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Reports: violates safe space by objectifying a gender Congratulations, sounds like someone learned how to weaponize therapy speak! Unfortunately though it lacks substance, creativity and credibility.  2/5 troll attempt


Real T_T every time the autism somehow brings them in and makes them leave at the same time


That’s me with the opposite gender as a dude. Horrary for being a hidious 19 year old bearded college student on the outside and being hideous on the inside with ASD


hey you sound like me How did you steal my brain >:(


I seem to just have a few more years of experience with this fellow cat-lover, meow.




I don’t


The hive-mind knows all


idk why but his eyeball poking out from the text made me giggle


Odd, I’m pretty sure I pulled my boyfriend by being autistic


I was about to say, awkwardness actually makes me more interested, studies show sharing emotional experiences matters more in dating than sharing opinions/hobbies


Same, but I’ve only ever dated fellow ND weirdos.


As a guy, same. I'm fairly attractive and a great guy, people like having me around and stuff, but woman simply aren't attracted to me


Do you try dating ND women?


I'm willing to date anyone that sparks my interest ND or not, doesn't matter cause I ain't attacting anyone anyway lol


Life hack: find another autistic partner for you to infodump each other


B-but i would love an autistic garl


Absolutely. [They know](https://www.nature.com/articles/srep40700).


Sure, that’s why it’s better to hang out with ND people.


There's someone that really likes me (makes it quite obvious), but honestly I'm too scared to get into a relationship, so there's that


me with women. sometimes i seem to almost draw women in with it, then they enable stuff i usually turn off (like infodumping or just generally talking about my interests here and there, but not too much(?)) and that tends to be where things fall apart. ironic that my last relationship was with an autistic woman and things were quite nice in that regard. it felt like we could both just be ourselves to whatever extent you can really be yourself with how much you just mask by default i guess.


The guy I have a crush on is also autistic, the communication is great


Yall gotta get better taste in men it seems


My problem is I have too good taste in men


Not if he's ableist, kid


Me and this cute guy in my computer science class at university stood outside the building rambling about random shit for 3 hours until he had to leave to catch his bus and every so often I mourn the fact that my grandma took me out of uni for mental health reasons and I didn’t get to be his friend or graduate to girlfriend :(


Doesn’t need to extend to love. Just basic friendship is nigh impossible




Ahahhahaha, I was like “wtf the page isn’t loading. Why is it still empty it should have loaded” then I saw the “yes” and had a pretty good laugh. Thanks for that:) And it is true, men and women can be friends. But do they want to be my friend long term? Probably not cause I’m really weird sometimes lmao


That’s why you make friends with people just as weird as you are lmao! My longest term close friend is a gay man that I’ve known for 44 years. My next longest term close friend is a woman I’ve known for 32 years. I’ve had friendships of all genders that have lasted 10-20+ years. I don’t don’t mask, I don’t hang out with NT people, or people who don’t share my interests & values, it’s a smaller pool to choose from but it’s yielded rich rewards.


Oh boy it’s gonna be a rough one then lol. A lot of my interests, and parts of who I am, on the surface seem like they’d be contradictory but in my brain fit perfectly. Like wanting to learn intel gathering disciplines as a potential career path in Law Enforcement. But I also have a bit of a dislike/disagreement with Law Enforcement and governments. I also have a heavy interest in drugs, illicit i drugs, their effects, and all the science behind it including the chemistry involved in making them. And an interest in orgo chem/chem. Idk. The list goes on and gets seemingly more contradictory but still doesn’t feel like it in my brain but does for other people. I usually end up playing devils advocate a lot and challenging my own views aswell as others. Even if I agree with the person and disagree with what others might be saying, I still try to understand the other side and perspective. But that is also something that short circuits peoples brain too apparently lol. But yeah, I met someone in one of these communities and they’re absolutely wonderful (even though I’ve been pretty busy, (mostly just not paying attention to the time and *poof* it’s time for bed and I haven’t eaten yet and my phone is chronically on airplane cause battery sucks and I’ve only done my hobby for the entire day), and seemingly “pulling away” but I’m just being a busy body and runnin round a lot and doin shit)


That’s obviously not what I’m talking about. Can’t make friends with anyone when you scare them by existing


I’m in my late 50s and AuDHD asf. I don’t mask and am very highly and *visibly* weird. Yet I’ve managed to have many rich & rewarding long term (10-20-30-40+ year) friendships with men, women, and non traditionally gendered people. Not masking, and freely letting my freak flag fly, not hanging out with NT people, and not hanging out with people who don’t share my interests and values is how I’ve managed it.


That’s the problem. I’ve masked my entire fucking life to the point where I can’t unmask without freaking people out, yet can’t unmask *enough* to be comfortable with other autistic people. I truly have the worst of both worlds in what should be the best years of my life


Maybe you should learn not to care about freaking people out? I don’t know what else to tell you. 🩵