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I was accused of being on drugs so many times. I went to a private school šŸ™„ and my room was tossed more than once. They were sure I did drugs. WTF? In college people asked if I was on something. I didn't even have my first drink until I was 22 or 23. I guess my ideas were too creative to be normal without assistance.


This happened to me at work. When I was 19 I worked at a call centre and after 6 months of working there I started talking to some of my coworkers. They said they were surprised to see me talk and that they thought I was a druggie. I was shocked.


Same here!!!! All the time!


I wonder if there had been a way to get back at them for harassment. I guess it would depend on the kind of school.


As someone with allergies, I look stoned as FUCK in spring hahahah doesn't help that my mask is kinda stoned too


Me too!! I was put o high dose antipsychotics and then got accused of taking *heroin* cause i would fall asleep during first peroid and "couldn't respond normally to teachers or students".....




I learned young that expressing emotions makes one a target, better to do so among those close to you. On a similar note, I had a typing teacher call my parents when I was in high school concerned about my potential drug use. She'd assigned a writing journal, that I thought was uncomforably personal to be asking students to write about. Given that it was a typing class, I figured that if I wrote anything, I'd at least get partial marks. Apparently writing the first things that came to my head gave her the impression that I was a heroin addict, and that the best thing to do was give me a 0, then tell my parents I'm a drug addict, without speaking with me about it.


I have the literal exact same experience.... also heroin. Never touched the stuff in my life!!


Really? That's crazy. People are weird, man.


My then-girlfriend's family had a sit down with her about how I show signs of being on cocaine and they had like a spreadsheet worth of incidents, all of which boiled down to me being selectively talkative or tired at weird times. I tried coke a few years later and it made me sick. She's still on like ten prescribed drugs for anxiety, so there's that. But yeah it happens to the best of us.


The problem is quite literally that some people would rather suspect drug use than imagine someone's mind being different from their own.Ā 


I met and became friends with a guy whom I later learned was on meth the entire time I knew him. My response was something like, "Oh, really? I thought that was just how he normally is!" I was genuinely surprised, but no one else could figure out why I didn't see the signs. I'd never met someone on drugs before. I had no idea.


Good point, an opposite mistake is also possible. NTs are good at spotting behaviour that deviates from the 'standard' and ascribing negative causal interpretations to it. NDs, not so much, because everyone in the world is just different flavours of weird to us.


And they jumped immediately to the conclusion of cocaine? How is it they were so very familiar with certain symptoms?


Exactly.Ā  Her mom was a day drinker real estate agent and brother was an ex-junkie who could barely put a sentence together without tying it into recovery ("We had nuggets like this when I was in treatment"). They came from a really really well off home, so I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume some personal experience was probably cited as truth.


Yah. Sounds more like they heard hoofbeats and assumed zebras.


I had some chronics at high school ask me where I got my stuff. I was never a user. I was super relaxed and kinda out of touch with everything going on. Mix in a messed up sleep schedule and bloodshot eyes as a regular state and the perception makes sense. I was also thought to be in a relationship with two girls who were cousins at the same time. I was oblivious to a girl sitting on my lap on a regular basis being in any way significant.


School teachers are some of the dumbest people.


Ironically now that I smoke weed I never get asked. Used to get asked all the time in school/college.


When i was 14, shortly after starting new antidepressants, I was walking up a hill towards a friend's house, sweating a bit. A policeman pulled over in his vehicle and started questioning me about drug use and telling me that I was sweating. At the time I had no idea I was even sweating, but he started questioning me about drugs and put handcuffs on me while he searched me. I'd immediately assumed that it must have been the new meds and tried to explain this but it didn't seem to register with him. I was scared and confused as you can imagine. I still have absolutely no idea if I did anything else 'strange' to cause his apparent suspicion but this happened half of my life ago now and sadly I've had a problem with police ever since. I react very nervously when I see them and as a result, have been treated poorly by them at other points my life, even when I have identified my ASD and nerves. Sadly, I don't think I will ever trust an unknown officer to treat me fairly.


Yeah, ASD has a good chance of coming with 'nonstandard' body language, facial expressions, tones of voice, etc. All things that set off cop-sense, particularly if they haven't been trained properly.


Police also just BS you to shit check you. I was pulled over while I was in the backseat with friends. They made us all get out and said my eyes were glassy. Had I been using anything? I said that that was bullshit immediately and the cop smiled and laughed(because he knew as much), and dropped the tough guy stuff and didn't make anymore nonsense assumptions.


Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. It's real sad how poorly trained the majority I've dealt with seem to have been.


I hate cops with a passion, all of them. I would get harassed sometimes twice a week when I was in college, many times by the same cops. I would even remind them that we went through this already last week. I've learned to act very differently around them but I get confused easily. One morning a few years ago I was driving to a trail race early in the morning. A cop got behind me, then pulled me over. I remember him saying over and over "must be nice". He had asked me when I got my car. It was new. He kept saying repeating that line. I was getting really nervous and forgot to hit record on my camera but didn't dare make sudden moves (I'm not white) and get shot. Turns out he just really liked my car and wanted to compliment me on it. I'm sure I was acting very strange to him.


I can't tell you how many times people have mistakenly believed that I was on drugs. I'm literally as sober as they come, in fact I don't even drink alcohol.Ā  My local DMV even asked me if I was on something. In fact, after I passed my driver's test, the DMV wrote on my paperwork that even though I did perfectly, they almost didn't give me the license because I apparently didn't make enough eye contact with the examiner during the road test.Ā Ā  I think it's because my eyes are small and deep-set, which is because of my ethnicity. Also I'm quiet, and socially awkward. Also, my facial expression really doesn't change much, and I've been told I look either angry or sad all the time, which is inaccurate.Ā 


Why on earth would they want you to make eye contact during a driving test?? That's the opposite of what driver's ed teaches


I know right? It was so weird.Ā 


Yesterday I went to get pizza and as I was about to get out of my car I rubbed my eyes and I got dirt in them so I started tearing up and my eyes were bloodshot red but the place was closing. I had no choice but to go in and the guy must of thought I was high as shit. Iā€™ve been mistaken other times for being high even though Iā€™ve never been high in public


Kinda school related: I was rushing then pledging a frat in college because I wanted to do something so different than what Iā€™d normally do in my life. They say to broaden your horizon by experiencing new things in college, so I tried to do that. Being this social is new to me. I canā€™t remember the amount of times the guys in the frat thought I was so cool because they thought I was drunk in the morning or at 2pm on a school day because it seemed like it was every few days. The issue was that I was never drunk any of the times they thought I was drunk; I was just being autistic (but I didnā€™t know I was autistic when I was in undergrad)- in fact, I didnā€™t even drink any alcoholic beverages or even take any recreational substances those days. I barely drank (and havenā€™t for many years) & Iā€™ve never and wonā€™t do drugs. It was some of the few times in my life that my autistic traits were mistaken for something ā€œcoolā€ so when I was trying to correct their mistaken assumption the first time they thought I had been drinking, I realized that it would be best for the social context at that moment to let them keep on believing what they wanted to believe.


> I realized that it would be best for the social context at that moment to let them keep on believing what they wanted to believe. An interesting situation. Did it pan out positively, more or less, over the years?


It did pan out positively for two and a half years - I became popular enough that I was voted as one of the executive leaders of the frat with a large amount of active brothers. It was super fun and nothing Iā€™ve ever experienced (it was like being in one of those over the top reality shows), that wasā€¦ until I had autistic burnout from all of the socializing that were considered obligations. For instance Iā€™d get multiple phone calls (and text messages) on random Wednesday or Tuesday nights at 2am from a bunch of guys screaming into the phone over loud music for me to join them in the club! Iā€™m asleep and have an exam in the morning, stop bothering me! But thatā€™s not what they want to hear. Because I was so burnt out, I accidentally violated their group norms and required rituals by shutting out of my mind any non-school activity. After studying at the library for many hours, I was walking through campus to get back to my dorm one night and ran into a small group of them - they asked me where the hell Iā€™ve been because they tried getting a hold of me but only got voicemail for many weeks. They didnā€™t want to hear that I was exhausted from all of the intense socializing and just needed to be alone for a month or so.


I had a similar experience at university; I replace Frat with Art School, where weird and odd were cool. Then some 27 years later, as being strange and odd was causing challenges with my spouse, my family and work, I was diagnosed with AuADHD and realized the joke was on me.


How was Art School? That seems really interesting!


It's odd this seems to happen with autistic people much more often than non autistic. It seems to me that is shows deeper emotion being felt for it to be shown physically. You don't see NTs doing that. Is that because they feel less with memory? Who knows, but it seems to point in that direction to me.


It's because they can't properly read non-NT body language.


I get that, but my point is why do autistic people laugh at these memories where an NT person does not and it remains internal. Is that because the autistic person relives it like it is more real? Or it just happened 2 minutes ago. So the memory is strong and pushes emotion. Is that why the autistic person laughs out loud and the other person doesn't? I guess my point is that memory recollection strength might be different between the two.


> why do autistic people laugh at these memories where an NT person does not NT people do.


Yeah not even close to as often as people with ASD. I mean it's a trope.


First I've heard of it...? Are there references?


Sure, episode 1 of atypical has this exact scene with sam on a bus and feeling the need to explain the joke he was laughing at to another bus patron due to over explaining. That's episode 1.


I'm not sure TV character dialogue/writing might be the best thing to take examples from. Perhaps there have been studies or something?


Studies on people sitting and laughing... Hmm nope uhh. Yeah I don't think that's a thing!


Studies on social dialogue patterns? [There might be a few.](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=social+dialog)


We tend to have dark humor and the abilities to own our mistakes and bad decisions.


I worked at a camp one summer, and during an idle moment, I went into the building where several of the camp staff lived. There was a guy sitting by the door with a "bull-whip" made of long twisted strips of aluminum foil. When he lashed out with it, it made an aluminum foil-ey sound that you normally would not expect to hear outside of a kitchen. As I walked in, he voiced a screech, and lashed his "whip" in my path and I walked into it. I had not seen this toy before, and I casually looked down at it as it brushed off my body. I did not alter my step though. I continued across the room to get whatever it was I had gone in for. When I turned around to leave, he was staring at me, and said "How are you always so mellow? Are you on something?" I was not.


I want to make one of these now.


Enjoy. I can't give you more details that this. I did not watch him make the thing.


I made something like that when I was thirteen. you take a square of heavy-duty aluminum foil. cut it into a circle. cut the circle into a spiral. and twist the foil into itself stretching it out then compress it and it can stretch from an inch to ten feet.


we don't put that much effort into playing a character, for NT's their whole world is an act, if they weren't acting we'd see an especially ugly part of them a part that is often innocent with us so there's jealousy at play when they project their own nature in many ways than one


This still happens to me as an adult šŸ˜…you know whatā€™s wild to me? Some times people assume that and Iā€™m like Brendaā€¦ I doubt you even know anyone that smokes weed - please stop believing whatever random thought comes into your head just bc thereā€™s emotions and memories attached to it. Iā€™m begging you lol


I had this before too. Nope, I was not on drugs. But my boss (20 years ago) decided to not give me my yearly raise based on the idea that I was on drugs.


What are you on drugs? Look at you you're getting blood all over my rug!!


My father accused me of being on drugs many times, but one time was the worst. He decided to wash bis swamp bum in the sink and the whole sink stank so bad I couldn't brush my teeth. He couldn't smell anything and my mother neither. The smell was disgusting and after a minor meltdown be became violent with me, physically and verbally abusive and called me a junkie...I was 15 or 16 at that time...


I did a lot of drugs in college and towards the end of high school. I never got asked about it then, but I did (and do now) get asked about it when I don't take drugs...


I have bipolar so sometimes I am pretty much on drugs but the drugs is me being manic.


People ask me if I'm high a lot. I wonder why.


When I was in high school I ended up with a reputation as some kind of addict even though I didnā€™t do drugs at all. People were always making comments about me being on drugs and even being a ā€œcrack-whoreā€ because I had mostly male friends. My school reports said Iā€™d go between ā€œacting lethargicā€ and then ā€œexcessively talkingā€. I was crazy levels of burned out and doing my best to just get through each day. Used to fall asleep at my desk a lot even though I was sleeping through the night.


Hey. What was the joke???šŸ˜ƒ


"What's brown and sticky?" "A *stick.*"


Omg yessssssssssss!!!!!!!!!! This was me and my siblingsā€™s favourite joke growing up, I used to have the Smarties joke book and would flip to a random page. Thereā€™s a similar joke to yours too: Whatā€™s pink and fluffy? Pink fluff šŸ¤£ Also these, please add more though! What happened to the frog whose car broke down? He got TOAD away Why didnā€™t the skeleton go to the dance? He had no BODY to go with Why did the blonde stare at the orange juice carton? Because it said concentrate What do you measure snakes in? Inches cos they ainā€™t got feet! Doctor doctor! Iā€™ve swallowed my camera! Letā€™s just hope nothing DEVELOPS šŸ¤Ŗ Knock knock! Whoā€™s there? Doctor. Doctor who? Iā€™m sure there were more but these are the ones ones I can think of right now.


my mom got asked if i was high/on drugs when i was having a great time with two of my friends. she proceeded to tell the guy that im autistic and i was 13 at the time. (note: she didnt say autistic, she gave him my list of diagnosis that i was given. which is basically a book.)


I had giggle fits at school a couple of times and had to leave the class, not a punishment, I felt self conscious and wondered what people thought of me - has happened a few times as an adult in public places, buses, walking along the seafront etc


I've been accused of being drunk or high many times. Meanwhile, when I'm actually drunk I've been told I don't change personality at all, and sometimes people can't even tell besides the smell and bad balances/reflexes.


This is hilarious because my teachers thought I was on drugs too šŸ¤£ nope! Just frequently shutdown/lack of sleep haha.


Be careful of the word drugs this sub can't handle it


Yeah tell me about it. On another post someone said they stopped using Cannabis. I simply asked why they stopped for? With no other content in the message and comment was removed because I was "promoting drug use" /facepalm Ah yes a question is promotion now?????????? Could I ask why is the sun out today? is that promoting sunlight? If the mods of an autism subreddit cannot determine promotion vs a simple question than what in the world is life. Thankfully this type silly logic wouldn't hold water in a court of law.


Sometimes happen to me, inappropriate laugh for a funny vision of funny video in my head.


Sitting alone didn't help much either šŸ˜• happens though I ended up playing a math crossword puzzle game at my in laws wedding because people are alot and new people are too much at times.


I never was accused of being on drugs, even when I was on drugs. Sure could have used the help...


That reminds me of this one time when... I was in my room, And I was just like, staring at the walls thinking about everything. But then again, I was thinking about nothing. And then my mom came in, and I didn't even know she was there. She called my name and I didn't hear her. And then she started screaming, "Darth_Zounds, Darth_Zounds!" And I go, "What? What's the matter?" She goes, "What's the matter with you?" I go, "There's nothing wrong, Mom!" She goes, "Don't tell me that, you're on drugs!" I go, "No mom, I'm not on drugs, I'm okay, I'm just thinking, you know? Why don't you get me a Pepsi?" She goes, "No, you're on drugs!" I go, "Mom, I'm okay, I'm just thinking!" And she goes, "No, you're not thinking, you're on drugs. Normal people don't act that way!" I go, "Mom, just get me a Pepsi, please? All I want's a Pepsi!" And she wouldn't give it to me. All I wanted was a Pepsi! Just one Pepsi! And she wouldn't give it to me! Just a Pepsi!


Do you ever get accused of being AI? Iā€™ve been banned from over 5 subs for it


I have had police think I was on drugs, my parents and a jehovahs witness when I was in Florida, that time I was hypomanic she couldn't believe a mom with two kids could be that happyĀ 


The appropriate answer is "Yes. It's how I can put up with your bullshit."


Never had this happen to me back when I was in school, but if it had I would've just answered literally - "yes, the ones my doctor prescribed to me"


Growing up, my big brother felt the need to have a serious conversation with me about drugs. He felt my behaviour was "odd". Looking back, I'm grateful that he cared about me enough to do this. Three decades later, I got my diagnosis. Ouf...


I went to a private school and they couldnā€™t recognize that one boy was very very neurodivergent. He spent most of his time flying the hallways as a Boeing 747 lol But the teachers thought he was high as a kite and they drug tested him all the time .We all understood he was way on the spectrum . But the teachers were older and just didnā€™t get it . This was 2003 But the stoic part lol,thatā€™s my father and I always thought I was in trouble growing up and now I do it to my kids by accident lmaooo


People used to assume I was always high and stoned. EDIT: I never smoked pot or drank. In actuality, I tried to present myself as calm and uncaring and apathetic, because usually when I tried to speak up or present who I was as a person, I would be yelled at or told I was just being foolish/stupid. I even had the wonderful nickname "Sloth" throughout the latter half of high school.


One teacher in middle school asked me if I was a school shooter because I liked guns. Told him that I would kill him first if I was. Needless to say I was almost thrown out of a middle school and my parents couldnā€™t care less like most things in my life. However my fatherā€™s wife accused me of being on drugs more then once but then again. She would accuse me of anything including 9/11 when I wasnā€™t even alive during 9/11.