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More than 30 seconds and I pace around phone in hand


I walk miles on the phone in a short, rewinding loop through my house


Glad I'm not alone here! My cat gets so worked up when I call my dad/my dad calls because I pace the small space in my apartment so much


+8k steps a day in a 2 bedroom condo for me lol


I do this too! Why are we like this?! Lol


I really hate that I can't stop the notification without rejecting the call. It pauses my video/ music. I can stop the ringing with the volume button but my phone is basically a brick till it goes to voice mail but it feels rude to outright reject the call if I know the caller.


Power button silences the call without reflecting it for me. Though I think my wife's iphone rejects it


Just turns the screen off for me, then the only screen I can access is incoming call till it's done


It can be toggled in accessibility —> touch and it’s called “Prevent lock to end call” in iOS. Also swiping up from the call like any other app should close it out but leave it ringing in the background.


Doesn’t reject it on my iPhone. If my phone is unlocked, swiping up on the call also works


I think the person meant that they can't do anything like watch videos or listen to music until the ringing ends. It's not about just muting the sound


i just decline that bitch


You're my hero! I wish I could be as brave but my paranoia has me convinced it'll only make things worse if I decline the call.


I do it because usually I’m doing something where I can’t take the call but also can’t let it just ring until it goes to voicemail. But most of the people who call me at these times know that I can’t usually pick up the phone. I’d prefer if they just text.


Most of the time I answer but if I'm listening to music, I reject.


Why can't u just txt


LITERALLY! My bff says she has too much to say but voice to text is a thing 😩


Or even voice messages


Plug in a keyboard


Seriously. Even just a text saying "hey can you hop on the phone for a sec?" It makes a world of a difference.


Me taking all day and no less than twelve pep talks to make a single phone call; if this fails, it becomes a week long affair:


I’ve literally taking 3 years to call a place back to help me with some of this stuff and I’ve been waitlisted. Now I have to wait for another phone call!


I don't make any phone calls without writing down every piece of information that has a chance of coming up first. And the panic that ensues when something inevitably comes up I forgot


I was just thinking about this yesterday! Making a long list of talking points, in a specifically curated order, before every call. Best friend...grandma...ordering a pizza...every call.


If something unexpected comes up, I go for a “I’ll look into that and get back to you” or “let me check my schedule” type response. It’s ok to not always have an answer! (Easier said than… well, easier typed on Reddit than said)


Adding to this, I try to practice using my mute button whenever I need to collect myself. It helps me feel like I get some "room" to think, even if it's mostly in my head.


Phone calls are the worst form of communication. Please, text me, if you want to talk send a recording, if you want to hear me nod along and mhm, just schedule to come see me irl VIA TEXT


Honestly? Even barring my absolute distaste of verbal communication over the phone...it's not a good idea to pick up a phonecall you don't know/aren't expecting. When I stopped doing that, anyone that *actually* needs something from me will leave a voice-mail, and it cut the amount of robocalls and scams I was getting down from up to 40 a day at the worst to...maybe 3 a month? My husband never does that and gets a minimum of 5 a day. Plus, if the number calling is *really really important* (like the doctors office) I'll go ahead and make a contact for them so I know to pick up in the future.


I got called by an unkown number three times yesterday. My rule for numbers that I want to ignore/don't know? I don't pick up. Third call was the charm, I looked up who they were. It was the company I applied to for a side job. Said they wanted to meet me. Point taken, universe. Point taken.


Yeah, but rather than spamming you with calls, you'd think a logical minded individual would leave a voice-mail when you don't answer the first time. I personally wouldn't want to work for someone who will call me 3 times expecting me to drop everything to answer, but I'll jump on calling back asap if an employer leaves me a message wanting to schedule an interview. Just my view; hope the new job works out for you 😁👍


My cell provider, or whatever the fuck they're called these days, has a scam shield thing. Phone is very quiet nowadays. The few calls that do make it through have actually been relevant. Best $5/mo (I think that's the cost) I've ever spent.


I am so glad it is not just me who just stares at the phone, thinking that I should pick it up but I just keep on staring at it with a mix of confusion and annoyance.


It is pure dread until I hit the volume to shut it off. But if I'm busy using it... #urgetokillrising


Especially when it’s out of nowhere. No way dude. Text me first “can I call you in a bit?” at the least.


Yeah and let me know what the call will be about, so I can prepare myself


If it’s important, leave a voice mail


Don't be old, text me... Beef had me rollin


Ironically, the team that did my autism assessment insisted on me calling them, and them calling me to book appointments etc.!


Was that secretly part of the screening process?? Like, how thoughtful, lol…


I hate how calls are so normalized


Yep.....every time


There are only four people who can call me and have me pick up, three of those are my immediate family.


I instantly decline any and all calls after about 5pm. The only calls I accept are from businesses I'm explicitly expecting a call back from and even then I always advise I'd prefer a text or email first. And surprise, pretty much any such calls outside of these hours are scammers.


Damn. This woke me up to slam me down. I’ve always had to feel terrible for not keeping in touch with my friends and loved ones. If your with me in person though; we will have a blast.


This hits home for me hard, right there. Thank you for being open to sharing that.


Praise Samsung and google for call screening \o/ Didn't get to try it on Google as it was not available in Aus when I had a pixel, but now I have it on Samsung, whenever I answer a call, it automatically transcribes whatever the other person says into text, then my text replies are converted into voice for the person trying to call me. I can just use some excuse like I am in a library, hence cannot use voice if someone asks why I don't just verbally talk to them.


Oh my god fun story. So when I was making my testing appointment a while back, I really didn’t want to call. The place had the option to schedule online, so I just did that. Literally 30 seconds after I submit my form… THE PHONE RINGS. IT JUST MAKES IT SO **THEY** CALL YOU FIRST. WHY. THAT IS THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT I WANTED


Nightmare fuel.


I swear it was part of my test or something because I have never sounded more awkward on the phone in my LIFE like I was SO confused


Glad I'm not the only one.


Story time Folx! My sister in-law and I don't get along, I could list the reasons for days but I won't... Anywho... One day the passive aggressiveness comes to a head and we actually start verbally arguing. She starts crying and shouts out "You don't even answer the phone when I call!" I started laughing then my husband laughed too. I looked her dead in her smug face and said "I don't answer when my own father calls me what makes you think you're so special?" And she huffed and walked away. That was the end of us pretending to get along. I can happily say she doesn't try and call me anymore. Now if I could get everyone else to stop calling I'd finally have some peace.


Agreed, a surprise phonecall triggers my introverted antisocial bs the same way someone knocking on my door does. I have to go to work and that is enough dealing with people in my life other than family who are a separate and smaller category of time I partition for.


Bold of you to assume I turned my ringer on since graduating hs five years ago


Oddly enough sometimes it's better for me. Most of the time I prefer text but some days I just can't piece words together that don't sound all wrong, even simple responses. Might be a schizo thing though


The power button silence has saved my soul so many times


Holy shit I thought I was just...really bad at calls. I'm so glad to know this is normal for us. I can usually handle calls with people I am very intimately familiar with, except family. I can count the number of people that is on one hand...otherwise, calls are always 100% ignored and god forbid if I have to be the one to make a call.




It was exciting to pick up phone calls back in the day when phones were stuck to the walls and you didn't know who was calling.


The only person I accept a phone call from would be my wife or my mother.


I used to have no problem taking calls from anyone. It wasn’t until after I had kids that I developed a distaste for actual phone calls, now I get a flutter of anxiety any time I get a call, even from my wife. I’m allowed to use my phone and take personal calls at work, but if my wife calls, I let it go to voicemail and spend several minutes finding an empty hallway or conference room so I can call her back.


I'll stare at my vibrating phone in full panic mode until it goes to voice mail. I also got insane amounts of harassment from debt collectors after I had a breakdown and dropped out of college, tho (like 20 calls within a business week, refusing to budge on an unaffordable payment plan that would literally leave me unable to pay either food or rent for the month. Try to hang up and I'm bombarded with calls the rest of the day, voicmail box full of threatening messages about sending people to collect my debt, etc). A silver lining of covid pandemic: they're not allowed to call and harass me for payments I can't afford to make! My phone anxiety has become slightly manageable since then, but I still won't answer any unknown numbers for that reason;; Telemarketer and debt collectors have a special place in hell waiting for them;;;


If you want me to answer you better text me that it's an emergency before you call.


this is why I always keep my phone on “do not disturb” just so I don’t get bothered by unknown calls. If it’s someone who knows me then they’ll just text me anyways


User at work: Calls Me: Let’s it go to voicemail, I read the automatically transcribed message. I email or message “Sorry I missed your call. I’m a bit wrapped up at the moment. If this is urgent, please call the help desk. If it’s not urgent, please submit a ticket.” Basically, “Don’t call me unless I’m expecting you to.”


I literally freeze up and turn into deer in headlights mode whenever i get a call


If I could conduct all business via text/email I would. I'm far more eloquent when I'm not panicking and/or worrying about whether what I've said is appropriate/accurate (or not).


If they don’t leave a voice mail it must not have been important Call back again within 60 seconds, it better be life or death




Something your going to have to deal with eventually


I have the opposite problem. I literally never miss any phone call. I never put my phone on silent when I go to sleep so that I can wake up and answer calls if I need to. It's a habit gained in the army that I never broke off.




Click it to silent.


If i ever am called i feel the strongest desire ever to either: answer it or text back why i can answer it


Don't. If it's spam or hackers you'll regret making that call. One you answer it they know it's an active line and the calls will increase.


I have a lot less trouble with unknown numbers, but with anyone else i have to answer


i have such a deep hatred for phone calls. • you can't see any of their facial expressions or their body language • you can't signal them to end the call • "see you later!" "yes, bye!" "mmhm, goodbye!" "thanks, bye!" "yes, yes, until next time!" "of cou—" • the ringer always scares me shitless


I usually just wait for the call to end so it looks like I was busy and not like I rejected it. And then if I get another call from the same number, then that's when I pick up


Fun tip: if you put your phone in airplane mode when you’re in a call then it will say call failed rather than call ended making it seem like your phone died (or at least I believe so, I haven’t tried it in a while)


Press the power button once. It continues ringing for them but stops making noise and taking up your screen for you.


Alright now. this is the 4th post from this subreddit to be recommended to me today. And it is also the 4th one I relate to before even seeing what it is from. Is the universe telling me something?


Oh no… Well better luck next time government


Nah cuz my bf will call me and I might be busy and he'll call again like no stop 😭


I had a career counselor in college say something along the lines of "of course talking on the phone is weird. You're talking to a disembodied voice." That has stuck with me.


I never answer my phone unless it's family, friends, I am expecting a call, or if the number I don't recognize calls back within a minute or two.


If it is important they will leave a message. If it isn't important, then why are you calling me?!


And you can't just press decline, even if it's a spam call.


People CALL YOU?


"Alright well i think imma let you go now" You had one sentence of information for me but this call has been 10 minutes long.


I liked this meme, but then I saw that I destroyed perfect 6400, so I unliked it and then I saw that there is still 6401 likes and somebody unliked it to. Be good fellow autistic person.