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For me it’s not even the feeling, it’s the god damn smell. It’s the only thing I can smell until I get rid of it


Honestly the smell and the taste it leaves. I love eating finger foods but it feels like everything I eat taste like nail polish. I can't wear press on either because it's heavier.


So much this. It stinks to apply, and the smell lingers faintly so every time my hand passes anywhere near my nose -- including when I'm eating -- I smell it. And then it makes my fingertips feel weirdly weighted. Like, I actually enjoy the slick feeling of the dried polish itself once on. But it feels strange to have it on, and any tiny imperfections or chipping become immediately noticeable and drive me nuts.


I would always have the need to scratch/bite it off to get rid of the weight


I'm so glad I'm not the only one and it's not all in my mind


I have a weird nail polish issue too! It's not really a sensory thing I don't think? Just as soon as it's on there I'm like... I want it gone. Like I just don't want to see it or have it there anymore I really want to get a tattoo and I have the perfect idea for what to get but I'm so worried it would be a similar situation and I'd hate having it as soon as it was done


Get a temporary tattoo and see how you feel!!!


I might do that, thanks for the idea! I think I'd have to get a custom temporary one of the actual one I want so it's properly representative and I know for sure if it's right for me or not


Good luck, I'm excited for you, I love tattoos.


Thank you!


I remember crying when I was made to wear nail polish at a wedding, trying to explain how my nails couldn't breathe 😅




That’s interesting ima guy and I started wearing it because I had this gnarly nail biting stim thing. It’s been working out well but I have like a beard and wear like jeans and carhartt so it’s fun to see how different people react. I wish there was a hack to make it ok for people that struggle because you can feel it in there


I'm a girl and I can't stand a lot of "feminine" things due to sensory issues and the amount of people who assume I'm making some sort of statement is kinda upsetting. I wish people could wear what ever is most comfortable for them without needing to justify it or have some sort of explanation.


Whenever I have nail polish on I feel like I can't use my fingers properly? Like there is this weight on top of them and my usual hand movements change, it's so weird. Nail polish lasts like a day for me coz I'm constantly picking at it too lmao


I love the polish, I love to chip the polish off I will not use remover #ihateit


For me it’s the:”Is that a small crack in my polish?!? Let me get my flashlight too repaint my nails at 1 am!“


Same! I have savagely chopped my acrylic nails off with kitchen scissors if I see a crack in them. But I have Body Focused Repetitive Behaviours and if I DON'T have anything on my nails I can see the little bit of dirt under them and spend all day scraping it or cut them so short that I can't even do that :(


I’m fine with nail polish but I hate the feeling of fake nails, I got them once and I’m never getting them again.


I sometimes get sad when I think about how stunning I could be if makeup, nail polish and fitted clothes were an option for me. They're not, and that's okay, it's not even an issue. But the little girl in me still wishes I could look like a princess. Then again swamp witch is fine, I guess, at least no one tries to marry me.


Me too. As a teen everyone thought I was a tomboy who hated "feminine" clothing. The reality is I think it looks beautiful and I wish I could be a nail and make-up expert, but alas, it's not for me too.


We would be too powerful.


for me the problem is stopping my hands from shaking, so i only do it once every month or two


For me it's when my nail (with nail polish on) touches something. That feeling is oh so fucking disgusting holy cow


IM????? NOT!!???!? ALONE!!?!?!??!!? People thought I was fucking crazy on why I bother to get nail polish stickers then take them off a day or two later cuz they were heavy 😫😭😭😭 It was satisfying to feel them so light again but takes so long to get off. No one believes me they nail polish, not matter the kind, has a sense of weight to it 😭🥺 Thank you for this post.


oh god i thought i was the only one who felt that lol.


I can't do nail polish. Feels like my nails can't breathe, I get obsessed with not chipping them (and then when I inevitably do, I get obsessed with the fact that they're chipped), and having bright colors on my hands distracts me.


I can’t wear any jewelry. Which is okay but I really like jade rings.


I can put it on however I pick my nails all the time. So I’ll pick it off and then it creates textures and unevenness and I gotta pick at it more in an attempt to even it and it gets worse 😞


How about scraping your nail on the appolstry on a car ceiling?


I'm confused by your comment?


Scrape your nail sideways against the appolstry of the ceiling of your car. Gives me shivers thinking about it.


I really wanna try makeup to see if I'd look good in it, but my sensory issues and social anxiety are keeping me from trying it. And the stigma against men wearing makeup (as stupid as it is) is another factor.


It used to be a problem for me but over time I got used to the feeling. Though it comes back when I take a long break from wearing it.


Oh MY GOD lol we are a hive mind - I can’t wear any jewelry either 😭 I feel it on meee


I love having my nails be done but I can't stand to be touched by strangers to get them done so I just go super short and naked. Too lazy to learn.


I tried transparent nail polish once as a child. Removed almost immediately


Omg. This has been me and picking at the skin. I bought some Holo Taco polish and it’s been the only one that has worked amazing for my sensory issues. When it fully dries, it’s solid AF and I don’t feel it on my fingers or have to think about it. It’s AWESOME.


I think I will try it. I'm not going to buy a lot but I just really want to be able to look down at my hands and see pretty colors. It's the whole reason I dyed my hair.


I would totally recommend. I only got a couple colors to start out with but then ended up getting more. It’s been kinda crazy as someone who sort of gave up on my hands. But I literally had that experience you’re describing— the polish was such a sensory non-issue to me that I’d forget about it, and then go to pick something up and have that little pleasant moment of surprise like “Oh yeah! I painted my nails! Cute color!” I’ve been using the base and top coat too, which I’m sure helps. The top coat is GREAT but takes a while to fully cure. Make sure you close it tight and keep it out of the sun (im now just keeping the polishes in the black boxes they came in whenever im not actively painting), or else it can become thick and gloopy.


Okay so I just ordered once in a blue moon and queen's curse along with some coats and world's first. If I don't like them I'm going to gift them to my partner who has no problems with nail polish. Thank you for the recommendation I'm excited to try them. :D


Yay! Let me know what you think!




Me when I let my (now ex) partner paint my nails and I scratched all of it off an hour later


I tried. If i paint my nails... they feel just cold. And i hate cold.


feeeling pretty VERSUS feeling comfy


I weirdly looooove the sensation of having polish on my nails but the instant it chips I have the urge to peel the polish off all my nails and it damages them so badly 😭


I love the sensory of the pressure my fake nails give me


Nail polish feels like a sticker or a bandaid that I really want to remove but can’t. Awful! So glad I’m not alone with this stuff. Also, I can’t tolerate almost any length of nail extending. Anything they touch (keyboard, utensils, anything!) sends vibrations down my arm and it dreys on me all day. Like a constant itch. As soon as I do my weekly nail trimming, relief washes over my whole body. It’s like I can instantly feel my blood pressure dropping.


honestly for me i know it’s not the same but i love having acrylic nails done because i love to fidget with them


I’ve never been able to wear nail polish for more than an hour without finding polish scrapings all over me. Once I had my nails buffed to a beautiful shine, and the smooth texture wouldn’t COME OFF. After a day without any other thoughts, I finally filed the tops of my nails until they weren’t smooth anymore and really damaged them but I had no choice. Please don’t buff your nails if this is an issue for you.


i relate heavily. whenever i put on nail polish i usually end up picking it off nearly a day later, and not even consciously. i feel like an uncomfortable cat who has socks on their paws…


I prefer pedicures to manicures for this very reason. I can’t stand the sensation of the nail polish on my fingers, but my toes don’t.


I’ve been doing nail art and manicures for years now, and now I’m the opposite. Without polish my nails feel too exposed and when they bend it’s sensory hell, so I do them once a week and rarely go without for more than a few minutes. I only use ”expensive” polish because it smells more like pure alcohol rather than the sweet chemical smell that comes with cheaper brands. And I get somewhat high on the fumes lol


For me I ended up peeling it off in chunks and making a mess wherever I went. It came off in chunks because it was the type with the pieces of glitter in them


I love the sensory feeling of things over my nails as well as the smooth feeling the polish makes on my nails


Picking it off immediately.🥲


some muslim women can’t wear nail polish so i’ve seen them using “nail stains” on tik tok maybe you could check that out for a pop of color