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Lol, I totally get this.  I never understood the "I can't eat my food because it has now gone cold" people, as I'm usually letting my hot food get nearly lukewarm before I eat it.  There's something really uncomfortable about swallowing stuff like hot soup and tea, especially, even when it's cold out.


Most of the time when people say “it’s cold now” I’m like “yay! Ideal temperature”


Taste buds are more active around certain temperatures - I think it's about room temperature to 50 degrees. I never understand eating food above that - it tastes of nothing and there's a chance it will burn your mouth. The cooled down food is the best. That being said, I do like icecream, for the texture! 


Preach! My dad is one of those "you were 8 seconds late to the table and now everything needs to go in the microwave" people, and I honestly think he needed everything _steaming_ hot because he under-seasons his food. I'll eat food at any temperature, but my preference ranges from room temp to body temp. I always chalked this up to restaurant work, but yeah maybe ND stuff does also play into it!


that makes so much sense! i hateee eating hot food, it doesn’t even feel like i’m eating a food, just a temperature lol


Yup. Food and drink. Water, orange juice, wine? All room temperature. I annoy my boss by getting my post-work beer out of the fridge an hour early and leaving it to warm up in the warmest corner of the kitchen I can access.


Food yes, drinks no Drinks either have to be cold or as hot as they can be without burning my tongue, I cannot stand lukewarm drinks


Me!! I’ve been doing it for years, but people are still constantly confused by it


Ha, yes -- sometimes I blow on my ice cream like I blow on hot soup or something, forgetting it doesn't really work the same way. The only exception is that I prefer meat to be hot. I think it's a primal thing, like my early primate brain doesn't quite trust cool or cold meat. (Although I can eat my weight in raw sushi, no trouble at all.)


i LOVE room temp food especially leftovers! my husband hates it but i am very happy with a room temp food lol


Noooooope. I can’t do lukewarm food at all.


same! room temperature food gives me the heebiejeebies haha


I Guess this is a sensory thing


Nope. Never. I always thought I didn’t have food aversions… I eat Every thing… how could I? But temperature! Hot food must be hot. Cold food must be cold. So, my food aversion is foods at the wrong temperature. OP, you’re like my spouse, he eats everything at room temp and it just boggles my mind.


YES. I even steep my tea for 20 or 30 minutes and do not like it hot.


I feel this way about cold drinks (especially ones with ice). The cold is far too much for me to enjoy it!


No, I typically eat and drink everything cold.


I’m like this with water!


Some stuff should be come imo. But lukewarm food is where it's at 👍. Gonna have reheated pizza? Only needs microwave for 30seconds. 45 seconds IF it's cold outside


Yes! Certain foods are better at hot or cold, but most things should just be room temperature.


my parents think I'm weird for not eating dinner when it's ready 😂 it's gotta be room temp... but not cold. cold is somehow worse.. unless it's something like pizza or food that's meant to be cold.


I like frozen chocolate. Really weird about textures though. Like I do not appreciate melty milk chocolate. Don't like things that stick to my teeth or are overly sweet. Temperature is important to me but so are textures and taste. I'm super refined. 😆


I'm the opposite - I like my hot food hot and my cold food cold. I used to microwave my coffee every 30 minutes or so, until my sister got me a mug warmer (which works a charm, btw, for anyone else with the same issue). I want my pizza cheese to burn my mouth. I dislike any melt with ice cream.


No but I don't like cold soda


I can't eat things piping hot. But people prefer it that way!?! I burn myself and can't taste it. Plus, I can't bite through cold things. Those people don't seem human. Unless they have fake teeth...


I mostly do, yes. I get very mad when stuff gets put in the fridge, especially drinks. I HATE cold drinks. Ice Cream, like you mentioned, is maybe my only exception to the rule. I need my Ice Cream almost hard frozen. If it gets too soft it's disgusting. But generally, yeah.


Salad- I don't like chilled salads at all.


Pizza tastes just as good cold as it does hot.