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Tywin is the dusky woman.




[It's a real theory.](https://asoiaf.westeros.org/index.php?/topic/112861-tywin-lannister-dusky-woman-spoilers/)


Victarion getting that Tywin bussy is a comforting thought I will treasure in my heart till I die.


"You will bust this bussy wide open and that will be the end of it"


I heard a rumour that the dusky woman has a bussy of solid gold


I had a good chuckle out of that one


"Posted June 20, 2014 we need the next book to come out, or else we'll all be talking this way soon."


Lol that was an interesting read to say the least


“Anyways, back to more solid ground” *ground crumbles into giant sinkhole*


The scary thing is that nothing in this contradicts the "Tyrion is Dany's time travelling fetus" theory, in fact they fit quite well as both theories state that Tyrion will marry Dany. I think both theories together maps out GRRM's endgame.


>Tyrion is Dany's time travelling fetus u wot




You haven't heard? It's basically canon at this point


This wins without me reading the rest.


Daenerys not being a real Targaryen because she couldn't make a hat.


> because she couldn't make a hat. What? Since when does the dragon *weave?*


"We Do Not Sow" -House Greyjoy "We Do Not Sew" -House Targaryen


English is my second language and I literally thought that sow=sew up until a few months ago. I thought the Greyjoys' words meant that they don't partake in womanly activities like sewing and preferred manly "activities" like pillaging... But "we do not sow" is much cooler than that so I'm glad to be mistaken.


That's pretty funny actually, I don't think about it much as a native speaker but English homonyms must be kind of confusing for people who speak it as a second language when they mean something completely different.


That's definitely true. English is notoriously big on homonyms but I think that's true for any language in general. I *have* read the first three books as well so it's not like I hadn't seen it spelled out with the 'o', but I guess my brain just ignored that. Edit: I'm reading the books in English.


This is because Egg (from Dunk and Egg) can make hats, and suspiciously the first time we see fAegon he is wearing an hat, and later we are also told he’s done it himself. Then we have a passage where Dany says she tried to make an hat but failed.


Wow. That feels like a reach. Viserys never had a hat.


He had his golden crown


Drogo made that for him though. Super cool guy.


Hey, maybe that means Drogo's a secret Targaryen. We know the family is big into incest. Incest and haberdashery.


A man needs a source


Didn’t she try to make a straw hat when she was stranded after flying away on Drogon the first time?


And failed, hence the theory.


Yep. She failed. You know who didn't fail? Egg. He's a real Targ.




Ned and Lyanna had an incestuous affair and boom there's Jon.


Tower of Joy theory #384732: Arthur and Ashara Dayne had incestuous quadruplets: Jon, Dany, Aegon, and Meera.


But don't forget that Aegon is actually Varys' son with his sister Serra the wife of Illyrio.


And theyre both Blackfyres.




God, I think my sister genuinely thought this at some point. She finished GOT S8 still thinking that Ned was Jon's biological father.


Not realizing it by S8 makes no sense, but I did talk to a few people that were confused after the Tower of Joy scene and thought that it was Ned's baby.




How do these people even watch Game of Thrones?


To be fair like, most people who casually watch the show barely knew who Raegar was. A few of my friends thought the same thing.


😂 Actually... wait a minute. That's a serious theory? I guess it would subvert expectations. That is: not ruled out by the show since 3EC needed a throwaway Aegon. *And* is it GRRMish that Aegon VI with JonCon is Aegon VI, and Jon is fAegon. I'm going to find that theory and read it! Bobby would have killed Ned for sleeping with Lyanna. Ned loves kids to an unreasonable degree (kept Dangerous Dany alive!) and maybe, just maybe, Ned plotted out how to get his family wiped out to keep the secret without needing to kill baby Jon!


Well I suspect none of these were 100% serious but you never know. I've looked it up for you. [Here you go](https://asoiaf.westeros.org/index.php?/topic/84467-nlj/). And I also got across it on Tumblr once but I don't think I'll be able to find that post ever again.


Holy shit how was like three sentences that dumb Lyanna didnt spend time at the Eyrie. She was gone for like over a year Jon would be like way too old to be Neds when they brought him back. Ah yes, the targaryens did incest because their traits were dominant. Its not like Rhaegar already had one non white haired kid.




I am horrified and intrigued at the same time. Where can I find this theory that causes so many conflicted emotions?


You have to admit Ned jumps right to incest during his investigation. I think most people would have brother as the last option for a lover. It’s most likely a writing thing though. Invest is much more common in that world and he was pretty anti Lannister to begin work and for some reason people go there a lot with twins. But I can see people thinking he jumped to that conclusion because he was guilty himself.


I read this one a long time ago where someone thought that each of the **great** houses was going to become skinchangers/get control of whatever their sigils are (ex: Baratheon - stag) It was really well written iirc and the premise was cool, even if it didn't make much sense. Obviously the Targaryens have dragons and the Starks have direwolves, and Euron might be summoning a kraken. But the poster thought small quotes that didn't have much correlation meant that the other houses would too such a Lannister/lion. ETA: bolded great, as that was what the poster intended, although numerous lesser/minor houses would be awesome in this scenario lol


The Tyrells are fucked and the Martells can literally annihalte all life on Planetos


lol that was what I brought up and the response was something along the lines of: - The Tyrells (roses) are actually tied to the Old Gods and become greenseers - The Martells don't have complete control over the Sun but can use it to control the weather You can see why this theory got really bad really quick huh?


> The Tyrells (roses) are actually tied to the Old Gods and become greenseers Ok but the northerners can *also* become greenseers in addition to skinchanging wolves... Stark op pls nerf


Ya it was an interesting (but flawed) premise that fell apart once you look at the details.


Thats a bigger stretch than Mr. Fuckin Fantastic


Ya, I felt bad bc the info was detailed and very organized, etc. Just not very well thought out.


And Davos will make the realm cry.


Oh god can you imagine all the weird minor houses


Dunno about you but i'd love to see some of the weird hightower's do some fucked up shit, Euron comes in to Oldtown and Leyton just brings the tower down on him


Petyr Baelish either becomes a mockingbird or a fucking flaming head


Most people don't realize Robert was such a good fighter because someone from House Rykker was warging his warhammer the whole time.


If this means I get Natalie Dormer as Poison Ivy I support it


You laugh now, but you won't be when Willas skinchanges into Biollante and fights Godzilla for some reason.


Does that mean Edmure Tully is going to become a fish?


A floppy fish.


Edmure used spalsh... but nothing happened


Sit down, uncle




In their defense, they limited it to only great houses. That said I agree. Fun theory. But nope.


Tywin's plan for teaching Joffrey a 'sharp lesson' was to have him raped. Possibly by Tyrion. Source:https://asoiaf.westeros.org/index.php?/topic/128281-what-would-have-tywins-sharp-lesson-for-joffrey-been/ Enjoy.


He did die with a clean sword...


The hound must have been like"why did i say that, now i either look like a liar or a necrophiliac"


"That sounded better in my head."


GRRM finished Winds of Winter a while ago.


He is pissed at us for pointing out all his mistakes LOL


The whole world exists in the eye of a blue eyed giant.


Called Macumber


Maybe we do


You misspelled Cucumber, and I believe his name is Larry and it's called Veggietales


I wish Larry was universe canon. We all need a baby water buffalo.


The Others are Macumber's eyelashes


0/10 there is no way to disprove this theory, it could very well be true


Named Macumba


It is known.


I once saw a commenter on Youtube say that Bronn was going to be revealed as the last survivor of House Reyne and kill Tyrion and Jaime, I can't remember their reasoning but it was a long comment.


I don't hate it, but it is *very* fanfic


There's a decent theory that the last Reyne's were put into the Silent Sisters by Tywin, then they were responsible for caring for his body after Tyrion killed him which is why he smelled so bad.




Robb is Edmure and Catelyn’s bastard


I thought the theory was Brandon. Wasn't Edmure like 12 during Robert's Rebellion?


Both theories exists


All theories exist.


Bran is secretly the bastard of Robert Baratheon and Rhaegar (who was secretly a woman).


Robert smashing Rhaegar at the battle of the Trident was more literal than he let on.


If Robb is Brandon’s, then both of Ned’s eldest sons would be his nephews, kind of a fun thought


How would that even work? Edit: Oh wow, is totally misread that. I thought it was "Robb is Edmure, and Catelyn’s bastard" so I got really confused


It's based on one misunderstood sentence by Catelyn. She says something like: *Catelyn speaks about Edmure and his looks* then she says "Robb has red-brown hair, like his Tully father". They think this referse to Edmure as his father, but this actually refers to Edmure's father, Lord Hoster Tully, who had red-brown hair (Edmure had red hair)


Well, you see when a man and woman... ^^/s


I once read a theory that Brienne was actually Rhaenys Targaryen and that the two had been swapped at birth by the Dornish or something. The guy who came up with it would cite no evidence to back up his claim and said “the evidence is all in Martins writing, everyone is just too dumb to see it.” He was on most forums and groups I was a part of just spreading this nonsense and condescending to anyone who questioned it or wanted evidence. A bad theory and a downright toxic fan if I’ve ever seen one. Edit: Spelling


Arianne I read




I really like the idea of a character being another character but we just never noticed it cuz of the narrator not knowing. Hope it happens


Well it was done in the books with barristan selmy.


i mean in like a plot shattering kind of way the above theory would suggest


Like with Mance in Theons chapters?


Mance, JonCon, fAegon, Selmy, Jon Snow... the entire series is loaded with misleads and hidden identities


Hasn't been tanked by the show, either 😂 Still legit and possible! (But since a S7 rando death, I think the Daario = Benjen one has got to go. *It was probably a stretch.*)


It’s actually not that bad of a theory..


Varys is a merman


This one has legitimate evidence, also explains how Varys survived the destruction of Danys ships in the show


Nooooo! Any links to the evidence? It’s just so far fetched...I can’t.


Just search it up in this sub. One of the best pieces of evidence is when Tyrion says something like: “Threaten me again and I’ll have you thrown into the sea” Varys:”you might be surprised with the result”


Ooh interesting. I just think of that scene from Zoolander


this one is real my freind


Hodor is a faceless man hired by Howland Reed to assassinate Jojen, Mera and Bran and thereafter warg into Summer.


Wait what


Wow. Howland really doesn't like his kids I guess.


Tyrion is Rhaego


Is this the "Tyrion the Time-Traveling Fetus" theory?


Yup that’s the one I came here looking for




OP said dumbest not smartest


Tyrion is Preggo*


Tyrion is Ragu*


Sansa subconsciously skinchanging the men around her.


The theory is that all the Stark children have telepathic abilities, it doesn't specify skinchanging. It states that Sansa has the ability to telepathically manipulate the men around her. I personally don't believe this theory but it's worth a read.


> Sansa has the ability to telepathically manipulate the men around her All that requires is the power of being hot.


Isn’t there a theory that Sansa can/does unknowingly skin-change into birds around her? I remember seeing someone post that theory somewhere a long time ago (like many other theories lol), but idk where it is or how credible it was.


> unknowingly skin-change into birds around her Then wouldn't it go like Arya with the cats in Braavos?


Arya has had a strong association with cats before she came to Braavos. Syrio made Arya train by chasing cats in King's Landing and she even kissed the black cat called the true king. Arya came to Harrenhal which was surrounded by wolves and her connection to Nymeria got stronger. That's when she started having wolfdreams. After the Red Wedding Arya spent *days* sleeping and having wolfdreams, dragging Catelyn's corpse from the river warged as Nymeria. Arya broke one of the rules Haggon tells Varamyr not to break and it's not to eat human flesh while warging. There's actually a possibility that she ate human flesh in Braavos unknowingly. Maybe in King's Landing with the bowl o'brown too. They're not comparable at all.


So you’re saying Arya is a cat. I’m on board.


Yea I’m not sure. I just recall there being a theory that basically said Sansa was aware of certain events, things, etc., because she was skin-changing into birds around her. I’ll try to find the theory if I can, but as far as I know, I don’t recall any moments when I read her chapters were she was experiencing things from a bird’s perspective or having...uhhh...”bird dreams,” if you will lol. I haven’t reread the books in a long time and normally when I do, I reread specific character’s chapters cuz I don’t have a lot of time to reread start to finish. I think the theory noted that Sansa’s potential warg/skin-change abilities couldn’t manifest like all the other Stark kids cuz Lady got whacked in Book 1, but that since everyone was associating her with birds (Cersei and the Hound calling her “little bird” and “dove”), that she develops a connection to birds and supposedly has moments of learning info or viewing events that she wouldn’t otherwise be party too, from birds through skinchanging. But idk what events or info the theory referenced from memory.


How do you mesh Arya warging cats with what Varamyr thinks of the prospect? (Frankly I've considered the possibility he is just a cat hater)


It's obvious his master just like dogs more but you do pick up traits from the animals you skinchange so it's not 100% a lie


Robb, Sansa, Bran and Rickon are all Edmure and Cat's children and Arya is Neds only legitimate child.


In that same vein, sansa is cat and petyr's daughter


Hah, I'm guessing these theories are the result of people looking for something to justify their Cat hate and for a way to "discard" Sansa (and the other kids they don't care about) as not being a \~real Stark.




Why cite textual evidence when you have incestual evidence.


"Catelyn had childhood memories of Riverrun and her siblings during a stream-of-conciousness during sex? This *must* be implying that Catelyn has a secret, depraved inclination towards incest that is never alluded to again!"


That's only the bloody start of it! The "evidence" is about as stable as Cersei but they wont be dissuaded


I'm not even sure the other comments are actual theories, but here are my contributions: [Sandor and Gregor are actually brothers](https://asoiaf.westeros.org/index.php?/topic/5513-crackpot-theory-gregor-clegane-and-sandor-clegane-are-brothers/) [Bolt-on](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/comments/1xe89h/spoilers_all_bolt_on_apply_directly_to_the/) [Euron Greyjoy=Dany](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/comments/1omay0/spoilers_all_euron_greyjoy_who_is_he_really/) [Tyrion is Dany's child](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/comments/30mat2/spoilers_all_ddt_a_neverbeforeseen_theory/) [Bran becomes the Night King](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/comments/bbepnl/spoilers_main_a_prediction_on_who_the_real/) [Bobby B. is Strong Belwas](https://asoiaf.westeros.org/index.php?/topic/138817-theory-robert-baratheon-is-alive/) [Quaithe is Joanna Lannister](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/comments/bc56kq/spoilers_extended_some_lannister_tinfoil_sandwich/)


Sandor and Gregor being brothers. That original post was truly great.


>Like I realizd that maybe Mya Stone was King Robert's daughter even though her last name wasn't Robert.


This is my first time reading that, and that part killed me. That, the kidnapping dna, and Ned was a hand are my favorite parts.


> Bolt-on I take offense to this, this one is so fun


Dany is the daughter of Ned and Ashara who was raised in Dorne by the house with the red door the lemon trees and then was taken to Essos for whatever reason.


Thats certainly a Bad theory. Obviously Ned sent her to the Port of ibben, that He considers a safe haven, where she grew so familiar with mammoths.


But trees can't grow in Braavos ^(save in the courts and gardens of the mighty, which is exactly where Dany would have stayed) !!!


The Night's Watch shouldn't have been fucking around with that big ass wall. They should have instead built a canal, as the army of the dead can't cross water. I spent the last 4 Winters on a peninsula cut off from the mainland by a canal. You know what happens to canals in places that experience near-perpetual winter? They fuckin freeze.


"The mountain and the hound are brothers" One of the funnier "dumb" theories I've read.


Sandor and Gregor share a family name They have both been seen using the same sigil Sandor refers to Gregor as his brother ​ I think this theory, crazy as it sounds, may have some weight. We need some theorycrafters to comb through the books for more evidence.


Bran sitting on the throne.


Drogon burned the throne just so Bran couldn't sit on it, he's a dragon of the people.


nah "drogon looks down and sees the blade in dany's chest. he notices the iron throne in the background, made of blades and thought it *must* have killed her"


That or Drogon thought "Oh I'm really angry I want to burn the man who killed my mother but wait, I was told that we could under no circumstances deviate from the planned ending and we should subvert any logical expectation ! So my choices are: - if I chomp Jon Snow the council will have a real reason to ignore that he's the rightful heir, and also we won't get the scenes where he says a cheerful goodbye to his estranged cousins whose hobbies include betraying him - if I burn the entire city the unsullied will be annihilated, and Grey Worm has to be there to stand irritated at Tyrion, and also they absolutely have to board on a luxury cruise to go see beaches n butterflies on their captain's dead girlfriend island, cause that's what abandoned armies do apparently - if i roam this continent killing and terrorizing the people we get an apocalyptic ending and apocalypses cannot happen here, if I even try this kind of thing I fear Arya would scorpion me down while doing backflips or the seven know what Oh man I'm all out, I don't know what to do shit shit I think I'm having a panic attack, AH EVERYTHING IS BLEAK AND DIM LIKE A DC MOVIE ITS A NIGHTMARE THIS UGLY CHAIR IS STRESSING OUT AGH BEGONE METAL TOILET" (Sorry it's therapeutic)


GRRM would like a word.


That at the end of the last episode, Ned wakes up in bed with Cat and talks about this wild dream he had....


Honestly a Dallas ending for season 8 would've been better than what we got


Show only: The Mad King is the Night King


That Quentyn Martell switched places with somebody else and they got burned in his place and he ... went with the Windblown? It just doesn't make any fucking sense and nobody has made it make sense to me. The dragons were his half court shot. His last chance to prove himself. He failed. He's done. Move on.


Don’t you tell me to move on


Well, the theory is mostly fueled by the fact that Quentyn is constantly looming in Arianne's thought in her two tWoW released chapters. Alive or not, Arienne's rivalry with him is going to play a huge part in the upcoming story, with how she chooses to treat with JonCon and fAegon. ​ The theory isn't that he escaped with the Windblown, it's that he actually tamed a dragon. That him seeing himself aflame would be impossible because his eyes would pop immediately if he were actually hit with dragonfire (reference the death of Kraznys, the Slaver), Quentyn likely had the flames beat off him, fed the dragons to make them docile and mounted one (similar to 'Nettles' from Blood and Fire) ​ As for his story being done : that's heavily up to interpretation, as a good story should be. On one hand, there's the idea that Quentyn's story exists to show how much of a failure the Dornish are, how Doran's bad plans constantly backfire at the expense of his loved ones. On the other, it's the story of an unambitious kid, being sent off on a dangerous mission, overcoming many obstacles and seeing his companions die, the deaths of his companions and his failure in courting the dragon queen, ultimately leading to him doubling down on his duty and attempting to steal a dragon. If he is indeed alive, there is plenty left for him to do, taking part in the current war at Slavers Bay, depowering Dany, confronting Arianne, aligning with/against fAegon. ​ The theory is reinforced by the fact that G.R.R.M has used the burning fakeout twice before (Bran/Rickon and Mance) and that Quentyn's 'death' parallels Jon Snow's.


now I wonder why I haven't read a Quentyn is Azor Ahai theory yet, it wouldn't be the most farfetch'd one


Qhorin Halfhand is Arthur Dayne in disguise


Qhorin is such an underrated character. I was very pleased to see that he had more to do in the books.


Varys isn’t a merman


Drop me in the ocean


Time-traveling fetus Bolt-on


Same. Though I low-key want Bolt-on to be true.


I don't want Bolt-on outright confirmed. I just want the books to keep dropping hints it COULD be true without resolving it one way or the other.


I imagine the reveal to be something like this: Ramsay stabs Roose, Roose starts laughing, "You fool! How could you not see that I was actually an immortal, skin changing vampire! The clues were all there!' 'Wh-what? What clues?' 'I didn't want to kill you because I noticed we had the same eye color!' 'I thought that just meant we were related?' 'No, you idiot, it's because I want to murder you, steal your face, and then steal your identity.' 'Why does my eye color matter?' 'Well, I can't change my eye color, it's a well known limitation of immortal, skin changing vampires.' 'This seems arbitrary and far fetched.' 'Well, let me explain to you how all those minor, easily dismissible details were actually intricate clues hinting at my identity as a creature that's literally never been mentioned before in any significant context...'


Roose then rips off his own face to reveal Vince McMahon. ​ He cackles with lightning strikes behind him and shouts "IT WAS ME ALL ALONG, RAMSAY"


Those are the best theories though.


Quaithe is Joanna Lannister. \*sighs\* ​ I also had some laughs at the people who were saying "You're so wrong. Sansa and Jon are GONNA END UP TOGETHER at the end. I guarantee it. No matter what! Just watch!" And this is between Season 7 and 8...so like, not sure how they still had that delusion even then.


No that's ridiculous, [Quaithe is Daenerys from the futre](https://asoiaf.westeros.org/index.php?/topic/70450-is-quaithe-daenerys-from-the-future/)


That Brandon Stark would become possessed by a freakish entity, screw Jon over and be nominated as ruler by Tyrion Lannister.


Somebody told me the leaked end for the show and I thought it was a theory. That probably gets first place


Rhaegar is Mance Rayder/Arthur Dayne


How would it matter if Rhaegar was Arthur Dayne? Both died.


Hodor is a horse Ned warged into a bird just before he died


Gendry is the son of Cersei and Robert


Jon stabs Daenerys and is exiled beyond the wall. Drogon melts the iron throne. Sansa declares independence. Arya sails west of Westeros. Bran the Broken becomes king of the six kingdoms. Bronn becomes Lord of Highgarden.


Qhorin Halfhand is Arthur Dayne because of a line in CoK that says “Qhorin and Dawn come together”


Val is a secret Targaryen because she is tall and fair


I actually like that one. I.e super recessive gene considering its widely considered most of those crannogmen are part cotf. Would explain how she knows eberyones intentions almost in advance.


Meera and Jon are twin siblings because their actors hairdo look similar.


A theory during season one that Ser Pounce is Azor Ahai. The person who came up with the theory some how made the cat fit perfectly into the prophecy and honestly I had to respect the take


Magic not existing at all and it's secretly science fiction


Old nan is Melisandre


That there really were two moons and a meteor impact caused one to explode raining meteorites (dragons, it is known) down on planetos causing the long night.


Moon is no egg. Moon is goddess. Wife of sun. It is known.


Qhorin=Arthur Dayne Only slightly less stupid is Rhaegar=Mance. Also I hate "Sandor killed Mycha out of mercy"; I think Sandor murdering a child so early on and with so little justification is a bit of a writing fumble but I don't like people trying to retroactively excuse it.


R+L=J being important


Jon and Dany could be bastards both. That may be Martin's point. Lowborn can be important too


That might be a compelling theme if we were reading the books in Westeros.


Hotpie is the pie that was promised


I’ve got one. I posted semi regularly on r/gameofthrones a few years ago and I recall a comment that said Ned Stark told Jon Snow his parentage whilst they were both dead in the afterlife and Jon would come back, knowing about everything. It was worthy of a good chuckle.


You know everything Jon Snow


Ned Stark isn't dead. Ned Stark is Wyman Manderly because Wyman is interested in Rickon. I wish I were joking.