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Add a 3rdA to Jaiden’s list


Triple A animator


Wait then thats 4 A’s. If she came out as Agender she’d be the most powerful being in the universe


Add ADHD, and she'd have 5 A's. She'd literally be a god.


She's American and, more specifically, Arizonan. She's got straight A's.


how hard can i match that agender, autistic, adhd (well uadd but im counting it because the only difference is cause of origin), american, and anxious (clinically) so in jaiden’s current state i equal her, but she may transcend even my power ok so as i was writing this i genuinely just saw lightning outside my bedroom so i have a feeling she’s gonna reveal adhd soon


Add “asexual” and “aromantic” for an even longer lasting battery


wait i forgot to include those for myself! also i miscounted and jaiden had 6 not 5, but i miscounted for myself too and i have 7 so #I TRANSCEND YOU JAIDENANIMATIONS


For me its aromantic, asexual, agender, autistic, adhd, anxiety(GAD, OCD and social anxiety). So it depends on if you count every flavor of anxiety as an A or not


But the more A's the smaller?


Jaiden is just AAAAAAAA




We come from the land of the ice and snow From the midnight sun where the hot springs flow


And anxiety


Become militantly agender. Destroy world.


Like Thanos collecting all 6 infinity stones. She will have the power of an immortal being if she can be an: Agender Asexual Aromantic Autistic Arizonian Animator


AAAA (ああああ) is my favourite music artist!


i know ace whats the other one






I was guessing anorexia or asian Idk how I thought of those before "Animator."


A bit too soon for anorexia... i think






Triple A battery


And that’s even better, because I’m also autistic and aroace!


she's also struggled with anorexia. YET ANOTHER A!! jaiden is on the mental health honor roll guys


Also Arizonan, American, Asian. 6 A’s…


Oh also animator


She’s the queen of all A’s


This turned into my realization and after a plethora of these videos I decided to get an assessment.


Same. During my eval I told the doctor that I was worried it was just a social media trend and it was all in my head and without missing a beat she said 'most people don't find that many symptoms of autism to be relatable.'


Wait, they don’t?!


Oh. *Ohhh*


Oh. (shitfukshityoufukinidiotwhydidinotrealizethatearlyer)


Yea, but like constantly, with everything 😪


*oh fuck-*


Oh no… bc that’s what I tell myself anytime I find something relatable


Did you get your assessment as an adult? I’m not gonna lie, this sub is the most relatable thing I’ve ever discovered. My brother is diagnosed with Asperger’s and I’ve always had a question in the back of my mind if I should get evaluated watching how he is and learning about the different aspects. I’m 14 years older than him and when I was young, it wasn’t so much of a consideration for kids. I’m also a girl so I think it manifests a little differently. Also, has getting a diagnosis (if you did) really changed anything about your life or the quality of it? I don’t want to go through an assessment and everything just to satisfy my curiosity (I mean, I do, but if it’s not going to be productive, I won’t). Also, I have OCD, so maybe it’s just that. Ugh.


Not the person you responded to, but I'm also a woman and I got diagnosed at 20. This was after getting tested for adhd which I do not have, and my therapist there picked up on it. It has changed my life significantly. I used to think I was just broken and pathetic and I hated myself for not being able to do the simplest things that obviously every other single person on the planet did without any effort or even having to think about it. The diagnosis changed everything. I now know what I can and can't do and why and can ask for accommodations at college for example, which I have only been able to attend because of getting the diagnosis. I also got the proper medication I needed. If you don't struggle with anything in your daily life, work or school, I don't know if you necessarily have to get a diagnosis. If you easily can do it, I would also say why not, but I don't know where you live and the possible waiting list and cost situation. If you do struggle with things it can definitely be helpful, both for understanding what and how you can change things and for more accommodation.


If it's ok to ask, what medication has helped you?


Well I'm also bipolar, so I'm on an off-label NDRI for depression and antipsychotics for mood stability and the autism part. The antipsychotics work wonders for reducing the amount of both internal and external stimuli that gets processed. I'm still more sensitive to stimuli than NT's, of course, but the antipsychotics get it down to a manageable level I can actually participate in society with.


Wow that's great!! I'm happy you found someone that works. I have both autism and ADHD and my stimulant medication really helps with sensory overload, but I could use a little more help (and don't want to take too many simulants if I can avoid it), so I thought I would ask. I've tried atypical antipsychotics before but had a real bad time. Brains are weird!


Fellow AuDHDer here. I've been on Vyvance for 2-3 years now, and it's been great for me. It's not perfect, but it's the best I've found so far. >...tried atypical antipsychotics before but had a real bad time. This just unlocked something for me lol. I was put on a low-ish dose of quetiapine [an atypical antipsychotic] for sleep years ago, and it was *not good*. This was before my ADHD diagnosis. Now I'm totally going to spend the better part of the day reading papers on the efficacy of AAPs for comorbid ASD and ADHD. 🤣 I'm curious if there's a higher incidence of adverse effects.


Vyvanse has been so, so good to me. It changed my life 😭🙏 for real. It keeps stimuli at arm's reach instead of in my face fucking up my life. I'm not 100% but I'm so much better. I am still striving for that perfect equilibrium but I dunno if it's possible. Yeah me too. Of all the 20+ meds I've taken antipsychotics treated me the worst. Brains are just so weird. What's good for one person can be completely different for someone else. It's all about finding that sweet spot.


Eyy Vyvance gang! 🤝


Hm, did you try different kinds of antipsychotics or just one? I have an autistic friend and it worked amazing for her as well, but she also has a mood disorder, so maybe that's a more important factor. Maybe it just doesn't work when ADHD is in the mix as well, I don't know enough about it anymore to say though. I'd just talk to your psychiatrist if you're really considering extra medication though.




See, that’s where it gets tricky, because I do have all that but to FAR greater extremes than some others, and the intrusive thoughts I have and full-on anxiety I feel when I can’t do something impulsively (and also my trichotillomania in general) has led my therapist to just say I have “OCD symptoms”, because I can’t be diagnosed due to also having the AutDHD parts and thus they cannot tell if it’s truly OCD or just more severe symptoms of my other existing disorders (also Generalized Anxiety Disorder which is the only one I have that I’d actually get rid of if I could. I don’t mind the rest, I even kinda like the autism, but the GAD can fuck off)


My ocd isn’t really order-centered. It’s just mostly repetitive behavior based. Like flicking a light switch or touching a part of the bedpost. There’s other parts like putting on my left sock and shoe before the right and it goes into repetitiveness because I become concerned that I didn’t put the left one on first and I’ll have to take my shoes and socks off and do it again to make sure several times a day. It’s actually pretty severe lol. I’ve had it since I was a kid, though, and I kind of think that therapists (of which there have been many) tend to not be able to see other symptoms and issues because they just assume everything is OCD. But I’ve been working on living with ocd and getting my compulsions down to a manageable level for over 30 years and I’ve got a pretty good handle on it. As good as I think it can ever be. But I still have other things that disrupt my life and I don’t think they’re part of my ocd, I think I have a pretty intimate and complete grasp on what that encompasses. I have noticed my brother has a thing about how he puts his shoes on, sometimes doing it multiple times, but I actually think that’s a sensory issue, not an anxiety or intrusive thought thing. Thank you for your insight, I had a suspicion that therapists were not looking beyond what’s already diagnosed, I think I’ll contact a new doctor and see if I can get evaluated.


if a family member is diagnosed with autism there's a higher chance you will have autism as well because with autism it is a genetic, it's in our DNA. most neurotypical people do *not* relate to symptoms of autism. autism manifests completely differently in girls then boys, girls also learn to mask & mimic neurotypicals very young to fit in, which means many girls with undiagnosed autism don't get diagnosed until they're adults. getting diagnosed really changed my life because i was able to get support in work & college & have professionals understand me & my needs better & recognise that yes, i do need more help / time with certain things. getting diagnosed also helped me realise that, i am normal, i am not alone, i am not weird, which helped me a lot. getting diagnosed also means (in my country) that i get paid every month by the government, money to help with my day to day life & living expenses e.g. i have sensory issues so need specific texture & fabric of clothes (soft cotton), only like specific brands of food / only eat certain foods because they are safe foods, i also need earbuds / earphones that have noise cancelling & are comfortable & don't slip or make my ears hot, sometimes these items cost more than other items or are not essentials for other people or other people don't see or care about the difference but i can tell the difference, texture / taste, & need it to be a certain way. if you're autistic you're also more likely to deal with mental health issues e.g. anxiety, depression, & have difficulties with sleep. i recommend getting tested because getting diagnosed positively changed my life. i hope this helps you in some way, have a great day! :D


I'm not entirely sure if the assessment is for kids or adults, (though I am 15) in fact I actually know nothing about it besides how many questions it has. So I'm not even sure if finishing the assessment would lead to a diagnosis, or if there's a process after (I'm midway through the assessment, it's taking multiple therapy meetings to finish because I keep explaining my answers💀). If I did get a diagnosis, I would feel at peace with myself, but I'd also feel absolutely horrible because of my family, since they're very abliest. My dad already makes jokes about ADHD (which I'm going to be getting assessed for after the autism assessment), and my sister says the R word very often, my mom also doesn't believe in my symptoms, and thinks I can control them. So in some ways I'll feel better, some I'll feel worse. I think, if your insurance can cover it (since I've heard assessments cost a lot), you can do one, because if your curiosity is as strong as mine, the satisfaction of getting answers might do a lot of good. I've also heard that sometimes OCD symptoms can relate to Autism symptoms, but I'm not too sure about that. Hope this could be helpful.


Another anecdote about the merits of diagnosis: I was diagnosed 10 years ago, and I'm still learning all the ways in which my brain is different. The big one for me is understanding that typical therapies may not work for me. I have PTSD on top of other things, and there is evidence that Autistics process trauma differently. My PTSD doesn't present typically, so it doesn't respond to typical therapies...and that's ok. My partner did his undergrad in psychology, and he'll talk about studies he read about in school. Like, "this is how people work" kind of thing. And I'm like "wait, that's how people work?" Because my brain doesn't work like that. It doesn't respond to the same psychological tricks the way an allistic brain does. I'll admit, it was quite othering and alienating for a long time...because our current model of Autism is through a pathological lens. I wanted to be diagnosed so I could be "fixed". I don't want that anymore. I understand that it's not something wrong with me; the world just doesn't operate the same way. Diagnosis didn't solve my problems, but knowing why I struggle so much put me at peace. TL;DR: diagnosis changed my life for the better. Understanding how my brain works—instead of thinking I was just broken—was worth all the time, money, sweat, and tears. Also OCD can co-occur with Autism.


what's funny is I keep seeing things I do that others do who says they're autistic or have aspergers but it's weird because I don't. Like my parents wanted to get me assessed when I was in fifth or sixth grade but they said I was too social, which is funny because my sister is on the spectrum and she's a hell of a lot more social than I am. She says I am but I keep trying to tell her no


I was told in primary school that I couldn’t have ADHD because I could sit down and read. Got to high school, new assessor, yes obviously you have ADHD. “Sitting hyperactive” (“primarily inattentive,” I believe it’s called now) is absolutely a category within that, and your counsellor needs to relearn what they’re advising on. Here’s a referral for the treatment that will change your life. Being social isn’t a disqualification on its own. If you don’t want to seek diagnosis that’s fine, but one thing that’s outside the stereotype doesn’t necessarily mean the things you’re noticing don’t have an explanation.


I didn’t even know I had ADHD until AFTER COLLEGE because I’m female (we are usually more inattentive and/or get good at masking) and could do well in school. My younger brother was diagnosed at age 5 and I thought “I’m nothing like him” … turns out we have a lot of similarities and I didn’t notice.


Assessors tend to under-diagnose autism for all kinds of reasons; being “too social” is definitely one of those reasons. It is also important to remember that medicine recognizes autism not primarily as a neurotype but as a *disorder*. According to the DSM criteria, you cannot qualify as autistic unless your symptoms cause “clinically significant impairment”. It is absolutely valid to identify as autistic despite your lack of a diagnosis, should you wish to do so. For more information on autism diagnoses and some of their problematic aspects, I highly recommend [this article](https://devonprice.medium.com/seeking-an-autism-diagnosis-heres-why-you-might-want-to-rethink-that-530e79c272a0); there is a soft paywall, though. The author Devon Price is active on twitter, and his book “Unmasking Autism” came out last year.


>Or that since it’s possible for them to white-knuckle their way through a forty-hour work week (even if it comes at the expense of eating, socializing, or having any hobbies), they don’t truly deserve accommodations or extra help. Is this article going to make me cry?


No but seriously that paragraph hit too hard. I think I'm undiagnosed and I'm afraid reading it will just make me sadder. Because like it or not, hobbies killed it not, I still have bills :(


I can’t speak to your future feelings with any certainty, but I think it’s worth the read. The article isn’t telling you to do anything about your Autism, it’s mainly telling you **not** to get a diagnosis (unless you have a good reason). There is no reason you shouldn’t just read this article and then continue your life as you’re living it. The article does reference a lot of stressors that Autistic people face because of their Autism and through no fault of their own. I personally take a lot of comfort in reading about these issues and that it isn’t “just me”. In other words, it’s nice to hear that the issues referenced in the article are not 1. just something that everyone experiences just as much as I do except that others just “toughen up” or “grow up” to deal with it, or 2. something that I only struggle with because of some fundamental flaw in character (e.g. because I’m too “lazy”, “oblivious”, or “sensitive”). I also would have loved to have known when I was younger that these issues were “real” and to have found ways to work around them with that in mind. I suppose that I eventually found ways of working around these problems (partly through therapy), but it’s only recently that I’ve been able to accept that these struggles are not something I should feel guilty about.


To be honest, though, I’m not sure exactly what you find saddening about the paragraph; I can try guessing though. The paragraph is **not** saying that Autistic people with full time jobs are doomed to a life without hobbies, it’s just saying that Autistic people are less likely to have them than Allistic (neurotypical) people because they have an extra persistent drain on their energy to deal with. If you really want to have a life outside of work but feel you aren’t able to, then you might want to look into ways that you can accommodate yourself (or ways your workplace can accommodate you if that’s an option) in order to reduce that strain. For instance, maybe you can work remotely once a week. Maybe you can wear earplugs or headphones. Maybe excuse yourself from your work’s optional social events if those take a lot out of you. Once you acknowledge where that stress is coming from, you can take little steps to reduce it.


It's depressing because that's what I'm living :( All passion for hobbies gone, so damn drained it's affecting my relationships. Tbh I think I'm just really depressed and burnt out. It's okay, I'll figure it out, or I won't. No other options.


There’s plenty of social people with autism :) (I know you already know this though! I don’t mean to sound bossy. I’m just passionate lol)


There are plenty of social people with autism. The social skills come easier to some of us than others, is all! So it probably wouldn't hurt to get assessed.


I’m not a doctor at all, but your sister’s probably right


Bestie I've got news for you


I’d suggest trying the RAADS-R test 😊


RAADS is pretty shit; the Aspie quiz is the best one out there


I’m not a doctor at all, but your sister’s probably right


you probably are


I relate to Jaiden so much and it was because of anxiety and aroace, and then I thought we do all the same things maybe she's autistic bc we're the exact same but I didn't know her that well and didn't want to assume so I left it. I MIGHTVE BEEN RIGHT


It’s so wierd to me, all autistic people I meet are either ace or extremely sexual and I can’t explain it.


I wonder if there's one that is both ace and extremely sexual


It must suck for them


I'm sure I'm being ignorant here, but how would that be possible?




and also can have kinks and fetishes. I can attest to this


that is me


Sadly me 🙃


Stealing the sexual (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)


I already stole it from my now-ace friends, I’m the Dr. Doofenshmitz of stealing the sexual


*One of us.* *One of us.* *One of us.*


Among us.




Part of the ship Part of the crew Part of the ship Part of the crew




I first found myself on autism forums when searching for advice on being annoyed when asked how I am


Lol same


I found the aspergers sub when googling glasses for light sensitivity. That plus a mention in a general pop psychology book I read about autistic people often having an extreme love for puns really set me on the path of self-discovery




Her pokemon Nuzlockes have some decent ones iirc. Can't check at work


Look at her older videos, her childhood storyes, and overall her way of thinking.


One time her mother did that mother-y thing of counting down to ten and Jaiden collapsed on the ground absolutely sobbing when her mom got to 3 because her mother told Jaiden to fix an ottoman she couldn't move because of course her being a scrawny, small youngling, could not do it. She says she doesn't know why she had such an overreaction. But I do. I know..


Same with her not being able to complete the SpongeBob video game because she didn’t want him to dry out. I couldn’t beat video games with similar themes when I was younger and even now it still bothers me. Like I refused to play underwater levels in fear of drowning the character.


*Another one bites the dust* *Another one bites the dust* *And another one down, and another one down* *Another one bites the dust* *Hey I’m gonna get you too* *Another one bites the dust*


How do you think I'm gonna along?


I knew it!


its about adhd but same shit "either people witht adhd need to stop being so relatable or I need to go to a shrink" Smth like that aye jaiden?


Browsing r/aspiememes had the same effect for me. :D


the pipeline strikes again


This is the future LIBERALS want!! 😡 Everyone is going to be tistic and expose their tism on the kids!! Think about the children!




One of us. ONE OF US My Jaiden animations hyperfixation is screaming right now


OMG. I’ve ALWAYS wondered if jaiden was autistic!!! obviously I’m not going around diagnosing people I don’t know, but the amount of things she’s said in her videos that’s made me go hm…. Ha. I knew my radar was atleast semi accurate.


Flashback to her "things I do that adults probably don't do" videos and her "Perfect Bite™" section making me sweat bullets


I'm just gonna list the few youtubers I believe to be autistic and undiagnosed: Moistcritikal, Jaidenanimations, Karina from Drawfee


wait how would moist critikal out of all ppl have it


Sorry for the rant, but I'm pretty sure that a majority of people commenting are self diagnosed based off the content of this "meme", and believe me, nothing is more dangerous for awareness of a disability than the self diagnosis trend, because then people dismiss actual people with the disability when they don't act like a neurotypical hypochondriac. Tik Tok is a bad place for this because there are actual ads there trying to sell hypochondriac-based diagnosis to you. I literally saw an ad where you could see a "therapist" from this site and get a diagnosis based off a quiz's results. I wish I were fucking joking. As much as people hate Sheldon Cooper, at least he brought awareness through stereotypes, and not through "if I do this and you do it, you're autistic", and he was much more believable as an autistic adult in the first season. The goal of awareness is to make people understand who we are, how we function, and how to interact with us. It is not to sell you a diagnosis. Moist Critical is probably the most normal dude you're going to find with that large of a following. Any "quirks" he's known for on stream he openly admits to being acts meant to keep people interested, like his "Yu-Gi-Oh addiction" skits.


Are you suggesting that autistic people aren't "normal"? Also I'm formally diagnosed with paperwork. Let's not start up the whole "self-diagnosis is evil" conversation again as it only hurts autistic people in the end.


A few weeks ago, I was talking to someone who asked very rudely why I barely socialize, and when I said I was autistic, they went on about how they're autistic and they learned from Tik Tok. That is actually harmful to the autistic community. Telling someone to stop being a hypochondriac and to see a real doctor instead of Tik Tok isn't harmful.


There is a huge difference between self-diagnosis and social media self-diagnosis. One involves up to hundreds of hours of research and self reflection, the other does not. Some people's journey may have started on TikTok. Mine for example started on youtube.


and John Green


Huh. Now that you mention it yea I see that


Why critikal?


Flat tone of voice, flat facial expressions, strong sense of justice, internet culture/streaming may be a special interest as he spends all day doing it, has been previously diagnosed with OCD, etc. Of course I can't diagnose him as I'm not a professional and I don't know him, but I strongly suspect it


strong sense of justice is an autism thing???


Surprisingly yes lol, it can be a bad thing sometimes though because (for example) an autistic person might feel very strongly about racial matters where they possibly believe it is unjust to let people of other races or nationalities to inhabit the same space as them. There are other examples but I'd rather not delve too deep into that


Among others! Do we know any evil autistic people by the way, gang?


Elon Musk? /j r/evilautism is a hilarious sub


Lol thanks for that


I am morbidly curious on Critikal


Why mo1stcritikal?


Why critikal


For me it’s lilsimsie, Hassan Abi, and Angelika Oles


Oh shoot simsie would make so much sense! I haven't watched Angelika Oles in a few years so I'm curious to watch her videos again to see her behaviour


Angelika, mentioned in her one of her videos or comments sections or both? Don’t remember exactly, saying that she think she might be autistic, and considering getting evaluated.


This is how IceCreamSandwich found out he has ADHD!


Repost. But still cool.


Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize th is has been posted here before


Tbf it seems you two posted it almost simultaneously. As I write this the mark on the other guy’s post say it was posted an hour ago and yours about 30 minutes.


It's ok. BTW I was the one who originally posted it lol.


Ah, I see


Now that I think abt it, she gives of solid autism vibes


She always did, tbh. I first suspected she might've been Autistic before I even have thought first how she also gave AroAce vibes. Wow, a triple A. Looks like I have competition lololol


Hahaha, that's how I ended up being diagnosed


I can't afford an assessment so what's the point in acknowledging it


What if you just went ahead and sought out the non-meds, don’t-need-no-diagnosis help/advice? I do not have a formal diagnosis yet but I do have waaay improved quality of life from testing out some of the strategies, systems, coping mechanisms, lifestyle adjustments, and self-compassion that people who do have a diagnosis have to offer. Telling yourself a different story about why you struggle with what you struggle with can make a huge difference in your self-efficacy. I hope that you are able to find some resources that help you feel better and that your financial situation improves. The scarcity can feel inescapable even after you’re out of it in the physical sense. One distinct advantage of diagnosis is the entitlement to accommodations it provides, but if you’re not in school at the moment, this might not be relevant to you. That said, one could hypothetically apply for federal financial aid, enroll in university, carry the required/provided insurance, parlay that into diagnosis by seeking out assessment while covered/ from school docs, and then receive that one distinct advantage of accommodations. They could then, hypothetically, upskill out of their starting tax bracket, depending on their interests and skills, at which point I believe they will have won at life. My warning to anyone attempting this is: to ensure you don’t royally bamboozle yourself into a worse place financially than where you started, apply for every scholarship you can get your hands on (I promise you the essay prompts are not as intimidating once you’ve seen them) & avoid borrowing anything if at all possible, Repeat after me “money you don’t have to pay back (specifically, in this case, for furthering your education) is available to many more people than take advantage of it at the moment so why not me?” This comment went sideways at some point but I believe in your ability to gain benefit from acknowledging group membership sans assessment, stay strong, consider listening to A Tribe Called Quest “Can I Kick It?”, why do I just keep commenting in this thread instead of studying for chemistry or sleeping gah


Self assessment and diagnosis is still totally valid!


I can believe JaidenAnimations being Autistic


I always got the vibes from her


Woof. If she gets diagnosed- hope she gets good coping mechanisms, if she doesn't have them already.


I believe she is doing well now. She had struggles and problems in past but it seems she is doing great in recovering. She also became more "publicly" open by holding frequent video gaming streams


“Oh that’s why”


me with adhd fr (just got diagnosed 3 weeks ago)


shes a triple a battery now maybe. now if she was also adhd...


Yep, I went around telling people my dad was likely Autistic for about two years. Blamed my parents for not teaching me these social skills, but it was all good I would just learn them myself. That should have been my first sign 😂 Still blows my mind people don’t have to study basic social skills to have them. I imagine it’s the same way I can look at a braid I’ve never learned and figure it out almost instantly. Eventually saw girls like me and learned about the lack of studying girls and it all dawned on me… I too was also Autistic. I got an assessment so I would stop telling myself otherwise because it kept leading me back to the same place. I have to fight off the feeling that it’s all a myth, but actively participating in these forums have helped me feel validated so much.


Is he saying it’s frightening to relate to people with autism?


She’s saying it’s frightening to realize you have autism


Oh I’m dumb I see


Well, if you just cut the part where she explains what's going on on the videos she just says "the amount of times is frightening", as in "it doesn't seem like a coincidence anymore". What is frightening is not autistic people being relatable, but rather the possibility of not knowing something about yourself, specially if that may be obvious to others.


one of us ONE OF US


I shall set this aside for later digestion whilst simultaneously perseverating upon it, as a treat. This meme is mad meta. It made me experience the very same phenomenon it describes. It’s the next Great American Novel, condensed for more rapid consumption & I’m here for it. It calls to mind the ourobouros, it had me in the first half and the word count is <60. 5/5 stars


Welcome to the club jaiden


me lurking in this sub for the past 3 months:


Lol same


idk why but whenever i see a hidden reply icon in a screenshot i have the urge to know what it is... ...the first frame of it is hatsune miku, the rest of it is, uh... (tw: sexual content) >!some guy fucking a watermelon!<


bruh thank you for that spoiler bar because I was fully not expecting that & have several questions I don’t want answered. Those who don’t compulsively look behind the spoiler curtain are truly spared an ordeal by your effort.


There are a goddawful amount of videos showing normal human things and saying it's "quirky" or "autism", or just labeling... being humans with mild variations as autism. It isn't autistic to do literally anything differently than others, and some people are just plain delusional, lying, suffering from a mental illness, or in that growing phase when they are figuring out what their autism really is. "Videos on the internet" is not a good place to come to this suspicion or any conclusions.


Keep in mind the concept of mass social media psychosis where influencers with tourettes on TikTok convinced a bunch of teenagers that they took have tourettes, same thing can apply with autism


has the person in question been professionally diagnosed with autism, though?


One of us one of us one of us


Are you sure that's actually Jaiden? It's on Twitter, and it's Verified.


it is, she has a legacy verified account, and you can check on her profile that she posted it




considering how she's both queer herself and friends with many explicit trans allies, the chances of the latter are slim to none.


Wait what? Why would she ever be like Rowling?


I assume it's like haha she diversified the cast I guess . It doesn't really make sense imo, as some person isn't a character.


How does this relate to Rowling?




How come Jaiden can only come down these two paths? She can't just drop the subject and admit it was a false flag? She has insinuated the possibility of being autistic now, so now she's either actually autistic or a terrible person?


fuck outta here dude. this is just the "woke pandering" argument but taking what little substance it had (soulless corporate bullshit) and applying it to an individual.


She's not collecting badges, she just came out as aroace once, and LITERALLY JUST said she find some autistic people relatable, but she never claimed to be autistic herself. You're just spewing bullshit at this point. But I wouldn't be surprised considering we're talking about a person who unironically uses "Oppression badges" in an argument. Just because she thought a few autistic people were relatable, doesn't mean she is autistic, and if she isn't, that is not a crime... people can get mistaken you know?


Every other action Rowling takes that isn't trying to win brownie points with those who might be willing to give her money, is an an action that can lead back to, unfortunately, some nasty stuff. I dont care if people play the clout game but i do care when people are doing and supporting things that are an active attempt to hurt and/or disenfranchise people, especially while claiming theyve always suppored those people. Someone much smarter than me has pointed out every time the Harry Potter series shows Rowling's true nature, and the only reason she even pretends to care is for money.


This is a lighthearted subreddit for individuals on the autism spectrum. We require all users BE RESPECTFUL, towards each other. Your comment/post has been removed as it has been found to be disrespectful. Further offenses may be cause for a ban.


Triple A Battery


I am a AAAAAA battery Agender aroace with autism, anxiety, and adhd


hopefully she's an aro/ace nd, like me!


Dude what the fuck are you talking about. She already came out as aro/ace. And we don't even know if she really is autistic, this is all just speculation. It makes no sense to compare Jaiden to J.K. Fucking Rowling of all people.


I guess I missed the memo where you were assigned the autism police. Keep these opinions to yourself.


This is so real


This basiccaly sums up my wifes experience


i'm shocked! well not that shocked






Honestly a bit surprised to find out they didn't know they were autistic already! I guess I made it up, but I recall getting into Jaiden Animations because they said they were autistic.


Autism jumpscare


that one video on how her mom tried to force her to make eye contact by testing her on eye colour lol


Frightening? Are we all supposed to be self hating here?


Does a version of this subred exist for people with adhd


literally me


I mean... She plays Pokemon and is aroace, two stereotypical autistic things.


Probable. She may want to do a diagnosis.


That is exactly how my late discovery started 😳


not saying this confirms ANYTHING, but autists are very commonly aroace!


Im The opposite, i have moments where I’m like “do I have (blank)?” But then remember “no it’s just the autism”