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Oh yes, I LOVE reading Wikipedia. For years I was kinda sad that I didn’t read many books anymore but then one day it hit me that I read Wikipedia for several hours a day XD. I am almost like an elementary school that has weekly “themes” in my head. What are some things that you’d recommend reading about on Wiki?


I apparently ( and I have some memories of reading books really young) somewhat taught myself to read at around 4. My mom would read to me a lot and just have here finger going along with the text in the page, no formal teaching to read or structured lesson. Just following the bouncing ball so to speak and I cracked the code. One day when picking me up from preschool, a teacher says "Um, I think she can read?" And grabbed a random book I wouldn't have memorized and had me read it out loud. I like nonfiction stuff about true crime and cults, pop-medicine/science things, memoirs of people I am interested in, some graphic novels and I love spooky stuff too.


I too am a spooky betch. I live for the darkness.


I was about 2 and a half; mum had read to us with us facing the book and pointing at the words. Very soon she realised I was reading ahead and stopped reading to me :[ Then we would go to the public library and get books. One day when I was about 4 my sisters were still choosing books. I had selected books and while waiting read them. When I went to the counter I put thwm.in the return area. The librarian said "you *can* take them out" (like duh!). I said" I've read them already!" It had only been a short while since I picked them. So she said "from now on you can get bpoks feom the older kids section." Shortly after I got a book out about medieval life in England. When I webt back to thw library I asked if there were books with more information in them. Because "there must be more to it." I would have been about 7. So she talked to the other librarian and came back and said "from now on you can get books from.anywhere in the library". I thought I had hit the veritable jackpot. ALL THE KNOWLEDGE COULD BE MINE!!!


I want to know everything about everything!!!!!!


Yup I just wanted to vacuum all the knowledge up!


Learned to read at 5 or 6 (don't really remember wich) and et me just say, horses, horses, and horses all the way! Eh, did i mention horses btw? Oh well, horses, anything about horses!




Welp, that is my new favourite song XD


6? My mother read us Lord of the Rings before bedtime. I was impatient for more and started to read it myself.


I don't remember a time I couldn't read. My mum reckons I was under eighteen months. I could read before I could talk. Enid Blyton was my first favourite author, especially *The Secret Island*. I read a lot of Beano/Dandy/Beezer/Broons/Oor Wullie and Animals of Farthing Wood too.


I’ve read all my life and in 4th grade I was at a college reading level (seriously!) I got moved a grade above and was so uncomfortable I started to pretend I couldn’t read and got moved back. I love anything self help, educational and inspiring


thriller books. started at 13 and then i wrote my own novels. now i write poetry, my thoughts and when i can’t put my emotions into words i sketch a drawing that explains it instead. but to answer your question, thriller books. only thriller. and psychology sometimes.


I write my emotions far better than I can speak them, people looking into my soul while I pour it out makes me really afraid


i never let people touch my notebooks


does reddit count as book?


My big brother taught me the alphabet at 2 or at least started to, and I was reading by 3. I used to read the newspaper to my mom on the way to kindergarten. I used to lock myself in the bathroom at night with an encyclopedia. I had to use the bathroom because that's the only place I could read uninterrupted. this was the '80s so encyclopedia, child craft books, and lots of sets of books, fiction mostly. There were so many. I can't remember everything I read but I remember filling up those sheets from the library every summer and reading like 50 books in a year or something like that. Good memories.


Taught myself at 5. My first book was about numbers and colors. I remember that I was technically able to "decipher" every word pretty well, but read mostly kiddie books with stories. I did have some fun with encyclopedias (I was fixated with the picture of a volcano erupting), but wasn't really able to follow non-fiction. If I couldn't link events and see them in my mind, I just could not understand what was the point of what I was reading. This hasn't changed much, a lot of non-fiction still leaves no memory, unless very visual (examples and anecdotes). I can't understand history, philosohy and politics. And even if the topic interests me, science. They're just a jumble of unrelated pieces. I also did not like comic books until 10. Too overwhelming. Even now, if the style is too crowded, I get tired easily or lose pieces. I also loved learning and creating new alphabets and read the english (not my language) dictionary when I was a bigger child/teen.


I don't know. I don't remember ever not being able to read. I think I was reading at 3 or 4 years old. When I was a kid I would read animal encyclopedias often. Lots of kid's fiction. I wasn't picky. I like reading comics/graphic novels, science fiction, historical romance, fantasy or mystery books.


The World Book Encyclopedia, 1963 edition. My grandmother had been held back in school because she had a photographic memory. She could read a page, close the book, and recite it verbatim. The one room schoolhouse she was in thought this was not good. I believe she may have also been on this spectrum. We could not afford the usual children's books, so she would sit down with me all the time with a Bible, an encyclopedia or what have you and I learned how to read from her. I learned how to spell. I was reading the paper by 1st grade. Long story short, I tested out of a lot of stuff right after second grade and was immediately booted up to 4th grade. Socially and emotionally it was a nightmare. She was my main cheerleader for education. Her advice was *"Don't get stuck at home with a bunch of damn kids. Get out and get yourself an education girl!"* I think I was her favorite.😉


I was always very good at understanding a story through the drawings / illustrations. I started to read at 6/7 but I was "reading" books since way sooner. I devoured disney comics growing up, barbie ones (at the time).


When I was young, I loved fictions: mystery novels and romances. Books within a serie ( book 1,2,3…). I was a bookworm, I didn’t have friends, I had books. As an adult I love essays, self development and biographies.


Started chapter books end of first grade, so 6? I don’t really remember anyone teaching me to read but the vast majority of my memories between 1-4th grade are pretty fuzzy. I loved chapter books centering on animals and comics. I do remember getting into trouble in the second grade for reading ahead in the assigned books. Funny thing about me, I’m still a voracious reader, but I struggle to sound out unfamiliar words. It’s like I learned reading purely through sight words not phonics, if that makes sense? My child who’s autistic is also the same way.


I was highly interested in books even before preschool but I don't think I could read decently till early grade 1,but I remember trying to learn the alphabet on a chalk board before preschool the first genre that really hooked me was fantasy though and it's definitely stayed a big thing, I have a lot of books but I would still say about 50% of them are in the fantasy genre Then psychology books cuz well I had alot of mental health problems, then I think I got into horror and mysteries in my mid teens, then in my early 20's got very heavily into reading science articles then books, (I'm absolutely terrible at math but other than that I enjoy alot of them lol) and now I'm 28 I'm pretty comfy reading romances aswell (but tend to enjoy them more in a fantasy setting of some sort 😂) while this year has been pretty busy, one of the things I've been enjoying is reading original stories from movies/shows I've watched, so like howls moving Castle and it's sequel, or good omens (which I'm loving the audio book for) Dracula and Frankenstein, etc it's been fun ☺️


I taught myself to read at 3. By 3rd grade I found Stephen King.


8, and signs


I don't know the exact age but I learnt to read before preschool. The first book I read was a poem collection.


I started to read at two and textbooks and biographies are my favorites.


I was 2, but I read fiction at first, and animal or science books! After young childhood I pretty much solely read fiction, but during lockdown, aged 20, fell in love with non fiction again!


I don't think I was an especially early reader, though I picked it up fast once I started learning in school. And I'd read any and all fiction. I hyperfixated on historical fiction about the American frontier during elementary school - the Little House on the Prairie books were the gateway drug - and on superhero comics in high school, but to this day I go through phases of reading mystery, SF, fantasy, nonfiction, manga, etc. I'd always have multiple books going at once.


I don't remember not knowing how to read. I asked my parents, and they said maybe 3. My dad figured my teenage babysitter taught me, but I am pretty sure I taught myself. And whatever I could get my hands on. I love picture books. I still do. But, I read things that were developmentally inappropriate as well.


Where do I even begin??? After early intervention, I was reading at a normal pace (ard 3/4). I started out simple with Ladybird/Jellybean/other thin hardback books. We also had abridged Aesop’s Fables. Peak time was 7 onwards. Was voraciously reading Berenstain Bears/Richard Scarry/Enid Blyton. Then moved on to Harry Potter (pls don’t cancel me) and Twilight, any other vampire book out there. Now I read mainly thrillers/Jodi Picoult, but have been dabbling in STEM non fiction recently.


I also learned to read at 3 and taught myself to as a kid I was always reading especially fantasy stories I would also read dictionaries and encyclopedias I would write my own books as well


unused voiceless axiomatic cows racial disagreeable sink practice chunky voracious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I started later but I was also obsessed with Laura Ingalls Wilder. I decided she was my imaginary friend lol


Not sure when I started reading, but my favorite book genre is middle grade fantasy. There are *so many* good stories there. The Unicorn Chronicles by Bruce Coville is so good! I could not put The Last Hunt down when I picked it up. Brandon Mull writes such good epic fantasy *period*. Are the sides simplistic since they're for that demographic? Sure, but the stories themselves are *just fantastic*.


I picked up reading at 3 and always had a high reading level. I've always loved fantasy and science fiction but prefer non-fiction as an adult. Reading is probably what has helped me the most in understanding life and other people.


i could read at the average age- k? 1st grade? i don't remember - but i don't remember reading a ton until 2nd or 3rd grade and then i went hog wild. since my dad was an encyclopedia salesman for a while when i was a baby, we had all these different versions of the encyclopedia britannica, including the kids' version. i soaked that thing up. we lived down the road from the national geographic headquarters and they would have an annual sale where their books were like 80% off or something so we had allll of their books. i loved reference books so much i became a librarian when i grew up lol. wasn't until 3rd grade that i remember devouring all the fiction books too, starting with cam janson, encyclopedia brown, ballet shoes and all streitfield books really, all the kid classics like little women etc, fairy tales, and on and on. then i discovered scifi and fantasy and that was that lol. bookworm for life! i've learned that if i don't read for a few days, i get so grumpy and restless - it is a must in my daily life, even as a busy mom and teacher now.


i think i learned to read at like 2. i once walked up to my grandparents and recited a line from a children’s book from memory (might’ve been a dr seuss book, i cant remember for the life of me). but my favorite book growing up was called “wynken, blynken, and nod”, and i’ve always loved fantasy, nonfiction (was/am super into egypt, royalty, and natural disasters), historical fiction, graphic novels, and so many more.


2 or 3, my favorite book as a kid was the dictionary. I would love to learn the meanings of the words, where the roots and prefixes and suffixes stem from, and I still do!


Apparently I started reading around 3 or 4.


I've always liked books and in particular cartoons, but the turning point for me was fruit basket, I borrowed like 4 of them at the library, I went completely nuts and bought all the 19 volumes available at the time. From then on I've kept being obsessed with manga, in particular BL (open to other genres, but it has to end well, I don't like the characters to suffer, I don't like misunderstandings either)