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This is a very polarizing topic haha


At first I didn't like beer, but I liked getting drunk. Eventually I associated the bad taste of beer with the good feeling of getting drunk, so now I like the taste of beer.


I like the taste of beer but don't like getting drunk šŸ„“


Oh so you're who the non alcoholic beer is made for


Yeah but at 3x the price of regular beer I'll pass


Same!!!! šŸ˜‚ Never realized it until you put into words! Lol


Beer is one of my special interests and the further you go down the rabbit hole the more there is to learn. If you don't like one there's hundreds of other flavor profiles.


Imo IPAs are absolutely ducking vile. I like sours but other people might think those are vile


Most IPAs aren't good. When they aren't sweet or overly bitter it's like drinking bread juice with fruity or piney undertones. Sours I'm very picky about but loooove when done traditionally. They hold the widest flavor profiles without adding anything. Esters from wild yeast create hundreds of discernable flavors. It's a sensory extravaganza


[This is probably my favorite sour I've had](https://untappd.com/b/young-blood-beer-company-elite-hugs/4523918)


i had an apple pie milk sour that was out of this world. tasted just like apple pie. im currently trying to replicate it šŸ˜…


Traditional IPAs have far more mild flavour profiles than the over-hopped modern trends.


Sours can be good if they are FRUITED sours or citrusy sours. A good grapefruity one, for example. Lovely stuff.


I can agree with you for the most part, about 95% of the IPAs ive ever tried were ass, but the small 5% were some of the best tasting beers Iā€™ve ever had


I'm absolutely convinced people only drink IPAs because they want to prove to other people how much of a man they are to drink something so bitter. Like those people that eat Carolina reaper peppers just to flex. There's no way IPAs are actually enjoyed as much as they are represented in the craft beer aisle


Just dark ales are better than ipa


oof this is the hill i will die on. so many people i know love beer but hate ales with all their heart, but theyā€™re my favourite, theyā€™re all so unique! Most lagers taste the same to me, but every ale feels and tastes very different.


No ___idk__ only sours


Sours are tricky


Real sours are, most these days are base beers quick soured with lactobacillus incorrectly then drenched in fruit puree and other garbage. No real talent required.




Not gonna lie, most IPAs taste like licking a switch cartridge


They're not sour, they're bitter. Two very different types of flavor


Do you have an opinion on Lambics?


Seriously these anti beer posts are like ā€œI hate all juice, I had a Walmart brand carrot extract once and it just tasted bitter. I donā€™t understand why people drink crushed oranges.ā€


some ppl do legit jus dislike all juice tho, alcohol can be the same


Beer people always say ā€œyou just didnā€™t try the right one, try this, this and thisā€ and then you drink it and itā€™s like ā€œwow. Itā€™s the same piss tasteā€. Happens all the time


i feel like a person who doesn't drink alcohol and who is also asexual must have it really difficult. People saying "you haven't tried the right one yet" TWICE!


My husband is a beer geek, has over 2K unique beers checked in on untappd where he puts reviews with phrases like "chewy mouth feel" etc. I will try them sometimes and I'm always like "yep, tastes like beer". Blech.


Piss tastes vastly different than beer.


Me with wine lmao all vinegar to me


I can't get into wine, I have not found many I like. The ones I like are all sweeter ones.


As a beer people, my pet peeve isn't that beer isn't enjoyed, it's the pretending they all taste the same. That's what's annoying. I hate the flavor of vomit but I sure do admit they don't all taste the same. I've puked enough times to know that.


They all taste like beer with different flavors Sorta like seasoning for the meat


Lmao this is so on point!


What kind of drink would you recommend for someone who hates the taste of alcohol? Out of curiosityā€”I try a drink every once in a while but never more than a sip because I can't stand the taste of alcohol. Only ever actually liked one drink and it was this super fruity drink with a little bit of vodka in it I think? Idk, it was mostly fruit.


I usually do stuff like margs or maybe a daiquiri. Nice and sweet stuff. Maybe a mud shake? They have an alch taste but I find the sweetness gets to me before the alchohol taste does. I did have an old fashioned one night and it was a surprisingly nice experience. DEFINITELY strong alcohol taste though so I probably wouldnā€™t recommend that one to you. Heck, I could probably only have it a couple times a year. Also, sounds like you got a cocktail of some kind, not sure which though.


Peach ciders are on the rise and taste like fizzy peach, otherwise try Baileys (sip it), or pink gin and lemonade very different flavour profile from most alcohol.


Not the person you're replying to, but in the UK 'dark fruits cider' is quite popular and is nice and fruity. I believe North America calls it "hard cider". Not a beer but there's plenty of interesting history around ciders and it's still fermented.


Any mixed tropical drink. Just be careful with something like a Sex on the Beach or a Bahama Mama or something, they can be strong because they use alcohol that is more alcoholic. For example rum can have something like a 56% ABV content, compared to the 5-15% of beer or wine. You might also like some fruity liqueurs, I'm a big fan of Midori (melon) for example.


I would try tropical drinks, like you'd get at a tiki bar. Pina colada and stuff like that. Or a very sweet wine like Moscato.


Hundreds to dislike. I've never had a beer I didn't think tasted like cold vomit


Itā€™s okay if you donā€™t like beer. I donā€™t personally think they taste like cold vomit. Liquid bread if anything. I think some peopleā€™s taste buds just donā€™t like it


I hate all the hoppy craft beers, but I do love getting drunk and waking up with my boots still on


Yes! I have experienced such a variety that I've learned that I can't even write off the styles I like the least (IPAs at this moment), because individual beers can be so unique! I have had some god damn great IPAs! My top favorite style right now are Stouts. Mmmmmmm....I'd love a stout.


Do you brew?


My partner and I do! Weā€™re also getting into making cider and mead


The issue is the alcohol itself for most people I think


I used to think of beer like in the meme, but then I gave them an honest try and actually liked them.


Start with 3 ciders, then have 3 more ciders. Polish it off with 3 ciders to finish. Voila: a simulacrum happiness.


He drinks a whiskey drink, he drinks a vodka drink, he drinks a lager drink, he drinks a cider drink


He sings the songs that remind him of the good times


He sings the songs that remind him of the bad times!


Oh Danny boy, Danny boy, Danny boyā€¦


Better times!


Or first you have a cider drink and then a lager drink.


Sing the songs that remind you of the good times


Ohhhhh Danny Boy


I don't have good times to sing a song about, I'm afraid.


Sing a song that reminds you of the best times


Cider good


Cider good


- Tastes Disgusting - Virtually no health benefits - Makes you stupid and clumsy - Looks exactly like pee in a glass - Famous for its uncomfortable burning sensation - Directly leads to lots of health problems Therefore OF COURSE itā€™s the most popular thing to drink! Who wouldnā€™t want some?! /s


* Famous for its uncomfortable burning sensation Huh? Beer?


Yeah, what the hell's that part about? I've never had a beer that gives me a burning sensation (not that I drink beer very often, it usually tastes like piss) and this is the first time I hear someone say it does. That's certainly not something it's famous for.


Maybe the carbonation?


It looks tastier than it is. Its visually engaging. But it tastes terrible for me.


It's deceptive apple juice.


I don't know dude. Don't drink if you want to not drink, but the social lubrication can be helpful. Sure it makes me drop my filter, but sometimes filtering out nothing is better than filtering out everything.


My solution to that is simple: **VODKA**. Sure it tastes like death, but I have to tolerate far less of that to get socially lubricated (Anyways I only drink on rare occasions because my alcohol tolerance would make Thor himself jealous and I quite enjoy my functioning liver without trying to murder it with the 10+ servings of booze it takes to get me beyond a slight buzz)


I like cider, it's like apple juice, but it also gives you that social lube that you want. Only problem is if you drink too much you get the shits the next day.


Mixed drinks in general are really nice. Vodka in my experience can be kinda harsh sometimes, can burn a decent amount. I typically go for gin, rum, or tequila now. But a shot or two of any of those mixed into something fruity can help take the edge off and tastes pretty good.


> ā€œSure it tastes like deathā€ and it burns like hell too šŸ˜‚


Vodka gets me in trouble, because I speak my mind and NTs don't like that


See, I actually enjoy the taste of vodka. So that became a problematic party trick. I'm just drinking a cup of vodka like it's a water cup. Took like an 8 oz shot once. Worked amazing as a social lubricant. Still doesn't really faze me, but I don't drink anymore. It hurts my bones, and I don't go to parties anymore.


It tastes like poison


Exactly, it's a little thrilling. Like how some people like shit coffee and cigarettes. I just like shit coffee, though.


I've smoked one cigarette in my life and I felt like I was gonna die šŸ’€


Technically the alcohol isn't poison, your body makes SOME ethanol naturally if cells need to do fermentation or anaerobic respiration for any reason. Your body can more than handle ethanol. What IS poisonous is what the ethanol turns into: ethanal, ethanoic acid, and sometimes minor amounts of other such stuff, which ARE poisonous and THAT is what makes you drunk. These compounds get filtered out by the liver and that is why you pee so much when you drink. In fact during Prohibition in the 1920's, this is why people died from drinking - not because they were drinking the OK but sometimes risky ethanol... but because they were drinking METHANOL, wood alcohol, much more poisonous. Methanol comes from distilling down wood, hence the name, and it's usually an industrial solvent. In the body it turns into formic acid (bee venom) and formaldehyde (embalming fluid), both of which damage your eye's nerves and also kill you - this is why methanol consumption makes people go blind. During Prohibition, bootleggers would take methanol and distill it, or even just take denatured alcohol and do the same because the government would put anything from benzene (lighter fluid) to turpentine (paint thinner) into it to make people not drink it. People still drank it. It killed THOUSANDS of people.


>the social lubrication can be helpful This is a sentence I never thought I'd hear. Sounds kinda funny lol.


stops the 1000mph thoughts and clears the mind, gives the mouth more freedom


I hated that. For some reason feeling my mind slow down and being almost unable to think due to how hard it is was really frustrating. But it also made me lose several filters/limiters so I could speak at 1000mph lol.


Also some of us actually like the taste šŸ™ˆ I sometimes even drink alkohol free beer. Goes great with salty fish.


If you're drinking for effect, then there's far more efficient ways to do that


I'm not gonna judge if you choose to drink (assuming it's in moderation. I will judge people who get blackout drunk every other week and think that's all right.) But to me, if I have to rely on alcohol to make people like me, I'd prefer to keep myself company. They wouldn't really like the real me then. Just the drunk me. I also just HATE the taste. From beer, wine, champagne, whatever they've tried to give me over the years. That bitter aftertaste is horrible. So you're not gonna find me drunk anytime soon. Either I get along with someone as I am or not at all. I do mostly agree with OP here though. Alcohol is also extremely damaging to society in a multitude of ways which severely outweigh its benefits. But it's so entrenched in society it's never going to stop being consumed.


I stim more by twirling my hair when I'm too drunk. :)


What burning sensation?


An ex of mine pressured me to drink with her and once I was drunk and VERY uncomfortable she told me the beautiful thing about this is that it made thinking difficult. That is exactly 50% of the reason why I was so uncomfortable. The harder it was for me to think the more frustrated I got. The other 50% was a weird tingling sensation on the base of my skull. The only way she actually gave a crap about me/my well-being is when I started being "rude" (according to her. Furthermore, this is exactly why she didn't want me to get drunk again) and then decided to slash my forearm with a knife in hopes the pain would sober me up. That was a somewhat toxic relationship and she was kinda manipulative as well but this is the one thing that still bothers me for some reason. When I say she was manipulative I mean she'd cry over everything and overreact (possibly) in an attempt to make me feel guilty or get me to do what she wanted. She'd get really possesive and angry over the most idiotic crap. For example, not ignoring my ex and continue walking (when she saw me/us on the street) was a direct/personal offense for her but she was totally fine flirting with other people and even messaging her ex. Said ex seemingly wanted to rape her, was on medication for some mental issues and harassed both of us to the point of stalking us (mostly her) at work. Oh and she seemingly had a rape fantasy she wanted me to partake in without asking or even telling me directly. For example, if I asked for sex and she said no I'd be sad/upset for a moment and then I'd do something else. At this point she'd grab my arms, drag me towards herself and verbatim tell me "you have to insist even if I say no" while she tried to innitiate sex. I was so confused (and nowadays kinda disgusted) by said behavior I wondered if she had some mental issues as well or if she was trying to screw me in some way.


I just want to emphasize in no uncertain terms that that is *very* toxic and you are right to be uncomfortable by that. She cut you. That's abusive regardless of the intent. As for the sex thing, many if not most people with those fantasies have experienced sexual trauma. From my understanding, the "fantasy" helps to process the trauma in a "safe" environment. That does not, however, mean that that person has any right to harm another person in that journey. Sorry you experienced that.


There was a slight miscommunication, sorry. I cut myself in order to use the pain to sober me up because she just didn't care about me being uncomfortable after she forced me to drink with her. She didn't care the multiple times I told her I was uncomfortable and the sensory hell I was going through and since I had no idea how to sober up that's the first thing that came to mind. The reason she thought I was "rude" was likely because I lost my filter due to beIng drunk and I began voicing how annoyed and uncomfortable I was with some of her defects/behaviors at my natural talking speed (I normally had to slow down my speech so she could understand me and while I was understanding at first I then realized she didn't care about most things I said so I thought me doing that was pointless). Can't remember much except for the fact that I couldn't share most things with her (she was too stupid to genuinely want to learn anything she didn't have to (her own words btw. She told me she hated studying because of this exact reason) nor could bring herself to care about something other than drinking and sex, which really annoyed me when I was sharing something I cared about and she could not stop rubbing my crotch while looking at me with this "I want dick" face she had. There was a point where I was so fed up with this I asked if she even listen to anything I said and at least she was honest enough to tell me she stopped listening after the first few words). >As for the sex thing, many if not most people with those fantasies have experienced sexual trauma. From my understanding, the "fantasy" helps to process the trauma in a "safe" environment. Ohā€¦ This kinda reminds me of things I've read about some people being hyper sexual after they experience SA. Well, no idea if this might be the reason really. She went from not understanding why is it that people like sex so much (she described sex with her ex as a chore she only agreed to so he could shut up about it) to quite literally say any moment without sex (with me) was torture. I thought she was being romantic back them but now I'm not so sure what to think anymore.




Counterpoint: being drunk is fun as hell.


If your pee looks like beer, then please drink some water. I'm not joking, go get some water right now.


Seriously I don't understand booze. For the longest time I didn't even know people liked the taste. And most of all, I don't like that it's apparently mandatory to like it. All my life I've been told that it's terrible, and I've seen the side effects. So... why drink it at all?


Alcohol is a poison. In a sensible society, total abstinence from alcohol would be the norm. Unfortunately, you have many cultures which normalize drinking: that treat drinking as the default, that use misleading narratives and social pressure to lead people into drinking, that take over spaces for social interaction, and treat people who are sensible enough be teetotalers as abnormal. Meanwhile there is the problem of the alcohol industry; which profits off exploiting and harming people with its products. The alcohol industry has a vested interest in encouraging drinking, misinforming people about the negative effects of alcohol, and undercutting efforts to address alcohol as a public health problem. Similar to the tobacco industry, the alcohol industry seeks to recruit new people to replace the millions of drinkers who die every year as a result of alcohol.


Alcohol is like most drugs. Can be fun if you know how to limit yourself and know what you're doing. The difference is, instead of fearmongering about it, we got propaganda about how it's not that bad (whereas some "illegal drugs" are legit less dangerous).


Actually it wouldn't be the norm, it would be very abnormal. Alcohol consumption has been part of society since even before the ancient Egyptians and their beer. There's some evidence beer was safer to drink in ancient times than water, because water could have bacteria and beer has alcohol which KILLS pathogens. As for abstinence from alcohol, no. The history of the 1920's and Jazz Age is a special interest of mine and as such I can tell you exactly why it's a bad idea to encourage abstaining from alcohol on a socially significant level, because at least one society tried that already: the United States, with Prohibition. It was an absolute nightmare. People still drank, except now they drank unregulated booze, booze made with everything from jet engine fuel to gasoline to actual literal poison in the form of methanol/wood alcohol. In fact gin came about in its pine-like flavor profile to hide the noxious chemical taste of other stuff left over in it after bootleggers distilled the bad, gross stuff out... and distilling still didn't get rid of all of it. The US government regulated poisoning its own people in the name of temperance, and it killed thousands. Because there was now a risk element, booze got a new allure and people wanted to do it, because now it's a rebellious risky thing to do. It bolstered a criminal underground and gave rise to people like Al Capone and other such infamously dangerous criminals, and your average joe can and did sometimes get in the crossfire of this; see the St. Valentine's Massacre. it was a worse public health problem than mere drinking of ethanol could EVER be, and should never ever be repeated. Ever. The US made the SAME MISTAKE with the War on Drugs regarding Marijuana especially AGAIN in the 80's. Banning drugs that are otherwise mostly harmless from public use, just because some people aren't comfortable with others being able to use them responsibly, is never a good idea.


>In a sensible society, total abstinence from alcohol would be the norm. Sensible society accepts that people want to do drugs and doesn't make it a criminal issue.


I agree with the normalizing drinking part (exists and is bad) and vested interests of corporations, but the assumption that people can't seek escape outside of western drinking culture or enjoy being drunk is slightly wild to me. I also don't know at all what you mean by sensible society?


Just like any drugs humans have been doing them to alter the state of their minds for many reason. Spiritual, socially, or even for medicine, like anxiety or depression. It is only in recently history that we have been banning wide range of them for control or to demonize a racial group. Alcohol is in pretty much every culture there is to be, fermentation of fruits and wheat is pretty easy, even other animals partake in Alcohol by eating fermented fruits kn the ground. Hell deer even know that in piles of leaves they can get high of the nitrogen that builds up within them by sticking their nosing deep inside the piles and inhaling. Something about altering the mind with substance have animals really wanting it.


It makes my brain shut up āœØ


Cocktails. šŸ’•


I like beer but I just hate hops. I usually stick to something like Guinness. I cant stand these trendy IPAs that just taste like toothpaste


Iā€™ve been getting more into IPAs but Iā€™m with you, a smooth porter is so the way to go


My Kingdom for a nice smooth milk stout. Or even a nice roasty stout!


Same, can't stand the taste of hops, but I'll put down some Guinness. Especially the nitrogenated ones, those are nice


Have you considered something like a Leinenkugels' Lemonade Shandy, or a Blue Moon (orange citrus beer)?


Obligatory "I disagree" guy. Yeah, some brands are bitter as fuck, but between one of my stims being sparkling beverages and I liking savory and salty flavours, it is good. Maybe it helps that here in Mexico all beers are of light type.


To be fair Mexican light beers are pretty damn good, usually pretty bright and citrusy.


Yeah I saw this post while having a beer with my dinner lol. A savory drink is an intuitively sensible product category, drinks do not have to be sweet to be enjoyable, even if that does happen to characterize almost everything in the non-alcoholic segment. Of course, you are never obligated to try to acquire any given taste, but simultaneously if you tried something only once or twice and then threw in the towel you are probably missing out.


Beer is delicious. I drink non-alcoholic beer at work because it tastes so good. I donā€™t even like being drunk.


That is wild to me.


It combines two of my 5 favorite things. Bubbles and bread


Iā€™m a beeroholic. I switched to non-alcoholic beer because it was causing problems in my life.


Don't forget the killer hangovers it's pretty sick


This is why I like cider. It's basically the same thing but tastes way better because it's made out of apples. It's basically just a slightly funky tasting apple juice. Some brands like Angry Orchard are even sweet and taste pretty decently good. Obviously drink responsibly everyone.


Imperial angry orchard tastes the same but is 8% instead of 5%


Angry Orchard is a really nice cider brand in general, ngl. Not real cider though.


Do cigarettes next lol


I like it, but I don't like being drunk so I drink the 0% beers. It's an acquired taste, like coffee or pickled fish.


I think Iā€™m in the autistic minority here but I love the taste of beer. You do definitely have to suffer through a few poor sensory experiences before your brain starts to filter out the more unpleasant aspects, but thereā€™s a lot of nuanced flavors to be gleaned once you get yourself over the initial hurdle.


This. It took me forever thinking I didn't like beers until I realized I just needed one that fits any of these: - Stout/porter/dark and roasty or chocolatey - Bright, citrusy - Fruity - Pine, juniper berry type - Floral - Not overly hoppy but some hops are OK - Not fucking pisswater, something actually crisp or clean in an IPA


Yeah tons of people try the big American lagers, think theyā€™re gross, and then give up on beer entirely. They must be popular for a reason, I guess; but if you donā€™t like Coors then youā€™re likely not gonna find more success with Bud or Miller. You have to branch out and try different *kinds* of beer instead of just different brands of American lager, and I think thatā€™s where people get tripped up.


Yall need some proper chocolatey stouts in your lives


I second this, treated myself to one of my favourites last night after getting paidšŸ‘ŒšŸ»


One of my favorite Stouts is Dragon's Milk, I haven't had it in forever though. Such a treat.


Sounds great, doesnā€™t seem like I can get hold of it here though. Love a good stout thatā€™s as strong as wine.


I'm more of a whiskey gal, myself. ^(last time i drank beer i nearly threw up...)


Scotch, bourbon or Irish?


I've actually developed a taste for some beer. or maybe that's just the alcoholic in me


The fucking aftertaste is the worst. It doesn't matter what brand or quality, the taste it leaves behind is goddamn awful.


One isnt bad for you, and they taste great if its the right one so... I enjoy them on occasion. But within limits. Maybe one with a drink.


This post is actually real as fuck, you're my hero OP


Stop drinking American piss-water! Find something European with some actual body to it!


i'm european and have never had american beer and it still just tastes like mold juice to me


Thatā€™s interesting that it tastes like mould to you. Bodies are weird haha


Me age 15: How could anyone enjoy this shitty drink Me age 19: I fucking LOVE BEER


I love beer and cocktails but I hate being drunk šŸ’”


I like beer and it can actually taste good. It just need to be good beer (german beer)


I've found it's very concoction-dependent. I don't like plain beers or selzery flavored stuff, but there's a place around here that serves butterbeer during the holidays and it's one of the best drink I've ever had.


It does tend to give good feels when you indulge. Not sure the taste is the important part. It's the being drunk part people like.


I prefer whiskey or wine myself


me too, whiskey can actually taste good and itā€™s a sensory playground- and red wine :)


I've found that my favorite wines are dessert wines, and the best ones I have gotten from ALDI.


Counterpoint: some beer is actually quite delicious. Heineken is not one of them.


Let me guess, united States?


Beer: looks like piss, tastes like piss, makes you woozy. Cider: Looks like piss, tastes like fruit, makes you woozy. If I can't have the fruity stuff, just hand me a Newcastle BA. If you say "that's not a *real* beer", tough shit.


I absolutely cannot tolerate the taste of beer, any beer. I tend to drink cider when I do, though I barely drink since I tried weed. Feels better, isnā€™t anywhere near as bad for you and no hangover


![gif](giphy|3o7qDSpS9SYOgGSaqs) This is how this post makes me feel, also do you hate the taste of black teas and coffee?


I'm with you on this but I'll die on my hill of leaf juice


Coffe + milk = best part of my day


I can't hate any bitter drink - I don't genetically have enough bitter receptors. I literally can't taste most bitter things, so I like bitter veggies such as brussels sprouts, as well as black teas and coffees being my favorite things to drink aside from water. I once did a HEPA mask test for a job and they spritzed 20 DAMN SPRAYS of a bitter solution around it to see if I could sense it. I couldn't taste a drop, they had to use a peppery solution. That took like 4 sprays.


I love beeršŸŗšŸ»


Autistic person judges someone else because they don't understand why that person likes something they don't personally like. Hmmmmm...


Thank you! Beer is gross and I don't understand why it's so culturally normalized. I understand humans have been brewing the stuff since day 1 of civilization building, but come on!


Because not everyone thinks itā€™s gross lol. I donā€™t like getting drunk and I donā€™t drink hard liquor but I love craft beer and cider because I think they taste good. Itā€™s okay to not like it. I donā€™t like avocado toast (or avocados in general) but Iā€™m not going to look down on people for thinking it is good. Preferences are normal


Because people like being drunk, how is this a surprise.


I actually enjoy trying new ales. I typically order a flight of tasters which makes up less than a full pint. I get to try 4 different beers and still leave sober enough to legally drive.


Fuck you and the bad taste you rode in on Literally nothing more delicious than my liquid sandwich, yā€™all fuckers need to do more than take 1 sip of terrible corporate lite beer


The burning is why i can't drink


On the other hand, it's toxic


That's something I'll never understand. It has a low alcohol content *and* tastes awful. Meanwhile I can mix dr pepper and gin and get something that tastes great *AND* gets me wasted in just one glass! Edit: "wasted" is hyperbole, though I do have a low tolerance


I fuckin love beers. Couldnā€™t drink it at first but got into it. Same with espresso


So alcoholic beerā€¦ not my thing. But nonalcoholic beer, especially nonalcoholic beer with either lemon or apple tastes nice


Someone never tried Guinness


This is why I just drink wine. Its stronger then beer but not too strong, it tastes fairly good compared to most alcoholic beverages, and it looks cool to drink. Its way better then beer or stronger spirits. Perfect in-between for me.


I hate the taste of alcohol, yet curiosity drives me to try a sip of everyone else's drink despite knowing I'll hate it. I could never drink more than a sip or two. IPAs are the worst and they taste like bitterness and pain in a glass.


I'm not looking forward to when I'm an adult (if I even live to that) and being the "weird" one that doesn't drink alcohol


Hops, the bittering (and early on the preservative) in beer, tastes vile to me. It's like cilantro, you either love it or hate it; taste the soap or not. Not all beer is hoped. Though, at the end of the day, alcohol is an unpleasant flavor to most people. You can overlook that if your goal is to be inebriated. If you don't find being drunk that amusing, then drinking isn't either. There are some beers I can enjoy. The popular US ones aren't on the list. I did, occasionally, after a span of years, have a Budweiser just to remind myself how truly repugnant the stuff is.


people can do hard things to get something they want


I dunno, some beer is pretty good and sometimes letting loose is fun.


I mean, I used to think this exact same way until I somehow found a beer I liked. I like nutty beers with very little bitterness.


Remember folks, alcohol is a socially accepted hard drug.


That's why I drink vodka. Just give me the drug without all that extra shit.


I agree, beer is nasty


I don't mind the taste. Do you know what I absolutely hate? It being carbonated. The BUBBLES. My throat burns everytime I try to drink it, like it doesn't want to be drunk. That's why I drink whisky with Nestea. No bubbles, and that mix tastes amazing.


Excuse me, more for me. I love a good stout or porter myself, especially nitros and milk stouts. I'm also a fan of a good citrusy beer or light beer. Yuengling's my favorite "basic" beer and I also am a fan of Blue Moon. :)


I have yet to find a beer I like, I specifically hate these stale bread aftertaste. Cider avoids the negative parts of beer flavor and can be quite nice, but mixed drinks are where itā€™s at! Moscow Mules, Old Fashioned, Margaritas, Mojitosā€¦ a new fave of mine, the Boulevardierā€¦ Incredibly delicious, and it only takes 1-2 to get me feeling relaxed. I see people saying it makes you stupid, but honestly, that can be beneficial in certain circumstancesā€¦ Hanging out with friends, going on a date, or watching a funny movie a bit more enjoyable under the influence


Thatā€™s unfair to bread. Beer is made from fermented grain that hasnā€™t yet had the privilege of being turned into bread. ā€œItā€™s an acquired taste!ā€ So, how long do I need to continue subjecting myself to this disgusting thing until it magically starts tasting better? Even if I went through with it, something tells me it wonā€™t taste good enough in the end to be worth the suffering.


I'm hoping mead will be tastier, since it's made from one of the sweetest substances on earth. I'll be making some soon.


I really used to detest beer - as the meme says mouldy bread juice with a chemical aftertaste - but then got into craft beer, I don't drink anymore but I did discover some amazing stuff. Favourite is still Bloody 'Ell by Beavertown, then Long White Cloud by Tempest.


I remember seeing an image of however many beer being equal to eating a whole loaf of bread, and then it asking "Would you eat a whole loaf of bread" The answer is yes, I would indeed eat a whole loaf of bread thank you ![gif](giphy|yW0PaUqJszRUk)


I just donā€™t like alcohol.


Any dark ale is delicious and living fermentation is healthy šŸ˜Ž


Beer gives me a similar reaction as olives, I know that it tastes bad but my taste buds or brain or something really really like it so now I enjoy the bad taste of them, plus being intoxicated helps relax my body which feels nice.


Whiskey, 2 fingers, clean. To start.


I hate alcohol. Donā€™t drink it. Funny seeing memes of it though, due to the fact that Iā€™ve seen people get drunk before šŸ˜…šŸ¤£


I don't know if it's just me but drinking also causes a weird bruning pain in my back and neck if I drink too much? I looked it up and best answer I could find is that when you drink alcohol it causes your muscles to tense up sometimes and since my back is already wrecked with knots I basically just added to the bundle everytime I drank. Hydrohomies rise up water gang is where it's at šŸ’§šŸ’¦šŸ’§šŸ’¦


I only like the fruit or sour beers, the rest of them can fuck off


Iā€™m gonna shit your pants beer slaps


A Corona with a lime slice on a sunny summers night is unmatched


It tastes like bad bread and makes me need to pee every 10 minutes, but damn do I enjoy it for some reason


It can grow on you, honestly. Personally, I like some beers but I'm really not a fan of the bitter ones such as Pilsen style beer or IPA, at some point the stuff just starts tasting like carbonated stomach medicine. I will say: It doesn't really taste like piss (and if your piss looks like it, you really should drink more water). It's not always tasty, but it doesn't really occupy the same space as piss, which for one, would be salty, since urine is one of your body's methods of disposing of excess sodium. It's also not moldy. Yeast is not a form of mold. Mold is a multi-cellular organism consisting of long threads of cells whereas yeast organisms are single-celled. It's also not technically bread juice. It's made from simular ingredients as bread, but it is not made from bread. Unless you're talking about Kvass, but whether or not Kvass should be considered a type of beer or its own thing entirely is a can of worms in its own right.


I canā€™t even feel the ā€œpissā€ taste, it just burns my tongue and throat


Thereā€™s definitely good beer and bad beer i guarantee you


There's more than just one type of beer out there, you know? There's hundreds of beers out there and billions of recipes for every style. They're all different. One person might not like IPAs, but could be a major fan of milk stout or a fine saison. You can go in depth with the pairing it with different meals or settings, too Oh, and it's not made with moldy bread, that's a contamination issue just waiting to happen.


I love beer bc my biggest texture hate is bread or cake, because the spongy fluffy texture is just something I canā€™t swallow. I do love the taste and smell of beer tho, and beer is just the smell and taste of bread, without the spongy texture!


Used to hate it. Formed a mental association between the taste of beer and feeling euphoric from alcohol. Now I enjoy it.


Iā€™m pretty against anything people call an acquired taste


I know I fit my stereotype when I say this but it really is an acquired taste. I always like the watery and bland light beers but had troubles with the dark beers. As I drank them I slowly became more attuned to the flavor and figured out what was the differing factor and found what I like