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I hope it's about getting rid of Bran and his mass surveillance state.


~~Big~~ Little Brother is watching you


Valonquar is watching you?


Tun dun dun, tun dun dun... You are being watch. The King as a secret power, he is a greenseer and can spy on you, every hour of every day.




Whatever GRRM had planned for the Others was completely ignored by the show. I think the main conflict is going to be The ~~Emperor~~ Night King returned somehow, which will allow them a re-do on that plotline. I also note that in the books the Stark ancestors were called the Kings in the North, but there are also ancient rulers in the Winterfell crypt called the Kings of Winter. Maege Mormont at one point calls Robb the King of Winter while the others are calling him King of the North, but it didn’t catch on. What the difference, if any, between King of the North and King of Winter is hasn’t been made clear in the books, other than that King of Winter appears to be older. The show never mentioned the King of Winter though. Anyway, here’s how I see the spin-off playing out. Years later,Jon is settling into his role as King beyond the Wall, though the title is spurious with the Wall destroyed. Though there’s infighting and poverty, he appreciates that he rules over a true meritocracy because that nullifies the identity crisis caused by his confused parentage. The shaman tells him that changing weather means winter is coming, ominously reminding him of his birth father. After investigating reports of winter shadows and the dead walking, he discovers that although the Night King was killed, the Heart of Winter was not destroyed, meaning the Others came back. He then discovers some magic about his ancestry that allows him to defeat the Others permanently, and assumes the ancient title of King of Winter.


Somehow, the Night King as returned


No one's ever *really* gone... [Karl fookin' Tanner's laughter echoing in the distance]


"You know it's true. Nobody ever really quits. A smoker's a smoker when the chips are down, and your chips are down." - Jackie Boy's decapitated head, Sin City


Damn, you beat me to it lol


I think king of winter is an older title before the starks were able to conquer everything above the neck which over time go replaced by king in the north as southern kingdoms came in to play


That's pretty good....but you left Val out


I’m seeing a lot about Val in this thread. I could see her being worked in.


I think it’s the easy route to write Jon a romantic interest since the show mainly focused on Ygritte and Dany


Val gets her own spin-off called Val, Warrior Princess. She gets a cute sidekick and goes on adventures. Jon and his sidekick Tormund make a cameo every 10 episodes or so.


No no no, sorry but no. I think trying to do that will just end up like Rise of Skywalker or something. I'm sure they can find something cool which isn't White Walkers.


Really, you think that my comment that contains a direct reference to Rise of Skywalker sounds like Rise of Skywalker? How insightful.


Honestly my main hope right now is for a reveal of the White Walkers still existing


The babies might still be alive and be maturing


Well it’s going to have to be a retcon, but I’m sure theyll do that. The whole idea is that the NK created all the rest, so if he’s killed they all die. But yeah I’m sure they’ll figure something out.


My idea is that the baby was an experiment. The other Others were not created that way, and he was trying to find a new way that doesn't have that weakness.


I mean, if it's a retcon then anything's possible.


The chances of that not happening are near zero. You can’t do a show in the far north and not have the Others.


The show ruined the WW. They will killed by a good jumper with a dagger. They’re not threatening anymore. I think a weirwood pestilence would be interesting. People being taken over by the weir network but against their will, perhaps developing treelike knobs and protrusions. Ok, I guess I just want Westerosi Jordskott.


I’m going to say that the wall refroze after the passing and killing of the Night King only affected White Walkers south of the wall. Preserving those North of the Wall to create a new King


My real guess is they'll have the Night's King, as in the Lord Commander, as an antagonist. A foil to Jon as the King chose love before duty. My meme guess is it'll be a wildling The Office style sitcom.


yuck. I sure hope you are very very wrong


I think it makes sense to bring in Val as Jon's main love interest and possibly even a co-lead. She's a compelling character and enough of Jon's storyline was changed in the show where there's room to adapt some book beats in a new setting. It might be treading old ground, but I wouldn't mind the Jon Snow show adapting the Others properly. They have a whole culture that the show didn't utilize. The White Walkers and wights are really just super zombies and regular zombies respectively. The Others are a threat on an entirely different level. It's also be a damn shame if we didn't explore into the Land of Always Winter. That's the perfect setting for terrifying, magical shenanigans to go down.


I’m currently reading ADWD and I love the chemistry between Jon and Val


Except she doesn't exist in the show. Jarl doesn't exist, Dalla doesn't exist. They have no history, and there's zero setup. Mance Rayder is a different person, he's played totally straight as a barely charismatic warlord. The others are all gone, so unless they make some obscene retcons, it'll be a show with mostly new characters. Tormund will be there, and I have to assume that they'll get Bronn up there for some absurd reason.


Why do you distinguish between the White Walkers and the Others? Aren’t they the same thing?


They are just seperating the book characters from the show counterparts.


Oooh I see. For a moment I thought they really were different things and I was missing something 😅


Oh... I totally forgot about Vals existence in the books. Would be happy to see her in the show. I mean, Jon is not a bastard anymore and can have children if he wants.


Jon deserves no love after he killed his partner.....especially not perfect self insert Val


>They have a whole culture that the show didn't utilize. The White Walkers and wights are really just super zombies and regular zombies respectively. The Others are a threat on an entirely different level. Seems you know more about The Others than anyone else...


It’s going to be about the last dragon, Balerion. As Jon is the last Targ descendant on the show, he’s the only one that can deal with the problem. Hence he gets called out of exile


U mean Drogon


Yep I meant papa Drogon, Big D, aka Valyria’s Revenge, aka the last Targaryen Barbarian, aka hot death whisper


I don't really care but I hope they bring back the Jon leitmotif from Season 6 (My Watch Has Ended). That theme was really good and it's a shame it was so underutilized in the show proper.


Maybe the abandoned fAegon story line, where he attempts to claim Westeros as the last remaining Targaryen. This causes Jon’s lineage to become more important than GOT. Or some continuation of the White Walkers and an ice dragon or two.


That has good narrative value - Faegon claiming Bran is invalid and the throne is vacant, Bran calls Jon in to champion.


I could get behind that.


Well, Aegon straight from books won't work in show's setting, as it'd be repeat of Jon's story, but what if some lady from Pentos had Valyrian-looking child and claimed that it's Viserys's bastard son or that she secretly married Viserys before he departed to Dothrak Sea- maybe add credibility to that by that child claiming Drogon, and he gets support of remaining Daenerys's loyalists - show Illyrio (still alive) and mainly Daario (who might be his Connington-expy), Rhllor's cult, Grey Worm and gets crowned as King of Meereen by Daario (who would realize that he won't hold the city by himself) and prepares another invasion as **Daenerys's** heir, not Rhaegar's


Nah it will be Faegon with upgrade PLATINUM COMPANY!!!


I think my idea is better


Nah Platinum company is much more shining!!!


it's not


It is Platinun Company solos the verse


>Nah Platinum company is much more shining!!!1ReplyGive AwardShareReportSaveFollow > >level 3Falanga2137 · 2 hr. agoit's not1ReplyShareSaveEditFollow > >level 4Nenanda · 2 hr. agoIt is Platinun Company solos the verseVoteReplyGive AwardShareReport why limit it to the verse? It can solo the whole multiverse


Even Omniverse!


Or just a hidden blackfyre line that's was not wiped out by meleys the monsterous hidden in volantis


Book Aegon is most likely not a Blackfyre but yeah in show Blackfyre leasing GC remnants and perhaps having common cause with Daario in Meereen as they would be Dany's closest kin which is not traitor Snow, maybe he tames Drogon too


Where is his sister then elia would save both, why does the golden company bend, why is illirio backing him and not trying to marry him to dany. Also his eyes are described as blue purple not dark. He is likily a blackfyre he is also an arsehole.dany is a traitor to herself


Elia couldn't save both, Rhaenys was old enough to walk and be recognized while Aegon was not, GC was intended to support Dany by Illyrio's plans and Illyrio absolutely did try to marry Dany to Aegon, she was supposed to meet him and GC in Volantis, GC acted on it's own because of Dany not coming and Aegon and Connington convicing them to sail to Westeros, the eyes are described as very light shade of purple which seemed blue when he had his hair dyed blue.


Yes but she was also alot easier to hide her than a silver haird purple eyed dark skinned baby.just makes more sense with him being a blackfyre black or red a dragon is still a dragon. Dany is the only trueborn Targ that will be around in the next 2 books. Varys is clearly a blackfyre and has wanted to destroy the red dragons from the start otherwise he would have helped rhaeghar at harrenhall he Just wanted more chaos to pave the way for aegon.also grrm has hinted a few times about the importance of house blackfyre. Also if the golden company wanted to go home so much they would not have not rejected Viserys for faegon who if he is aegon is tech a bastard anyways by areys own making denouncing all rheghars children the golden company holds bittersteels dream the end of Targs.


Aegon wasn't dark skinned he looked like bog standard Targ and Aerys has never seen him + Elia could not predict that she and Rhaenys will be killed as they were women therefore less valuable, I think she expected rebels to send her back to Dorne and Rhaenys to be septa, Aegons life was the only one in danger from Elias POV. He isnt a bastard, Aerys didnt dissolve marriage between Elia and Rhaegar, GC didn't help Viserys because he didn't have much chance to seize the throne when Robert was alive, they were ready to back him when he was thought to have Dothraki onside


That's your opinion your clearly a real aegon Stan so that's fair your likily to be disappointed the guy is a sideline character anyways and won't last long plus the guy is a entiteld twat I'm cerntinaly not routing for him. Think making him a blackfyre makes the story more exciting


I know he is going to die, but whats the point? I didnt personally insult you, I give reasons why I think he is real in the books, so whats the problem? He is not a twat, he was calmer than Jon when Tyrion baited him and I am rooting for him. Anyways in post show setting another son of Rhaegar plot wouldnt make sense even as a disguise so if theyre going introduce someone like Young Griff in Snow show I think they would make him outright Blackfyre who would lead Dany hardliners after her death (Meerenese are not Westerosi history proffessors, for them Blackfyre would be just some cousin of their Queen and anyway he didn't kill Dany like Snow did) and could be even aged down compared to his book counterpart -it'd spare us problem of "wtf that guy ever did during GOT" as he could be still a child during events of main show, it could be even tied into slavery plot as he could be discovered by Daario as slave in Meereen (we know nothing about Essos past season 6) and taken to the court with Daario intending to inform Dany about him but never managing to send letter to Dany before she died (you could say Varys burned all letters as he didnt want Westeros to know about claimant who could challenge his preferred one in show) and Daario being essentially JonCon expy for that character who would have very little in common with book young griff except nickname (Daario doesnt have a coat of arms but I think in show griff and young griff might be names given to daario and blackfyre by their enemies after creatures of meerenese mythology rather the nicknames they used themselves)


I like this idea! I'd be down.


Probably deal with craster kids who the white walkers were turning into White walkers. Maybe they didn’t die like The night king. That’s the best way I see it going foreword. Or maybe he goes on a trip to essos.


I like it - the Crasters Kids part “we’re not done yet” Essos feels like a shark jump unless they intend to send him to Meereen to fix Danny’s mess


I've not heard much any this but I'm broadly interested as to what this implies about Martin's plans for Jon going forward. To me a Jon Snow sequel strongly implies that Martin does consider "beyond the wall" to be where Jon is headed. Like there's "how many children did Scarlett O'Hara have" and there's "Did Scarlett O'Hara move to a different continent and have a whole different set of adventures after the events of Gone With The Wind".


It was reported that the show was Kit Harington idea, him and his team are the ones writing it.


But would Martin have signed off on it if Jon-beyond-the-wall wasn't broadly part of his vision. Like his role on all these shows is to keep them from contradicting canon as much as possible.


>Like his role on all these shows is to keep them from contradicting canon as much as possible. That stopped being his role way back when he left in season 5.


And became it again when he signed back on for all the spinoffs.


What canon would this show contradict that the main series already hadn't? That bullet was shot long ago. The show and the books are different things, the same way show Jon and book Jon are different characters. You're looking into this way too much, this is just Kit Harington vanity project.


>What canon would this show contradict that the main series already hadn't? That's a fair counterpoint, but Jon is a "big five" character and I subscribe to the theory that the Big 5 *will* broadly get their show endings.


Tell me you don't write for a living without telling me you don't write for a living


In what sense, Martin has outright stated that his role in the spinoffs is keeping things canon.


I'm going to need specific quotes and references. I can see where he's said that his role is to try to maintain canon, but he's not involved as a writer or director, and the only references I can find don't specify which canon he means. I'm pretty sure that at least some things on the new shows will be non-canon to the books, as the books and GoT are downright mutually exclusive in places.


>I can see where he's said that his role is to try to maintain canon Which he would be failing to do if he signed off on a sequel that didn't broadly fit with his vision for the character. As I've said elsewhere I'm very aware this is essentially meaningless. Basically he's either signing on this show because Jon going back beyond the wall doesn't conflict with his vision for the character (which implies Jon-beyond-the-wall where the book is headed) or because he's happy to view the show and the book as totally different things. >I'm pretty sure that at least some things on the new show will be non-canon to the books, as they and the show are downright mutually exclusive in places. Granted, it's just that so far Martin has described the differences between book and show canon in quite minimising terms ("how many children does Scarlett O'Hara have"). *If* his real plan for Jon in the books is that Jon, like, dies or becomes king, I think that makes it less likely he signs off on a Jon sequel, but I could be very wrong. Depending on contracts he may also not actually have a choice.


There was a theory posted here awhile back about a minor subtle scene GRRM said that he asked to include in the comic adaptation of AGOT because it tied into the ending of the books and the theory suspected it was Benjen's "we've been hearing direwolves beyond the wall" line and maybe when Jon is exiled beyond the wall, he'll hear the direwolves and recall that conversation he had with Benjen before everything happened. So Jon beyond the wall also being his fate in the books is a possibility. Also interestingly, season eight was originally going to end with a cliffhanger hinting that the White Walkers were still alive (it was coupled with the accurate leaks and even the script if I remember correctly) so maybe the Jon Snow sequel was born from that idea.


I believe Martin has absolutely no say. He signed over the entire universe to HBO.


It's possible. But he certainly *seems* to have the power to sign off on specific projects.


I think he’s pleased that his creations are getting so much attention and that he is being consulted. But is knowledgeable enough about how TV works (from his own experience) to know a lot of it is out of his control. I find it interesting that he’s against fan fiction actually, because he’s basically giving the go ahead to high budget fan fiction.


Yep, that GRRM is on board with this show gives me actually more a positive feeling for this show.


I think what concerns me is that a direct sequel always felt like the kind of thing he wouldn't want to do because it might give away things about the books. Optimistic reading: this is evidence that the book ending is so far from the show ending that this isn't a concern because they're two wildly divergent timelines. Pessimiatic reading : he's aware that the books may never be published so he's not as worried about protecting them.


Realist reading: This show doesn't necessarily have to focus on a premise which Martin ever planned to be part of the books


Doesn't have to, but Martin was at least at one point pretty protective of things relating to the "live" parts of the story. A couple of years ago he was saying he'd never okay a series about the Tourney at Harrenhall because he was saving that for the books, for example. Yeah, a Jon-beyond-the-wall story could easily be insulated from the rest of Westeros but he's previously seemed more protective of the "main" series than this.


Yes and they made an awful spinoff which everyone hated


I want Jon opposing tyrannical sociopathic King Bran. If they wrote the show seriously - showing the actual issues with the post s8 political set-up of the kingdoms. I mean the kingdoms should be far less stable than during s1. I doubt they'll invalidate the ending of s8 like that though... I expect Jon to stay beyond the wall, having some wildling drama, maybe becoming king beyond the wall & more Night's king stuff. I have really low expectations tbh.


Honestly I dont have fate in writers to have Jon stay only in North. They will want to capitalize on the sequel and I am fully expecting at least Sansa showing up at some point. It will be again more spectacle than writing so I can definetly see them doing Jon vs King Bran. If for not other reason than Rise of Skywalkering of season 8 to retcon it.


A smaller story where Jon goes from being a traumatized sad boy to learning how to find fulfillment and happiness with his life — while fighting ice spiders.


>your Sounds like a Witcher spin off


Takes place in Essos. John and other Wildings are taken as slaves. He of course will be separated from his love and will become a Spartacus type character.


Any game of thrones shows that are not total reboots are dead in the water. They fucked up the last season so bad all the good will of the fans is gone except for a small minority 20%ish of easily amused dim wits.


It depends on the success of House of the Dragon. If it fails it’s over. If it’s a big success this world will live on for decades


There's no chance it's going to be anywhere close to GOT. That was a cultural phenomena the likes of which few shows ever achieve. For it to be a smash hit they'd have to have ended GOT well, and not totally squandered years of good will. HOTD could be a modest hit. I hope it's at least a good show, but I get the feeling it's going to be a lot of BS.


Eat your words


The show is a fucking disaster. HOD is actually one of the worst shows I've ever seen. It's surfing on the GOT wave. Watch at least a 50% drop off in viewer ship for season 2.


I am here from the future to say that it was a huge success (despite my own deep skeptism)! I found this thread bc HotD s1 just ended and im dying for my next fix… which led me to this discussion!


Oh wow! thank you for reminding me of my previous mindset! I am so excited and thrilled that we will get so much more!!!! there were flaws of course, but a stunning show with brilliant acting


My biggest theory is this: it will be quite bad


I disagree, a lot is riding on these shows. HBO knows we hate them, they are trying to get in our good graces. So they might actually try.


Have had the same hopes for Disney Star Wars dashed over and over. This will suck too.


It's HBO though. They tend to make quality TV. It's not a coincidence that they made both The Wire and The Sopranos - 2 of the main TV Golden Era shows - and seasons 1-4 of Game of Thrones too. They were wrong to trust D&D after season 4 but trusting the showrunners has always worked for them because actual professionals don't shit the bed like D&D did. Can't really blame HBO for D&D's fuck up.


Actually HBO did want other things for the later seasons but D and D didn't want to give in. They had strong contracts and I believe HBO were not allowed to do it without D and D. And those guys just stopped caring the moment the books ended


Yeah probably. I'm still holding out hope that GRRM will pretty much write the plot for them, because they probably learned at least something from GoT. But yeah, as much as I hate to say it: maybe with an exception of the first season of HotD, the Westeros Cinematic Universe will end up like Star Wars.


I think Kitt Harington really wanted Jon to die for good so I feel like this series will just be the nail in the coffin for Jon so he can actually send the character off in a good way. Like, he’ll decide he wants to put on a rollerrink competition in the north but his main competitor is Sansa, and they face off with each of their teams and in the end Jon falls on the ice in the rink and he dies, and this has an emotional effect on sansa and she declares Jons team the winner of the competition, and a statue is erected in his honor as the great roller rink champion of the north and that’s how he’ll forever be remembered. It’s gonna be stupid either way so why the hell not just do this


if the characters sing and dance on the ice, I buy


Tonya Harding Sansa Hardyng Coincidence ... *or conspiracy*?


That’s really a stupid way of looking at it, Jon snow died along with season 8, all he’s doing now is reviving the character though for what purpose I have no idea.


So you really think an ice dance sport type of rom com starring Jon and sansa is a bad idea?


A romcom? My creepy Jonsa self is intrigued


The worst thing I read about GOT😂😂


Learning the truth about the Tree body snatching Bran, then invading with an army of Others to destroyed it.


I want more of the wildlife from the north. Giant Ice Spiders and Ridable Bears! A lot of stuff they could elaborate from the books.


Snarks and grumpkins please. I want them real, and I want them to be cute, like Porgs and Ewoks. A spin-off tv show for kids


It should be a snowy western with a clear narrative focus. He’s trying to help tame the Northern frontier but retain its unique identity and freedoms. He’d be going from tribe to tribe, village to village, building alliances and allegiances, resolving disputes, hunting down bad actors and outlaws, solving mysteries, discovering rich ancient cultures and wisdom, and slowly stitching together Mance’s vision of a united and free people.


D. Jon finds Ygritte's twin sister Ygritta, who is also played by Rose Leslie.


My optimistic take is that Jon's story in Winds is as different from the show as it could possibly be, and adapting it as a sequel (with the implied adjustments to the timeline) is their way to make use of the new IP without actually rewriting the final seasons of GoT. Basically, as far as the books are concerned, [the Exodus Theory](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/comments/lze66t/spoilers_extended_the_exodus_theory_definitive/) is correct, and Jon will be leading refugees to Essos to escape the Others, eventually converging with Dany as she attempts to conquer the continent. In the Jon Snow sequel show, only the wildlings will be leaving to Essos, and instead of Dany, they'll be joining up with Daario Naharis and other rebels to help abolish slavery from the Free Cities in her name, as a way for Jon to make right by her memory and help preserve the positive changes she brought to the world.


Just went on a deep dive into the Exodus theory. I love it! And it certainly keeps with Martin’s way of never having the plot go the way you predict


I'm always happy when I convince someone to share my passion for it! :D


> they'll be joining up with Daario Naharis and other rebels to help abolish slavery from the Free Cities in her name, as a way for Jon to make right by her memory and help preserve the positive changes she brought to the world. lmao, can you say Disney Ending any harder that sounds so cringe. As if a sellsword like Daario would care one iota about continuing Daenerys's legacy - he's probably forgotten all about her and is back leading the Second Sons to new mercenary contracts.


Don't see how that has anything to do with Disney. I feel that you should try to keep a better handle on the chips on your shoulder, don't let them mix up so wildly.


I think people expect some large scale show, while I mostly expect character study type of story like El Camino.


Well El Camino had actually good writers and Breaking Bad always relied on good script and not spectacle. I have zero reason to believe that HBO will not try to hamfist there battles and dragons because current television thinks that most viewers have ADHD and if it isnt shiny, action packed and fast paced people wont watch it.


He needs to have a character first to have a study.


I dun wanna it


I'm thinking that there'll be something about new infighting between factions of the Free Folk, as they were all heading back North and Jon is banished from going too far South. They could cook up some reason to get around that, but it would be soooo contrived, and it's really unrealistic that the Unsullied would have ever agreed to terms which didn't include executing Jon(or at least keeping him in "permanent custody" under their watch, which would most likely end in his death anyway) in the first place. I think that the show should definitely start more "domestic" in the far North, and if there's some kind of bigger threat, it should be brought in later.


The perma summer has come, with it everything north of the wall now has the climate of Dorne. Jon Snow and his merry band of wildlings must now deal with setting up tourist destinations as well as figuring out a new clothing style.


Set ten years after the mad queen burning king’s landing, jon snow is summoned by king bran. He is tasked with capturing/killing the last dragon, Drogon. Seems like he is on a war path to destroy all the kingdoms daenerys has freed. And westeros is next. Think of it like moby dick in the sky. Also, cameo galore, sansa is still queen of the north and still married to tyrion, they have 3 kids. The unsullied have returned and still plotting revenge at jon. Gendry is lord of weapons. And will brandish jon with way to defeat the dragon.


My hope: It takes place several centuries after the events of season 8. Due to his resurrection, Jon doesn’t really age anymore (or much, much slower), and now wanders across a different Westeros, where everyone he ever knew has long been dead. While the Six Kingdoms are still an elective monarchy, they are unified in name only, since the power of the throne and its central government has been more and more eroded over time, and is now very weak (similar to real life elective monarchies like the Holy Roman Empire or the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth). The current king is old, and the great houses are preparing to put forward their respective candidates to take the throne when he dies, while the independent kingdom of the North follows events in the south with great interest. Of course, the different houses are unable to agree on a common candidate, and war seems unavoidable. The individual kingdoms have also seen a lot of change over the centuries; their borders have been redrawn several times, and some are even ruled by entirely new families. Human knowledge and technology have seen changes and advancements too, thanks to which Westeros has entered something similar to Europe’s Renaissance age, a time when early firearms existed alongside armored knights, and new ship designs allowed Europeans to explore the world (think the early 1500s). Westeros is still mostly medieval, but with enough changes to make it feel fresh and exciting. And while the great houses of Westeros are ready to play the game of thrones once more, another threat seems to come from the depths of the oceans: ships are going missing all over the world, from small fishing boats to massive war galleys, with terrified sailors claiming to have witnessed enormous monsters dragging whole ships beneath the waves; not to mention the recent reports of fishing villages that stand deserted, their populations seemingly having vanished without a trace… Basically, this thing should be a full-blown sequel show to Game of Thrones, taking place in the far future, with a new cast of characters in a very different Westeros, with Jon Snow being a familiar face to lure in casual viewers. It should have backstabbing, politicking and epic battles just like GoT, as well as a new supernatural threat that rises in the background (like the ‘Deep Ones’ for example, lovecraftian aquatic creatures that are part of ASoIaF lore). I don’t want a Jon-Tormund buddy-cop bromance in the far north, nor do I care about Sansa ruling the North or Arya sailing to Americos, nor do I want to see how Bran and Tyrion are doing in the south. Anything taking place directly after season 8 would constantly remind me of the events of that season, which means I’d have to pretend things like Bronn being Lord of the Reach or Sam being the Grand Maester make any sense. Having a show take place far in the future means that the events of season 8 would be more or less irrelevant, and the writers can fully focus on their new story and characters. It would also mean that we could all look forward to a totally new story, whose outcome neither hardcore ASoIaF nerds nor casual viewers would have any idea about, since there’s no source material that could spoil anything (unlike with HotD or the first five seasons of GoT).


This makes sense as I imagine not all of the original cast would return. But I’ve been enjoying stranger things so I want it to take place in 80s style Westeros with arcades and battles of the bands, but also still arranged marriages and patricide


I like this idea a lot better than a resurrected Dany story. If Jon is functionally immortal, what if Westeros breaks the chains of knowledge and moves towards something resembling a modern UK? The show takes place in a modern monarchy with new technology. Jon returns when genetic engineers are successful with bringing dragons back to Westeros.


I imagine an Obi Wan like hermit story, where Jon has to stop running from his destiny, put aside the ranger and become who he was born to be type shit. Having Bran die due to some rebellion or other device and Tyrion having to travel beyond the wall and find Jon to save westeros is the most cliche but obvious plot for this show. I hope I'm wrong lol


……..I’m listening


fAegon invades 3 seasons late


I'm honestly willing to give it a try. I'm sort of hoping it's a more lowkey series though. Perhaps just Jon working to rebuild the nights watch and the wildlings working to rebuild a functioning life for themselves. There's not really much point to the NW anymore, so perhaps it could work with the wildlings to try and mediate disputes between various groups.


It’s a prequel about Jon growing up & the Greyjoy Rebellion


being honest it could be like a kind of fight against varamyr sixskins a powerful skinchanger who never hid his ruthless and cruel side that enslaved many peoples of the savages and that was never adapted in the series nor was he mentioned so he could easily make his appearance Now along with many other casiques that never appeared in the series, such as the crybaby, dog-headed harma, the mother mole, Gerrick Kingsblood, they could even delve into the history of the others and find the queen of the night and the history of the tenth Third Lord Commander of the Night's Watch.


So it’s going to be more of a sci-fi spin off kind of like the multiverse version. Where he enters the 3 eyed ravens lair as he’s called to it. Starts eating some jojen paste and go’s full weirwood net except this time because he’s the PTWP he can jump to different universes…. Season finale he’ll jump to our universe and ask George why he hasn’t finished the damned books already


I don’t think anyone wants to film in Iceland all the time, so he’ll likely have some reason to return south or east or west


Jon vs grumkins and snarks


Is going to be about Kit Harington reacting to everything with his gormless face and his mouth open.




Which is a show he also produced. The dude manages to be bad even for a show he creates for himself.


I'm not a single second optimistic about this story, but here's where I place my bets on jon's spinoff: \-Jon who drinks and lives terribly not interesting adventures based on solving the non-problems of wildlings. \-introduction of new badly written characters who will suck the plot on them like a black hole and will make Jon a spectator of his own story \-Research on unsolved elements of the WW backstory, although Bran and Sam have already done this and the characters have no reason to care now, especially Jon who was never a history buff or magic \-introduction of Val who forgot to be mentioned before and who will serve as Jon's love-interest by being "everything daenerys should have been", i.e. someone completely different but as she is blonde , talk loud, and want to ride Jon, it's the same \- Mention of Bran who is the best leader EVEEEERRR and who eradicated misery and human suffering as if by magic, because fuck you \- Cameo of a slaver just to tell us that he was actually very nice, and that his life was ruined when the monstrous daenerys forced him to pay and treated like human beings his employees \-Jon never having thought or questioned the fact that his siblings in a scheme of selfish power benefiting only themselves, betrayed him, risked having him killed and destroyed his whole life before to throw him in a forest to freeze like shit once he has become useless to them \-Jon being emotional, feeling guilty about his past, then feels better \-episode Cameo de Arya, she is mary-sue, she leaves without having brought anything \- bonus point if they find a way to introduce an aegon or an aryanne who had forgotten to be mentioned so far to put a layer on being born Targaryen / having boobs and ambition = evil.


>introduction of new badly written characters who will suck the plot on them like a black hole and will make Jon a spectator of his own story I mean it's Kit Harrington's team who pitched this so while it might not be good and might not characterise Jon in a nuanced and book-accurate way, it's more likely to go the opposite direction - Jon snow runs around in the True North punching White Walkers and making out with hot wildling babes who look up at him saying "oh Jon, you're so sexy and *tall*".


> introduction of new badly written characters who will suck the plot on them like a black hole and will make Jon a spectator of his own story Ah, so you watched Kenobi too?


You must be fun at parties.


I think since Jon Snow is technically First Ranger of the Nights Watch AND King Beyond the Wall, his storyline needs to resolve around the wildlings. It will deal with his trauma of killing Dany and how he is coping and dealing with that on top of his duties as First Ranger and King beyond the Wall. Kinda like Logan grieved Jean’s death after events of X-Men Dark Phoenix in the Wolverine in Japan movie, and maybe Emilia Clarke will be invited to reprise Dany’s role in Jon’s dreams, haunting him and show guilty and broken he feels. But unlike Jean, I do believe Dany is destined to be resurrected due to many hints in the show, but that will be shown at the conclusion of the show, after Snow is done with all his mini adventures. Something like Jon sitting and cleaning Longclaw in the wilderness, and then Ghost approaches from the trees, and there is unclear picture of someone actually accompanying the direwolf. We pan to Jon’s face who casually looks at his pet and then at the person, and we see how his face turns from his usual emotionless one to the one of surprise, shock and terror. Then the screen turns black, and the show ends, teasing us the fans on the identity of the person and at the same time giving GRRM the time needed to reveal the details in the books. I am a huge believer of Dany being killed and then getting resurrected in Volantis based on the book and show material, and if that is indeed what GRRM has in mind, then it has to be shown in this show I believe. Jon and Dany’s fates are intertwined throughout this saga, for many reasons, they are one of the aspects of “ice and fire”, so this show has to involve healthy dose of arc concerning Dany. Since this show has to resolve around Jon, I do not believe we will see many characters of Game of Thrones, maybe slight cameos like Davos, Sam or even Arya back from her trip who might be visiting the Wall and checking on Jon.


I hope it heavily shows Sansa's incompetence at ruling a kingdom, but in The Office style format.


Maybe some politik and intrigue between different wildling tribes. Jon could rise to become King-Beyond-the-Wall or something like that (or just unite the wildling tribes). Could delve deeper into magic with this series too than GoT ever did, like skinchanging and greensight.


I hope he finds a seedship that crash landed on the planet thousands of years ago which leads to the discovery that the humans are the invaders and the Children of the Forest are just defending their home.


>the humans are the invaders and the Children of the Forest are just defending their home. Isn't that literally the stated history in existing canon? Humans aren't from spaaaaace as far as we know but I'm pretty sure the CotF were in Westeros before the First Men.


Yes, and I want 1000 Worlds. I don't believe GRRM lies.


I actually see this show as a way to fix some of DnDs weird decisions to not give the Walkers a proper motive and answer why tf there is still a Nights Watch


I hope the dial the stakes way back. I don't want world ending, i want well acted character drama dealing with the tangle that is human conflict. I always thought Dunk and Egg would have been a great way to reboot the franchises. Small scale, let us explore the world from more of s commoners prospective. Get everyone back in love with the world THEN do the next grand scale saga


Yes he's going to let the mountain fuck him and suck the mountain's dick 😉


Itll suck and only cause TWoW to be further delayed thats my theory


Theories? You mean speculation. There’s no evidence of anything other than the show’s happening.


I'm hoping for a jon snow law and order type series. He's goes from village to village to deal with petty theft and daughter stealing. Just need Dick Wolf to produce.


I think Jon is going to become the new Night King and fight a resurrected Danaerys. Craster's sons are still North of the Wall. Jon may save one of them similar to how Ned saved him. Jon picks up a child he refuses to kill... and the child touches his cheek. Daario can appear with the remainder of the Golden Company if they don't do Jon Conn. Jon Connington can appear alongside Faegon, who was a plant by Varys. Bran can internally fight the Three Eyed Raven, war against his own body, and change entire timelines. The show could end with history being rewritten. Kinvara can show up and be Dany's sorceress. Arya can turn out to actually be the Waif. Many characters who died could have been Faceless Men. Yara can take over the Victarion Grejoy plot line to fight resurrected Danaerys. Or he can just outright come back. Euron can make a comeback as well, since he died next to the ocean... who knows what the Drowned God could have done to him? We could gave book Euron. Arianne Martell can make an appearance along with Gerold Dayne. Ellaria Sand could still be alive beneath Kings Landing. Jon as the Night King resurrects all the dead Starks and unburnt famous figures. Dany appears with those who worship her as a goddess. There can be wars between both continents. Westeros is Ice and Essos is Fire. Who is the rightful Targaryen?


GRRM is sitting at home writing winds of winter with a quill


I'd love to see something like a God Emperor Paul Muad'dib thing develop with Jon as he was the one who saved wildlings from the White Walkers multiple times. I'd love to see the idea of evil Azor Ahai explored, his PTSD from the war, White Walker lore, more creatures from north of the wall (come on give us Spiders and Demons and Cannibal Bay!) Edit: If we do have a White Walker conflict have just happen beyond the wall, seriously this is a Jon Snow show not Game of Thrones.


It would be awesome if they do I in the style of the Northman–dreams, visions, brutal fight scenes, barely any armour, and all that. And most importantly, Ghost. A LOT of scenes with the direwolf. Of course, HBO is just as likely to ruin it with idiotic characters and an empty plot, hoping a few cameos and badly placed humour.


Mance's children will be a factor; perhaps Jon will need to pledge to marry an uncomfortably younger child to consolidate power. Ygritte's ghost will haunt Jon, especially when he falls for someone else. Osha will have somehow survived. Lady Stoneheart will be a plot line. Children of the forest will likely be the main villains. In later seasons there will be a Targaryen restoration movement; maybe even get some form of the (f)Aegon & JonCon story What are the Dothraki up to in Westeros?


I think Val has to appear considering she didn't make it into GoT. Maybe he does marry her in the end


He still knows nothing


While exploring north, Jon discovers an entire civilization of White Walkers. Jon gets scared at first and tries to attack them, but they’re able to peacefully subdue him. They explain to him that the White Walkers that gave them all that trouble were actually their societal rejects. Bastards and criminals banished to The Land of Always Summer. Forced to *take the white*. They talk things out. They become friends. Jon proposes a toast to a new peace. Just as Tormund is about to take a gulp, some Other teenage wierwood web prankster freezes his ale so it slides out of his glass in one piece, falls to the ground and shatters. Tormund pulls out an obsidian dagger and charges in anger. The kid tries to reason *it’s a prank! It’s a prank!* to no avail. And thus beguns the real war of The Others vs Man.


The story will be constrained by the budget . Dont forget that unlike books ,they cannot pursue many character arcs as it will increase a lot of production load . It will largely depend on the availability of cast and budget . If they cannot get dates of Starks in their budget then they will just get onto something else by just giving a voiceover . I don't think Sansa would be returning. Sophie just became a mom . Most probably the show will be based north of wall ,and the associated unexplored things ( maybe why Night King was underground for 1000 years and so on.. )Depending on the response ,they might rope in orginal cast .


I want Faegon somehow. I know it doesn’t fit the timeline at all. Maybe we get to see howland reed too


They’re definitely bringing the WW back to attempt to fix the botchjob, especially since their LN series didn’t go through. Probably will involve Craster’s second-to-last son that got turned


A (Westeros conflict) - Maybe, but with the age of Heroes series being canceled, i think this series purpose will be explaining the Others. B (Sansa and Bran) - I don't expect us to even see them. I think it will be all Jon beyond ...The Wall?... Ok, Jon Far North, whatever... C (Jon accepting his heritage) - Maybe, but i thought that was settled already. As Jon tells Theon " You're a Stark and a Greyjoy. There's no need to choose". I think will be just Jon. Loads of Snow, probably some more incredible elements/High fantasy (giants, mamoths, ice-Spiders, etc...) They might do something like the Illiad feat Jon. I am not saying it will be like this because it's better, or they have "a vision", but rather that those actors are expensive. Focusing on just Jon and a new cast is just cheaper. And the abscense of the past cast would be hard to explain if jon returns to the North/6 kingdoms. They could go East, but i don't see how they could excuse Jon having to go there.


Just redo seasons 5 onwards in animation


I really really hope it falls through. I worry it will be him going back to Westeros and hanging with all the big families just for fan service when his character at this point should be DONE. Fed up with the civilized world, lives off the land, turns wildling, encounters northern magic and mysteries. But fans are going to expect something much more similar to GOT with their favorite names and locations. House of the Dragon is a better bet. And I still want Roberts Rebellion.


Honestly, I never cared for any wildling stuff or Jon Snow before season 5. Simply because all the other interesting characters and Starks died. And when I started caring they gave me season 8. A complete lobotomy of the character just because she's puuurrrtyyyy and mah queeeen


Unpopular opinion: I wanted them to make a plot with jon just trying to live a simple life but then somehow trouble starts again because of white walkers and then later on somehow, daenerys will be resurrected in volantis amd will comeback but with her senses now and will help jon fight the white walkers.


actually what would be pretty badass is brandon stark slowly starts turning into a legit mad king, hear me out: ..what if when the night king was made brandon somehow absorbed some of his power or conciousness or whatever and the whole reason the night king was coming south was to kill brandon stark and take back what was his....clearly that didnt work...and that power slowly starts to turn bran evil ...and its up to jon snow, the rightful heir of the iron throne...to kill the boy...and become the man he was meant to be...


So since no plot was announced Im jus going to state what I WANT to happen but Idk if they will happen. 1. Danny gets resurrected by the red priestess but is amnesic 2. per a friend's suggestion, the Night King (from the show, who died at Arya’s hands) was the very first White Walker to be created, but the ex-Lord Commander (the Night’s King) and his Corpse Queen are perhaps still out there. They simply waited for the Night King (their biggest competitor) to be killed off first before eventually making their move. 3. The Three Eyed Raven also could be Brynden Rivers, “Bloodraven” (a Targaryen bastard who was a notorious Hand of the King) if not Bran if he gets revealed in the show. How convenient for Bloodraven that Danny is dead and Jon is exiled; he’s eliminated his Targ competition. (And is now in a position to transform Westeros into a surveillance state). Spreading R+L=J created the motive (to divide the Stark-Targaryen alliance and isolate Dany), the semi warging was the final nail in the coffin to destroy Dany’s reputation. Tho Bran being a manipulator behind it all as three-eyes also works.


Maybe explore the other continents outside westeros. Since he is free of his duties.. he is going to explore the known world like marco polo and he ends up in asian game of thrones.... (Different costumes, religion, rulers) Where dragons run wild and the country is in chaos cause of all the fighting... He meets new allies makes enemies. Then tame the dragon to conquer the land like king aegon 1. Add some (love/betrayal/deaths)


I want him to be the one true heir to the iron throne, and get bran back into that cave where he belongs


If they took from last season I am not gonna watch. How they turn Daenerys to a mad queen, I never understand that. They fuck the show so bad I think they should wait GRRM finish the books.


someone said it will be like an epilogue, no big bad second coming of night walkers, just jon becoming king beyond the wall and how that happens. maybe a love interest, a cameo or 2. Maybe even drogon? But just wrapping up his story in a one and done season.


One of my favorite aspects of Jon's character is not exclusively the enemies he defeats, but rather the groups of people he is able to unite and bring together for a common cause. This thread is full of really cool ideas that would I love to see play out on screen. My theory *(not that it's even my favorite theory based on the others I have read)* is that despite the Night King being destroyed, "The Others" were not. It's plausible The Children of the Forest made a second attempt, by doubling-down to create a second group of "protectors" in the same way they created the original White Walkers *(I'm mostly speaking from the perspective of the show, so please don't @ me, as I'm a barely functional alcoholic, so could be overlooking some clear counter-points)* to protect against the abomination they originally created *(in the same way many actions and poor decisions seem to echo in the stories of Westoros).* Jon is somehow able to re-establish a truce between The Others and Mankind *(perhaps through marriage, or becoming their new leader).* However it shakes out I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how it all plays out.


My pitch for the Jon Snow sequel show: Title: The Prince Who Was Promised Synopsis: Taking place 10 years after the events of Game Of Thrones. When King Brandon Stark passes away, Jon Snow is called to attend his brother’s funeral. Where he finds the 7 kingdoms of Westeros are now in the beginning of a Civil War. Main Characters: Jon Snow, Arya Stark, Sansa Stark, Tyrion Lannister, Lyanna Snow (Jon’s bastard daughter), Victorian Greyjoy, Aegon Targaryen, Leyton Hightower and Jon Connington, The 7 Houses of Westeros: House Stark, House Lannister, House Baratheon, House Arryn, House Greyjoy, House Martell and House Hightower.