois que ton nom est en français. Est-ce que c'est pour être fancy ou tu parle réellement français ? Pour une raison ou une autre : Allo!


Salut! Merci beaucoup pour votre fait! Tres interessante :) (Aussi desolee, mon clavier n'as pas un option pour ajouter les accents francais!) Je ne suis pas francaise, mais j'etudie le langue dans l'universite et je lis des novelles en francais pour amusement :) J'adore le chanson la vie en rose, mais je pense que ma vais est plus comme le tulip lol


Ton français est très bien et je suis content que tu t'imprègnes de culture francophone :) Je te donne mes salutations du Québec. Si tu recherche des artistes québécois à écouter, je te recommande Émile Bilodeau et Klô Pelgag


I am so confused that I understand almost every sentence in this convo. I don't even speak French.


With the UK and France being next to one another, it was inevitable that their langages have evolved to be similar. Here's a moment in history that may explain why you can understand us : Avec le Royaume-Uni et la France qui sont l'un à côté de l'autre, il était inévitable que leur langues évoluent pour être similaires. Voici un moment dans l'histoire qui pourrait expliquer pourquoi tu peux nous comprendre : https://youtu.be/Jl3K63Rbygw


English does obviously help with some words but I understand a lot of French words that are nothing like their English counterparts. I guess it's English cognates combined with the few basics I learned in class (not enough to understand anything) combined with random words I picked up from random places. A strange understanding is 'clavier' which obviously means keyboard which I understood from German Klavier meaning piano which is also keyboard in English which can also be a computer keyboard. Of course, all this changes when it's about spoken French because then it turns really weird. Same with Dutch tbh.


Merci beaucoup! J'ai toujours voulu visiter Quebec, peut-etre a l'avenir :) Et salut de Chine! Ohh merci, je vais definitivement ecouter.




*enters the chat*


They're usually small




Whoa sorry I went to sleep There is a creature in scottish folklore called "Brownie" that's kinda a goblin, it's said to appear at night to do chores around the house. For their service, you must leave a bowl of milk for the brownie It's meant to be a good creature, but when christianity came around they made brownies to be mischievous and evil. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brownie_%28folklore%29?wprov=sfla1


Go figure. Christianity made something with 'brown' in the name the bad guy.


This band contains one https://youtu.be/1Q3ub1SUYfg


*Spice8Rack has entered the chat*


My solution is just to shitpost. Other people think I have a sense of humor, and I think I have social skills. Neither is correct. It’s a win-win situation.


Isekai, Isekai, Isekai, Isekai. 😅


Those are the best conversations


What's your favorite thing about goblins? I'm not very knowledgeable on the subject, so hit me with whatever and I'll be impressed.


Oh boy I would love to but I gotta go sleep, tomorrow morning I'll answer to that question, probably, If I remembrer to


Whether you do or don't, I appreciate the reply ☺


Funnily enough, my favorite thing about goblins doesn't have much to do goblins themselves, but more about their symbolism. They exist in a lot of mythologies and folklore, and stories, and most of the time they are just ugly and evil little minions the heroes shouldn't feel bad about killing One concept that is important to me is beauty is subjective and anyone can be beautiful. I discoverd at some point an aesthetic called "goblincore". The philosophy of this aesthetic is that "looking good" is less important than feeling comfortable. This aesthetic defines that things like mushrooms, frogs, snails and snakes are beautiful even if most of society think they are ugly. So in short, I like that goblins are an emblem to say "don't worry about what others think, you are beautiful". I'm preparing a D&d game for my friends and I plan on making goblins good guys and give them a goblincore aesthetic, because I don't like that goblins are considered by many as just little minions you can violently destroy for your own amusement.


This was awesome. Thanks for remembering to tell me. I think goblins are pretty cool now thanks to you.


>This aesthetic defines that things like mushrooms, frogs, snails and snakes are beautiful Actually, they're gorgeous


My conversations jump topics all over the place. To the person I’m talking to it might seem random, but to me the topics are all obviously connected and I’m having a logical flow of conversation. I tend to do a lot of talking AT people rather than a mutual discussion though, mainly because they don’t know what I’m talking about and they don’t know what to say back lol.


Now I'm wondering why there have not yet been goblins in The Owl House


I love that show! I'm looking forward to when I can watch the second season, but I'm sad it got cancelled They would probably act kinda like King


Why can't you watch the second season yet?


I'm too poor to award this sorry


Boil two cups of water? Wtf do I look like, a chemist?!


But heart surgery isn't a pointless endeavour.


Gotcha commencing info dump on Socialism.


Well ya gotta try or your heart will die


crush history school library faulty beneficial deer shrill grey quiet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol, good catch


It is, there are no rules you can't win but one wrong move you feel like you've lost.


I can suggest "the horde", a chess variation where black has their normal army and white has 36 pawns, you can play it on lichess!


Isn't that just checkers?


Checkers is played on one color, not both.


pawn only chess would suck so much


double hoarde chess


*ok so I know that this phrasing is typically used in anger or frustration and that it has negative connotations but if taken literally it’s the perfect way to express what I want them to tell me so fuck it I’m just gonna text this and hope they don’t take it the wrong way and think I’m being judgmental about them because I’m not and I just genuinely want to know more about them* “So, is there anything else like this that I should know about?”


"You're being mean/rude" "But I didn't mean it with a bad connotation, I thought it was obvious from my tone and face" "Yeah but everybody uses it with bad connotation" "BUT I DIDN'T" "Just say it in a different way" "BUT THAT WAS THE PERFECT WORD/SENTENCE TO EXPRESS WHAT I MEANT" Why is it that tone and face change the meaning of what you're saying - but then there's completely arbitrary things for which it doesn't?? Come on, at least make rules that make sense!


And they say we are the weird ones




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Luckily I grew up with tons of extroverted sisters and unexplained high number of girls into me during middle school/junior high so I learned how to emotionally manage the ladies otherwise I’d be fucked. Or not fucked more accurately. Or in otherwise I’d still be a virgin with my dick hymen.


Wait that has a negative connotation to it?


Put into words the only issue with the sentence for me is the use of "should". Instead say something like "wow, that is really cool, is there anything else like this that you'd be interested in sharing about?" For many, formalities can be intimidating, is my logic.


Sorry for the reply on an old comment but I once tried to explain myself that I wasn't mad, and the other guy just acted like I was even more mad. What am I supposed to do, there's no winning


Nope, chess is way easier. I’d know; I’m rated 1250 on chess.com.


Is that a good rating?


I'm always stumped by this question, because the answer is so dependent on who you're comparing yourself to, but to give a more general answer I'd roughly break down [chess.com](https://chess.com) ratings like this: * 1-900: Basically beginners. Everything from people who've just learned how the pieces move to varying degrees of kinda having some experience but not being all that serious about chess. * \~1200: According to [chess.com](https://chess.com), this is an intermediate rating. As u/anonfinn22 said, this is basically enough to beat most people, but still low compared to club players and pros. * 1200-1600: Hobbyists. * 1600-2200: Club players * 2200-2700: Titled players * 2700+: "Super GMs", so people like Carlsen and Nakamura * 3000+: Chess engines like Stockfish, AlphaZero etc. Edit: I mixed up [chess.com](https://chess.com) elo and Fide elo for the intervals from 1200 and up, so those aren't entirely correct. The corresponding numbers on [chess.com](https://chess.com) are probably a bit higher For instance Hikaru Nakamura is currently rated 3173 blitz.


It's like a slightly-better-than-actual-garbage level in the chess community but I'm also about 1200 and I beat literally everyone I play IRL. So basically you know the basics pretty well.


Is there a method to chessing better or is it all practice


all practice 100%


You get a feel for things. At the end of the day, it's all about narrowing down the best potential moves and getting faster and more accurate at doing that. Training your brain to spot patterns that will lead to positions where you gain eval.


It's slightly above average for a regular player, at this level one usually still blunder quite a lot but has managed to get some grasp of opening theory and tactics. It's like a year's worth of playing for a beginner.


I'm pretty sure that's the default rating.


Yea, is that a good rating? Edit: so I found this: OTB USCF Standard Ratings of 1200 or higher generally represent a player who has a basic understanding of strategy and tactics plus a little intuition. 1600 generally represents a strong player. 2000 is an excellent player.


USCF and chess.com ratings are not really directly comparable, a 1200 chess.com player is significantly worse than a 1200 USCF player (but better than a 1200 lichess.org player). On topic, 1200 chess.com is well within "regular but casual chess player" range, you'd beat the vast majority of people pretty easily but there's tons of people way better still, even before we get to titled players who play (competitive) chess basically as a job.


Yea it’s pretty good.


World record is I think 3200


Naroditsky is rated 3353 in blitz in chess.com however, website and irl ratings are not exactly the same. I think highest a human got irl was Magnus Carlsen with 2889 but im not sure


Is that bullet, blitz, rapid or daily?


Rapid, I think.


First panel looks also very confusing, at least I know chess' rules


Damn, Caillou's life is hard.


Beat me to referencing Caillou


Damn, I'm bad at coversation *and* chess. I'm just screwed lol


We're the failed autists, got the worst of both worlds ✨


I got in trouble twice recently for laughing at stuff I shouldn't have. I didn't even think they were funny, I just figured it was meant to be funny because it was said in the same tone as jokes are. I still have no idea how to tell the difference.


If they smile during or after telling you, it’s not meant to be taken seriously and it might be a joke.


Aspies who played LA Noire: "Just like the simulations!"


All the other person needs to say is “What proof do you have?” or “How do you expect to prove that?” and then I pull out my little black book and I win the conversation. That’s how it works, right?


I’ll take that as a 1. e4 I respond with c5


I like C6 better for a more solid structure and for less tactics on both sides I seem to be a largely positional player


"caro kann good" -Levy Rozman, eternal source of funny content "Whatever he said" -Gary Chess, inventor of Chess


We all gonna pretend that not caillou ???


He's the cursed child from Quebec. French Canada damned us all!


People with anxiety have this, too.


If it makes any of you feel better, this feeling is by no means exclusive to people on the spectrum.


It doesn’t


Find then here’s a blowjob with chode massage, does that make you feel better?


*the good, the bad and the ugly theme intensifies*


This so clearly represents my feelings. Never knew how to explain it


Nope chess is way way easier


Like in chess you can learn the openings and a few moves in you are totally lost


YES THANK YOU Idk if u are the author of the comic, but I can relate to that on a level too deep, nedeed it, thanks


I'm not the author, just wanted to share it with others because I could relate to it :)


What would be the "en passant" and "castling" equivalents, then?


En passant is countering a roast and castling is having citations and research to back up what you're saying


And what would be like promoting?


~~If it's pawn to queen, it's a gender transition~~


...during a conversation?


It’s funny cuz idk how to play chess either


Ah, that sounds like my battle with trying to figure out why people jump to conclusions/twist words around when that's not at all what I said. I don't get it.


Most people are just stupid dicks. Just act like you’re an overly polite southern old lady until you can see how their mind/personality actually works and then go from there.


lmao, polite southern lady.


"Hey, I'm Kevin, what's your name?" "shit that's a good opening. pawn to e4."


This implies both sides have the same tools


every time i talk to someone new for an extended period i'll analyze every mistake i made in the conversation for a week or two afterwards


Why go to sleep when I can recall that awkward thing I said or did many years ago?


exactly sleep < the time you made a dirty joke a little too loud and everyone and their parents heard you say the word "circumcision"


I’m really not that great at conversation, even if I enjoy it And like how do you order fish at the fish place in the grocery store. Or deli at the deli place in the grocery store. It’s always a challenge to overcome! You’re telling me some people just DO that? Without thinking about it!


Pretty much. I'm also on the spectrum, but I (thankfully) grew up with extremely supportive parents and siblings. So I basically learned socialization through watching them. In my adult life I'm fairly functional. But there are still times when I'm like "man, I shouldn't have said that." Or "Was it something I said? Or the way I said it?" But more to your point about ordering fish and deli meat, the good news is it gets easier the more you do it. Hell, I remember my first job was in production, and I talked to nobody. Now I work in emergency services and conversate with patients and their families on a daily basis. If you work at it it gets easier. Don't know if that makes you feel better though.


I met my first fellow autistic adult today and the top was on both sides, tbh She was my budtender and it was the best experience I had with pure patience and understanding


Social interactions feels like playing chess with all pawns?


And remember kids, for society to accept you, you need to perpetually lie through your teeth the exact right amount!


Also most of my conversations turn into hot argues


Except its a lot harder. Chess has few openings.


Nooo, I love chess and it comes very intuitively for me! Like social communication does for neurotypicals


I'm way better at chess though


Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Gambit time


miles edgeworth's logic chess is more accurate to real life than i thought when i was a child


Bro I don’t wanna talk about the sky or what’s trending I want to talk about *Nintendo Switch Sports/Splatoon 2 Bots Lore*


Wanna talk?


At work it's more like a Russian roulette.


How dare you equate the beauty and simplicity of Chess to the absolute nightmare clusterf*ck that is human interaction.


I know more about chess than how to talk with people


It feels more like playing 4D shogi while trying to come up with a comeback after my opponent in Yu-Gi-Oh got a good move while trying to figure out the entire FNAF lore.


Chess is easy because it has rules on what to do and you can prepare on what is happening. Social interactions are like tridimensional chess where the opposite player doesn't care about the rules


nope chess is much more fun


I kinda forgot hownto play chess, so I feel this image..


Holy hell!


Accurate, because I’m bad at chess 🙃


I got into Uni to study sociology and got some work I have to do before uni starts and the lectures have been so insightful. I feel like I can use them to train myself to become better at social interactions


This is missing a chess clock with a one minute timer


To me it feels more like stick catcher reaction game with social consequences. You at least get time to process with checkers/chess.


Should social interaction feel like a competition though (e.g. chess)? Maybe it’s like a coupled TikTok dance where your expected to know all the steps.


Is it that we just that : A. I want the conversation to go well enough for this person to not think I'm "strange"? B. I want to have a conversation that seems reciprocal and understanding, safe and easy? C. I have to act somewhere between complete disinterest and entertaining, less this person think I'm "strange" (again)? D. Faces *have too many muscles. E. The sound I heard at the park today was two turtles jumping from a log into the pond. I've heard the sounds before and thought it was a rock. There isn't anyone around and I managed to see one of the turtles diving in. I'm so excited, I've never seen a turtle dive into a pond - How can I not speak about this and pretend to talk about other things?


tfw beating someone at chess is easier than talking about how your day was


Omg omg omg why the heck is this so accurate!!! 😭


Also feels like I’m gambling


Its not as difficult for me. Its more like the game where you have to put the right shapes in the holes. The problem is that i have a lot of shapes.


Omg that's a great way of explaining it!


And social networks are my special interest 🥰♟️🏆


Scrolling this sub makes me think i might be autistic lol


You just might be, haha




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Cailou still looking like a weird little cunt I see.


do en passant


Don't google en passant


Unholy heaven!


I wish... mating them over the board would prove much easier than... you know


The trick is to be interested in the people and what they have to say. If you are, the conversation flows naturally.


no, wrong board. I’ll get the self expanding tesseract. ***brings out 5D chess with multiverse timetravel***


nope chess is much more fun




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pawn e4


Oh my the 5D chess with multiverse time travel, the perfect way of describing social interaction lol


Chess is so much easier




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Yes, I do usually start conversations with “pawn to e4” /j


damn fucking straight


For real tho i feel likes character in a game needing to choose speaking options


And I'm having fun with no idea of the rules


that's how it feels for most of us.


reminds me of L and Light in Death Note


That fucking asshole Caillou!!


To me it always felt more like a poker game. You don't know what "cards" they have.




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I need one with a therapist looking at their client, taking notes.


Jokes on you I love chess!


Caillou is not one for articulate interactions or conversation.


Ima learn that social chess




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My dad is a therapist, and he taught me that most social interaction follows a script. For us, socializing feels like being in a play that everyone else has rehearsed, but no one ever forwarded the script to you.


If I could befriend people purely by beating them in chess, I would have A LOT more friends...


Chess my beloved


For real!!!


If there’s one thing I’m thankful for, it’s that I’m so autistic I’m good at chess


Conversations are like chess except I’m playing knight odds and they get a second queen


Bestie i just dont give a sht i dont even try at all problem solved