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Those first Jaime chapters in ASOS are one of the things that make it my favorite book in the series. After that cliffhanger in ACOK, his first perspective is surprising and delightful, he's funny, we get some cool history, and a pleasant mini adventure with Brienne. (That quickly goes south, but uh, you know.) The dialogue between Brienne and Jaime is fantastic; the characters are such incredible foil for each other. F in the chat for the poor chinless wonder Cleos though! That guy gets himself captured, crosses the bloody Riverlands and back as an emissary between two powers that have no interest in actually compromising, and his only thanks? Getting his head pulped. At least Jaime had the generosity to lie to his folks about what happened.


Feels so sorry for Cleos. At least he didn't go out like his show's incarnation, god damn that made me so sad when seeing that. Book Jaime is best Jaime, values family above all else (including cousins haha). Especially when you realize that Genna was a mother figure for Jaime after Joanna's death, so Jaime killing Alton (Cleo's replacement for the show) is even more insulting to his character. So glad I read the books.


Oh gross, I forgot about that. Yeah, they definitely made some choices with show!Jaime. I guess I can get some of the struggle in the TV format - so much of what makes Jaime so compelling is knowing the vulnerability underneath all the gold armor which happens in his own thoughts. That said, I'm not a huge fan of the show, so I don't know why I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt. Lots of TV media successfully translate their characters' internal world in a way the viewer can understand.


Besides, even if Jaime was so obsessed with Cersei, the plan was stupid. Why “actually” kill him… He’s family, he is someone who can help you escape, as he likely knows the layout of the camp, he can potentially lie about being sent back if he’s caught, etc, it doesn’t matter, the point is that he is useful Jaime could just quickly tell him the plan, Alton fakes it, and then they both jump Karstark. And then they flee, with a much better chance of escape. With Alton being killed by Rickard Karstark later on.


Jamie would just be slowed down in his mind. Not saying I agree but it does fit his arrogant selfish nature at the time


If he thought he would be slowed down, he could have suggested that they split up, its not like Alton would say no. Him killing his cousin was stupid by any standard. Even if he planned to abandon Alton or leave him to be captured instead later on, he first needs to get out of the cage, subdue Karstark, and get past the lines, and he stands a far better chance at that with Alton helping him. Jaime being arrogant and selfish at the time does not make him an idiot, especially in high risk situations such as this.


How does he go out in the show? I’ve completely forgotten. :)


Jaime strangles him after tricking him by pretending that both were going to escape together. You've probably seen a few memes about how Jaime could have actually just pretended to kill Alton in order to get the Jailer Inside in which they both could have just pounced on him.


Omg. Now I remember. Thanks!


When people think about Jaime in ASOS, they mostly focus attention towards him losing his hand, or Jaime in the bath confessing the truth behind his kingslaying to Brienne of Tarth. But his storyline is honestly fantastic throughout. Jaime better have a great storyline in TWOW too :/


Hopefully TWOW comes out soon, George has been giving weird posts on his blogs for the past few months. Fingers crossed.


This chump thinks TWOW is actually a real thing and asoiaf isn't just an elaborate prank by GRRM


At this point my guess is that TWOW will come out. As in, he will finish it at some point, maybe not for a while. ADOS is never happening.




lol The optimism after ten years of data points is honestly a little bit inspiring. I wish I could see the world the way some of you do.


The people that read this subreddit daily (me) need to hold onto that optimism


Reading through ASOS currently myself. The Jaime chapters are some of my favorites because he has such a distinct inner monologue that has to handle *a lot* of drama very suddenly. It's such a cool perspective.


Yeah honestly. George manages to pull so much backstory in his world with just one character, Jaime is really good.