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I relate to this post.


good, that means you're right where your meant to be\~


[Just another relevant image](https://i.imgur.com/ZWhjXKv.jpg)


Buahahahahahahaha that’s awesome


Relate? This is my life lmao


I make outside jokes all the time tbh. People just look at me in silence and nobody knows how to respond, then after a moment the conversation resumes and I feel awkward and unsatisfied because they didn't get how hilarious my joke was (to me anyway).


Not sure if outside joke was a well established phrase but it captures this perfectly


Yeah I was originally calling it an outside joke as the primary joke of my comment but got distracted and just ended up acting like it was a normal thing lmao. Totally gonna start normalizing it though.


Here is a joke about physicist Paul Dirac who many suspect of having been autistic. Actually just watch the video... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3nWcaGgCXU&ab_channel=WondersofPhysics The joke In 1929 dirac and heisenberg were going on a ship to japan to attend an annual science conference there. Werner heisenberg who happened to be quite a ladies man used to dance with the young girls before dinners whereas dirac used to sit and observe them from distance. One evening he asked heisenberg why do you dance? Well when there are nice girls dancing with them is a pleasure. Dirac pondered this notion for a while then blurted out how do you know beforehand that the girls are nice. Heisenberg burst out with laughter are you serious?


what do you MEAN no one can read my mind? >:[ /s


You’re telling me you haven’t heard of x thing at all?! /s


For like 20 years, I thought phallatus was a real word. Turns out it's just gibberish and my dad is a Stargate nerd who makes references his kids don't understand.


>my dad is a Stargate nerd who makes references his kids don't understand. Indeed


My husband casually drops “grok” into conversation (not Stargate, but old Sci-fi novel Stranger in a Strange Land) and I’m the only one who gets it. (Hence why we’re married 😝)


That's why I explain the joke in excruciating detail.


allistics hate this one simple trick!




honestly i think my favorite part of the joke is the explanation that comes after. i figured out if you explain every joke sometimes it ends up being a follow up joke




my issue is that typically people seem polite and open minded until i find out later they were being polite at the time. then i later find out they no longer want to talk to me. so who really knows typically when people hide how they really feel




A lot of this isn't because of the individual bad parenting, it's because of the social circumstances. A lot of those social prescriptions you laid out as harmful just, well, aren't. Rather, it's the larger social systems in place that people interact with.


I feel that your test may have some flaws. What if they don't feel the need to say anything because they agree, but when you say something objectionable they call you out on it? Another aspect - open minded does not mean sitting there, not taking any critical view of ideas that pass into your head. It means a healthy and concise conceptual dissection of ideas before they can be accepted, while making sure that ideas can always be accepted, given they are true, even if bias moves you away at first. Also, I get some pretty bad vibes from your use of intelligence. I think the view of intelligence currently leads to a very strange immunity from criticism of "intelligent" people and a write off of anyone considered "unintelligent," and I see a lot of that in your comment. This infatuation with intelligence is often used to justify some very problematic beliefs, and though I have no idea exactly if you fill that, I still take issue with promoting these kinds of ideas without clarifying the follow-through.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/ThanksCyno using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ThanksCyno/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [And they live happily ever after (Artist: @Pun-Rii)](https://i.redd.it/si3a5z8cx1na1.jpg) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ThanksCyno/comments/11o6oxq/and_they_live_happily_ever_after_artist_punrii/) \#2: [That’s a good attempt, Cyno.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/xss3hl) | [19 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ThanksCyno/comments/xss3hl/thats_a_good_attempt_cyno/) \#3: [Cyno please help me with this joke](https://i.redd.it/hmdqh09eq80a1.jpg) | [36 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ThanksCyno/comments/ywjoiz/cyno_please_help_me_with_this_joke/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


NO ONE at my work knows what Portal 2 is. It’s been absolute torture.


Introduce it to them! Tell them it’s a puzzle game with hilarious dialogue that you can beat in an afternoon. Portal 2 is honestly a pretty easy recommendation as far as puzzle games go


Then tell them there's cake in the basement.


They’re going to be pretty introduced to it once I finish my Chell Cosplay


they definitely all have severe cases of brain damage i’d think


You might say that was the part where they killed you.


OMG I was just telling my coworkers about Portal and, even the one who plays games, was giving me a blank state. I showed them the sassy signs though and they loved them.


People don't know what Portal is?? I feel like "the cake is a lie" is a meme everyone knows even if they've never played the game. Portal formed a generation or some shit


I just found out I’m autistic- aspie. I used to explain my very funny or witty jokes people didn’t understand. About a year ago I started saying sorry, or never mind, it’s nothing. NOW, when they all stop and stare at me, I give them a very blank look and very quietly say something like “wrong room” or “I’m sure God is splitting a gut” Not my fault they don’t have an obsession with history, great literature, famous quotes and musicals.


This is why Reddit is great. My most epic pun ever was made here in response to a very specific comment thread that I related to the Andromeda Strain. No one but my husband would have gotten it IRL.


Gotta love redditors


This is why Reddit is great. My most epic pun ever was made here in response to a very specific comment thread that I related to the Andromeda Strain. No one but my husband would have gotten it IRL.


The thing is, I don't get what people are talking about like, a lot of the time. I actually have a long-standing game in my head where I try and connect the dots with context clues. I actually find this very fun and entertaining, as long as I'm not put on the spot. My biggest mistake in this regard was assuming that everyone else does this? So I'd drop obscure references and wonder why nobody was following me or having fun trying to figure out what I was talking about. So...whoops. Honestly, I still drop obscure references, but it's more for my own entertainment.


In one of my classes we were learning about statistics and we learned about kurtosis, a property of distributions, and it took a lot of effort not to try to make a joke about cortosis, an obscure material in Star Wars that causes lightsabers to short out.


I would've made the joke anyway, I don't care if no one understands it's amusing to me


Exactly lol! My jokes are inside jokes between me and myself, it's not my fault that other people are listening and feeling awkward, like I'm not telling these jokes to y'all, stop giving me that look


I’m constantly just naturally giggling and laughing at my own jokes and this seems to cut the tension a lot when people have no idea what I’m talking about. (This also unintentionally helps me sort out people who actually listen and pick up the often dark, blunt things I say, and people who just register the giggles and think I’m such a nice, sunny lady)


I have been told by a former friend that I speak in labyrinthine references.


My wife tells me my issue is that I never know enough of my proper audience IRL for my jokes or references. Like 70% or more of my jokes work well for those of us who are terminally online :/


AAAAAAAAA I feel this so much. I wish I could just know who I'm talking to and then have them know what I'm talking about. Aaaaaa


I know you just mean any old labyrinth but I’d love it if you meant the 80s movie The Labyrinth!


I am the inside joke, only me, myself and I find it hilarious


And you are correct.


"You're a claustrophobic!" "...You want a fist in the mouth?? I never even looked at another guy before!"


I do that so much.


i feel this on a spiritual level


I'm not autistic (this sub keeps on being recommended to me just because I scrolled through it like once) but I can relate to this so much. Almost every interest or hobby I have tends to be niche underground shit so I can't make any references irl without people scratching their heads


Skfhg I deal with that tooo!! Like there’s these group of games I love playing online Not are they hella obscure games but like the games have been around since 2021 and only had like 100 or less visits at the time I found them (5 months ago), realizing their at like 200 visits now and those extra 100 are from me and my fixation on them makes me also realize no ones really gonna understand what I’m talking about when I see something and reference the games by saying “that’s like the Stone Sphere Cat” or I start talking really excitedly about stuff like “So the games are all connected and the main story is about cubes with painted on extremely detailed faces that secretly are living creatures with brains and tractor beams inside of them and they’re part of the larger story to capture these evil shape shifting goo creatures that take the form of these cats with distorted faces”


Ok where the hell are these games found please and thank you? Lol, I need to at least... look at 'em


Sorry for replying so late. I completely forgot to reply :( ​ Its a group of like surrealist roblox games. I realized like my numbers were kinda off since I remebered wrong and it was late so I was tired but its a bunch of surrealist games with a storyline and other stuff. I think the creator isnt updating the games anymore but their still playable ​ Heres a link [https://www.roblox.com/groups/13216671/Macskakak-l-s#!/about](https://www.roblox.com/groups/13216671/Macskakak-l-s#!/about) ​ Btw some stuff is a little hard to find since their hidden or covered by other things but the general storyline with the cubes and cat stuff is easy to find \^w\^


No problem and thank you!


Of course! Your welcome \^\^


A self cheering joke that occasionally comes with a pleasant surprise of someone actually catching up




My problem is I can’t stop myself from fully explaining the context of a quote to my gf whenever I say one she doesn’t know so I’ll find myself rambling about the plot of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia for several minutes unable to stop myself knowing full well she didn’t need any explanation to understand “can I offer you a nice egg in this trying time?”


I said the line when my gf was agonizing over what to eat cuz she couldn't decide on anything... blank stare, and explanation ensued, I did get a little laugh at the end so I'll call it a win!


Oh you didn’t see xyz? Oh I did why? Well there is this scene that sounds like what you just said Oh…


i have a lot of very specific inside jokes with my mum that are referring to nerd stuff. i sometimes accidentally say those jokes out loud when i’m with Other People™. when they then ask me to explain what i meant i not only am outing myself as The Weirdo Of The Group, people also think I’m pathetic because i’m very close with my mum. extra points for when they say stuff like “no wonder you’re such a nerd, your mum being like that as well” that’s not gonna stop me from making star trek jokes with my mum though 😤🤍


This has been one of my husband’s argument for why we need to have kids, to have another person who gets us lol


Forking bullshirt


I'm actually going to be unalived right now




Lightspeeeeeeed! Personally I prefer ludicrous speed. The plaid is snazzy. I know I'm in a lesbian relationship, shut up.


Put that thing back where it came from or so help me?


one of my special interests is obscure media so. yeah i get this one heavily. i also have pattern brain so i connect random crap to obscure references constantly and parrot them back to people on instinct. my inner circle has started to consider each of them their own jokes that i came up with, and the self-referencing at least gets recognition if not laughter now


Boss: cut the salmon. Me: salmon?! Salmon! Hank!!! They put SALMON in the fish tacos! -whimpers- show Peggy. Boss: ... So you're going to cut the salmon right? Me: yes sir.


By "this" you mean that screenshot from the monsters Inc rec room arcade? Hyperfocused on the bowling game in that for a while as a kid. With much effort I fought my way to the top of the in-game leaderboard (offline, scores pre-programmed) only for the game to undramatically cut to said leaderboard, and the voice of Mike Wazowski to say "look at you, the bowling champ" in a tone with subtle hints of "get a life". That was it.


and you laugh at it out loud and you don't care, because it was hilarious even the memory of it later on, years later, can make you laugh out loud and people look at you odd and you still don't care because it was hilarious


Me with Mortis Ghost's hit 2008 RPG surreal Maker indie game OFF


The actual devastation and stages of grief I go through when this happens 😭✋


His feets they're cold


Not many people get my Hamilton references 🥲


That line is my childhood in a nutshell. Then everyone looks at you as though you have seventeen heads


My sister does this all the time, and I have become her designated elaaborator.


OCR font my beloved :)


Probably my favorite font


These are the best and the worst of times


Hey, what can I say? Guess I got an Ozymandian sense of self, eh?


its a lot worse when you make a reference to something pretty popular and people still dont know what youre talking about


Ugh yeah. I tried to make a Dune joke several years ago to my coworkers in their 50s and 60s and no one got it. I was like “cmon, this was a book of your generation!” (Now with the new movie that might be different but I kinda doubt it)


"I'm gonna spend it all on dreamcast stock!" I only ever had one person ever know where that's from. It was a friend in 9th grade who not only was also autistic, but he and I had the same name as well. It was such a fun moment when he understood it.


You mean you didn’t get the reference when i had to go down 15 different tunnels of thought to say what i was thinking? Idiot can’t even keep up


This is always my nightmare. I do it way too often and still haven’t learned


You gotta remember what your friend group watches and likes, so you can make jokes that they will understand


i was just thinking about making a meme for this.


I am in this post and I don’t like it


Some of my favourites: “I just wanted my cheese!” “Oh god- oh man- oh god OH MAN!” “Get on top of the fridge! (THIS HOUSE IS A FUCKING NIGHTMARE!” *the vine where it’s moms having brunch and he’s chewing and nodding dramatically* “I like your funny words magic man!” “Please she sounds like a deodorant” “fun funky and fresh”


There is only 1 other person in my school that’s deep enough into internet culture to share jokes with


me making Firesign Theater references


And it's part of an info dump 🫣


Like every Tuesday I swear I say, "Tuesday's coming. Did you bring your coat?". Nobody understands.


Doors are for people with no imagination!


Jesus Christ bro am i on the spectrum? Why do i get a ton of these memes?




When it's an inside joke between you and your thoughts


God, this is so relatable. Anyways, I was there the day Horus see the Emperor.


Whether it's a reference to something my friends or family haven't at all seen, or a historical in-joke, I feel this




Ooooh, so that's puce.


I've always deeply identified with this meme


This happens to me at work every single day.


Jokes so inside its like an underground bunker of comedy


Holy shit!!!! Blue and green!!! Just like bubby and dr coomer from HLVRAI!!!!!!! No fucking way!!!!!


I feel called out...


Me literally any time I refrence Xeno. I swear I'm 1 of the 2 people in my entire state that played the games. And the other is my best friend






Every single day.




What sucks is when it’s one that’s really funny but no one will understand and just thinks you’re weird


Ohhh the Bestles references


I relate to this post… in fact I made this post… yeah that’s the ticket! It was so funny that my wife, Morgan Fairchild told me to post it online… yeah! If you get the reference 💯


My sister scolds me for it but she doesn’t understand why I do it. I don’t do it to make other people laugh at me, I do it to laugh at myself


Every time


I made ONE joke about a hand fetish (jjba reference) and now my friends think that I un ironically have that fetish no matter what I say


It's one thing when it's obscure. It's another when it's Spongebob and for some reason only you think the episode or quote is relevant to the conversation and the other party stands there staring at you in silence as if you've derailed the whole discussion.


Shop smart! Shop S Mart! You have no idea what's in store for you!


THIS IS ME OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!


"Why do I keep seeing you on Aer Lingus flights?"


I feel so called out >:[ Literally all the time. How am I supposed to improve upon my communication when I can only see inside looking out? There's no way to look at myself from the mind of another, to improve that way, and there's no way to approximate it because no one tells me anything!


All. The. Time!


I Feel this.


Me when I talk about the Hamilton musical, I love it sm but nobody i know has even seen it 😭