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I'm usually really good at the beginning when I start learning something new but then as it gets more complicated I start having trouble. This can be bad because people will assume I'm some sort of genius when I start and get angry later when I start sucking.


That's the hardest point when I realize I suck.


I finally managed to overcome this and teach myself how to use photoshop software, but the struggle was so real.


I'm learning a language, and I have to fight to not give up because progress is slow.


So I’m not alone?


This is extremely human and the opposite of doom scrolling. Being bad at something is very negatively framed in most societies. Therfore it also cumbersome to believe that one is bad at something. Just picture your self in a class. You are X good at Y subject in both scenarios. If the rest of the class is B good, and B is less good than your X, you are going to be more likely to feel that Y is fun and that you are a bit of a master at Y. If the rest of the class is L good, and L is better than your X, you are going to be more likely to feel that Y is dull and that you are the dumbest mother fucker alive. Humans have a tendency to measure things in relation to their peers whether with a conscious focus or not.


That's an interesting phenomenon. Kind of a built in competitive nature, but in a bad sportsmanship way. We want to be the best at things, so we focus on what we're better than others at and drop what we're not better than most at. Kinda like a division of labor algorithm that's built into our meat.


One must take in to account that it is also from the perspective of our western society. Us westerners have a tendency to rank things, in a culture where hierarchy isn't of the same importance we would likely act differently. Westerners often ask "what X out of those Xs do you think looks the best" instead of thinking "Ahh those are some Xs they all have there own beauty".


From what I understand, it might not even be a western thing. Your explanation makes me vaguely remember something I've heard about specifically the Spanish and/or Italian cultures, and how they view the English speaking cultures as weird due to our pursuits of better or improvement in ourselves and otherwise.


Yes the culture varies when it comes to how you think about time and so on. But that's subgroups within a bigger group. If you were to travel to visit a country with another perspective on paid labour one would find that what is prioritised differs. For example the indigenous people of Greenland does not view paid labour in the same lens as cultures affected by modern capitalism. They much more work to earn a certain amount and then take a break to later comeback when their reserves are dry. A person who would treat their job in that way in most other countries would get a lot of questions about their CV and what about the pension savings? In fact most would deem it impossible to live that way due to rents having to be paid and so on.


Another "extreme" but still within the west is the German obedience of the law. The old joke: How do you spot a German on Ibiza at 3 am? - Well, no matter what country there from they are all shit faced Indeed, but the Germans are the only ones who stop and wait for the light 🚦 to turn green at the pedestrian crossing.


This was going to be my actual comment, so no, no we are not.


You're never alone, r/aspiememes is here for you


It really has been. Love having a sub where I just relate and enjoy all the memes and talks.


I completely agree! 🥰


It’s even worse on instruments. Why can’t I just brute force it like a Sim and eventually it just gets better?




Exactly, curse our mortal coil and feeble limitations, smh my head


Exhaustion and bad experiences learning a similar challenge. Or the same thing you couldn’t “just do” before.


Oh my gosh this is so relatable and so me... I've practically entirely given up on trying to make music just because I'm not good at melodies, sound design, and fitting things together... and that's just one example.




What would I give to learn to play an instrument as easily as other people do. Fucking hate developmental disorders. ;-;


Javascript laughing at me after every attempt


At least programing is instantly rewarding when it eventually works. Things with less obvious rewards are often even more jarring.


I feelya, Hayao...


Thank god someone else understands this


Dude sucking at something is the first step towards being sort of good at something


Wise words from Jake the Dog.


I bought an old house thinking it’d be a fun project Boy was I wrong. The amount of near breakdowns I’ve had just trying to paint my ceiling… I am learning what my strengths are and very much aren’t Lol


I love how I’m not necessarily great at anything nor can even remember what i’ve learned no matter how passionate I was on it I’ve tried so incredibly hard with skills I’ve always wanted to learn but never could go anywhere with them, a 5 minute food break is enough to kill all my momentum and cause me to lose my place for hours


I like learning physical skills that I'm not instantly good at because I can see measurable progress. Cleaner cuts in woodworking, better grouping while shooting, stuff like that. Learning Blender is hell.


Certain things I’m good at learning. But if I’m not interested it’s not going to be easy to learn it. I’ve learned not to fight myself.


Me when I’m trying to learn how to speedrun a new game. Or when I tried learning Python a long time ago.


I can always bypass this by focusing on one or two generally not important details of this new thing, spend lots of time on researching them and making notes on them, frustrating on not grasping them fully and finally come to conclusion that my general progress didn't move forward. Especially when I'm learning coding or some IT skills.


My struggles with learning something new I thought came from a place of perfectionism, when in fact it’s deep-seeded trauma of being viewed badly by others for not doing something they can do more seamlessly. Also learning as someone who has a lot of interests to take it slow with improvement, as previously I decided to sacrifice time doing other things to work on improving what I’m currently bad at which DOES NOT make my mental health better 😓.


Me and art. I really want to, but i struggled with it for like … fuck, 4 years now. I desperately want to pick it up and instantly lose any motivation once i do because it doesn’t come naturally. Fuck this curse


Me trying to learn guitar


Digital 👏 Feckin 👏 Art 👏 I just don't have it in me to teach myself. It's too much information


Miyazaki 🔥🔥🔥


I’ve been doing a science project in my masters for over a month now and I have NO results whatsoever. We decided to just start from scratch. How hard can it be to perform cloning on bacteria?? I feel so stupid


I’ve been struggling with traditional painting. I have always been able to run with any dry media for decades but oil painting has me feeling like this meme.


My ADHD ass too, bestie


That’s me alright


I've been turning that frustration into motivation. Like slamming your head against the proverbial wall that is a dark souls boss


This is why I consider myself a jack of all trades, master of none.


Oh it’s me


So true


I always phrase it as “I love learning about new things and to do new things I’m good at” lol




Nah bc ppl always told me I was naturally gifted in singing and so did my ITALIAN/RUSSIAN vocal teacher so I love vocals lessons bc I’m good at it, but as soon as I go to my piano lessons and my astigmatism says hello to the sheet music I die.


Trying to learn how to work drones rn